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Corwin EI  Jaeger HM  Nagel SR 《Nature》2005,435(7045):1075-1078
Glasses are rigid, but flow when the temperature is increased. Similarly, granular materials are rigid, but become unjammed and flow if sufficient shear stress is applied. The rigid and flowing phases are strikingly different, yet measurements reveal that the structures of glass and liquid are virtually indistinguishable. It is therefore natural to ask whether there is a structural signature of the jammed granular state that distinguishes it from its flowing counterpart. Here we find evidence for such a signature, by measuring the contact-force distribution between particles during shearing. Because the forces are sensitive to minute variations in particle position, the distribution of forces can serve as a microscope with which to observe correlations in the positions of nearest neighbours. We find a qualitative change in the force distribution at the onset of jamming. If, as has been proposed, the jamming and glass transitions are related, our observation of a structural signature associated with jamming hints at the existence of a similar structural difference at the glass transition--presumably too subtle for conventional scattering techniques to uncover. Our measurements also provide a determination of a granular temperature that is the counterpart in granular systems to the glass-transition temperature in liquids.  相似文献   

介绍了容器中颗粒物质内部受到局域微绕的研究进展,并对微扰态的性质和规律做一些分析和讨论。  相似文献   

Sound scattering in dense granular media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sound propagation in a dense granular medium is basically characterized by the ratio of wavelength to the grain size. Two types of wave transport are distinguished: one corresponds to coherent waves in the long wavelength limit, the other to short-wavelength scattered waves by the inhomogeneous contact force networks. These multiply scattered elastic waves are shown to exhibit a diffusive characteristics of transport over long distances of propagation. Determination of the transport mean free path l^* and the inelastic absorption (Q^-1) allows the inference of the structural properties of the material such as the heterogeneity and internal dissipation. The relevance of our experiments for seismological applications is discussed. Moreover, we apply the correlation technique of the configuration-specific sound scattering to monitoring the dynamic behaviour of the granular medium (irreversible rearrangements) under strong vibration, shearing and thermal cycling, respectively.  相似文献   

The ultimate speed of magnetic switching in granular recording media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tudosa I  Stamm C  Kashuba AB  King F  Siegmann HC  Stöhr J  Ju G  Lu B  Weller D 《Nature》2004,428(6985):831-833
In magnetic memory devices, logical bits are recorded by selectively setting the magnetization vector of individual magnetic domains either 'up' or 'down'. In such devices, the fastest and most efficient recording method involves precessional switching: when a magnetic field B(p) is applied as a write pulse over a period tau, the magnetization vector precesses about the field until B(p)tau reaches the threshold value at which switching occurs. Increasing the amplitude of the write pulse B(p) might therefore substantially shorten the required switching time tau and allow for faster magnetic recording. Here we use very short pulses of a very high magnetic field to show that under these extreme conditions, precessional switching in magnetic media supporting high bit densities no longer takes place at well-defined field strengths; instead, switching occurs randomly within a wide range of magnetic fields. We attribute this behaviour to a momentary collapse of the ferromagnetic order of the spins under the load of the short and high-field pulse, thus establishing an ultimate limit to the speed of deterministic switching and magnetic recording.  相似文献   

在弱L-余拓扑空间中,引入弱紧集的概念,并且用滤子和网给出了弱紧性的等价刻画.证明了弱紧性在弱连续的L-值Zadeh型函数下是不变的.  相似文献   

溶胶制备方法对玻璃表面TiO2膜性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用胶体凝胶法和聚合凝胶法在玻璃表面制备出了TiO2 膜 ,并对膜进行了XRD、SEM、UV -Vis紫外-可见吸收光谱、亲水性的表征和比较 .结果表明 ,两种不同方法制备的TiO2 膜 ,其晶粒尺寸、膜的生长方式、表面形貌、光学性质及亲水性都有所不同 .  相似文献   

设f(x),g(x)分别为复数域上的 m和 n次多项式  利用直接展开法分 m≥n和 m相似文献   

讨论了可变导热系数的复合介质的传热性质。当介质的导热系数是温度的函数时,热传导方程是非线性偏微分方程,作者采用基尔霍夫变换把它变成拉普拉斯方程,于是可以找到原问题的近似解析解。文中考虑一个最为简单的例子:由圆柱形的杂质构成的二维系统,杂质浓度很低,可以忽略颗粒之间的相互作用,杂质具有可变导热系数,基质的导热性质不随温度变化。在此基础上,用朗道方法导出计算可变导热系数的复合介质的有效导热系数的公式。  相似文献   

Johnson PA  Savage H  Knuth M  Gomberg J  Marone C 《Nature》2008,451(7174):57-60
It remains unknown how the small strains induced by seismic waves can trigger earthquakes at large distances, in some cases thousands of kilometres from the triggering earthquake, with failure often occurring long after the waves have passed. Earthquake nucleation is usually observed to take place at depths of 10-20 km, and so static overburden should be large enough to inhibit triggering by seismic-wave stress perturbations. To understand the physics of dynamic triggering better, as well as the influence of dynamic stressing on earthquake recurrence, we have conducted laboratory studies of stick-slip in granular media with and without applied acoustic vibration. Glass beads were used to simulate granular fault zone material, sheared under constant normal stress, and subject to transient or continuous perturbation by acoustic waves. Here we show that small-magnitude failure events, corresponding to triggered aftershocks, occur when applied sound-wave amplitudes exceed several microstrain. These events are frequently delayed or occur as part of a cascade of small events. Vibrations also cause large slip events to be disrupted in time relative to those without wave perturbation. The effects are observed for many large-event cycles after vibrations cease, indicating a strain memory in the granular material. Dynamic stressing of tectonic faults may play a similar role in determining the complexity of earthquake recurrence.  相似文献   

从宏观上考察聚合物在地层的分布,微观上测定表征存在状态的各个参数,采用三管并联岩心和平板模型实验研究聚合物分布规律,通过物理模拟实验测定表征聚合物存在状态的参数,同时测定不同聚合物质量浓度下的静态吸附量和动态滞留量,采用双段塞法测定不可及孔隙体积及动态滞留量等参数,并改进实验数据的处理过程.结果表明:聚合物在纵向上主要进入高渗透层,平面上主要分布在主流线区域,两翼部分质量浓度较低;静态吸附量远大于动态滞留量,并且其比值随着聚合物质量浓度的变化而变化.  相似文献   

道路网络中最短路径的算法与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
最短路径算法是地理信息科学与计算机科学等领域的研究热点。本文从网络分析的理论基础及拓扑性质出发,提出了一种适于最短路径算法的空间数据组织方式。结合道路网络的特点,在构造邻接结点矩阵来表达网络结构的基础上,运用优化的迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)最短路径算法,在电子地图环境下实现了道路网络中任意两结点间最短路径的快速解算与刷新。  相似文献   

通过测量不同工艺条件下玻璃绝缘子中的气孔率和最大气泡直径,以及观察底盘表面的玻璃飞溅情况,研究了熔封气氛、熔封温度、熔封时间、氧化膜类型和厚度对玻璃绝缘子中气孔率和玻璃飞溅的影响.结果表明,玻璃绝缘子中气孔率与可伐合金底盘表面的飞溅程度有一定的关系.可伐合金表面Fe3O4氧化物与玻璃中SiO2发生化学反应是玻璃绝缘子中气泡的一个重要来源,也是引起玻璃飞溅的因素.熔封气氛和氧化膜厚度对气孔率和玻璃飞溅影响最大.推荐的工艺条件是在可伐合金表面生成厚度约1μm的FeO氧化膜,然后与玻坯在950~980℃工厂条件的气氛中熔封30~40 min.  相似文献   

A phase transformation of a metastable Zr2Ni intermetallic crystalline phase to vitrify was studied with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on a plastic crystal model (PCM), which utilizes the orientational disorder of molecules of plastic crystals in a class of soft matter. The simulation results show ed that computational operations in MD-PCM for the random rotati ons of the clusters in the crystalline phase around their center of gravity and subsequent annealing lead to form a dense random pa cking structure from the metastable Zr2Ni phase. These randomly-rotated clusters provide high degrees of freedom in terms of atomic positions, which results in enhancing the glass-forming ability of the alloy. The critical fraction of the number of rotated cl usters for forming the glassy phase ( fcR) is evaluated to be 0.75 ? 0.80. Thus, the critical fraction of the number of un-rotated clusters (fcU=1?fcR) is close to the critical concentration of site percolation for metallic materials. The mechanism of the metastable Zr2Ni phase to vitrify with increasing fR was analyzed with a concept of communal entropy in the free volume theory with solid- and liquid-like cells proposed by Cohen and Grest. The MD-PCM for the metastable Zr2Ni phase suggests that Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) can be regarded as an alloy in a high rotation entropy state of cl usters and that glass transition takes place by percolation of th e nuclei of a liquid-like glassy phase.  相似文献   

本文提出了利用颗粒状物料的恒定干燥曲线求取实际干燥曲线的通用方法.作者以酚醛树脂为例,通过实验研究建立了恒定干燥过程的经验方程,并扰此确定实际干燥曲线,用于干燥工艺的改进及装置的优化设计.  相似文献   

文章定义了基于等价关系的粒度的概念,从整体上给出了粒度的分解和合成的统一方法.利用这个方法可以描述和区分信息系统中的元素.  相似文献   

为增强小信号放大器的抗干扰能力,从放大电路实验所碰到的干扰问题入手,着重分析多级放大器受干扰的各种原因,并论述如何提高小信号放大电路抗干扰性能的多项措施.  相似文献   

研究了一类带干扰(布朗运动)的对偶风险模型,此模型可以用来模拟证券公司的盈余过程(经营收入).利用无穷小分析法,求出了公司在破产前总分红现值期望函数(分红函数)满足的微积分方程组,导出了与该微积分方程组等价的更新方程组.最后,在指数分布收入情形下,我们给出了分红函数在特例下的一般解.  相似文献   

颗粒聚集体的崩塌性质研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
考察和分析了一般颗粒物质堆积体中崩塌的主要特征,概述了目前对颗粒物质崩塌研究所涉及的相关模型以及理论,并对其适用范围和局限性进行了分析,指出了他们的成功之处及不足,提出了对颗粒物质堆积体崩塌机理进行深入研究的一些思路。  相似文献   

混沌振子在二维弱耦合情况下,形成了一种新的态,称为广义扩展周期态.在这个状态下,每个振子作相同的周期轨道运动,但是每个振子的相位不同.数值计算和理论分析了形成广义扩展周期态的动力学机理.  相似文献   

层状压电压磁弹性介质空间问题数据分析处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从横观各项同性层状压电压磁弹性介质空间问题出发,利用状态变量法和0层面的边界条件,得到适用于计算不同状态变量的关系矩阵,以及状态变量表示的多层压电压磁弹性介质在Hankel变换空间中的解。在选择性计算的基础上,对不同的状态变量分别采用各自的方式修正关系矩阵,有效地避免了直接计算所产生的计算结果失真现象,为解决诸如此类的更复杂的问题奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

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