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具有纳米氧化层自旋阀薄膜的XPS研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究了带有两种纳米氧化层(NOL)Ta/Ni80Fe20/Ir19Mn81/Co90Fe10∥NOL1∥Co90Fe10/Cu/Co90Fe10∥NOL2/Ta的镜面反射自旋阀薄膜的化学结构. 研究结果表明:CoFe/NOL1和NOL2/Ta界面处发生了热力学有利的化学反应. CoFe磁性敏感层仍保持金属特性,部分氧化的CoFe和Ta发生界面反应,使得Ta覆盖层被氧化成Ta2O5,形成NOL2. 由于仍存在部分金属CoFe,NOL1为不连续的氧化层,使得与IrMn层仍存在直接的交换耦合作用. 在退火过程中,IrMn层中的Mn原子扩散到NOL1中;然而,由于NOL1和扩散的Mn原子发生界面反应,生成Mn的氧化物,从而阻止Mn原子的进一步扩散,使其偏聚在NOL1中.  相似文献   

角分辨光电子能谱技术是研究量子材料的一项关键实验技术.近年来,原位样品调控技术的发展,特别是压力、掺杂、电场等非温度调控参量的原位调控的实现,极大地拓展了角分辨光电子能谱的测量空间,为观察外场调控下电子态的连续演化提供了可能.本文分别对原位碱金属掺杂、门电压、单轴压、电流等几种原位样品调控技术近期的发展进行了介绍,并总结了角分辨光电子能谱和原位样品调控技术的结合在多种量子材料中的应用.  相似文献   

高温超导电性是近代凝聚物理关注的核心问题.高温超导的研究一方面具有重大的应用前景,另一方面推动了多体关联凝聚态物理理论和计算的发展.铁基高温超导材料是除铜氧化物高温超导外的第二类常压条件下的高温超导材料.在对铁基高温超导的研究过程中,研究者利用角分辨光电子能谱技术对铁基高温超导材料的电子结构、对称破缺相、超导能隙等进行了详细的研究,为揭示铁基高温超导配对机制提供了重要的实验依据.近些年,角分辨光电子能谱实验更是在一些铁基高温超导材料中发现了拓扑超导存在的证据.本文将对铁基高温超导材料的角分辨光电子能谱相关工作进行总结.  相似文献   

材料的电子结构是决定其电、磁、光等性质的关键因素,而能够直接观测材料电子结构的角分辨光电子能谱(Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, ARPES)技术是研究材料的基本物理和化学性质的先进技术手段之一.近年来,各种具有优异性能的二维材料被人们不断发掘出来,并有望成为未来光电、电子和自旋器件的基础材料.本文将对ARPES的构成和原理做简要的介绍,并总结了当前利用ARPES技术研究二维材料电子结构及其基本物性的前沿进展.本文所关注的二维材料体系主要包含以下四个部分:石墨烯、氮化硼、单元素二维材料、过渡金属硫族化合物.其中对石墨烯的ARPES研究成果最为丰富,对它的研究直接引领了对其他二维材料的ARPES研究.当前,对基于不同二维材料相互堆叠形成的异质结构的研究正方兴未艾,我们在文中也提及一部分关于二维堆垛异质结构的ARPES研究.  相似文献   

采用磁控溅射方法制备了Ta(10nm)/NiFe(8nm)/Cu(2.6nm)/NiFe(3.6nm)/FeMn(9nm)/Ta(10nm)自旋阀多层膜.在Cu/NiFe界面沉积适量厚度的Bi原子能够有效地提高交换耦合场,沉积过量的Bi原子会导致交换耦合场下降.X射线光电子能谱分析结果表明:沉积在Cu/NiFe界面的Bi原子可以有效地抑制Cu原子在NiFe层表面的偏聚;当沉积过量的Bi原子时,Bi原子会进一步迁移到FeMn中,形成杂质,从而破坏了FeMn的反铁磁性,使交换耦合场降低.  相似文献   

用射频磁控溅射方法制备多层膜,研究了双层膜NiO/NiFe的矫顽力Hc和交换耦合场Hex与反铁磁层NiO、铁磁层NiFe厚度的关系,结果表明:NiO厚度为70nm时,Hex最大;Hc随NiO厚度增大而增大.当NiFe厚度增加时,Hex近似线性减小;而Hc则随NiFe厚度增大开始有缓慢增加,然后才减小.对于NiO(70nm)/NiFe(t1)/Cu(2.2nm)/NiFe(t2)自旋阀多层膜材料(括号内的量表示厚度),研究了NiFe膜厚度对磁阻效应的影响,结果表明:被钉扎层NiFe的厚度为3nm,自由层NiFe的厚度为5nm时,MR值最大,约为1.6%.  相似文献   

以拓扑不变量定义和区分的拓扑材料的发现标志着凝聚态物理学和材料科学的又一次革命.这些材料的拓扑表面态的鲁棒性、背散射禁戒和特殊的输运行为在自旋电子学、非线性光学、拓扑量子计算等广泛的领域有潜在的应用价值.角分辨光电子能谱(ARPES)既能直接观察k空间,又对表面电子态敏感,因此在拓扑材料的研究中一直处于举足轻重的地位.本文试从材料分类的角度对三维拓扑绝缘体和本征磁性拓扑绝缘体这两类材料的部分ARPES研究作一综述,使读者对这一领域的研究现状有一个基本的概念.  相似文献   

利用磁控溅射方法在表面有SiO2层的Si基层上溅射Ta薄膜,采用X射线光电子能谱研究了SiO2/Ta界面以及Ta5Si3标准样品,并进行计算机谱图拟合分析,实验结果表明在制备态在SiO2/Ta界面处有更稳定的化合物新相Ta5Si3和Ta2O5生成,在采用Ta作阻挡层的ULSI铜互连结构中这些反应产物可能有利于对Cu扩散的阻挡。  相似文献   

在不同的温度下烧结制备 Ni O靶 ,用射频磁控溅射法淀积 Ni O/ Ni81 Fe1 9双层膜 ,研究了不同的温度烧结 Ni O靶对 Ni O/ Ni Fe双层膜特性的影响 ,结果表明 ,使用不同的烧结温度制备的 Ni O靶溅射所得的 Ni O膜中 Ni的化学价态及其含量不同 ,进而影响 Ni O/ Ni81 Fe1 9双层膜的磁滞回线的矩形度及层间交换耦合作用  相似文献   

采用阳极氧化法对多壁碳纳米管(MWNTs)进行表面处理以提高其表面极性官能团含量。研究了不同电解参数对MWNTs处理结果的影响,采用X射线光电子能谱对处理前后的MWNTs的表面特征进行了分析。结果表明,经阳极氧化处理后,MWNTs表面氧原子摩尔分数与极性官能团总量均有不同程度增加。通电量和碱性电解质的电导率(物质的量浓度)是阳极氧化处理过程的主要影响因素,MWNTs表面极性官能团总量的增加可以归结为羟基的增加和羰基的减少,另外还探讨了可能的氧化反应机理。  相似文献   

Ta/NiO/NiFe/Ta multilayers, utilizing Ta as buffer layer, were prepared by rf reactive and dc magnetron sputtering. The exchange coupling field between NiO and NiFe reached a maximum value of 9.6×103 A/m at a NiO film thickness of 50 nm. The composition and chemical states at interface region of Ta/NiO/Ta were studied by using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and peak decomp- osition technique. The results show that there is an “inter- mixing layer” at the Ta/NiO (and NiO/Ta) interface due to a thermodynamically favorable reaction 2Ta + 5NiO = 5Ni + Ta2O5. This interface reaction has a great effect on exchange coupling. The thickness of Ni+NiO estimated by XPS depth- profiles is about 8—10 nm.  相似文献   

共挤压成形NiFe2O4-10NiO/xNi金属陶瓷材料的增韧特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用共挤压技术制备具有蜂窝状结构的NiFe2O4.10NiO/xNi型金属陶瓷材料,研究其共挤压特征,并通过对比蜂窝结构材料与均匀体材料试样间力学性能的差异,分析蜂窝结构NiFe2O4-10NiO/xNi材料的增韧特性.研究结果表明,与均匀体材料相比,蜂窝状结构材料NiFe2O4.10NiO/xNi无论在横截面还是在纵截面上均能够更有效地提高材料的断裂韧性,同时,其纵截面上的增韧效果要比其横截面的增韧效果明显,纵截面上的断裂韧性比横截面上的断裂韧性高17.3%左右,比相同金属含量均匀体材料的断裂韧性至少高15.5%.  相似文献   

Ta/NiOx/Ni81Fe19/Ta and Co/AiOx/Co multilayers were prepared by rf reactive and dc magnetron sputtering. The exchange coupling field (Hex) and the coercivity (Hc)of NiOx/Ni81Fe19 as a function of the ratio of Ar to O2 during the deposition process were studied. The composition and chemical states at the interface region of NiOx/NiFe were also investigated using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and peak decomposition technique. The results show that when the ratio of Ar to O2 is equal to 7 and the argon sputtering pressure is 0.57 Pa, the x value is approximately 1and the valence of nickel is +2. At this point, NiOx is antiferromagnetic NiO and the corresponding Hex is the largest.As the ratio of Ar/O2 deviates from 7, the Hex will decrease due to the presence of magnetic impurities such as Ni+3 or metallic Ni at the interface region of NiOx /NiFe, while the Hc will increase due to the metallic Ni. Al layers in Co/AIOx/Co multilayers were also studied by angle-resolved XPS. Our finding is that the bottom Co could be completely covered by depositing an Al layer about 1.8 nm. The thickness of AIOx was 1.2 nm.  相似文献   

Ta/NTiO/NiFe/Ta multilayers were prepared by radio frequency reactive and dc magnetron sputtering. The exchange coupling field between NiO and NiFe reached 9.6 × 103 A/m. The compositions and chemical states at the interface region of NiO/NiFe were studied using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and peak decomposition technique, The results show that there are two thermodynamically favorable reactions at NiO/NiFe interface: NiO+Fe = Ni + FeO and 3NiO+2Fe =3 Ni+Fe2O3. The thickness of the chemical reaction area estimated by angle-resolved XPS was about 1-1.5 nm. These interface reaction products appear magnetic defects, and the exchange coupling field Hex and the coereivity Hc of NiO/NiFe are affected by these defects.  相似文献   

The NiFe/FeMn bilayers with different buffer layers (Ta or Ta/Cu) were prepared by magnetron sputtering. Results show that the exchange coupling field of NiFe/FeMn films with Ta buffer is higher than that of the films with Ta/ Cu buffer. We analysed the reasons by investigating the crystallographic texture, surface roughness and surface segregation of both films, respectively. We found that the decrease of the exchange coupling fields of NiFe/FeMn films with Ta/ Cu buffer layers was mainly caused by the Cu surface segregation on NiFe surface.  相似文献   

Ta is often used as a buffer layer in magnetic multilayers. In this study, Ta/Ni81Fe19/Ta multilayers were deposited by magnetron sputtering on sing-crystal Si with a 300-nm-thick SiO2 film. The composition and chemical states at the interface region of SiO2/Ta were studied using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and peak decomposition technique. The results show that there is an "intermixing layer" at the SiO2/Ta interface due to a thermodynamically favorable reaction: 15 SiO2 + 37 Ta = 6 Ta2O5 + 5 Ta5Si3. Therefore, the Ta buffer layer thickness used to induce NiFe (111) texture increases.  相似文献   

Ta/NiO x /Ni81Fe19/Ta and Co/AlO x /Co multilayers were prepared by rf reactive and dc magnetron sputtering. The exchange coupling field (H ex) and the coercivity (H c) of NiO x /Ni81Fe19 as a function of the ratio of Ar to O2 during the deposition process were studied. The composition and chemical states at the interface region of NiO x /NiFe were also investigated using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and peak decomposition technique. The results show that when the ratio of Ar to O2 is equal to 7 and the argon sputtering pressure is 0.57 Pa, the x value is approximately 1 and the valence of nickel is +2. At this point, NiO x is antiferromagnetic NiO and the corresponding Hex is the largest. As the ratio of Ar/O2 deviates from 7, the H ex will decrease due to the presence of magnetic impurities such as Ni+3 or metallic Ni at the interface region of NiO x /NiFe, while the H c will increase due to the metallic Ni. Al layers in Co/AlO x /Co multilayers were also studied by angle-resolved XPS. Our finding is that the bottom Co could be completely covered by depositing an Al layer about 1.8 nm. The thickness of AlO x was 1.2 nm.  相似文献   

金属Co片和NiO靶材通过溅射得到Co-NiO薄膜, 当Co含量为25.2%时, Co-NiO/FeNi双层膜的偏置场HE最大, 是未掺入Co时NiO/FeNi偏置场的3倍. 分析表明,金属Co的团簇镶嵌在NiO基质中, 该结构可提高铁磁/反铁磁双层膜的偏置效应.   相似文献   

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