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The dam of Three Gorges Project is a concrete gravity dam with the crest elevation of 185 m, the maximum height of 181m and dam axis length of 2 309.5 m. The dam consists of spillway, powerhouse, non-over flow, ship-lift, temporary ship-lock, left diversion wall and longitudinal cofferdam blocks. Some key techniques relating to dam structure design are presented, including hydraulics of flood discharge structure, dam joint design, layout and structural type of penstock, deep anti-sliding stability of dam foundation, reconstruction of temporary ship-lock and closed drainage and pumping of dam foundation. 相似文献
举世瞩目的三峡水利枢纽工程是世界上规模最大的水电站,也是中国有史以来建设的最大型水利水电工程。2010年10月26日,三峡水库蓄水首次达到设计水位175 m,这标志着其防洪、发电、航运等各项功能达到设计要求。三峡工程从构想、论证、设计、建设至竣工全面投入运行历时近百年。当初兴建三峡工程的构想是如何提出的?三峡工程究竟起什么作用?存在什么分歧意见?是如何进行论证的?论证的结论怎样?这是许多人关心而又不太了解的,笔者在文中做了扼要的介绍,以纪念世纪之梦的实现。 相似文献
The important role of Three Gorges Project (TGP) in the flood management of the Yangtze River Basin is summarized.The Optimal Regulation Schemes of the Three Gorge Reservoir is briefly described.The flood regulation effect of TGP is analyzed.Typical issues related to reservoir operation for flood regulation are discussed and suggestions are put forward for the future work. 相似文献
Pan Jiazheng 《中国工程科学》2011,9(3):2-8
The world-famous Three Gorges Project (TGP) is the largest hydropower station in the world and the largest water resources and hydropower project constructed in China.The impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir reached the design water level of 175 m for the first time on October 26,2010,which indicated that the project had met design requirements of various functionalities of flood control,power generation and navigation.To complete the project it took nearly 100 years for conception,demonstration,design and construction of the TGP.How was the conception of TGP proposed? What kind of role should it be? What were the different opinions? How was the project demonstrated? What was the conclusion of demonstration? Those are the issues that many people care and don’t know about.To memorize the realization of the century dream of Chinese people and to record the history of development of TGP,the author presents a compendious introduction to the project. 相似文献
郑守仁 《科技导报(北京)》2005,23(10):4-7
三峡工程是长江治理开发的关键工程,具有巨大的防洪、发电、航运等综合效益,并有利于改善环境与生态,对我国经济社会可持续发展和实施西部大开发战略具有重要的作用和影响。三峡工程投运后,改变了长江的水沙条件,引起库尾变动回水区泥沙淤积;清水下泄对中下游河道长时间、长距离的冲刷,导致洞庭湖的冲淤变化及江湖关系的调整,对中下游的河势控导和堤防护岸等工程的防洪安全以及航运带来新的问题,需列专项进行研究,加强观测和进行加固处理。应研究发挥三峡工程在保持和改善环境与生态中的作用,并采取措施将其造成的不利影响减到最低程度;要加强水污染防治,保护长江流域水环境;应按照“在保护中开发,在开发中保护”的原则,加快长江开发与保护的步伐,使长江为我国经济社会可持续发展作出重要贡献。 相似文献
Abstract: As the most significant water project, the Three Gorges Project (TGP) was designed to take care of multiple objectives for water utilization such as flood control, power generation and navigation. The implementation of the project will improve the flood safety level of Jingjiang reach to more than 100-year return period, which will reduce greatly the flood risk at the mid-lower reaches of Changjiang River, produce huge quantity of energy for the central, east and south China, and improve significantly the navigation conditions of Chuanjiang River. Meanwhile, the operation of the TGP in dry season which will compensate the downstream water resources, will as well deepen the navigation channel and thus improve the navigation conditions in the middle river reach. With the increasing demands raised from various aspects of the society, new requirements will be made for the TGP for the purpose of harnessing, development and protection of the Yangtze River Basin. Therefore, it will be a long-term task for the operation of TGP on how to optimize the water resources utilization and implement an effective operation. 相似文献
Cao Guangjing 《中国工程科学》2011,9(3):31-36
Three Gorges Project (TGP),the largest water resources and hydropower project in the world with huge scale and complex techniques,has great comprehensive benefits mainly in flood control,power generation and navigation improvement.Through 17-year construction and practice,the project has been successfully completed.Some valuable experience from the successful construction of TGP has been gained for the management system and mechanism of hydropower project construction in China.Its construction management mode produces important influences on the management system of domestic capital construction.With combination of the construction management practice of TGP,the characteristics of management system and mechanism are summarized,and the suggestions on current hydropower development system and construction management mode are put forward. 相似文献
王杰泓 《重庆三峡学院学报》2010,26(6):11-16
三峡工程是当今世界上最大的水利枢纽工程。作为人类技术与艺术高度融合的"中国纪念碑",它以自身"大"而"崇高"的形体特征表征着国人自强不息、奋发图强的豪迈气概,同时也体现出华夏民族勇于直面伟大工程负面效应的忧患意识和民族自信。聚焦于上述看似对立实则辩证统一的正、负两方面,本文主要从国画、油画、摄影等三种艺术门类具体呈现"视觉三峡"的存在状貌与人文内涵。 相似文献
三峡船闸水力学数值实验室的研制及应用 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
阐述数值实验室的组成和结构,拓宽数值模拟的内涵,介绍相关的计算机图形及可视化技术在水利工程界的应用现状.将数值模拟技术和计算机图形处理及可视化技术紧密结合,研制了三峡工程永久船闸输水系统水力特性数值实验室.利用该数值实验室可以对三峡工程永久船闸输水系统任意运行工况进行实时数值试验,并以图形、图像、表格、动画等多种可视化方式给出数值试验成果.该成果表达形象直观,应用方便快捷.系统友好的界面使其能直接为工程设计和施工部门服务. 相似文献
刘家鑫 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》1995,23(1):69-73
在《三峡工程管理信息系统》总体方案设计中,三峡工程项目管理软件占有十分重要的地位。为开发一个与三峡工程项目管理模式相适应的软件,应从三峡工程项目管理模式出发,并且应满足项目管理软件的功能需求;在多种开发方式中,选择一种既能满足功能需求,又能使开发周期最短的方式。引进国外较成熟的商品化的项目管理软件,做一些国情化、实用化、一体化的延伸开发工作,是一种行之有效的开发方式。 相似文献
三峡工程对生态与环境的影响,一直是国内外广泛关注的热点之一.三峡工程对生态环境有利也有弊,总体上是利大于弊.对不利的影响采取有效措施,就可以明显降低,使三峡工程永远造福于社会,永远造福于人民. 相似文献
梁福庆 《重庆三峡学院学报》2010,26(4):7-11
在归纳总结三峡工程移民信访工作的成绩和做法的基础上,分析了当前三峡工程移民信访反映的主要问题、信访特点及信访原因,进行了移民信访工作的思考,提出了在三峡工程后续工作新时期搞好移民信访工作的建议。 相似文献
高压喷射灌浆防渗技术在三峡工程中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对高压喷射灌浆防渗技术在三峡工程一期土石围堰中的成功应用作了全面的介绍,详细阐述了其施工布置、施工主要参数、施工程序和施工方法.工程实践证明高压摆喷防渗技术在三峡全风化花岗岩中是切实可行的,防渗可以得到保证.该技术的成功应用为相关工程提供了借鉴和参考. 相似文献
王儒述 《三峡大学学报(自然科学版)》2012,34(5):1-6
三峡工程规模宏大,举世瞩目,具有巨大的防洪、抗旱、发电、航运等综合效益,是开发治理长江的骨干工程.它的建成,促进我国经济、社会、资源与环境相互协调和可持续发展.三峡工程对生态与环境产生广泛而深远的影响,它的有利影响主要在长江中下游,能有效地控制洪水、防涝抗旱、提供清洁能源、改善长江航运;不利影响主要在库区,形成库区淹没和大量移民.三峡工程建设要使有利影响得到充分发挥,并采取有效措施;做好可行性论证、环境影响评价、阶段性评估、后评估和后续工作,使不利影响得到减免.环境保护是一项基本国策.可持续发展是满足当代人及其子孙后代需求能力的发展.我国制订了《中国21世纪议程—中国21世纪人口、环境与发展白皮书》,它是促进我国经济可持续发展的指导性文件.三峡工程已于1993年12月开工,1997年11月大江截流,2003年6月水库蓄水、永久船闸通航,7月第一批机组发电;2009年全部工程竣工投产.三峡工程将促进西部大开发与长江流域可持续发展,对中国的能源和经济建设做出最大的贡献,也是对长江流域最大的生态与环境保护.三峡工程是一项可持续发展工程. 相似文献
The construction of Three Gorges Project (TGP) is characterized by large construction scale,high construction intensity and complexity in technology.In view of various technical difficulties such as navigation in construction period,two river closures,high-intensity concrete and earth-rock construction,high-intensity construction and demolition of RCC (roller compacted concrete) cofferdam in stage III and immediate navigation of double-line five-step shiplock after impoundment of reservoir,the scheme of river diversion during construction is adopted,namely "diversion in 3 stages,open channel navigation and cofferdam power generation".The practice and innovation achievements in river diversion during construction as well as earth-rock and concrete construction are presented emphatically. 相似文献