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基于酶工程原理,通过组合自然界存在的酶促生化反应,提出自然界不存在的人工光合作用暗反应途径,只需要使用H2或电再生NADH驱动转化CO2为糖或淀粉,避开了人工光合磷酸化再生ATP难题,而且理论效率高.这种使用能源人工合成糖的方法,也是粮食生产工业化的一种潜在方法,如果将其与太阳能光伏技术或产氢技术结合,就可以实现人工光合作用,利用太阳能将CO2转换为糖.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems in the humid tropics play a potentially important but presently ambiguous role in the global carbon cycle. Whereas global estimates of atmospheric CO2 exchange indicate that the tropics are near equilibrium or are a source with respect to carbon, ground-based estimates indicate that the amount of carbon that is being absorbed by mature rainforests is similar to or greater than that being released by tropical deforestation (about 1.6 Gt C yr-1). Estimates of the magnitude of carbon sequestration are uncertain, however, depending on whether they are derived from measurements of gas fluxes above forests or of biomass accumulation in vegetation and soils. It is also possible that methodological errors may overestimate rates of carbon uptake or that other loss processes have yet to be identified. Here we demonstrate that outgassing (evasion) of CO2 from rivers and wetlands of the central Amazon basin constitutes an important carbon loss process, equal to 1.2 +/- 0.3 Mg C ha-1 yr-1. This carbon probably originates from organic matter transported from upland and flooded forests, which is then respired and outgassed downstream. Extrapolated across the entire basin, this flux-at 0.5 Gt C yr-1-is an order of magnitude greater than fluvial export of organic carbon to the ocean. From these findings, we suggest that the overall carbon budget of rainforests, summed across terrestrial and aquatic environments, appears closer to being in balance than would be inferred from studies of uplands alone.  相似文献   

介绍了一种高性能的16位单片机80C196KB控制的IGBT逆变CO2电源的主电路结构、控制系统硬件电路的基本工作原理、软件设计和焊接工艺实验.实验表明:所研制的单片机控制的IGBT逆变CO2电源,能够精确控制输出恒压特性并配等速送丝,焊接过程稳定,飞溅明显降低,控制系统线路简单可靠.  相似文献   

The oriented lamellar K-rich exsolutions within clinopyroxene host were recognized in garnet peridotite massif at Zhimafang in the Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrane, eastern China. EMP and TEM analyses revealed that the composition and the index of electron diffraction for this exsolution are corresponding with phlogopite, and the shape is the lamellae with 1 μm in width and 5 to 30 μm in length. Moreover, the topotaxy is that the (001) of K-rich exsolution parallels to (I00) of the clinopyroxene host. The electron diffraction analyzing shows the exsolution is of a 1M polymorphism. The high-resolution lattice fringe image displays the stack features along [001], which only a layer mineral shows. We conclude that the clinopyroxene with IM and K-rich exsolution was probably derived from mantle depths over 240 km, thus resulting from decompressional exsolution in the initial stage of slab exhumation.  相似文献   

通过慢变参数法求解扬声器非线性振动系统的非线性微分方程的一阶近似解,得出幅频关系方程和幅频关系曲线,并着重分析讨论扬声器低频跳跃的物理机理和影响跳跃的因素,得出了一些基本结论。  相似文献   

粉煤灰混凝土二维、三维碳化深度的预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过快速碳化试验,研究了不同粉煤灰掺量(0%,20%,40%,60%)下高性能混凝土一维、二维和三维碳化深度;定义了二维和三维碳化的交互系数;分析了二氧化碳扩散时间依赖性系数n和二维、三维交互系数K;推导了包含n和K的二维和三维碳化数学模型.实验表明,混凝土的二维、三维碳化具有一个明显的交互作用;交互系数服从经时衰减函数;通过傅立叶级数展开多维扩散交互系数,可求解基于Fick第一扩散定律的二维和三维碳化寿命预测的数学模型.通过对苏通大桥箱梁部位结构混凝土寿命进行预测,其一维、二维和三维预测寿命分别为1 595年、882年和758年,二维和三维碳化寿命明显降低.  相似文献   

Chirality is a fascinating phenomenon that can manifest itself in subtle ways, for example in biochemistry (in the observed single-handedness of biomolecules) and in particle physics (in the charge-parity violation of electroweak interactions). In condensed matter, magnetic materials can also display single-handed, or homochiral, spin structures. This may be caused by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, which arises from spin-orbit scattering of electrons in an inversion-asymmetric crystal field. This effect is typically irrelevant in bulk metals as their crystals are inversion symmetric. However, low-dimensional systems lack structural inversion symmetry, so that homochiral spin structures may occur. Here we report the observation of magnetic order of a specific chirality in a single atomic layer of manganese on a tungsten (110) substrate. Spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy reveals that adjacent spins are not perfectly antiferromagnetic but slightly canted, resulting in a spin spiral structure with a period of about 12 nm. We show by quantitative theory that this chiral order is caused by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and leads to a left-rotating spin cycloid. Our findings confirm the significance of this interaction for magnets in reduced dimensions. Chirality in nanoscale magnets may play a crucial role in spintronic devices, where the spin rather than the charge of an electron is used for data transmission and manipulation. For instance, a spin-polarized current flowing through chiral magnetic structures will exert a spin-torque on the magnetic structure, causing a variety of excitations or manipulations of the magnetization and giving rise to microwave emission, magnetization switching, or magnetic motors.  相似文献   

对溴化锂两级吸收式制冷系统中间压力Pm(即低压发生器压力)的取值进行了理论计算和分析,得出了中间压力的取值范围及计算公式,可供两级吸收式制冷系统设计时参考。  相似文献   

射流冲刷作为常用的清淤手段被广泛应用于疏浚等方面的工程实践。针对粗沙沙床条件下某靶距二维垂向淹没射流冲坑深度进行研究,观测动态冲坑深度随时间的发展,尤其关注动态冲坑深度在很短时间内发展规律,并探索射流速度对动态沙坑深度的影响,得出冲坑深度的经验公式。  相似文献   

通过IGBT逆变电源波形控制,实现了对CO2气体保护焊时的焊接电流与电压的控制,从而达到减少飞溅的目的.  相似文献   

CO2气体保护焊中影响飞溅和焊缝成形的直接因素是焊接电流.文章通过电流波形发生器产生符合提高焊接质量的短路、燃弧阶段的电流波形,并设计了相应的模糊PI控制器,构成CO2焊接逆变电源的模糊PI电流波形控制系统,以减少飞溅,提高焊缝成形.仿真研究表明,所设计的控制器系统能使焊接电流快速、准确地跟踪给定的电流波形.文中讨论了回路电感对短路末期焊接电流大小的影响,为实际的CO2焊接逆变电源控制系统的设计提供理论依据和参考.  相似文献   

在国家建筑节能设计标准中的耗电输热比HER的基础上结合一次能耗率和(火用)分析方法引申得到一次能源消耗输热比法PEHR和(火用)比法ER,并根据对电动水源热泵区域供热系统PEHR和ER指标的不同控制要求,得到了系统的最大作用范围.热水的供回水温差越小,PEHR和ER值越大,系统的最大作用范围越小.当热泵制热性能系数和热泵供水温差一定时,PEHR和ER的控制值越大,电动热泵的作用范围也越大,相同PEHR和ER的控制值时,a值越大,系统的供热范围越小.  相似文献   

Collins S  Bell G 《Nature》2004,431(7008):566-569
Estimates of the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on future global plant production rely on the physiological response of individual plants or plant communities when exposed to high CO2 (refs 1-6). Plant populations may adapt to the changing atmosphere, however, such that the evolved plant communities of the next century are likely to be genetically different from contemporary communities. The properties of these future communities are unknown, introducing a bias of unknown sign and magnitude into projections of global carbon pool dynamics. Here we report a long-term selection experiment to investigate the phenotypic consequences of selection for growth at elevated CO2 concentrations. After about 1,000 generations, selection lines of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas failed to evolve specific adaptation to a CO2 concentration of 1,050 parts per million. Some lines, however, evolved a syndrome involving high rates of photosynthesis and respiration, combined with higher chlorophyll content and reduced cell size. These lines also grew poorly at ambient concentrations of CO2. We tentatively attribute this outcome to the accumulation of conditionally neutral mutations in genes affecting the carbon concentration mechanism.  相似文献   

针对聚焦型显微光场相机在内部光学参数未知的情况下,进行了基于虚拟深度的深度测量标定。首先基于高斯光学建立光场成像模型,推导出虚拟深度与实际深度间的函数关系。然后选择单一角点的标定板,在不同深度位置进行拍摄;该角点在多个宏像素中重复成像,相邻重复像点的间距随深度位置改变而变化;利用图像匹配的方法计算相邻重复像点的距离和虚拟深度值,并与实际深度一一对应进行曲线拟合。根据拟合结果,分析了不同深度位置下,该光场成像系统的深度测量分辨率。最后,通过拍摄已知倾角的倾斜棋盘格标定板,进行深度测量并分析测量误差,在主镜头工作距离靠近镜头方向2 mm(10倍景深)范围内,测量误差小于5.35%。  相似文献   

The recent discovery that a spin-polarized electrical current can apply a large torque to a ferromagnet, through direct transfer of spin angular momentum, offers the possibility of manipulating magnetic-device elements without applying cumbersome magnetic fields. However, a central question remains unresolved: what type of magnetic motions can be generated by this torque? Theory predicts that spin transfer may be able to drive a nanomagnet into types of oscillatory magnetic modes not attainable with magnetic fields alone, but existing measurement techniques have provided only indirect evidence for dynamical states. The nature of the possible motions has not been determined. Here we demonstrate a technique that allows direct electrical measurements of microwave-frequency dynamics in individual nanomagnets, propelled by a d.c. spin-polarized current. We show that spin transfer can produce several different types of magnetic excitation. Although there is no mechanical motion, a simple magnetic-multilayer structure acts like a nanoscale motor; it converts energy from a d.c. electrical current into high-frequency magnetic rotations that might be applied in new devices including microwave sources and resonators.  相似文献   

Xieite, a new mineral, occurs in the shock vein of the Suizhou meteorite. The mineral has an orthorhombic structure and its space group is Bbmm. The cell parameters are a = 9.462(6) A, b = 9.562(9) A, c = 2.916(1)A. The crystal-chemical formula is (Fe0.87Mg0.13Mn0.01)1.01(Cr1.62AI0.25Ti0.08V0.02)1.97O4, or simply formula FeCr2O4. Stronger X-ray diffraction lines are [d (A), I/Io]: (2.675, 100), (2.389, 20), (2.089, 10), (1.953, 90), (1.566, 60), (1.439, 15), (1.425, 15), (1.337, 40). Xieite is a high pressure polymorph of FeCr2O4 and formed by solid-state transformation of chromite under shock-induced high pressure and temperature, in association with other high-pressure minerals including ringwoodite, majorite, lingunite and tuite. The P-Tcondition for the formation of xieite is estimated to be 18--23 GPa and 1800--1950℃, respectively. Xieite has recently been approved by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2007-056). The mineral name, xieite, is named after Xiande Xie.  相似文献   

Xieite,a new mineral,occurs in the shock vein of the Suizhou meteorite.The mineral has an ortho-rhombic structure and its space group is Bbmm.The cell parameters are a = 9.462(6),b = 9.562(9),c = 2.916(1).The crystal-chemical formula is(Fe0.87Mg0.13Mn0.01)1.01(Cr1.62Al0.25Ti0.08V0.02)1.97O4,or simply formula FeCr2O4.Stronger X-ray diffraction lines are [d(),I/Io]:(2.675,100),(2.389,20),(2.089,10),(1.953,90),(1.566,60),(1.439,15),(1.425,15),(1.337,40).Xieite is a high pressure polymorph of FeCr2O4 and formed by solid-state transformation of chromite under shock-induced high pressure and tem-perature,in association with other high-pressure minerals including ringwoodite,majorite,lingunite and tuite.The P-T condition for the formation of xieite is estimated to be 18―23 GPa and 1800―1950℃,respectively.Xieite has recently been approved by the Commission on New Minerals,Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical Association(IMA 2007-056).The mineral name,xieite,is named after Xiande Xie.  相似文献   

Naranjo B  Gimzewski JK  Putterman S 《Nature》2005,434(7037):1115-1117
While progress in fusion research continues with magnetic and inertial confinement, alternative approaches--such as Coulomb explosions of deuterium clusters and ultrafast laser-plasma interactions--also provide insight into basic processes and technological applications. However, attempts to produce fusion in a room temperature solid-state setting, including 'cold' fusion and 'bubble' fusion, have met with deep scepticism. Here we report that gently heating a pyroelectric crystal in a deuterated atmosphere can generate fusion under desktop conditions. The electrostatic field of the crystal is used to generate and accelerate a deuteron beam (> 100 keV and >4 nA), which, upon striking a deuterated target, produces a neutron flux over 400 times the background level. The presence of neutrons from the reaction D + D --> 3He (820 keV) + n (2.45 MeV) within the target is confirmed by pulse shape analysis and proton recoil spectroscopy. As further evidence for this fusion reaction, we use a novel time-of-flight technique to demonstrate the delayed coincidence between the outgoing alpha-particle and the neutron. Although the reported fusion is not useful in the power-producing sense, we anticipate that the system will find application as a simple palm-sized neutron generator.  相似文献   

采用步进电机驱动的摩擦传动微进给机构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为解决微小型机电系统大行程、高精度进给的问题,设计实现了一种由旋转电机驱动的摩擦传动微进给机构。采用对称预紧设计使加于摩擦传动主支承轴承上的预紧正压力的合力为零、从而减少传动误差。当步进电机采用5万步/转细分驱动时,经减速比为10:1的摩擦传动机构,输出直线位移分辨率可达到0.16μm。位移测试实验显示该摩擦传动微进给机构具有可靠的运动传递性能,系统的位移输出特性基本上取决于所采用的步进电机及细分驱动电路的特性。进给速度可通过改变驱动脉冲的频率调节,机构在高频驱动大位移动作时亦表现出准确的步进特性,可用于小型机电系统的开环进给驱动。  相似文献   

提出一种利用经典场驱动单个原子与一个多模腔场相互作用制备腔场的多模纠缠相干态的方案.交替调整原子的跃迁频率,使原子与经典场及多模腔场交替作用,通过对原子的选态测量使多模腔场塌缩为多模纠缠相干态.  相似文献   

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