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From Cybernetics and VSD to Management and Action   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper uses Stafford Beer's Viable Systems Diagnosis (VSD) to suggest that the development of a model for actionable theory in organizations would take the form of a three-step process. The first step involves the definition and explanation of an appropriate theory base, the second theory interpretation into a coherent set of action principles and the third contextual action in organizations. We contend that even for a well-informed and widely read manager gleaning the theoretical basis for this process from the recognized Beer trilogy “Brain of the Firm,” “The Heart of the Enterprise” and “Diagnosing the System” is difficult to justify in terms of time, understanding, and action. We maintain that a sound set of action principles emanating from Beer's primary work must be considered before tackling the noted trilogy. We use Beer's initial text “Cybernetics and Management” to trace some fundamental operational research and the interdisciplinary tripartite science of cybernetics. We commence our action model process with some introductory thoughts into operational research, cybernetics, VSD, and contextual action. Our first step toward action involves some primary definitions and principles of cybernetic theory and the prospect of controlling overwhelming variety. Our second step provides our set of coherent potential action principles fundamental to cybernetic theory. The paper is written in a journalistic rather than academic style reflecting the need to couch the interpretation of the theory in a language that the well-informed manager may readily translate into third step contextual practice.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is to design an efficient and secure solution addressing the semi trusted issue in proxy re-signature schemes, i.e., the proxy knows the re-signature key from user A to user B, so he is able to translate any signatures made by user A to user B, which damages the essential requirement (“non-repudiation” property) of proxy re-signature schemes. In this paper, the authors first define the security model for threshold proxy re-signature scheme, and then propose two threshold proxy re-signature schemes based on Ateniese-Hohenberger’s and Shao-Cao-Wang-Liang’s approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines and evaluates social systems with the help of a set of classical systems concepts and identifies a number of organisational failures that can be better understood from a systemic point of view. It then extends Kaplan’s “balanced scoreboard” to include these concepts.  相似文献   

1. Introduction A supply chain is a network composed osuppliers, manufacturers, retailers, etc., whichcooperate to offer a kind of goods or servicesThese supply chain members cooperate andcompete with each other to maximize theiown profits. For example,…  相似文献   

During the last 13 years, a dialogue has been conducted in the Critical Systems literature on the subject of choice betwen methods. However, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, researchers went in two separate directions. One direction involved an exploration of the “creative design of methods.” This is when the problem situation is understood in terms of a series of systemically interrelated research questions, each of which might need to be addressed using a different method, or part of a method. A synthesis is generated that allows each individual research question to be addressed as part of a whole system of questions. The other research direction involved the development of “Total Systems Intervention” (TSI), a meta-methodology that, amongst other things, encourages the creative exploration of the problem situation prior to the choice of methods. One of the latest innovations in TSI is a theory of the “oblique” use of methods. This is the use of methods for purposes other than those they were originally designed for. However, it is argued here that all the case studies that have been subject to an “oblique” interpretation can be better explained if they are seen as examples of the creative design of methods. We can therefore bring together the two strands of research that have hitherto been pursued separately in the Critical Systems literature. it is suggested that TSI can be enhanced by an understanding of the creative design of methods because the latter allows us to explain the purposive, flexible, and responsive way in which TSI is most successfully used in practice.  相似文献   

Sustainability is not simply about changing practices but more centrally about agreeing to change practices together. To achieve such an end, groups need to improve processes for making complex decisions together. An online course was designed and tested linking students in the United States and in Australia. Students engaged in a re-enactment of deliberations based on Hasan Ozbekhan’s “Predicament of Mankind,” which was constructed originally under assignment from the founders of the Club of Rome in 1970. This re-enactment included contemporary research for examples of a set of 49 continuous critical problems of mankind, asynchronous clarification of these problems using a wiki, pair-wise construction of a systems view of problems assessed to be of highest priority by the class, narrative analysis of the structure, and creative suggestions for resolving the systems problem based on resources available today. This report comments on the strengths and challenges identified in an initial application of an approach for building collaborative and systems thinking skills through an online course in a general education curriculum. Findings are particularly meaningful for contemporary policy makers as well as online educators.  相似文献   

A discrete optimum mathematical model to derive the “maximum capacity“ of people in a room or in a space used for public gatherings is developed. There are two outcomes in the model. One is focused on whether the person farthest from exits can escape from the room. The other concentrates On the evacuation time of all the people in the room. According to the results of the two outcomes, a more reasonable “maximum capacity“ can be worked out in a simple way.  相似文献   

The article explores the action research process throughout a land management research project, with the ambition to reflect upon action research as a working approach. It is shown how this process is experienced from a researcher’s point of view and it critically analyses its methodology and process, outcome and the role of the action researcher.The learning environment known to farmers and framed by local institutions and practical experimentation, embedded in the local worldview, constituted a necessary starting point for achieving motivation and practical outcomes. Tight feedback loops between practice and reflection enabled joint learning and innovation and rapid implementation of measures suggested by the farmers. The approach could be particularly useful for local NGOs and local universities.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the contention that Western Management Education has entered a period of “crisis” and to examine the implications of such a development. Drawing on historical studies of management education in America and Europe, four modes of management “formation” are identified, each of which has been dominant in a particular period. From its preparadigmatic beginnings management education has been successively transformed under an “old” and latterly a “new” paradigm. Current changes in and critiques of the “new” paradigm imply that Western Management Education is entering a postparadigmatic mode. The implications of this postparadigmatic turn are considered in relation to management practice, management knowledge, and management “formation.” An earlier version of this paper was presented to the Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Aston University, Birmingham, September 16–18, 1996.  相似文献   

Formal systems engineering approaches to modeling misperceptions and attitudes are employed within the framework of the graph model for conflict resolution to systematically study the War of 1812 between the United States of America and Great Britain in order to provide enhanced insights into the causes of the war. More specifically, relational definitions for preferences, movements and stability concepts are defined for describing the attitudes and associated behavior of decision makers involved in a conflict. To capture misperceptions of decision makers in the War of 1812, attitudes are studied within the structure of a hypergame. Combining attitudes and misperceptions within the paradigm of the graph model furnishes the flexible analytical tool which demonstrates that misunderstanding of attitudes by Great Britain and the United States may have contributed to the outbreak of this nasty war.  相似文献   

An environmental scan project is outlined and discussed using the viable systems model (VSM). A participant/observer perspective applied futures thinking, systems practice, scenario orientated narratives and risk assessment frameworks to an annual corporate planning process involving engagement and communication with senior public sector executives. Focus was given to improving foresight techniques through the innovative use of existing resources and skills. Results included additional work on scenario development, designing a decentralised “Development Directorate” network and evaluating complexity science sense-making techniques to enhance foresight capacity. Submitted with assistance from Dr. Angela Espinosa, Hull University Business School, UK. The views expressed in this paper are the author’s and do not represent those of any organisation mentioned or implied.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a robust stage-structured SI eco-epidemiological model with periodic constant pulse releasing of infectious pests with pathogens. The authors show that the conditions for global attractivity of the 'pest-eradication' periodic solution and permanence of the system depend on time delay, hence, the authors call it "profitless". Further, the authors present a pest management strategy in which the pest population is kept under the economic threshold level (ETL) when the pest population is uniformly persistent. By numerical analysis, the authors also show that constant maturation time delay for the susceptible pests and pulse releasing of the infectious pests can bring obvious effects on the dynamics of system.  相似文献   

1. Introduction With the development of information technology and the increasing market competition, simultaneously reducing inventory costs of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished items in different stages has become a major focus for supply chain management. Industrial practice and academic research have shown that VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) can improve supply chain performance by decreasing inventory levels and costs. VMI is a collaborative business initiative where the vend…  相似文献   

In recent years, a substantial volume of broadly critical knowledge of management and organization has been established, but comparatively little attention has been given to the question of how the insights of such knowledge might be communicated or applied pedagogically. The temptation or danger, arguably, is for critical knowledge to be substituted for the content of “traditional management education,” with minimal regard for its contribution to processes of personal, social, and organizational development. The chief purpose of this paper is to put some flesh on the claim that critical theory can make an important contribution to the principles and practice of management education. After summarizing some key differences between “traditional management education” and action learning (concerning learning and personal experience), these differences are illustrated by reference to a case study, which in turn, provides a basis for highlighting the relevance of critical thinking for addressing problems and issues thrown up through action learning for managers.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new and distribution-free test called “Group Contingency” test (GC, for short) for testing two or several independent samples. Compared with traditional nonparametric tests, GC test tends to explore more information based on samples, and it’s location-, scale-, and shapesensitive. The authors conduct some simulation studies comparing GC test with Wilcoxon rank sum test (W), Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS) and Wald-Wolfowitz runs test (WW) for two sample case, and with Kruskal-Wallis (KW) for testing several samples. Simulation results reveal that GC test usually outperforms other methods.  相似文献   

This paper begins to establish a roadmap toward intellectual and theoretical foundations for “shared prosperity,” that is, the networking, knowledge-sharing, and partnerships that enhance the comparative advantages of regions. The paper establishes the need for this new approach to political economy, and further elaborates the shared prosperity concept and its origins. It scans current litrerature for promising conceptualizations of shared prosperity, describes shared prosperity initiatives as they are practiced at two instituations with which the author is affiliated, and illustrates with cases. Finally, it sets forth research priorities, notes obstacles to the research, and suggests feasible next steps.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, there has been a trend towards increased stakeholder and public participation in natural resource management in North America. To a certain extent, the rationale for this trend is found in the complexity and uncertainty of environmental issues, which confront us with the coexistance of multiple legitimate values and perspectives in society. Recognizing this “epistemological plurality” has important implications for both policy and science. In this paper, I critically reflect on my experiences as a doctoral student engaged in participatory action research (PAR) with a watershed partnership in Ontario, Canada. In providing this biographical account, I seek to make a contribution to ongoing discussions regarding the nature, challenges and benefits of this methodological approach for academic research, as well as to emerging debates on PAR in the context of environmental governance and “post-normal” approaches to natural resource management.
Cecilia FerreyraEmail:

Action on issues of ecological significance often requires changes in personal behaviour and political consensus on technologies to support these changes. Unfortunately, many consultation processes only engage a narrow range of stakeholders, usually those professionally engaged or already active on a range of community issues. This paper illustrates how people who are ‘hard to reach’ or seen as ‘apathetic’ might be engaged using ‘action-conversations’ that explore the social climate for action and how scientific/technical messages can be framed in the language of the community.  相似文献   

Traditional econometrics has long employed "points" to measure time series data. In real life situations, however, it suffers the loss of volatility information, since many variables are bounded by intervals in a given period. To address this issue, this paper provides a new methodology for interval time series analysis. The concept of "interval stochastic process" is formally defined as a counterpart of "stochastic process" in point-based econometrics. The authors introduce the concepts of interval stationarity, interval statistics (including interval mean, interval variance, etc.) and propose an interval linear model to investigate the dynamic relationships between interval processes. A new interval-based optimization approach for estimation is proposed, and corresponding evaluation criteria are derived. To demonstrate that the new interval method provides valid results, an empirical example on the sterling-dollar exchange rate is presented.  相似文献   

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