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工作记忆是影响语篇阅读推理的一个重要因素。在国内外相关文献研究和分析的基础上,论述了语篇阅读推理的主要模型和理论以及Baddeley工作记忆的模型,总结了工作记忆与阅读推理的关系。  相似文献   

选取高中生、大学生、研究生和高中青年教师共48名.采用被试内设计,对工作记忆、注意与智力之间的关系进行了研究.结果表明:①三者之间的关系与所选用的测试材料有关.用汉语双字词所测的工作记忆与智力之间的相关不显著,而用大写字母所测的工作记忆与智力之间相关显著.②三者之间的关系与其所应用的注意评定测验有关.工作记忆与选择注意相关显著,而与维持注意相关不显著;智力与维持注意相关显著,而与选择注意相关不显著.  相似文献   

选取10名小学儿童(7~8岁)和10名大学生(19~27岁)作为被试,采用工作记忆+视觉搜索的双任务实验范式,探讨儿童与成人基于工作记忆内容的视觉注意的异同.实验要求被试在工作记忆保持阶段完成一个视觉搜索任务,结果发现儿童与成人均表现出基于工作记忆内容的注意:相对于中性条件来说,工作记忆内容与干扰项匹配会显著降低成人被试的搜索绩效,而工作记忆内容与目标匹配会显著提高儿童被试的搜索绩效.研究结果表明,尽管儿童和成人都表现出了基于工作记忆内容的视觉注意,但儿童较成人能更好地运用该注意机制以提高视觉搜索绩效且受其不利影响较少.  相似文献   

Selective attention means perceiving and responding to information selectively, most of which are visual analyses and selection. By choosing a target that is task-relevant from stimuli array, while successfully ignoring distractorsthat are irrelevant, one can make a selection for his be-havioral goals correctly and efficiently. Recent studies have begun to focus on the dual-process mechanism of selective attention: target-excitation and distractor-inhibi- tion. A plenty of measures were used t…  相似文献   

An event-related potential study was conducted to make clear the relationships between perceptual and semantic levels of representation. Subjects judged the semantic relationship between a picture sample and a word match using the delayed match-to-sample paradigm. The experiment includes three types of matching trials, i.e., identical match trials, where the words had the same meanings as the pictures, categorical match trials where the words matched the pictures in category, and non-match trials where the words matched neither in identification nor in category with the pictures. The three conditions evoke significantly different N400-1ike and P300 ERP components. Specifically, for the N400-1ike negative responses, the averaged amplitude of the non-match condition is the largest and the most negative-going, that of the categorical match condition is less negative-going, and that of the identical match condition is the smallest among all three conditions. In addition, only the identical match condition evokes an early P300 component. As for the late P300 component, the averaged amplitude of the categorical match condition is more robust in the frontal brain areas. In contrast, ERPs of the non-match condition are stronger in the posterior brain areas. From 250 to 450 ms, the difference waves between the identical match and non-match conditions are located in the central areas, and the difference waves between categorical match and non-match conditions occur in the right frontal areas. Our results suggest that cross-form picture-word identical matching and categorical matching involve different underlying mechanisms. The existence of the early P300 component evokes by the identical match condition provides support for theories of template matching and facilitation model.  相似文献   

为了深入了解视听工作记忆中的神经机制和节律耦合规律,采集了视听工作记忆任务脑电数据,通过时频分析确定关键节律及核心电极,并使用多变量模式分析确定关键时间段。theta相位同步在记忆呈现期至关重要,其中额颞叶同步参与听觉记忆,额顶叶同步参与视觉记忆,而theta和alpha的跨频耦合只在特定记忆模态的相关脑区有显著增强。工作记忆任务相关脑区通过远端theta同步协调中央执行功能,alpha同步协调记忆存储缓冲功能,theta-alpha耦合整合不同模态功能间的信息,揭示了视听模态工作记忆的部分神经机制。  相似文献   

Working memory refers to temporary storage and manipulation of “on-line” information in the brain,which is central to a large range of cognitive capabili- ties[1]. Visual working memory involves processes such as maintaining, updating and manipulating b…  相似文献   

考察空间符号在工作记忆中的保持过程是否受同时进行的加工过程的影响。要求被试保持表征4架飞机航向与位置的空间符号,同时执行视觉、空间或联合特征3种加工任务,并系统操纵了加工任务的认知负荷。结果表明:联合特征加工条件下的空间符号保持效率最低,空间加工条件下的空间符号保持效率其次,视觉加工条件下的空间符号保持效率最高,而且联合特征加工的负荷对空间符号保持效率的影响显著大于空间加工负荷的影响。工作记忆中加工过程对空间符号的保持过程既有依赖材料性质的特异性影响,亦有独立于材料性质的一般性影响。  相似文献   

工作记忆表征能否自上而下地引导视觉注意选择,目前研究结果尚存在争议,而导致争议结果的原因亦不清晰.为了探究导致以往研究中有无发现引导效应的关键因素,该研究设计3个实验,要求被试在工作记忆储存任务的过程中完成一个视觉搜索任务,实验1与3的结果发现,当工作记忆表征包含可引导注意的属性时,不管视觉搜索靶子是否变化,该记忆表征都会引导注意偏向到视觉情境中与之匹配的干扰刺激,而实验2中的工作记忆表征不包含可有效引导注意的属性时,即使采用变化靶子的视觉搜索类型,也没有发现引导效应.此结果表明基于工作记忆表征的注意引导效应是否出现在一定程度上取决于该表征是否包含可有效引导注意的属性,而非视觉搜索类型.  相似文献   

一种听觉显著图提取模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于人耳听觉特性提出了一种改进的自下而上听觉显著图提取模型.该模型根据人耳听觉系统对声音分频道处理以及声音信号时间方向的差异更能有效表征听觉显著性这两个特点进行显著图提取.首先对输入声音信号进行短时傅立叶变换(SFFT)得到声音信号的听觉图谱,然后重新划分频带并在各频带上采用一维高斯滤波器组进行不同尺度的时域滤波,再利用中心-周边差算子计算各频带的听觉显著度并进行跨尺度整和,最后将各频带的听觉显著度线性合并之后得到最终的听觉显著图.仿真实验的结果表明该模型提取的听觉显著图更准确.  相似文献   

针对航线订座需求预测中存在的预测结果不稳定,偏差较大的问题,提出了一种基于注意力机制 的长短时记忆神经网络(Long Short-term Memory Neural Network,LSTM)航线订座需求预测模型。首先, 对采集得到的航线订座需求数据进行数据清洗与指标计算处理,接着,对处理后的指标数据基于注意力机 制做权重分配,然后进行 LSTM 航线订座需求预测模型的建立,从而得到航线订座需求的最终预测结果 值。将训练优化得到的模型应用于国内某航司的航线订座需求预测中,计算出预测结果。实验结果表明, 基于注意力机制的 LSTM 航线订座需求预测模型预测精度较高,以厦门-上海为例,预测结果在与真实值 的对比下,平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE)为 13.1,均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE) 为 17.2,相比较于移动平均法,指数平滑法,循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network,,RNN),CNN-LSTM 混合模型有较好的预测效果。  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is responsible for executive functions, including planning, goal setting, problem solving, inhibitory control, monitoring, and action adjusting. Executive functions also include selective attention and the flexibility or switching of attention; therefore, attention is an executive function in which the PFC participates. Working memory (WM), which is the temporary maintenance and processing of particular information, is usually considered to be a basic neural mechanism underlying the executive functions. This review systematically discusses the relationship between the prefrontal WM and attention and emphasizes two forms of prefrontal attention. The first form occurs in the dlPFC, which encodes the location of objects with respect to the position of the head, thereby providing a frame of reference from which the focus of attention can be centered. The second occurs in the inferior convexity of the prefrontal cortex (IFC), which encodes the different attributes (shape, texture, color) of objects to enable the ability to focus on one or to switch attention between sensory attributes of objects.  相似文献   

Baars的意识剧院模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
意识研究中一些相近的概念经常被混淆不清,Baars通过一个剧院模型形象地阐述了意识、注意、工作记忆等概念间的联系和区别。剧院的舞台好比工作记忆,而注意的作用就如一只聚光灯,舞台上被聚光灯照亮的部分就是意识内容。剧院模型与很多实验证据相一致,基于剧院模型可以提出一些可验证性的假设。  相似文献   

注意是一种基本的认知过程,研究注意在创造中的作用及其起作用的方式有助于理解创造力的本质和机制.综述已有研究发现:创造性个体具有较宽的注意广度和较差的选择性注意能力.在此基础上提出,将来的研究应该从创造过程的角度动态地研究注意在创造中的作用,并进一步探讨工作记忆在创造中的作用.  相似文献   

ERP dissociations between implicit and explicit memory have been confirmed by a large amount of evidence in theories of human memory. However, similarities between the two forms of memory have scarcely been studied. A possibility is that while implicit memory and explicit memory have independ- ent components, they might additionally have shared components. To explore this question, an ERP experiment was conducted with a study-to-test paradigm, in which participants performed a "shallow" (color) study task or a "deep" (pleasant) study task, followed by either a lexical decision (implicit) test (Section 1) or a recognition (explicit) test (Section 2). An interference task was performed concurrently with either the encoding or the retrieval phase of the memory task for encoding interference condition or retrieval interference condition. We compared ERP signatures of implicit and explicit memory as a function of depth of processing or interference. Under the action of the same variables, 300―500 ms old/new ERP effects of implicit and explicit memory showed the same trend. These effects maybe all link with a perceptual representational system. 500―700 ms old/new ERP effects of the two memories were dissociated. They may probably reflect voluntary and involuntary recollection respectively. These results suggested that implicit and explicit memories are not completely independent of each other, but have both independent and shared components.  相似文献   

为了解决服务推荐过程中的特征稀疏问题、提高服务的语义表示能力,进而提升推荐的准确性和有效性,提出基于图注意力网络(graph attention networks,GAT)研究服务推荐方法,引入服务的组合权重和组合的结构信息,综合利用多种服务特征,提高服务推荐质量。将GAT和注意力因子分解机(attention factorization machine,AFM)结合在一起,利用多头自注意力机制,学习每个节点在图邻域中的重要性;进行信息聚合,处理网络中的不同图结构,以适应服务动态变化的场景。 实验结果显示,在数据平衡的情况下,提出的方法性能表现均好于对比方法;在数据不平衡的情况下,提出的方法大部分性能指标也表现良好,达到了提升服务推荐准确性和有效性的目标。  相似文献   

基于主题注意力层次记忆网络的文档情感建模   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对文档水平情感分析传统模型存在先验知识依赖以及语义理解不足问题,提出一种基于注意力机制与层次网络特征表示的情感分析模型TWE-ANN.采用基于CBOW方式的word2vec模型针对语料训练词向量,减小词向量间的稀疏度,使用基于Gibbs采样的LDA算法计算出文档主题分布矩阵,继而通过层次LSTM神经网络获取更为完整的文本上下文信息从而提取出深度情感特征,将文档主题分布矩阵作为模型注意力机制提取文档特征,从而实现情感分类.实验结果表明:提出的TWE-ANN模型较TSA、HAN模型分类效果较好,在Yelp2015、IMDB、Amazon数据集上的F值分别提升了1.1%、0.3%、1.8%,在Yelp2015和Amazon数据集上的RMSE值分别提升了1.3%、2.1%.  相似文献   

人们在生活中经常会产生漏报等错误记忆,区分出产生正确记忆与错误记忆的大脑运行认知机制,对提高人类正确记忆发生率、抑制错误记忆产生以及改善患者记忆障碍问题等具有重要的意义。基于脑电信号探索正确记忆与错误记忆的差异性,能更全面地理清人脑活动过程中正确记忆与错误记忆加工机制的异同。设计了基于Deese-Roediger-MC-Dermote(DRM)范式的改进的脑电实验,采集被试的脑电数据,探究正确记忆与错误记忆的差异性。采用时频域分析的方法分别对δ、θ、α、β、γ波进行了差异分析,对具有显著差异的频段采用皮尔逊相关方法分别构建脑功能网络,并对脑网络特征属性进行了对比分析。结果表明:大脑前顶区错误记忆θ、α2波能量谱密度显著大于正确记忆(P<0.05)。对脑网络的分析结果显示,大脑前后额区、后顶区θ、α2波脑功能网络连接正确记忆显著多于错误记忆;正确记忆θ、α2波节点度均显著高于错误记忆,α2波聚类系数正确记忆显著高于错误记忆;正确记忆与错误记忆θ、α2波介数中心度均无显著差别...  相似文献   

目的探讨轻度弱智儿童工作记忆能力损害的特点及其心理机制。方法采用仿制Smith的工作记忆软件,对秦巴山区部分已确诊轻度弱智儿童及正常儿童做工作记忆测验。结果两类儿童各种信息加工材料的工作记忆结果差异极显著。提示轻度弱智儿童普遍存在着工作记忆力的损害,在一般工作记忆能量与特殊工作记忆资源方面,可能也存在不同程度的损害。结论工作记忆测验可作为区分轻度弱智儿童有效的智力筛查工具。  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were used in this study to investigate the neural correlates of prospective memory (PM) and vigilance. Twenty college or graduate students participated in this study. They were administered a PM and a vigilance task and physiological data were collected at the same time. Behavioral results showed that the RT associated with PM cues was longer than those associated with vigilance targets. ERP results showed that PM cues and vigilance targets did not show significant difference in the N2 but PM cues evoked greater N300 than vigilance targets, and vigilance targets evoked greater parietal positivity/P3 than PM cues, suggesting vigilance and PM have similar but also distinctive neural basis.  相似文献   

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