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利用高性能结构陶瓷作为高速主轴及轴承材料研制开发了一种无内圈式高速陶瓷电主轴单元,进行了陶瓷轴承失效机理的分析与内部结构参数的优化,确定了高速陶瓷电主轴-轴承的最佳预负荷及最佳润滑条件,实现了高速陶瓷电主轴单元样机的精密装配,并对其进行了综合性能测试与分析.结果表明,在最佳预负荷和油气润滑条件下,高速陶瓷电主轴可充分发挥结构陶瓷材料优良的综合性能,如高硬度、低热膨胀性、轻重量、高耐磨性和好的化学及热性能,极大地减小了主轴-轴承单元高速旋转的离心力和惯性力,并有效提高了电主轴系统的精度、刚度和使用寿命,且运行稳定可靠,精度保持性好.  相似文献   

文章采用室内实验装置,研究了以棉花为碳源的反硝化墙去除地下水中的硝酸盐.结果表明,以棉花为碳源的反应墙启动快.在室温(26±2)℃,墙内停留时间为7.5 h下,对于进墙NO3--N质量浓度分布在11.26~22.42 mg N/L,氮去除率可以达到95%,且没有明显的NO2--N,进墙NO3--N提高到33.23 mg N/L时,氮去除率依然约在90%,但有NO2--N累积.实验期间NH4 -N产量较少,经过反应墙后pH明显下降.实验表明,棉花反硝化墙是一种价格低廉而有效的去除地下水中硝酸根的方式,棉花在反应过程中也被消耗掉了.  相似文献   

铁-镧复合氧化物颗粒吸附剂除氟特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对新型铁-镧复合氧化物颗粒吸附剂的比表面积、孔径分布和物相进行了表征,考察了该吸附剂的除氟吸附速率和吸附等温线,分析了pH和共存离子对吸附剂吸附性能的影响。结果表明,该铁-镧复合氧化物颗粒是无定型态体相的微孔材料,比表面积为103.3m2/g;吸附速率遵从拟二级动力学模型,吸附速率受内扩散和表面吸附的影响;吸附等温线符合Freundlich方程,当氟离子平衡质量浓度为35mg/L时,吸附容量达到30mg/g;吸附的最佳pH为4,共存离子中HPO4 2-对吸附效果影响最大。  相似文献   

Dieldrin and endrin removal from water by triolein-embedded adsorbent   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A novel triolein-embedded adsorbent for removal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from water was developed. In this paper, taking dieldrin and endrin as the target pollutants, different factors (temperature, ion strength, pH, and concentration of humic acid) that affect the adsorption rate were investigated. Adsorption isotherms of these two pollutants fitted to Freundlich model well identified the partition mechanism between the adsorbent and water. However, the equilibrium constant of dieldrin was larger than that of endrin due to larger octanoi-water coefficient of dieldrin. Adsorption rate of dieldrin increased with the increase of temperature, the decrease of ion strength, pH and concentration of humic acid, whereas adsorption rate of endrin decreased with the increase of temperature and pH. Humic acid firstly increased, and then decreased the adsorption rate of endrin. Ion strength hardly affected the adsorption rate of endrin.  相似文献   

沸石对于卷烟烟气中亚硝胺的吸附去除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了各种烤烟型和混合型卷烟侧流烟气中的亚硝胺含量,并将之与卷烟焦油和烟气烟碱量相关联。实验证明:烟气中的亚硝胺来源复杂,通过降低卷烟焦油含量并不能有效去除侧流烟气中的亚硝胺。相反,采用沸石添加剂通过原位吸附-催化法去除则更见效。  相似文献   

在对回转支承的内、外圈进行装配时 ,为了获得最优装配组合 ,运用网络流规划将该问题转化为网络最大流问题 ,并建立了一种选配模型。通过合理定义模型网络的中间点、弧的容量和方向以及模型的一般约束条件 ,应用有效算法求出了模型网络的最大流 ,最终获得了内、外圈的最优装配组合。同时 ,基于该模型开发了用于选配回转支承内、外圈的软件模块 ,并在实际生产中得到了应用  相似文献   

对环类M,用UM表示由M所确定的上根.若M中环都是有单位元的单环,则(a)UM是遗传根;(b)对任意环R,UM(R)=∩{I:IR,R/I∈M}.讨论了由亚直既约环类所确定的上根,给出了满足条件(b)的上根的一些刻画  相似文献   

A substorm event has been simulated for the first time by using SWMF (Space Weather Modeling Framework) developed by the University of Michigan. The model results have been validated using Geotail and Cluster satellite observations. The substorm onset occurs at 22:08 UT on September 28, 2004, as identified from FUV WIC observations on the NASA IMAGE spacecraft. SWMF can couple effectively the magnetosphere, inner magnetosphere and ionosphere processes and is driven by the solar wind and IMF (Interplanetary Magnetic Field) parameters, which are measured by ACE satellite and time delayed to the upstream boundary of the model. It shows that (1) SWMF can predict well the large-scale variations of the magnetospheric magnetic field and ionospheric currents during the substorm event; and (2) the accuracy of the time delay of the solar wind from ACE to the outer boundary of the model has great effects on the model results. Finally, the substorm trigger mechanism has been discussed and the way of improvement of the model has been pointed out.  相似文献   

真空膜蒸馏用于脱除水中氨的传质性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对真空膜蒸馏脱除水中氨过程总传质系数的计算式进行了理论推导,并以真空膜蒸馏实验考察了料液温度、料液浓度及pH值对总传质系数影响。实验结果表明,随料液温度和pH值的增加,总传质系数明显增大,但pH值升至11后,总传质系数的变化不再明显。在实验所涉及的范围内,料液浓度对总传质系数的影响不大。总传质系数理论计算值与实验测定值吻合较好。  相似文献   

采用水热法对钢包炉废渣中硫进行浸出去除,并分析其浸出机理和热力学影响因素.钢包炉废渣中的硫在水热浸出处理过程中是以S2-形式进入浸出液中,与水离解出的H+结合先形成HS-,而后进一步形成H2S,最终达到将废渣中硫浸出去除的目的.废渣中硫的水热浸出过程为吸热反应,ΔrHθ=29 570 J/mol,标态下温度T>450 K时,反应能自发进行,提高温度有利于硫的浸出.影响浸出过程的热力学因素有温度和硫化氢分压.T<850 K时,硫的浸出主要受温度的影响;T>850 K时,硫的浸出主要受硫化氢分压的影响.本实验温度条件下,温度为浸出过程的主要热力学影响因素.  相似文献   

以5°A分子筛为载体在FeC l3溶液中吸附Fe3 ,可使分子筛得到改性及改性后分子筛在含氟水中的除氟性能,获得了一种新的配体交换固液分离深度除氟材料。实验研究了该种含铁改性分子筛除氟材料在高氟水中的除氟效率和条件。结果表明,分子筛对F-离子有良好的吸附性能,在含氟4~40mg/L左右的水中,除氟率可高达99.0%以上,可使水中氟含量降至0.01mg/L以下。经测定,改性分子筛对氟的静态饱和吸附容量可达21.4mg F-/g-分子筛;水中常见共存离子对氟的吸附率无影响,表现出该种材料对氟吸附的高度选择性。提出了一种对含氟地下水和工业氟污染水的效果显著的深度除氟方法。  相似文献   

焙烧类水滑石吸附去除水中苯酚   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用液相共沉淀法制备镁铝铁类水滑石.在500℃下焙烧,类水滑石转化为镁铝铁复合氧化物.用XRD、TG/DTA、比表面仪和FTIR对类水滑石和镁铝铁复合氧化物进行表征分析.以镁铝铁复合氧化物为吸附剂吸附水中的苯酚.对实验条件和主要影响因素进行研究,并对吸附处理机理进行探讨.实验结果表明:镁铝铁复合氧化物可有效去除水中的苯酚.去除苯酚的实验数据符合Langmuir吸附等温线.吸附动力学过程遵守Lagergren一级速率方程.镁铝铁复合氧化物可重新吸收阴离子恢复原有的层状结构.  相似文献   

研制多孔微滤陶瓷膜,试验研究了这种微滤陶瓷膜过滤去除废气中微尘的效果。试验结果表明,这种陶瓷膜对气体中微尘具有良好的过滤效率。用-1μm含量为95%,中位径为0.159μm的微尘进行过滤试验,除尘效率迭97.78%~100.00%,除尘效率随过滤风速的增加而降低。过滤时压降与过滤风速之间呈线性关系。过滤后的陶瓷膜可以通过气体反冲再生,反冲气速大于9.00m/s时,膜通量可以完全恢复。  相似文献   

煤炭的微生物脱硫技术优点很多,如成本较低、能耗较低、脱硫的过程相对简单,反应条件也比较温和、对环境无破坏作用等。本文是利用微生物混合菌群对煤炭进行脱硫工作,探究各种因素对脱硫效果的影响,寻求最佳的实验条件。菌种是从阜新海州矿附近土壤中筛出的硫杆菌,将此菌与浮选技术相结合,对重庆市松藻煤矿的高硫煤进行脱硫研究。在实验中,分别研究了菌液浓度、菌液浸泡时间以及煤样质量对于煤样脱硫和脱灰效果的影响。实验结果表明:煤炭质量在80 g,菌液加入量在150 m L,菌液浸泡时间在60 min时,脱硫效果最佳,全硫脱除率为46.12%。  相似文献   

综述了国内外油井水泥降失水材料的研究应用情况,包括过去和当前应用的降失水材料以及近年来最新研究开发的材料。这些材料包括颗粒材料、水溶性改性天然高分子和水溶性合成高分子材料。无机或有机颗粒材料通常与水溶性天然或合成高分子材料复合应用。水溶性天然高分子有纤维素、淀粉、木质素、褐煤、单宁、瓜尔胶、干酪素等。水溶性合成高分子材料性能优异、种类繁多,已成为研究热点。最后,概括出了提高油井水泥降失水剂性价比的几条有效途径。  相似文献   

In this study, composite briquettes were prepared using gravity dust and converter sludge as the main materials; these briquettes were subsequently reduced in a tube furnace at 1000-1300℃ for 5-30 min under a nitrogen atmosphere. The effects of reaction temperature, reaction time, and carbon content on the metallization and dezincification ratios of the composite briquettes were studied. The reduced composite briquettes were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The results show that the gravity dust and converter sludge are combined into the composite briquettes and a reasonable combination not only improves the performance of the composite briquettes, but also leads to the reduction with no or little reductant and flux. As the reaction temperature is increased and the reaction time is extended, the metallization and dezincification ratios of the composite briquettes increase gradually. When the composite briquettes are roasted at 1300℃ for 30 min, the metallization ratio and dezincification ratio reaches 91.35% and 99.25%, respectively, indicating that most of the iron oxide is reduced and the zinc is almost completely removed. The carbon content is observed to exert a lesser effect on the reduction process; as the C/O molar ratio increases, the metallization and dezincification ratios first increase and then decrease.  相似文献   

The cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolate P1 caused very mild symptoms on many plant species.After serial passages by mechanical inoculation over five years, CMV P1 caused severe symptoms on several tobacco cultivars and tomato. A specific band of approximately 0.3 kb in length was amplified by RT-PCR with primers synthesized based on reported CMV satellite RNA (satRNA) sequences. Sequence analysis showed there were two satRNAs (Sat-Pl-1 and Sat-P1-2). Sat-Pl-1 contained 335 nucleotides, and Sat-P1-2 contained 394 nucleotides. These two satRNAs shared 64% overall nucleotide sequence homology, and differences between the two satRNAs included mutations as well as deletions. Sat-Pl-1 was identical to a satRNA (Z96099) reported in 1995 in CMV P1. Based on differences in the sequence and secondary structure between these two satRNAs, we conclude that Sat-P1-2 represents the emergence of a new satellite ( necrotic satellite) from attenuated satRNA populations. The possible effect of the emergence of this new satRNA is discussed.  相似文献   

严控饮水氟浓度,可以有效降低人体罹患氟骨症和氟牙症的风险。近年来,铈基吸附材料在解决氟污染问题中表现优异,而铈盐与有机酸反应生成的铈基金属有机框架材料(Ce-MOFs)或其衍生物,能有效去除水中的氟离子。硝酸铈铵(Ce(NH4)2(NO3)6)和均苯三甲酸(H3BTC)在不同反应时长下生成了Ce-MOFs CeT1及其衍生物CeT2,更换H3BTC为对苯二甲酸(H2BDC),反应生成2种Ce-MOFs,CeD1和CeD2。利用XRD、BET、SEM、XPS和FTIR对材料的结构、比表面积、元素含量和组成基团,进行系统的表征;通过控制吸附时间、溶质初始浓度、溶液pH值和竞争离子种类研究4种材料的吸附性能;对实验数据进行吸附动力学模型和吸附等温模型拟合,探究吸附机理。表征结果显示,CeT1为高度配位不饱和的Ce(Ⅳ)-MOFs,CeD1为比表面积最大(1 003.10 m2/g)的Ce(Ⅳ)-MOFs,而CeT2和CeD2则同为Ce(Ⅲ)占比较高的吸附材料。吸附实验中,CeT1、CeT2、CeD1和CeD2的最大吸附容量分别为99.38 mg/g、142.45 mg/g、60.45 mg/g和124.55 mg/g,CeT1、CeT2和CeD2符合假二级动力学模型,CeD1符合假一级动力学模型。4种材料对氟离子的吸附机理主要为静电吸引、离子交换和沉淀。其中,CeT1的不饱和配位可提供吸附位点进行离子交换和静电吸引,CeD1的大比表面积增加了污染物与材料的碰撞几率,而CeT2和CeD2中含有的Ce(Ⅲ),可通过形成溶度积常数极小的CeF3Ksp=8×10-16),以沉淀作用固定氟离子。实验分析了4种材料的特点与吸附性能之间的关系,为Ce-MOFs及其衍生物的制备与优选提供参考。  相似文献   

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