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A new necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of minor left prime factorizations of multivariate polynomial matrices without full row rank is presented. The key idea is to establish a relationship between a matrix and any of its full row rank submatrices. Based on the new result,the authors propose an algorithm for factorizing matrices and have implemented it on the computer algebra system Maple. Two examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm, and experiment...  相似文献   

Liu  Jinwang  Li  Dongmei  Zheng  Licui 《系统科学与复杂性》2020,33(1):215-229
Multivariate(n-D) polynomial matrix factorization is one of important research contents in multidimensional(n-D) systems, circuits, and signal processing. In this paper, several results on n-D polynomial matrices factorization over arbitrary coefficient fields are proved. Based on these results,generalizations of some results on general matrix factorization are obtained for given n-D polynomial matrices whose maximal order minors or lower order minors satisfy certain conditions. The proposed results fit for arbitrary coefficient field and have a wide range of application.  相似文献   

In this paper,a randomized Cayley-Hamilton theorem based method(abbreviated by RCH method) for computing the minimal polynomial of a polynomial matrix is presented.It determines the coefficient polynomials term by term from lower to higher degree.By using a random vector and randomly shifting,it requires no condition on the input matrix and works with probability one.In the case that coefficients of entries of the given polynomial matrix are all integers and that the algorithm is performed in exact computation,by using the modular technique,a parallelized version of the RCH method is also given.Comparisons with other algorithms in both theoretical complexity analysis and computational tests are given to show its effectiveness.  相似文献   

采用灰色聚类分析的方法研究山西省农业内部结构,明确影响山西省农业结构的主要因素。基于灰色聚类分析的结果,建立了山西省农业总产值的灰色系统回归预测模型,旨在为山西省农业结构战略性调整和农业总产值精确预测提供更为科学的依据。图1,表3,参8。  相似文献   

两种多指标决策方法逆序的成因与消除   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出绝对理想和相对理想点概念,指出最小隶属度偏差改进最矩路离法产生的逆序是因为选用了相对理想点的结果,并证明,如果使用绝对理想点,以上两个决策方法不仅不会出现逆序,而且都是强保序的。  相似文献   

改进型序关系分析法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摒弃原序关系分析法中要求评价指标间满足强一致性的条件,提出了要求评价指标满足弱一致性的观点,并对序关系分析法进行了改进.基于评价指标贡献率的概念,在改进型序关系分析法的基础上,利用评价者的“宏观”判断信息,给出了一种确定评价指标权重的方法.最后,结合实例给出了应用.  相似文献   

毫米波通信的信道估计给系统带来较大负荷。为降低系统开销,联合无线信道低秩和稀疏特征,提出一种基于非凸低秩逼近的信道估计算法框架。针对基于信道建模的字典学习方法运算量大的问题,设计了基于深度神经网络信道特征分类的字典学习算法。仿真表明:在特定城市微蜂窝信道模型下,该方法的均方误差性能均优于基于信道模型的字典学习方法、贝叶斯框架下的信道估计方法以及基于压缩感知信道估计方法;获取相同归一化均方误差时本文算法所需的信噪比最低;所需导频数量低于上述3种方法。  相似文献   

在条件似然函数意义下,讨论了基于矩阵正态-Wishart分布的多元时间序列Bayes分析方法,得到了模型参数的后验分布与一步预测分布.给出了分量方程的对应结果,说明了模型阶数的推断方法.最后,列出了计算步骤,并作为应用,对上海房地产价格指数数据进行预测建模,取得了较好效果.  相似文献   

允许缺货和转包的受限批量模型的多项式算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有效组织带转包的采购计划对企业提高竞争力和参与全球产业分工有重要意义.研究了一个新的非减库存能力约束下的允许缺货和转包的企业采购计划模型,提出了一个基于动态规划的多项式算法.引入子计划概念,将问题归结为有效计算子计划;依据最优解的性质设计了求解子计划的多项式算法;再通过动态规划算法以多项式时间枚举所有可能子计划组合,得到问题的最优解.数值试验显示了该算法的有效性及高效性.  相似文献   

提出了一个求解多项式0-1规划问题的隐枚举算法.通过应用p次范数约束划归,多项式0-1规划问题的多个约束可以被一单一等价约束来替代.利用这一显著特性,新算法在搜寻最优解过程中,能改进探寻(fathoming)和折返(backtrack)策略以提高隐枚举法的计算效率.通过一个算例说明这个新算法的计算步骤并对随机产生的问题进行了测试,得到了较好的结果.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a dynamic lot sizing problem with bounded inventory and stockout where both no backlogging and backlogging allowed cases are considered. The stockout option means that there is outsourcing in a period only when the inventory level at that period is non-positive. The production capacity is unlimited and production cost functions are linear but with fixed charges. The problem is that of satisfying all demands in the planning horizon at minimal total cost. We show that the no backlogging case can be solved in ) O(T 2) time with general concave inventory holding and outsourcing cost functions where T is the length of the planning horizon. The complexity can be reduced to O(T) when the inventory holding cost functions are also linear and have some realistic properties, even if the outsourcing cost functions remain general concave functions. When the inventory holding and outsourcing cost functions are linear, the backlogging case can be solved in O(T 3logT) time whether the outsourcing level at each period is bounded by the sum of the demand of that period and backlogging level from previous periods, or only by the demand of that period.  相似文献   

In the context of multivariate regular variation, the authors establish the first-order asymptotics of the spectral risk measure of portfolio loss. Furthermore, by the notion of second-order regular variation, the second-order asymptotics of the spectral risk measure of portfolio loss is also presented.In order to illustrate the derived results, a numerical example with Monte Carlo simulation is carried out.  相似文献   

通过综合运用主成分分析和层次分析方法,建立系统综合评价的AHP变量加权主成分分析模型.在构建青藏高原牧区可持续发展评价指标体系的基础上,基于该模型方法对青海省内的30个牧区县给出发展现状的评价实例.最后,讨论了模型方法使用中的若干改进方法思路,以提高评价稳定性和效果.  相似文献   

针对钢铁企业批量化生产组织特点,将成品匹配和生产计划两个过程合二为一,提出了实现两者联合优化的数学模型;结合问题特点构造了具有两段自然数编码的改进遗传算法,并采用启发式规则对违反余材量和生产能力限制的个体进行修复。通过实例仿真,证明了模型与算法的有效性和在实际问题中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Thecontroloftheradiotechnicalpropertiesofradomecanbecarriedoutbythemeasurementofmodule(Iti)andargument(argt)ofcomplextransferfactorofaradomewallonvarioussitesofitssurface[1,2].Themeasurement1t1andargtareexpedientforcarryingoutbythemethodsoffreespace.Thesemeasurementsprovideanirradiationofresearchedobjectbyaflatelectromagneticwave.Thus,theusefulinformationistakenfromtheanalysisofamplitudeandphaserelationsbetweenapastandafallingwave(measurementonagleam),orbetweenthereflectedandthefallingwave(mea…  相似文献   

Yang  Jing  Yang  Ming  Lu  Zhengyi 《系统科学与复杂性》2022,35(4):1608-1636
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity - Most studies of the time-reversibility are limited to a linear or an affine involution. In this paper, the authors consider the case of a quadratic...  相似文献   

基于星敏感器/陀螺组合定姿建模及精度仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先讨论了卫星姿态确定原理的建模问题,针对星敏感器/陀螺组合配置的定姿系统,详细分析了动态滤波算法原理,推导了星敏感器观测矩阵及误差四元数状态方程,进而建立了使用Kalman滤波方法进行姿态确定的整个过程;并基于该滤波算法,讨论了姿态确定系统的最终定姿精度的分析与综合评估问题,从理论分析和仿真验证两方面确定了影响姿态确定精度的主成分误差因素,定量描述了误差因素的影响范围,并针对实际工程指标完成了主成分因素的边界条件,为姿态测量方案的设计提供了理论支撑.  相似文献   

复杂性研究中的若干问题和意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨了四个问题:复杂性概念解读问题,复杂性有益-有害?认识复杂性与客观复杂性的区别和联系;对复杂性方法论的误读问题。  相似文献   

1 .OPTIMIZATIONFOR UNITSCOMBINATIONIntheproduction processofelectricpowerproduc tion ,oneunitmaybestandby ,ormaybeoperating ,andtheoperatingunitsmustkeepsomereservemar ginsuchthatLoLP (loss of load probability)indexcanbelessthanagivenvalue .Whichunitshoul…  相似文献   

我国国有商业银行走向混业经营的模式选择与策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘赛红 《系统工程》2004,22(5):57-60
商业银行混业经营已成为全球性趋势,也是中国银行业的必然选择。为了适应这一趋势,我国国有商业银行必须从模式选择、管理构造、职能转换、人才储备、技术创新、业务拓展、风险监控等多方面做好准备。  相似文献   

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