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Located in the east portion of the North Orogenic Belt, the Songliao Basin is bounded by the Da Hinggan Mountains in the west, the Xiao Hinggan Mountains in the north, the Zhangguangcai Range in the east, and the North China Craton (NCC) in the south (Fig…  相似文献   

Sixty-two geologically meaningful U-Pb dates were obtained by using SHRIMP technique for the detrital zircons in three metasedimentary rocks from stratigraphically uppermost parts of the Longshoushan Group in the present study. Eighty percents of these dates range from 1.7 Ga to 2.2 Ga with a peak at 1.8-2.0 Ga and twenty percents from 2.3 Ga to 2.7 Ga. The youngest detrital zircon is dated at 1724±19 Ma which is interpreted as the maximum depositional age of the metasedimentary rocks. Therefore, the age for the diagenesis and lithification of the original sedimentary rocks of the Longshoushan Group before the metamorphism must be younger than 1724±19 Ma. Comparison of the age histograms of these detrital zircons with the ages of the igneous rocks on the surrounding older massifs suggests that the sediments of the Longshoushan Group were most likely derived from the Alaxa Block and Tarim Craton. This implies that the affinity between Alaxa Block and Tarim Craton was strong and that they might have been a unified craton during middle-early Proterozoic time.  相似文献   

The structure, magmatism and sedimentation within the South China Block (SCB) related to the Indosinian Orogeny had attracted considerable attention since De-prat[1] and Fromagat[2] proposed the “Indosinian move-ment” based on two unconformities between Pre-Norian and Pre-Rhaetian during Triassic in Vietnam. However, Indosinian tectonic evolution of the SCB has been long debated[3―6]. Some researchers believed that the compli-cated structure-magmatism-sedimentation within the SCB w…  相似文献   

U-Pb dating was made by the LA-ICP-MS method for detrital zircons from the Wudangshan volcanic-sedimentary succession in the South Qinling. Samples comprise quartz sandstones of the Wudangshan Group collected from the base of the Yangping Formation and an upper layer of the Shuangtai Formation overlain its volcanic sequence, and two river-sand collections from the drainage systems cutting across the two formations, respectively. The results show that the Yangping detrital zircons are dominated by 830–780 Ma grains with a minor population of ~1.0–0.84 Ga and sporadic grains of ~2.6, ~2.4 and 2.0 Ga, whereas the Shuangtai zircons yield an upper intercept age of 763±33 Ma, identical to the timing of the Wudangshan volcanism within error, with few concordant grains of 1.9 and 0.86 Ga. Age spectra for the two river-sand samples are similar to those of the Yangping and Shuangtai Formations, respectively. It thus suggests that the Wudangshan strata are less than 780 Ma, whereas their major detrital zircon populations of 1.0–0.85 Ga and 830–780 Ma are consistent with timing of the Hannan magmatic activities along the northwestern margin of the South China Block. This suggests a Hannan or adjacent area provenance for the Wudangshan strata. The Wudang area is characterized by rift-related igneous events at ~755 and ~680 Ma, respectively, pointing to a tectono- magmatic history different from the Hannan area. It is inferred that the ~755 Ma magmatism is likely to indicate a separation of the South China Block from the supercontinent Rodinia, while the ~680 Ma event suggests a further split between the South Qinling and some unknown continent.  相似文献   

Field relationship, along with petrographical, petrological, and geochemical characteristics, and zircon populations, indicates that the plagiogranites from the Lagkor Lake ophiolite in the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone (~ 20 km south of Gerze County, central Tibet, China), derived from anatexis of hydrated gabbros by ductile shearing during transport of the oceanic crust. Therefore, this kind of plagiogranite is coeval to or little later than the spreading of the oceanic crust. Zircon SHRIMP age of 166 ± 2.5 Ma for the plagiogranites indicates that an oceanic basin existed in the western part of the Bangong-Nujiang zone in the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

The tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) rocks in Sushui Complex of Zhongtiao Block can be divided into two series according to their zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical characteristics: one is subduction-related (SR) and the other collision-related (CR). The SR TTG rocks, together with other Late Archean island arc magmatism, were developed as a result of oceanic subduction between the Eastern and Western blocks in Late Archean; while the CR TTG rocks formed in a thickened crustal environment, which was responding to the collision between the Eastern and Western blocks in Paleoproterozoic. All these features support a model that the Zhongtiao Block is a part of the Trans-North China Orogen in the middle of North China Craton.  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb geochronology of basement metamorphic rocks in the Songliao Basin   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Zircon LA-ICP MS U-Pb dating of six metamorphic rocks and a metagranite (breccia) from southern basement of the Songliao Basin are reported in order to constrain the formation ages of basement. The basement metamorphic rocks in the Songliao Basin mainly consist of metagabbro (L45-1), amphibolite (SN117), metarhyolitical tuff (G190), sericite (Ser) schist (N103), chlorite (Chl) schist (T5-1), biotite (Bi)-actinolite (Act)-quartz (Q) schist (Y205), and metagranite (L44-1). The cathodoluminesence (CL) images of the zircons from metagabbro (L45-1) and metagranite (L44-1) indicate that they have cores of magmatic origin and rims of metamorphic overgrowths. Their U-Pb isotopic ages are 1808±21 Ma and 1873±13 Ma, respectively. The zircons with oscillatory zoning from amphibolite (SN117) and Chl schist (T5-1), being similar to those of mafic igneous rocks, yield ages of 274 ± 3.4 Ma and 264 ± 3.2 Ma, re-spectively. The zircons from metarhyolitical tuff (G190) and Ser schist (N103) display typical magmatic growth zoning and yield ages of 424 ± 4.5 Ma and 287 ± 5.1Ma, respectively. Most of zircons from Bi-Act-Q schist (Y205) are round in shape and different in absorption degree in the CL images, implying their sedimentary detritals. U-Pb dating yield concordant ages of 427 ± 3.1Ma, 455 ± 12 Ma, 696 ± 13 Ma, 1384±62 Ma, 1649±36 Ma, 1778±18 Ma, 2450±9 Ma, 2579±10 Ma, 2793±4 Ma and 2953±14 Ma. The above-mentioned results indicate that the Precambrian crystalline basement (1808―1873 Ma) exists in the southern Songliao Basin and could be related to tectonic thrust, and that the Early Paleozoic (424―490 Ma) and Late Paleozoic magmatisms (264―292 Ma) also occur in the basin basement, which are consistent with the ages of the detrital zircons from Bi-Act-Q schist in the basement.  相似文献   

The Xilin Gol Complex was referred to the meta-morphic rocks exposed near Daqing Pasturage, east of Xilinhot, for the first time by the Hebei Geological Survey in 1958[1]. Similar metamorphic rocks have been increas-ingly identified in the Xilin Gol-Xiwuqi-Balinyouqi re-gion since then. They all are collectively grouped into the Xilin Gol Complex and considered as a part of the Bao- yintu Group (Pt1by)[1]. However, the timing of its deposi-tion and subsequent deformation and metamorphi…  相似文献   

Located in the eastern portion of the Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt (XMOB), the Xinkailing-Kele complex has previously been considered to be Precambrian metamorphic rocks, mainly according to its relatively high metamorphic grade. Our filed observation, however, revealed that the complex is composed mainly of metamorphic rocks (Kele complex), tectono-schists ("Xinkailing Group"), and granitoids (Xinkailing granitic complex). Dating on these rocks using advanced SHRIMP zircon U-Pb technique indicates that: (1) Biotite-plagioclase gneiss from the Kele complex has a protolith age of 337±7 Ma (2σ) and a metamorphic age of 216±3 Ma (2σ); (2) the tectono-schist of the "Xinkailing Group" gave a magmatic age of 292±6 Ma (2σ), indicative of felsic volcanic protolith of the schist formed in late Paleozoic time; and (3) the Menluhedingzi and Lengchuan granites of the Xinkailing granitic complex were emplaced at 167±4 (2σ) and 164±4 Ma (2σ), respectively. These results suggest that the Xinkailing-Kele c  相似文献   

The Karakorum Fault zone(KFZ)plays an important role in understanding the formation,evolvement and deformation of the Tibetan Plateau.The high-T dextral shearing metamorphic rocks,e.g.,mylonites or mylonitized gneisses-granites,locally crop out along the southeastern part of the KFZ in the Ayila Ri’gyüRange area.The SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the syn-kinematic crystallized zircons indicates that the initial age of the KFZ is~27 Ma,~10 Ma older than previous results.The extensive high-T dextral shearing along the KFZ started at least at 27-20 Ma,accompanied by the syn-kinematic emplacement of leuco-granites.Deformation and concomitant fluid circulation during shearing most likely occurred as early as at 25-13 Ma.The KFZ probably grew from southeast to northwest along the fault as a result of continuous convergence between the India plate and Eurasia plate.  相似文献   

The Qiashikansayi granodiorite is foliated resulting in a granodioritic gneiss. Its geochemical features, such as alumina saturation index(A/CNK) of 0.81-0.99, Na2O/K2O values>1, TiO2 contents <1.0%, LREE enrichment with high fractionation factors, weakly negative or no Eu anomalies, and significant Ba and Ti negative anomalies, suggest that it is similar to a typical island arc pluton. The trace elements of the Qiashikansayi granodiorite are plotted in the island arc field in the tectonic setting discrimination diagrams as well. Cathodoluminescence images demonstrated that the zircons have clear rhythmic crystallized zoning, without any remnant core and new crystallized rim, suggesting the zircons be magmatic ones. Their U and Th contents vary in the range of 574-870 μg/g, and 279-556μg/g respectively, with the Th/U ratio in the range of 0.52-0.68. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating yielded the 481.5±5.3 Ma age for the intrusion of the granodiorite, which is coeval with the island arc volcanic rocks in the no  相似文献   

In addition to the wide spread peraluminous granites, some alkaline or alkali-rich intrusive rocks were recently observed in the Wuyi Mountains. The Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites in the Wuyi Mountains are strongly enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE), K, Ba, Ga, Zr and Y. What is more, differentiations of REE are obvious. In addition, the Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites have also some characteristics similar to A-type granite. Zircons are selected from the Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites for Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP-Ⅱ) U-Pb geochronology study. 15 analyses give concordant 206Pb/238U ages in a narrow range of 233—249 Ma, which correspond to a single age population with a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 242 4 Ma, which records the crystallization time of the aegiriteaugite syenites. It is suggested that: (1) there were early Triassic peralkaline intrusive rocks in South China; (2) the early Indosinian extension event was probably active in local area, South China. This discovery provides a new insight for farther understanding of 揑ndosinian orogeny in South China.  相似文献   

在1:25万武威幅区域地质调查中对北祁连莲花山花岗岩体进行了调查研究,通过高精度单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素测年,获得w(206Pb)/w(238U)表面年龄统计权重平均值为426±15 Ma,属加东晚期.岩石化学和地球化学特征表明莲花山岩体属钙碱性系列,少量为高钾钙碱性系列.σ=0.6~2.3,A/CNK=0.81~1.04,ΣREE=68.58~188.76,LREE/HREE=2.80~5.09,δEu=0.60~0.87.研究表明莲花山岩体形成于陆陆碰撞造山阶段后期,可能形成于加厚地壳的部分熔融.  相似文献   

This paper presents geochemical analyses of a lamprophyre intruding the Caledonian Doushui granite body in Shangyou County, southern Jiangxi Province. U-Pb dating and Hf-isotope analyses are espe-cially carried out for zircons from it. Petrological and geochemical features show that the lamprophyre belongs to a high-K, weakly alkaline pyroxene-biotite lamprophyre. It is characterized by high Mg# (0.74), Ni (253 μg/g) and Cr (893 μg/g) contents, and also enriched in incompatible elements, such as REE, Rb, Sr...  相似文献   

The Qilian Mountain is considered a part of the Cen- tral Orogenic Belt of China[1]. The Central Orogenic Belt of China, extending for a distance of about 4000 km long in the E-W direction from the east coast west- ward through the mainland China all the …  相似文献   

扬子板块西缘的盐边群及其周边岩体,作为前寒武纪构造岩浆活动带的核心,是观察和研究新元古代大陆壳生长的重要窗口.查明这一构造岩浆活动带内地质体的产出时代及构造岩浆活动的轨迹,是揭示新元古代大陆壳产生、发展地球动力学过程的重点环节.对盐边群及周边岩体的地质年代学研究表明:(1)区内大规模的岩浆事件集中在中元古代晚期至新元古...  相似文献   

A combined study of zircon U-Pb dating, Hf isotopes and trace elements has been carried out for granodioritic neosomes of migmatites from the Tianjingping area in northwestern Fujian Province. Zircons are characterized by zoning, higher Th/U ratios (mostly≥0.1), HREE enrichment, and positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies, and show features similar to magmatic or anatectic zircons. Apparent ^206Pb/^238U ages for the zircons are 447±2 Ma (95 % conf., MSWD=0.88), corresponding to a Caledonian event. εHf(t) values are -13.3 to -9.7, indicating a crustal source. Two-stage Hf model ages are 1.7 to 1.9 Ga, suggesting that protolith of the migmates was probably formed in the Paleoproterozoic. The granodioritic neosomes have the characteristics of peraluminous calc-alkaline granite, and their REE patterns and trace elements spidergrams show features of middle to upper crustal rocks. Together with previous studies, we conclude that the protolith of the Cathaysia basement in the Tianjingping area was likely formed in the middle-late Paleoproterozoic and experienced partial melting during the Caledonian period. The recognition of Caledonian reworking of the Paleoproterozoic basement in the Cathaysia Block provides a new insight into the tectonic evolution of the Cathaysia Block in the Caledonian period and the interaction between the Cathaysia Block and the Yangtze Block.  相似文献   

Analysis using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) shows that the Yongsheng pluton, located to the south of Huadian County, Jilin Province, in the North China Craton, has a zircon U-Pb isotopic emplacement age of (31.6±1.3) Ma. It is therefore the youngest exposed pluton so far recognized in eastern China. Although geochemical data indicate intensive crystal fractionation, the Sr-Nd isotopic features suggest that the magmatic source region of the lithospheric mantle was weakly depleted. This implies that the previous enriched lithospheric mantle had been replaced by juvenile asthenospheric mantle before or during the Palaeogene. This recognition has great significance for future work on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic geological evolution and deep geological processes in eastern China.  相似文献   

Metamorphic basement rocks in the Cathaysia Block are composed mainly of meta-sediments with different ages. New zircon U-Pb geochronological results from the meta-sedimentary rocks exposed in the Zengcheng and Hezi areas, southern Cathaysia Block, show that they consist dominantly of early Neoproterozoic (1.0-0.9 Ga) materials with minor Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic and late Neoproterozoic (0.8-0.6 Ga) components, suggesting that the detritus mostly come from a Grenvillian orogen. The youngest detrital zircon ages place a constraint on the deposition time of these sediments in Late Neoproterozoic. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that the Grenvillian zircons were derived from the reworking of Mesoproterozoic arc magmatic rocks and Paleoproterozoic continental crust, implying an arc-continent collisional setting. Single-peak age spectra and the presence of abundant euhedral Grenvillian zircons suggest that the sedimentary provenance is not far away from the sample location. Thus, the Grenvillian orogen probably preexisted along the southern margin of the Cathaysia Block, or very close to the south. Similarity in the ages of Grenvillian orogeny and the influence of the assembly of Gondwana in South China with India and East Antarctic are discussed, with suggestion that South China was more likely linked with the India-East Antarctica continents in Early Neoproterozoic rather than between western Laurentia and eastern Australia.  相似文献   

为确定与金厂金矿成矿有关的岩浆类型、活动时限和构造背景,采用LA-ICP-MS技术对研究区花岗斑岩开展了锆石U-Pb年龄及原位微区微量元素测定。结果表明:锆石环带发育,wTh/wU值>0.4,具有岩浆锆石特征;锆石年龄分布于220Ma和103~123Ma 2个区间,代表了2期岩浆事件;对2种锆石分别命名为捕获岩浆锆石和新生岩浆锆石;锆石的地球化学和年龄信息显示捕获岩浆锆石的原岩为早三叠世花岗岩;锆石微量元素信息暗示花岗斑岩是早三叠世花岗岩高度熔融结晶分异、侵位于浅部氧化环境而形成,这一过程导致新生岩浆锆石负Eu异常程度降低。新生锆石加权平均年龄为(113.5±3.8)Ma,与成矿年龄一致,据此认为早白垩世的岩浆事件是金厂金矿成矿事件的直接原因,成矿背景为太平洋板块俯冲后的岩石圈伸展。  相似文献   

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