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姬丽霞 《科技信息》2009,(26):I0159-I0160
A Red, Red Rose was written by the great farmer poet of Scotland, Robert Burns. This love poem has been recited by people for more than two centuries. The poet praised his lover's beauty and expressed his love to her with enthusiasm. This paper will analyze this immortal love song from the points of phonological patterns, figure of speech and cohesion to help readers know it better.  相似文献   

在中国新诗史上,无数诗人奉献了他们的才华。然而,有一部分诗人,由于新中国成立后“左”的路线的影响,被蒙上了尘埃。如今,拂去历史的尘埃,他们以毕生心血锻造的艺术精品,依然熠熠放光,吕亮耕即是其中的一位。  相似文献   

黄欣 《科技信息》2010,(7):213-214
Compared masterpiece of the Latin American Literature--One Hundred Years of Solitude with traditional Chinese significant novel--Ba Ba Ba written by Han Shaogong,the author suggested the notion of time in One Hundred Years of Solitude and Ba Ba Ba consists of two levels of narrative:static time and dynamic time. They provide readers with different perspectives in evaluating the thematic issues of the novels.  相似文献   

蒋轶阳 《科技信息》2009,(16):102-102
The Phrase "modernisms and postmodemisms" is developed for presenting complexity and mutability exiting within and between Modernism and Postmodemism. This thesis attempts to offer the essentiality of the above-mentioned in terms of the respective definitions, the differences in arguing the concept of "tradition" and "new" as well as the terms of "epistemology" and "ontology", the non-abrupt developing process between them. By doing so, the materials, such as T. S. Eliot's poem "The Waste Land" and Langston Hughes' poem "Christ in Alabama", Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway: are offered for analysis.  相似文献   

崔晓强 《科技信息》2008,(36):287-290
With his keen insight, William Golding becomes very conscious of the darkness of the human heart and the necessity that we become aware of this darkness if we are to save ourselves. All his novels, therefore, attempt to deal with the essential human condition. All Golding's novels, products of his peculiar literary temperament and habit, are reactive experiments. Each of them represents a response to a specific book by an early writer.  相似文献   

Xu Zhiyun 《科技信息》2008,(30):245-245
The symbols in Hawthorne’s masterpiece The Scarlet Letter have the characteristics of indefiniteness and multi-sense. Each character brings out a different side of the forest,however the forest also brings out a different side in each character.The forest reflects multi-dimension. The image of "woods" or "forest" in The Scarlet Letter manifests Horthorne's understanding and exploring of the human nature. The forest may stand for individual freedom,innocence,truth,danger and evil as well.  相似文献   

徐凤娇 《科技信息》2009,(20):I0081-I0082
Hugh MacLennan is a famous Canadian novelist and essayist. In his long literary career, he wrote a great number of works and gained many literary honors. But above all, he is a writer, focusing on national issues of Canada, which is well demonstrated by his first novel-Barometer Rising, in which nationalism abounds. This paper covers three parts. Chapter one is mainly about Hugh MacLennan, his first work Barometer RAsing as well as the introduction to nationalism and MacLennan's contribution in fiction in this respect. Chapter two focuses on nationalism in his first novel. The last chapter is the conclusion part in which we know that well awakened, the Canadians are striving to pursue their real independence and stares on the international stage.  相似文献   

刘洪莲 《科技信息》2009,(15):210-210,211
New Criticism is an approach to literature which was developed by a group of American critics, most of whom taught at southern universities during the years following the First World War. The New Critics wanted to avoid impressionistic criticism, which risked being shallow and arbitrary, and social/historical approaches which might easily be subsumed by other disciplines. Thus, they attempted to systematize the study of literature, to develop an approach which was centered on the rigorous study of the text itself. They were given their name by John Crowe Ransom, who describes the new American formalists in The New Criticism (1941).  相似文献   

袁芳  孟静 《科技信息》2009,(15):187-187,190
William Fanlkner is one of the greatest modern American writers and the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1949. His skillful use of "Stream of Consciousness" and smart creation of the whole Yoknapatawpha County stories make him an enduring monument in American Literature. "A Rose for Emily", though short it is, is undoubtedly one of the most sparkling strokes on the monument. "A Rose for Emily" was first published on "Forum" in April, 1930; however, it can still arouse great aesthetie sympathy and inspirations today. In this novel, Miss Emily, the heroine, is depicted as a noble heiress of the Old South, a protector as well as a victim of stale southern traditions. She cut herself off society, muted voices, repressed feelings, and twisted her own heart all throughout the life in a gloomy, musky house. Miss Emily herself is a tragedy. We see her rosy youth faded, bit by bit, in that house. In this paper, analysis from stylistic perspective may give us some light in how and why the rose faded.  相似文献   

袁芳 《科技信息》2010,(25):I0183-I0183

贾真真 《科技信息》2009,(18):127-128
This essay analyzes the famous French writer's novel Candide from the perspective of gender roles. It introduces some literary terms related to gender, and explains my understanding of the gender roles some characters have played from the aspects of wars and masculinity, Candide and masculinity, female characters and femininity, and Candide related to feminism.  相似文献   

杨凡 《科技信息》2009,(20):I0087-I0087
As the protagonist in The Call of the Wild, the dog Buck is personified in a multi-layered way, at levels of mental activities, human disposition and emotions, morality and even spirit. The anthropomorphization of Buck is aided by its unique narrative method. The novel is a powerful allegory for human nature and successfully appeals to readers.  相似文献   

苦闷诗人——性格上的悲剧在我国历史上为数很多的文学天才中,李贺也许是最早熟、最能敏感地体味人生苦难的诗人,这决定了他诗歌基调的忧郁悲愤。他是一个苦闷的诗人,他的诗歌主题就是抒写内心的苦闷,作品情调阴郁低沉,奇崛冷艳,李贺卓异的诗歌才华,在某种程度上说亦得力于他的反常性格。“病骨犹能在,人间底事无?”(《示弟》)李贺“以父名晋肃不得举进士”,失意归来,不免悲伤怨愤,说尽管身体不好,病骨支离,现在尚能活着回来就是不幸中的大幸厂,至于人世间什么卑鄙的勾当没有呢?诗人一方面顾影自怜抒发了沉沦不遇的感慨,…  相似文献   

康妮芝 《科技信息》2009,(4):107-108
Aestheticism or aestheticism movement was an important phenomenon during the later nineteenth century, Aestheticism advocated the phrase "art for art's sake". Oscar Wilde was the most famous aestheticism writer during the later nineteenth century in England. His novel the Picture of Dorian Gray was the representative Show of his aestheticism thought. The passage mainly shows Wilde's aestheticism thought of the novel in three aspects.  相似文献   

From the point of plot, setting, character, connotation and irony, this paper analyzes and explains the techniques of the short story The Guest.  相似文献   

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