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Caenorhabditis elegans has scores of homoeobox-containing genes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
T R Bürglin  M Finney  A Coulson  G Ruvkun 《Nature》1989,341(6239):239-243
Homoeobox-containing genes control cell identities in particular spatial domains, cell lineages, or cell types during the development of Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans, and they probably control similar processes in vertebrates. More than 80 genes with homoeoboxes that have sequence similarities ranging from 25 to 100% have been isolated by genetic means or by DNA hybridization to previously isolated genes. We synthesized 500-2,000-fold degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to a set of well-conserved eight amino acid sequences from the helix-3 region of the homoeodomain. We screened C. elegans genomic libraries with these probes and identified 49 putative homoeobox-containing loci. DNA sequencing confirmed that eight out of ten selected loci had sequences corresponding to the conserved helix-3 region plus additional flanking sequence similarity. One of these genes contained a sequence corresponding to a complete pou-domain and another was closely related to the homoeobox-containing genes caudal/cdx-1. The putative homoeobox loci were mapped to the physical contig map of C. elegans, allowing the identification of potentially corresponding genes from the correlated genetic map. We estimate that the number of homoeobox-containing genes in C. elegans is at least 60, constituting approximately 1% of the estimated total number of genes.  相似文献   

Chromatin modifiers regulate lifespan in several organisms, raising the question of whether changes in chromatin states in the parental generation could be incompletely reprogrammed in the next generation and thereby affect the lifespan of descendants. The histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) complex, composed of ASH-2, WDR-5 and the histone methyltransferase SET-2, regulates Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan. Here we show that deficiencies in the H3K4me3 chromatin modifiers ASH-2, WDR-5 or SET-2 in the parental generation extend the lifespan of descendants up until the third generation. The transgenerational inheritance of lifespan extension by members of the ASH-2 complex is dependent on the H3K4me3 demethylase RBR-2, and requires the presence of a functioning germline in the descendants. Transgenerational inheritance of lifespan is specific for the H3K4me3 methylation complex and is associated with epigenetic changes in gene expression. Thus, manipulation of specific chromatin modifiers only in parents can induce an epigenetic memory of longevity in descendants.  相似文献   

B Goldstein 《Nature》1992,357(6375):255-257
Two types of developmental events can cause an embryonic cell to adopt a fate different from that of its neighbours: during a cell division particular contents may be segregated to only one daughter cell and cells may experience different external cues, commonly in the form of inductive cell interactions. Work on development in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans suggests that most cell fates are specified without a need for cell interactions. In particular, the gut cell lineage of C. elegans has been used as a primary example of specification by differential segregation of determinants. Here I re-examine the role of induction in gut specification by isolating early blastomeres. In C. elegans, the gut derives from all the progeny of a single blastomere (E) of the eight-cell stage. When a gut precursor cell (EMS) is isolated during the first half of the four-cell stage, gut does not differentiate. Gut differentiation is rescued by recombining EMS with its posterior neighbour (P2), but not by recombining EMS with one or both of the other two cells of the four-cell stage. These results demonstrate that P2 induces EMS to form gut in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Chromosomal clustering of muscle-expressed genes in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Roy PJ  Stuart JM  Lund J  Kim SK 《Nature》2002,418(6901):975-979
Chromosomes are divided into domains of open chromatin, where genes have the potential to be expressed, and domains of closed chromatin, where genes are not expressed. Classic examples of open chromatin domains include 'puffs' on polytene chromosomes in Drosophila and extended loops from lampbrush chromosomes. If multiple genes were typically expressed together from a single open chromatin domain, the position of co-expressed genes along the chromosomes would appear clustered. To investigate whether co-expressed genes are clustered, we examined the chromosomal positions of the genes expressed in the muscle of Caenorhabditis elegans at the first larval stage. Here we show that co-expressed genes in C. elegans are clustered in groups of 2-5 along the chromosomes, suggesting that expression from a chromatin domain can extend over several genes. These observations reveal a higher-order organization of the structure of the genome, in which the order of the genes along the chromosome id correlated with their expression in specific tissues.  相似文献   

研究了马拉硫磷对秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)形态、行为和生理生化等方面的影响,发现马拉硫磷可以导致线虫体型、繁殖能力、衰老、趋化性以及一些代谢酶类变化,但对线虫的寿命、运动能力和靶标酶并未产生显著影响.表明秀丽隐杆线虫对马拉硫磷有较强的耐受性,体内可能存在对马拉硫磷高效的代谢途径.  相似文献   

Heritable variation is the raw material for evolutionary change, and understanding its genetic basis is one of the central problems in modern biology. We investigated the genetic basis of a classic phenotypic dimorphism in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Males from many natural isolates deposit a copulatory plug after mating, whereas males from other natural isolates?including the standard wild-type strain (N2 Bristol) that is used in most research laboratories?do not deposit plugs. The copulatory plug is a gelatinous mass that covers the hermaphrodite vulva, and its deposition decreases the mating success of subsequent males. We show that the plugging polymorphism results from the insertion of a retrotransposon into an exon of a novel mucin-like gene, plg-1, whose product is a major structural component of the copulatory plug. The gene is expressed in a subset of secretory cells of the male somatic gonad, and its loss has no evident effects beyond the loss of male mate-guarding. Although C. elegans descends from an obligate-outcrossing, male?female ancestor, it occurs primarily as self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. The reduced selection on male?male competition associated with the origin of hermaphroditism may have permitted the global spread of a loss-of-function mutation with restricted pleiotropy.  相似文献   

M Chalfie  E Wolinsky 《Nature》1990,345(6274):410-416
The dominant mutation deg-1(u38) results in a toxic gene product that leads to the late-onset degeneration of a small number of neurons in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Both intragenic and extragenic mutations as well as changes in wild-type gene dosage can delay or block the time of onset of the neuronal deaths. The deg-1 gene has been cloned and a partial complementary DNA reveals that the gene encodes a novel protein that may act as a membrane receptor. Because the late-onset loss of specific sets of neurons, often as a result of dominant mutations, is characteristic of several human neurodegenerative diseases, the analysis of the deg-1 gene and its suppressors may provide a means of understanding the mechanisms underlying some of these human diseases.  相似文献   

以秀丽新杆线虫作为模式生物,研究w(左卡尼汀)=0.1%,w(曲美他嗪)=0.000 5%及两种单药的复方药物复方左卡尼汀对连续三代线虫寿命与生殖能力的影响,并对线虫总脂肪进行油红O染色和气相色谱分析.结果表明:w(左卡尼汀)=0.1%,w(曲美他嗪)=0.000 5%及复方左卡尼汀对连续三代线虫的寿命均影响较小;左卡尼汀和曲美他嗪对亲代、F1代和F2代线虫的生殖能力均产生负面影响;复方左卡尼汀对线虫的生殖能力具有保护作用;限制饮食可减少线虫的产卵量,并与线虫的脂肪累积有关;左卡尼汀和曲美他嗪可减少线虫体内的脂肪累积与总脂肪酸的体积分数,复方左卡尼汀对线虫体内脂肪累积和总脂肪酸的体积分数影响较小.  相似文献   

Wagner CR  Kuervers L  Baillie DL  Yanowitz JL 《Nature》2010,467(7317):839-843
Meiotic crossover (CO) recombination establishes physical linkages between homologous chromosomes that are required for their proper segregation into developing gametes, and promotes genetic diversity by shuffling genetic material between parental chromosomes. COs require the formation of double strand breaks (DSBs) to create the substrate for strand exchange. DSBs occur in small intervals called hotspots and significant variation in hotspot usage exists between and among individuals. This variation is thought to reflect differences in sequence identity and chromatin structure, DNA topology and/ or chromosome domain organization. Chromosomes show different frequencies of nondisjunction (NDJ), reflecting inherent differences in meiotic crossover control, yet the underlying basis of these differences remains elusive. Here we show that a novel chromatin factor, X non-disjunction factor 1 (xnd-1), is responsible for the global distribution of COs in C. elegans. xnd-1 is also required for formation of double-strand breaks (DSBs) on the X, but surprisingly XND-1 protein is autosomally enriched. We show that xnd-1 functions independently of genes required for X chromosome-specific gene silencing, revealing a novel pathway that distinguishes the X from autosomes in the germ line, and further show that xnd-1 exerts its effects on COs, at least in part, by modulating levels of H2A lysine 5 acetylation.  相似文献   

McGrath PT  Xu Y  Ailion M  Garrison JL  Butcher RA  Bargmann CI 《Nature》2011,477(7364):321-325
Evolution can follow predictable genetic trajectories, indicating that discrete environmental shifts can select for reproducible genetic changes. Conspecific individuals are an important feature of an animal's environment, and a potential source of selective pressures. Here we show that adaptation of two Caenorhabditis species to growth at high density, a feature common to domestic environments, occurs by reproducible genetic changes to pheromone receptor genes. Chemical communication through pheromones that accumulate during high-density growth causes young nematode larvae to enter the long-lived but non-reproductive dauer stage. Two strains of Caenorhabditis elegans grown at high density have independently acquired multigenic resistance to pheromone-induced dauer formation. In each strain, resistance to the pheromone ascaroside C3 results from a deletion that disrupts the adjacent chemoreceptor genes serpentine receptor class g (srg)-36 and -37. Through misexpression experiments, we show that these genes encode redundant G-protein-coupled receptors for ascaroside C3. Multigenic resistance to dauer formation has also arisen in high-density cultures of a different nematode species, Caenorhabditis briggsae, resulting in part from deletion of an srg gene paralogous to srg-36 and srg-37. These results demonstrate rapid remodelling of the chemoreceptor repertoire as an adaptation to specific environments, and indicate that parallel changes to a common genetic substrate can affect life-history traits across species.  相似文献   

Regulation of lifespan by sensory perception in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Apfeld J  Kenyon C 《Nature》1999,402(6763):804-809
Caenorhabditis elegans senses environmental signals through ciliated sensory neurons located primarily in sensory organs in the head and tail. Cilia function as sensory receptors, and mutants with defective sensory cilia have impaired sensory perception. Cilia are membrane-bound microtubule-based structures and in C. elegans are only found at the dendritic endings of sensory neurons. Here we show that mutations that cause defects in sensory cilia or their support cells, or in sensory signal transduction, extend lifespan. Our findings imply that sensory perception regulates the lifespan of this animal, and suggest that in nature, its lifespan may be regulated by environmental cues.  相似文献   

Genome-wide RNAi analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans fat regulatory genes   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Ashrafi K  Chang FY  Watts JL  Fraser AG  Kamath RS  Ahringer J  Ruvkun G 《Nature》2003,421(6920):268-272
Regulation of body fat storage involves signalling between centres that regulate feeding in the brain and sites of fat storage and use in the body. Here we describe an assay for analysing fat storage and mobilization in living Caenorhabditis elegans. By using RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to disrupt the expression of each of the 16,757 worm genes, we have systematically screened the C. elegans genome for genes necessary for normal fat storage. We identify 305 gene inactivations that cause reduced body fat and 112 gene inactivations that cause increased fat storage. Analysis of the fat-reducing gene inactivations in insulin, serotonin and tubby signalling mutants of C. elegans, which have increased body fat, identifies a core set of fat regulatory genes as well as pathway-specific fat regulators. Many of the newly identified worm fat regulatory genes have mammalian homologues, some of which are known to function in fat regulation. Other C. elegans fat regulatory genes that are conserved across animal phylogeny, but have not previously been implicated in fat storage, may point to ancient and universal features of fat storage regulation, and identify targets for treating obesity and its associated diseases.  相似文献   

A key challenge of functional genomics today is to generate well-annotated data sets that can be interpreted across different platforms and technologies. Large-scale functional genomics data often fail to connect to standard experimental approaches of gene characterization in individual laboratories. Furthermore, a lack of universal annotation standards for phenotypic data sets makes it difficult to compare different screening approaches. Here we address this problem in a screen designed to identify all genes required for the first two rounds of cell division in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. We used RNA-mediated interference to target 98% of all genes predicted in the C. elegans genome in combination with differential interference contrast time-lapse microscopy. Through systematic annotation of the resulting movies, we developed a phenotypic profiling system, which shows high correlation with cellular processes and biochemical pathways, thus enabling us to predict new functions for previously uncharacterized genes.  相似文献   

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