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Summary Sixteen individuals of different types of sugars have been investigated as to their ability of inhibiting the visible heat coagulation of serum. When bovine serum was diluted with an equal amount of water and maintained at 70° C during half an hour, the following sugars were able to prevent coagulation in a minimum concentration of 5% per volume:l-arabinose,d-ribose,l-ascorbic acid, and digitoxose.  相似文献   

Summary The oxidation of succinic-, malic-, and -ketoglutaric acid by cauliflower mitochondria is slowed down by strong visible light. The cytochrome-c-oxidase activity is also inhibited by light and the pigment is completely reduced in time. It is concluded that the Krebscycle is inhibited by light.  相似文献   

Summary G. Mansfeld demonstrated that in the serum of overheated animals a substance (thermothyrine A) is present which, injected into normal animals, decreases O2-consumption. Serum of thyroidectomized animals has no effect.Dogs and rabbits were treated daily with 0.10 g per kg methylthiouracil during 4 weeks, and were than subjected for 5 hours to a temperature of 34–35° C which raised their body temperature by 0.5–1.5° C. 2.5 cm3 of serum obtained at the end of the 5 hours period failed to reduce O2-consumption of normal rats, while sera of untreated dogs and rabbits produced after similar exposure to high temperature a fall of O2-consumption by 14–48%. It is therefore evident that methylthiouracil not only inhibits the formation of thyroxine but of thermothyrine A as well.The fact that thermothyrine A contains no iodine proves conclusively that the action of thiouracil compounds cannot be exclusively an inhibition of iodinization.  相似文献   

Summary The coagulation of fibrinogen by thrombin is delayed by yeast nucleic acid and still more by adenosin-3-phosphoric acid. This action is due to a free phosphoric acid group and can be measured already in concentrations of 6 mg% yeast nucleic acid or of 2 mg% adenosin-3-phosphoric acid, whereas ATP only becomes effective in a concentration of 75 mg %.  相似文献   

Summary The oxydative desamination of amino acids in the liver of acute uremic rats is increased. Simultaneously the citric acid cycle in the liver of these rats is stimulated. It is suggested that the ketone-acids formed by the increased amino acid degradation are removed by the activated citric acid cycle.

5. Mitteilung über Untersuchungen der Rest-N-fraktionen bei Urämie

Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary Extracts from various parts, including root nodules, of different leguminous plants, and extracts from leaves of several other plants (belonging toSolanaceae andLabiatae) are able to accelerate efficiently the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Summary From experiments on the uptake of phosphorus by excised barley roots, the temperature function of the rate-constant of this uptake reaction was determined and the enthalpy, free enthalpy and entropy of activation were calculated.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are discussed which influence Rf1 on thinlayer chromatograms, and directions are given to guarantee good reproducibility. Variance of Rf on thinlayer chromatograms is of the same order of magnitude as on paper chromatograms.

Der Ausdruck Rf-Wert ist bei häufiger Wiederholung umständlich. Wir gebrauchen an seiner Stelle: das Rf (Singular), die Rf (Plural).

Die Mittel zur Durchführung dieser Arbeit verdanken wir Arbeitsbeschaffungskrediten des Bundes (M.B.) sowie einer Studienbeihilfe vom Land Baden-Württemberg (A.N.).  相似文献   

Summary 1. The occurrence of Tiegel's contractures in phasic and tonic muscles is significantly influenced by the extracellular calcium concentration. 2. Muscles of both types show only small and short aftercontractures after preceding treatment with calciumfree Ringer's solution and become refractory to repeated stimuli while in the relaxed state. 3. Muscles of both types, however, which have been pretreated with calcium-rich Ringer's solution, show strong and long-lasting after-contractures and become refractory to repeated stimuli while in a state of maximal contracture. 4. The possible explanations for this different behaviour are briefly discussed and it is assumed that calcium ions have several sites of action within the muscle cell.  相似文献   

Summary Chick embryo fibroblasts, cultivatedin vitro, require higher concentrations of podophyllotoxin derivatives for complete mitotic arrest when the medium contains human adult or cord serum than when it contains horse, bovine, guinea pig, rat, mouse, or cock serum. This difference is due to a higher binding capacity of human serum for these compounds. No such difference was found with a colchicine and a peltatin derivative.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of polyelectrolytes, in particular of the sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose, makes it possible to obtain for the use in artificial kidneys dialyzing liquids which are in thermodynamic equilibrium with blood, both with respect to salts and water, or which even permit removal of water from the blood, as well as urea and related substances (the dialyzing liquid being at will hypertonic with respect to blood), the salt content of blood remaining in all these cases unaffected. These dialyzing liquids might be particularly useful for cases combined with oedema.

Vorgetragen am Kongress der «3o riunioni medico chirurgiche internazionali», Turin 1957; erste Mitteilung hierüber im VortragvonW. Kuhn am Staffmeeting des Bürgerspitals Basel am 2. Februar 1955.  相似文献   

Summary Water culture experiments with 10-day-old plants ofVicia faba were carried out, concerning the influence of kinetin on the uptake of phosphorus (32P) by the roots. When kinetin was applied to the leaves, the phosphorus uptake of the roots and the upper parts of the plants was increased. On the other hand, when kinetin was added to the nutrient solution, the phosphorus uptake was decreased.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of -aminocaproic acid on EAE of rabbits was investigated. A partial inhibition, dependent on the dose administered by intravenous injection, can be proved. The formation of antibodies is not significantly impaired, whereas an inhibition of local granulomatosis is obvious. The results obtained can be interpreted as an inhibition of delayed immune reaction.  相似文献   

Summary The hyperplasia and hyperaemia of the thyreoidea of rats caused by thiouracil treatment can be largely avoided by simultaneous doses of vitamin-A methylether.  相似文献   

Summary The gastroenteral absorption of heparin in rats as measured by clearing-factor activation is considerably enhanced by simultaneous administration of a number of calcium-binding substances as ethylendiamine-tetraacetate, sodium citrate, ion-exchangers, soaps and phosphates.Single oral administrations of heparin at the very high dose of 2 g/kg also lead to a maximum activity of the clearing factor.A binding of calcium ions seems to enable the intestinal absorption of heparin in all these cases.  相似文献   

Summary In experiments on mice, it was found, that the peculiar disturbance of respiratory movements which was demonstrated formerly as the effect of injected reflexogenic irritants (Veratrin, Veratrum-alcaloids, Andromedotoxin etc.), as well as of airborne irritant gases, can also be produced by suitable doses of parasympathicomimetic bronchoconstrictors (Prostigmin, Mestinon, Paraoxon, Parathion, Physostigmin). This confirms the explanation of the phenomenon formerly given by the authors as a reflex reaction initiated by a brief bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

Summary A simple arrangement for testing the function of a non-rebreathing valve during intermittent positive pressure ventilation is described.The correlation between the valve delay (the period from the beginning of expiration until total closure of the inspiratory channel) and the degree of rebreathing is pointed out.  相似文献   

Summary Heterologous antibodies of the Ehrlich ascites tumor, in the presence of complement, cause a rapid drop of the ATP in the cells of this tumor. Probably there is a relation between this effect and the immune cytolysis.

FräuleinMarianne Kaestner und FrauChrista Duba danke ich für ihre gewissenhafte Mitarbeit. Die Untersuchungen wurden 1957–1959 am Max-Planck-Institut für Virusforschung in Tübingen und am Pathologischen Institut der Universität München, zum Teil mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary Many dark-coloured species ofAphididae contain a colouring matter (protoaphin) of unusual structure in the haemolymph. After death of the insect this undergoes a remarkable series of changes by enzymic action yielding successively the pigments xanthoaphin, chrysoaphin and erythroaphin. Recent investigations leading to the complete structural elucidation of all these pigments is described.

ViertePaul-Karrer-Vorlesung von Lord A. R. Todd F. R. S., gehalten an der Universität Zürich am 4, Juli 1962.  相似文献   

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