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An abundance of X-linked genes expressed in spermatogonia   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Spermatogonia are the self-renewing, mitotic germ cells of the testis from which sperm arise by means of the differentiation pathway known as spermatogenesis. By contrast with hematopoietic and other mammalian stem-cell populations, which have been subjects of intense molecular genetic investigation, spermatogonia have remained largely unexplored at the molecular level. Here we describe a systematic search for genes expressed in mouse spermatogonia, but not in somatic tissues. We identified 25 genes (19 of which are novel) that are expressed in only male germ cells. Of the 25 genes, 3 are Y-linked and 10 are X-linked. If these genes had been distributed randomly in the genome, one would have expected zero to two of the genes to be X-linked. Our findings indicate that the X chromosome has a predominant role in pre-meiotic stages of mammalian spermatogenesis. We hypothesize that the X chromosome acquired this prominent role in male germ-cell development as it evolved from an ordinary, unspecialized autosome.  相似文献   

The completed draft version of the human genome, comprised of multiple short contigs encompassing 85% or more of euchromatin, was announced in June of 2000 (ref. 1). The detailed findings of the sequencing consortium were reported several months later. The draft sequence has provided insight into global characteristics, such as the total number of genes and a more accurate definition of gene families. Also of importance are genome positional details such as local genome architecture, regional gene density and the location of transcribed units that are critical for disease gene identification. We carried out a series of mapping and computational experiments using a nonredundant collection of 925 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and sections of the public draft genome sequence that were available at different timepoints between April 2000 and April 2001. We found discrepancies in both the reported coverage of the human genome and the accuracy of mapping of genomic clones, suggesting some limitations of the draft genome sequence in providing accurate positional information and detailed characterization of chromosomal subregions.  相似文献   

We have constructed a BAC framework map of the mouse genome consisting of 2,808 PCR-confirmed BAC clusters, using a previously described method. Fingerprints of BACs from selected clusters confirm the accuracy of the map. Combined with BAC fingerprint data, the framework map covers 37% of the mouse genome.  相似文献   

Current models for the evolution of new gene functions after gene duplication presume that the duplication events themselves have no effect on fitness. But those duplications that result in new gene functions are likely to be positively selected from their inception. The evolution of new function may start with the amplification of an existing gene with some level of preadaptation for that function, followed by a period of competitive evolution among the gene copies, resulting in the preservation of the most effective variant and the 'pseudogenization' and eventual loss of the rest.  相似文献   

Although experimental and theoretical efforts have been applied to globally map genetic interactions, we still do not understand how gene-gene interactions arise from the operation of biomolecular networks. To bridge the gap between empirical and computational studies, we i, quantitatively measured genetic interactions between ~185,000 metabolic gene pairs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ii, superposed the data on a detailed systems biology model of metabolism and iii, introduced a machine-learning method to reconcile empirical interaction data with model predictions. We systematically investigated the relative impacts of functional modularity and metabolic flux coupling on the distribution of negative and positive genetic interactions. We also provide a mechanistic explanation for the link between the degree of genetic interaction, pleiotropy and gene dispensability. Last, we show the feasibility of automated metabolic model refinement by correcting misannotations in NAD biosynthesis and confirming them by in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

Using advanced gene targeting methods, generating mouse models of cancer that accurately reproduce the genetic alterations present in human tumors is now relatively straightforward. The challenge is to determine to what extent such models faithfully mimic human disease with respect to the underlying molecular mechanisms that accompany tumor progression. Here we describe a method for comparing mouse models of cancer with human tumors using gene-expression profiling. We applied this method to the analysis of a model of Kras2-mediated lung cancer and found a good relationship to human lung adenocarcinoma, thereby validating the model. Furthermore, we found that whereas a gene-expression signature of KRAS2 activation was not identifiable when analyzing human tumors with known KRAS2 mutation status alone, integrating mouse and human data uncovered a gene-expression signature of KRAS2 mutation in human lung cancer. We confirmed the importance of this signature by gene-expression analysis of short hairpin RNA-mediated inhibition of oncogenic Kras2. These experiments identified both a pattern of gene expression indicative of KRAS2 mutation and potential effectors of oncogenic KRAS2 activity in human cancer. This approach provides a strategy for using genomic analysis of animal models to probe human disease.  相似文献   

Population structure causes genome-wide linkage disequilibrium between unlinked loci, leading to statistical confounding in genome-wide association studies. Mixed models have been shown to handle the confounding effects of a diffuse background of large numbers of loci of small effect well, but they do not always account for loci of larger effect. Here we propose a multi-locus mixed model as a general method for mapping complex traits in structured populations. Simulations suggest that our method outperforms existing methods in terms of power as well as false discovery rate. We apply our method to human and Arabidopsis thaliana data, identifying new associations and evidence for allelic heterogeneity. We also show how a priori knowledge from an A. thaliana linkage mapping study can be integrated into our method using a Bayesian approach. Our implementation is computationally efficient, making the analysis of large data sets (n > 10,000) practicable.  相似文献   

Inflammation influences iron balance in the whole organism. A common clinical manifestation of these changes is anemia of chronic disease (ACD; also called anemia of inflammation). Inflammation reduces duodenal iron absorption and increases macrophage iron retention, resulting in low serum iron concentrations (hyposideremia). Despite the protection hyposideremia provides against proliferating microorganisms, this 'iron withholding' reduces the iron available to maturing red blood cells and eventually contributes to the development of anemia. Hepcidin antimicrobial peptide (Hamp) is a hepatic defensin-like peptide hormone that inhibits duodenal iron absorption and macrophage iron release. Hamp is part of the type II acute phase response and is thought to have a crucial regulatory role in sequestering iron in the context of ACD. Mice with deficiencies in the hemochromatosis gene product, Hfe, mounted a general inflammatory response after injection of lipopolysaccharide but lacked appropriate Hamp expression and did not develop hyposideremia. These data suggest a previously unidentified role for Hfe in innate immunity and ACD.  相似文献   

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