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利用XRD、TEM、SEM和拉伸实验等分析测试方法研究了18-18-0.5N高氮奥氏体不锈钢在冷轧变形过程中的组织演变和形变强化规律.结果发现:18-18-0.5N高氮奥氏体不锈钢在冷变形过程中并未发生形变诱导相变,微观组织和力学性能在变形量为43.8%附近出现转折.提出了屈服强度随应变变化的预测方程.  相似文献   

通过对某钢厂冷轧机穿带试验过程及结果的分析和研究,得出了一些有助于生产实践的结论,进一步证明了新的穿带工艺在此轧机上应用的有效性.  相似文献   

Effects of cold rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Mo-Ti-Cr maraging steels were studied.To investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties,optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction,tensile test,and hardness test were used.The results show that the solution-annealing treatment in the cold-rolled steel redounds to the formation of sub-microcrystalline Fe2(Mo,Ti) Laves phase particles,which are stable at high temperatures.These secondary Laves phase particles prevent from recrystallization at high temperatures and correspond to semi-brittle fracture in the subsequent aging treatment.  相似文献   

以一株产油酵母——红冬孢酵母(Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae)YM25235作为出发菌株,分析其低温生长适应性与细胞膜流动性、膜脂脂肪酸含量的变化和多不饱和脂肪酸合成关键基因——Δ12-脂肪酸脱氢酶基因mRNA表达水平的关系.结果显示,YM25235在5~35 ℃温度条件下均能生长,最适生长温度为30 ℃.低温条件下细胞膜流动性明显降低,但是多不饱和脂肪酸质量分数由从30 ℃时的24.35%增加到15 ℃时的40.32%,而且15 ℃时Δ12-脂肪酸脱氢酶基因mRNA水平提高了3.4倍.结果说明低温条件下细胞膜流动性下降,导致多不饱和脂肪酸合成相关基因表达水平提高,使得细胞膜脂中多不饱和脂肪酸含量增加,促进了菌株低温生长适应性.  相似文献   

钢冷轧乳化液稳定性及对冷轧润滑的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了影响不同类型乳化液稳定性的因素,包括乳化剂的比例和总含量对阴离子乳化油稳定性的影响,乳化剂的HLB值(Hydrophile Lipophile Balance)和总量对非离子乳化油稳定性的影响.研究发现乳化剂的比例和乳化剂的HLB值对乳化油和乳化液的稳定性影响明显.通过研究不同浓度下乳化液的稳定性对其吸附性和摩擦系数的影响发现:乳化液的稳定性在一定范围内时,其润滑效果可达到最佳.在冷轧实验中也发现:应根据冷轧的实际规程和要求来选择乳化液的稳定性和合适的含量,以便使冷轧高效正常地进行.  相似文献   

The key of tissue section technique is the selection and application of the embedding agent. Based on the specific characteristics of the tissue and outer skeleton of insects, a new kind of embedding agent, colophony and paraffin (CP), was used without destroying the integrity of insect organs. The tissue can be sliced continuously by the use of CP embedding technique. It solves the 3 difficult problems in the serial section of the organ and tissue of insect, namely stiff materials, thin section and continuity of sections. These difficult problems are not solved by any unitary tissue section technique that is used now, including the paraffin section technique. By using the CP embedding technique, any parts or organs (like antenna, leg and wing) and even the whole body of insects (mini body) can be sliced up continuously. It will open up wide possibilities for the study of inner structure, the interrelations among organs, the micro-characteristics and the physiological functions of insects systematically.  相似文献   

为提高液化天然气(LNG)冷量的利用效率,文章通过建立空气分离、低温粉碎和低温冷库等用冷装置的工艺模型,对各装置单独利用LNG冷量时的节能效果和利用过程的火用损进行了计算和分析,并在此基础上将空气分离、低温粉碎和低温冷库进行集成,按照“温度对口、梯级利用”的原则利用LNG的冷量。集成方案中,约-150℃的高压LNG先经空气分离装置利用冷量,再将从中抽出的一股约-101.8℃的LNG用于低温粉碎装置和低温冷库。通过模拟计算,结果表明集成利用时各装置利用LNG冷量的火用损比单独使用降低55.7%以上,使用单位LNG的冷量节省电量最大可达349.0 kWh/t,是单独用于空气分离装置省电量的1.56倍,大大提高了LNG冷量的利用效率。  相似文献   

为弥补溶剂型冷补沥青混合料性能评价方法上存在的不足,并对其进一步研究,首先采用正交试验自行研制一种溶剂型冷补沥青,然后分析冷补料不同的制备工艺,提出并优化冷补料的性能评价方法,最后将自研的冷补沥青拌制成冷补料,与市场在售的3种冷补料进行性能对比并验证。研究结果表明:冷补料最佳制备工艺为将集料、冷补沥青及拌锅均加热至60℃后再拌和;自研冷补沥青拌制成的冷补料低温施工和易性优良、初始强度高、抗水损害能力强。提出的评价方法能够较好地评价冷补料的路用性能。同时完善冷补料的性能评价体系,能够较好地指导其试验设计和施工。  相似文献   

对在我国寒冷地区城市污水处理厂中取得较好应用效果的污水生物处理工艺进行了阐述,并分析了低温对污水生物处理工艺的影响,对寒冷地区城市污水处理厂污水生物处理工艺的进一步研究应用提出几点建议。  相似文献   

“Climate effect” of the northeast cold vortex and its influences on Meiyu   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The Northeast Cold Vortex (NECV) is an important weather system in the middle and high latitudes in East Asia. Its time scale is synoptic, yet the frequent activities of NECV have significant "climate effect" which influences not only the monthly temperature in the lower troposphere in Northeast China but also the Meiyu rainfall in East Asia. On the basis of ERA-40 reanalysis data provided by ECMWF, the "climate effect" of NECV and its relationship with Meiyu in East Asia are studied. It is shown that there is significant correlation between NECV during the Meiyu period and rainfall amount: strong NECV corresponds to more Meiyu rainfall and weak NECV corresponds to less rainfall. In strong NECV years, the dry and cold air from the north is led to the south by NECV, converges with the lower-level warm and wet southwesterly on the north verge of Meiyu region, thus forms an unstable stratification of "upper dryness and lower wetness" . Triggered by ascending motion, the Meiyu rainfall amount is more than usual. It is on the contrary in weak NECV years. The anomalous SST in north Pacific in the previ-ous year may be a factor that results in the anomalous NECV at Meiyu period. The land-sea thermal contrast in summer facilitates NECV, while that in winter inhibits NECV. All of the above provide a meaningful result for the short-term climate prediction of NECV and Meiyu.  相似文献   

柑橘上施保克及其降解产物的GC快速检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了GC-ECD检测柑橘上施保克及其降解产物残留的快速分析方法,这种方法可以同时处理多个样品且不需大量的玻璃器皿和试剂,药品,比现有的方法更简捷,快速,该方法的检测限为0.002mg/kg,回收率的范围为81.5-96.0%,并用该方法测定了实际样品的动态消解曲线和相关系数。  相似文献   

为了协调算法的勘探和开采能力,提出一种自适应调整子种群个体数目的遗传算法.该算法首先采用佳点集方法初始化种群以保证个体均匀分布在搜索空间中.基于个体的适应度将种群分为3个子种群,并分别采用不同的交叉和变异算子.在进化过程中,根据不同的搜索阶段自适应动态调整各子种群个体的数目.几个标准测试函数的实验结果表明该算法具有较好的寻优性能.将新算法应用到重油热解模型参数估计中,可以获得满意的结果.  相似文献   

对日产 60 0 t合成氨厂冷氨泵在运行中发生损坏的原因进行了分析 ,其主要原因是泵的机械密封“O”型环损坏 ,泵在运行中发生汽蚀现象 ,泵体结构有缺陷。在分析上述原因的基础上 ,提出了几项改进措施 ,从而可避免冷氨泵的损坏  相似文献   

为了改善制动防抱系统的制动性能和制动踏板感觉,提出了一种基于相对滑移率和相对车轮加速度的汽车防抱自适应模糊控制方法,利用dSPACE快速控制原型系统将该方法在实车控制中予以实现,并进行了实车试验。试验结果表明,该控制方法能够达到理想的控制效果,轮速和轮缸制动压力波动幅度比传统控制方法(逻辑门限控制方法)减小了50%,且没有出现制动抱死现象。  相似文献   

以往现场对冷连轧过程中摩擦系数的研究主要偏重于带钢特性、轧制工艺以及工艺润滑制度,乳化液的pH值、铁粉含量、皂化值等性能参数对摩擦系数的影响以定性研究为主且不能定量分析,本文以某冷轧薄板厂1220五机架冷连轧机组为研究对象,在大量的现场实验与理论研究的基础上,充分结合冷连轧机组的设备与工艺特点,定量研究了乳化液性能对摩擦系数的影响,建立了相应的工程实用模型,并将其应用到生产实践,使得轧制压力的预报精度控制在15%以内。  相似文献   

为了研究带钢局部高点卷取起筋的控制方法,利用三维弹塑性变形基本理论,并引入带钢塑性流动因子,建立了弹塑性卷取应力和起筋量模型.基于应力函数假设、S. Timoshenko最小功原理和伽辽金虚位移法建立了起筋带钢的应力场分布和可用于在线计算的起筋临界卷取张力设定模型.仿真结果表明:局部高点在径向累积叠加所引起的带钢张力不均匀分布和轴向压应力是导致带钢起筋的主要原因;起筋量随局部高点高度、卷径和卷取张力增加而增大,薄带钢比厚带钢起筋量增幅明显;临界卷取张力随卷径、带钢厚度和局部高点高度增大而减小.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed stable calcium isotope results of authigenic carbonates from two cold seep areas of the Dongsha area and the Baiyun Sag in the northern South China Sea. The stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen as well as the mineral composition of authigenic carbonates were used to investigate control calcium isotope fractionation. The δ44/40Ca ratios of the southwestern Dongsha area samples ranged from 1.21‰ to 1.52‰ and the ratio of the Baiyun Sag sample was 1.55‰ of the SRM915a isotope standard. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the carbonate samples consisted of dolomite, calcite and aragonite, with small amounts of high-Mg calcite and siderite. The δ13C values of the carbonates of the southwestern Dongsha area varied between δ49.21‰ and δ16.86‰ of the Vienna PeeDee Belemnite (VPDB) standard and the δ18O values ranged from 2.25‰ to 3.72‰ VPDB. The δ13C value of the Baiyun Sag sample was 2.36‰ VPDB and the δ18O value was 0.44‰ VPDB. The δ13C values of the carbonates of the southwestern Dongsha area revealed there is methane seeping into this area, with a variable contribution of methane-derived carbon. The sampled carbonates covered a range of δ13C values suggesting a dominant methane carbon source for the light samples and mixtures of δ13C values for the heavier samples, with possibly an organic or seawater carbon source. The δ18O values indicated that there is enrichment in 18O, which is related to the larger oxygen isotope fractionation in dolomite compared to calcite. The results of the Baiyun Sag sample exhibited normal seawater carbon and oxygen isotopic values, indicating that this sample is not related to methane seepage but instead to precipitation from seawater. The relatively high δ44/40Ca values indicated either precipitation at comparatively high rates in pore-water regimes with high alkalinity, or precipitation from an evolved heavy fluid with high degrees of Ca consumption (Raleigh type fractionation). The dolomite samples from the Dongsha area revealed a clear correlation between the carbon and calcium isotope composition, indicating a link between the amount and/or rate of carbonate precipitation and methane contribution to the bicarbonate source. The results of the three stable isotope systems, mineralogy and petrography, show that mineral composition, the geochemical environment of authigenic carbonates and carbon source can control the calcium isotope fractionation.  相似文献   

Directing at the the longitudinal rangegorge region's special constituting condition of river basin geography landscape, the authors synthetically used the data analyses and spatial information treatment technique, selected corresponding measurable homology indicators, comparatively analyzed the characteristic difference of different river basin's landscape constitution patterns in the longitudinal range-gorge region, researched into different river net patterns and land cover conditions of each river basin landscape, and explored the river basin's landscape form and its spatial distributed chracters. Based on the analyses on river basin's landscape composition and its spatial distribution characters, this study researched into the main driving factor of modern earth surface process in the longitudinal range-gorge region, analyzed the relationship between the basin landscape changing and its modern earth surface process, finally completed a series of the potential ecological hydrology effect analyses.  相似文献   

Zheng  YanHong  Zhou  WeiJian  Liu  Zhao  Chen  QingMin  Yu  XueFeng  Liu  XiaoMin 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(21):2275-2281
Aliphatic des-A-triterpenes, the degradation products of pentacyclic triterpenes have been tentatively assigned in samples taken from a 963-cm-thick peat sequence from the Hani region of Northeast China using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in order to understand and identify these des-A-triterpenes response to climate and ecology. The study indicates that aliphatic des-A-triterpenes are abundant in the Hani peat bog. The high relative abundance of the total des-A-triterpenes mainly occurs at the Holocene periods and is corresponding to the low sedimentation rate. The mechanism of des-A-triterpenes accumulation is not consistent with the previous studies. It is proposed that the biological community is also one influence factor. The obvious stage variations of the total des-A-triterpenes in the whole sequence reveal the different biological (microbes and plants) processes and responses, possibly revealing the four large replacements of biological community and functional composition in the swamp environment over the 16000 cal a BP. The low total des-A-triterpenes values occur at about 10200, 8700, 7700, 6600, 4480–3940 and 3040 cal a BP, reflecting the multiple millennial micro-environment oscillations under the macro-environment of the swamp during the Holocene. The ratios of diene and monoene des-A-triterpenes (DT/MT), des-A-lupane and diene and monoene des-A-triterpenes (DL/(DT+MT)), ratios of individual compounds exhibit vertical opposite to the total des-A-triterpenes. Namely, these ratios are high during the last deglaciation and late Holocene whereas they are low at other periods, indicating different compounds have different responses to micro-environment and microbial activities. This study discusses the diversity of biological community and biological functional composition response to micro-environment, which not only provides the complement in Northeast China, but also bears important fundamental information for the implication to ecological environment in the future.  相似文献   

Coral reefs worldwide are becoming increasingly and detrimentally impacted upon by a variety of factors including significant climate changes, such as global warming and increased El Nino-Southern Oscillation activity. Generally, the persistence of coral reefs, especially at low-latitudes, is governed, in part, by sea surface temperatures not exceeding the critical limit (-30℃) at which mass mortality can occur. Thus, it is thought that corals living at high-latitudes (i.e., currently cooler sea surface temperatures) will likely respond more favourably to hypothesized future temperature increases than corals living at low-latitudes (i.e., currently warmer sea surface temperatures). Consequently, high-latitude coral communities may have the potential to act as regions of refugia for many coral species in the face of potential future global warming. The Daya Bay (22°31′--22°50′N), northern South China Sea, contains several high-latitude non-reefal coral communities and represents one of the most northerly distributions of scleractinian corals within the region. Significantly, Daya Bay has experienced dramatic warming in both air and sea surface temperatures throughout the past 50 years. In this paper, we analyze 25 years of change in the Daya Bay coral communities, based both on historic surveys and our latest 2006--2008 regional ecological surveys. Our results suggest that, contrary to predictions, there have been significant declines in coral cover within the Daya Bay during the past 25 years (i.e., 76.6% coral cover in 1983/1984 to only 15.3% coral cover by 2008). Such changes also reflect a significant shift in the most abundant coral species, from Acropora pruinosa to Favites abdita. Most of the modern coral communities became established between 15 and 30 years ago, corresponding to a period of increased winter sea surface temperature. However, very few colonies have become established within the last 15 years, despite a more intense period of warming. By taking into account additional factors, we hypothesize that direct anthropogenic impacts, rather than climatic events, have both restricted the development, and drove the decline, of Daya Bay coral communities in the last 15 years. The Daya Bay has also been subjected to occasional extreme cold events during the past 50 years, with the most recent occurring in early 2008 (13 January-13 February). During the 2008 cold event, the lowest air temperature reaches only 6.6℃, and the mean sea surface temperature for February fall to 〈 14℃, including six continuous days at 12.3℃. Significantly, the sea surface temperatures fall below the hypothesized critical lower temperature threshold (-13℃) that commonly leads to mass mortality in scleractinian coral communities. Surprisingly, our coral community surveys, conducted both before (August 2007) and after (late February 2008) the extreme 2008 cold event, demonstrate that the Daya Bay coral ecosystems are barely impacted upon during the cold period. Those observations suggest that the Daya Bay scleractinian coral communities have developed adaptations to low sea surface temperatures. Overall, our data support the hypothesis that high-latitude coral communities, such as Daya Bay, have the potential to act as areas of refugia for scleractinian corals in the advent of potential future global warming.  相似文献   

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