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Résumé 1° La consommation en O2 des tissus cardiaque et hépatique de cobayes sains et atteints de scorbut est augmentée par l'apport de différents extraits organiques (extraits de cur, foie et estomac-i ntestin). L'extrait de cur augmente fortement la respiration des coupes du muscle cardiaque et l'extrait de foie celles des coupes du foie (ceci est prouvé d'une manière significative par les statistiques).2° La respiration de coupes de tissus de cobayes atteints de scorbut est plus forte que celle d'animaux d'expériences sains.3° Ces résultats soulignent le fait que les extraits d'organes exercent une influence particulière sur les tissus dont ils proviennent.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and ascorbic acid content of English spinach (Rumex patientia L.) were determined during a period of 7 weeks in the phytotron and also in the open field in relation to temperature. As compared with constant warm temperature, a low average temperature in the phytotron resulted in significantly increased plant weights and increased ascorbic acid contents. The results of the open field studies showed great deviations in plant weight and ascorbic acid content, due to metereological conditions. Generally, the content of ascorbic acid in spinach increased with the growth of the plants.  相似文献   

Summary The membran potential of isolated rat-diaphragms has been measured by means of intracellular micro-electrodes, in order to study changes of the resting potential and of the depolarizing action of acetylcholine after section of the phrenic nerve. Within 80 days after denervation, the membrane potential was found to fall exponentially from 87 mV to 66 mV. The action of acetylcholine, on the other hand, was found to be independent of the duration of denervation: between the 4th and the 80th day of denervation: 10–5g/ml acetylcholine always caused the membrane potential to fall by an average of the 9 mV.  相似文献   

Summary Tyramine enhanced the production of acetoin from pyruvate in rat liver homogenates. A stimulation of acetoin synthesis was only observed, when tyramine was oxidized during the incubation. Tyrosol (p-hydroxyphenylethanol) stimulated acetoin synthesis whereasp-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and ammonia were ineffective.

Mit Unterstützung des »Schweizerischen Nationalfonds» und der Firma F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG, Basel.

8. Mitteilung. 1. Mitt.:H. Thölen, F. Bigler undH. Staub, Path. Microbiol. (Basel)24, 262 (1961). — 2. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, Helv. physiol. Acta19, C 11 (1961). — 3. Mitt.:H. Thölen, F. Bigler undH. Staub, Exper.17, 359 (1961). — 4. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, Schweiz. med. Wschr.91, 1259 (1961). — 5. Mitt.:H. Thölen, F. Bigler, A. Heusler, W. Stauffacher undH. Staub, Exper.18, 454 (1962). — 6. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, Schweiz. med. Wschr.92, 746 (1962). — 7. Mitt.:F. Bigler, H. Thölen undH. Staub, in Vorbereitung.  相似文献   

Summary Investigating the influence of isotopic or nonisotopic carriers on the behaviour of Sr90 in the rat, calcium was found to be ineffective, whereas magnesium was essentially more effective in reducing the deposition of Sr90 in the skeleton as equimolar amounts of stable strontium. According to these results, neither calcium nor magnesium can act as ‘biological’ carrier for radiostrontium.   相似文献   

Summary The rapid initial drop of the cochlear microphonic potential following compression of the aorta was studied in guinea pigs. The intensity of the stimulus, either continuous or intermittent, was without influence on the half-time of amplitude (t/2=52±7 s;n=18). From this it is concluded that the metabolism of the generator responsible for the cochlear microphonic is unaffected by the type or intensity of stimulation. The lower resistance of the neural action potential to ischemia was confirmed (t/2=18±2 s;n=5).  相似文献   

Summary Pantothenic acid, pantethine, and probably also phosphorylated pantethine stimulate the production of carotenoids by the fungusMucor hiemalis.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of thed,l-Methioninesulphoximine on the nitrogen metabolism of germinating seeds has been studied on peas. It has been shown thatd,l-Methioninesulphoximine, even at low concentrations, inhibited the germination of seeds and produced a decrease of growth of the roots. The inhibited germinating seeds contained less non-protein-nitrogen and less asparagine than the control plants. On the basis of the experimental results,d,l-Methioninesulphoximine could be considered as an inhibitor of proteolysis.  相似文献   

Summary The metabolic processes leading to meiosis inSabellaria spinulosa were investigated with cytochemical methods (PAS-reaction for polysaccharides, and basic dyes in combination with ribonuclease applied for the detection of ribonucleic acid) and the use of specific inhibitors. Before the beginning of meiotic prophase, polysaccharides and later ribonucleic acid appear in the nuclear sap and become incorporated into the spindle. 2,4-dinitrophenol and NaN3, which inhibit the formation of energy-rich phosphates, prevent the accumulation of polysaccharides and RNA in the nucleus and the formation of the meiotic spindle. KCN and mono-iodoacetic acid are without influence on polysaccharide and RNA metabolism of the nucleus. The first and second meiotic division are normal, but cleavage is completely suppressed. From these results the following conclusions may be drawn: (1) the division of the nucleus is dependant on the presence of energy-rich phosphate, (2) the division occurs without respiration, and (3) respiration is important for cell division only in so far as it provides the synthesis of energy-rich phosphates.  相似文献   

Summary Cholinesterase, hyaluronidase, chondroïtinase and -glucuronidase are not inhibited by phenylbutazone in concentrations up to 10–3 M.Phenylbutazone accelerates the oxidation of the acids of the Krebs cycle in therapeutic concentrations up to 10 mg%; in higher concentrations it acts as an inhibitor. The inhibition of the -keto acid oxidation begins at lower concentrations of phenylbutazone then for the other intermediates.  相似文献   

Summary The release of potassium ions from striated muscle, and the changes in mechanical tension developed by the gastrocnemius muscle on intraarterial injection of ACh, were investigated by isolated perfusion of the hind limbs in cats. The reaction of the normal innervated and chronically denervated muscle in the same animal were compared before and during perfusion with 2·10–4 M/l desoxycorticosterone glucoside (DCG). The following results were obtained: after perfusion with DCG no change in the spontaneous release of potassium ions occurred neither on the innervated nor on the denervated muscle. The potassium release following intra-arterial injections of various doses of ACh was significantly reduced on innervated and denervated muscle. On the denervated muscle there was also a considerable reduction of the height of contractures caused by ACh administration. The results make it probable that DCG acts by an inhibition of depolarisation in the same way asd-tubocurarine.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the distribution of colloid particles on a thin film suitable for examination in the electron microscope depends on the charge of the particles and the film.  相似文献   

Summary A single injection of 10 mg/kg reserpine causes marked decrease of catecholamine in the medulla of the adrenal gland of rats. Histochemically, this can be shown by the disappearance of chromaffinity and of the potassium iodate reaction. After pretreatment with 100 mg/kg of iproniazid, reserpine injection induces little or no decrease in the histochemical reactions of adrenalin and noradrenalin. In animals pretreated with equimolar doses of isoniazid, however, histochemical catecholamine reactions are well preserved in all cells of the adrenal medulla. These results suggest that monoamine oxidase plays a part in the reserpine-induced release of catecholamine.  相似文献   

Summary (1) The influence of Aldosterone (Electrocortin) was compared with that of 17-oxycorticosterone (compound F). The exchange of Na24 and K42 with the electrolytes of muscle was studied, with or without the addition of glucose and insulin. The diaphragm of the rat inRinger's solution was used.(2) Aldosterone (1 mg%) decreases the permeability of the muscle for Na24 and K42 if glucose and insulin are present, i.e. when glycogen is produced. Without glucose it increases Na24 exchange.(3) 17-oxycorticosterone in ten times greater concentration (10 mg%) has similar, but somewhat less influence on the permeability.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphoroguanidates, a class of compounds which includes the enzymatically-active phosphagens, exhibit exceptionalin vitro stability. This lack of reactivity implies anin vivo mode of activation, as yet undiscerned. A variety of metal ions catalyse the cleavage of the phosphorus-nitrogen bond with consequent phosphoryl-group transfer, but the enhancement of rate seems insufficient to account for the known activities of phosphoro-creatine and phosphoro-arginine. It is suggested that yet another mode of activation, chemical or biochemical, awaits discovery.  相似文献   

Summary (1) Alloxan-diabetic rats with a considerable glucosuria do not show the typical rise of the respiratory quotient (R. Q.) after ingestion of sugar-cane.(2) The injection of aneurin however raises the R. Q. of alloxan-diabetic rats fed on sugar-cane almost to normal values.  相似文献   

Summary In cats pretreated with reserpine, the action of tyramine on the blood pressure is markedly enhanced 30–90 min after infusion of 500 mgl--methyl-dopa, but not after the same amount of the dextro isomer. In normal catsl--methyl-dopa has no influence on this action of tyramine. 1–2 h after the infusion of-methyl-dopa, an increase of the response to tyramine could also be observed in experiments on the nictating membrane of reserpine pretreated cats. The effects of preganglionic electrical stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve remained unchanged.  相似文献   

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