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D Brown  S Hirsch  S Gluck 《Nature》1988,331(6157):622-624
Vectorial solute transport by epithelia requires the polarized insertion of transport proteins into apical or basolateral plasmalemmal domains. In the specialized intercalated cells of the kidney collecting duct, the selective placement of an apical plasma membrane proton-pumping ATPase (H+-ATPase) and of a basolateral membrane anion-exchange protein results in transepithelial proton secretion. It is currently believed that amino-acid sequences of membrane proteins contain critical signalling regions involved in sorting these proteins to specific membrane domains. Recently, it was proposed that intercalated cells can reverse their direction of proton secretion under different acid-base conditions by redirecting proton pumps from apical to basolateral membranes, and anion exchangers from basolateral to apical membranes. But others have found that antibodies raised against the red cell anion-exchange protein (Band 3) only labelled intercalated cells at the basolateral plasma membrane, providing evidence against the model of polarity reversal. In this report, we have examined directly the distribution of proton pumps in kidney intercalated cells using specific polyclonal antibodies against subunits of a bovine kidney medullary H+-ATPase. We find that some cortical collecting duct intercalated cells have apical plasma membrane proton pumps, whereas others have basolateral pumps. This is the first direct demonstration of neighbouring epithelial cells maintaining opposite polarities of a transport protein. Thus, either subtle structural differences exist between proton pumps located at opposite poles of the cell, or factors other than protein sequence determine the polarity of H+-ATPase insertion.  相似文献   

在期望信号功率较小情况下,强同频干扰容易造成系统灵敏度下降,比如卫星导航和卫星通信。采用一个4阵元正交极化阵列,可以通过空域和极化域联合方式对干扰进行抑制。阵列参考阵元位于圆心,其余3个阵元均匀分布在圆周上。自适应滤波采用功率倒置准则下的 LMS算法,该方法调整每个正交极化阵元权系数,使得阵列在干扰极化下等效的极化匹配因子接近为0,实现干扰抑制。算法无需信号空间信息,实现简单,同时使阵列自由度达到6,从而增加抗干扰个数。计算机仿真证明了4个阵元阵列可以有效抑制最多6个干扰,而且,通过极化域处理,即使干扰信号与期望信号入射角度相同,只要极化不同,也可以抑制干扰而保持对期望信号增益。  相似文献   

Y Maruyama  O H Peterson 《Nature》1982,299(5879):159-161
Precise localization and characterization of conductance pathways in glandular epithelia have so far proved difficult. The patch-clamp technique for high resolution current recording, which has already been applied successfully to a number of electrically excitable cells, can in principle overcome these difficulties. We now report measurements of single-channel currents from isolated patches of plasma membrane (inside-out) from the baso-lateral surface of collagenase-isolated rat and mouse pancreatic acini. We have identified a cation channel having a conductance of approximately 30 pS and a mean open time in the range 0.3-1 s which is dependent on internal calcium. The single-channel current-voltage relationship is linear and the mean open time independent of the membrane potential. These channels may, at least in part, account for the Ca2+-mediated neural and hormonal control of pancreatic acinar membrane conductance, which is probably responsible for the Ca2+-dependent acinar fluid secretion.  相似文献   

W J Nelson  P J Veshnock 《Nature》1987,328(6130):533-536
The interaction between membrane proteins and cytoplasmic structural proteins is thought to be one mechanism for maintaining the spatial order of proteins within functional domains on the plasma membrane. Such interactions have been characterized extensively in the human erythrocyte, where a dense, cytoplasmic matrix of proteins comprised mainly of spectrin and actin, is attached through a linker protein, ankyrin, to the anion transporter (Band 3). In several nonerythroid cell types, including neurons, exocrine cells and polarized epithelial cells homologues of ankyrin and spectrin (fodrin) are localized in specific membrane domains. Although these results suggest a functional linkage between ankyrin and fodrin and integral membrane proteins in the maintenance of membrane domains in nonerythroid cells, there has been little direct evidence of specific molecular interactions. Using a direct biological and chemical approach, we show here that ankyrin binds to the ubiquitous (Na+ + K+)ATPase, which has an asymmetrical distribution in polarized cells.  相似文献   

Evidence for a conformational change in nerve membrane with depolarization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H R Clark  A Strickholm 《Nature》1971,234(5330):470-471

The fusion of the liposomes containing N-(7-nitro-2, 1, 3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)-i ,2-hexadecanoylSn-glycero-3-1abeled phosphatidylethanolamine (NBD-PE) with A549 and A549/DDP cells was performed, and the activity of the phospholipid flippase in the plasma membrane of the cells was measured by fluorescence intensity change of NBDPE in the outer membrane. When A549 or A549/DDP cells containing N BD-PE were incubated at 37 C for 0, 30, 60 and 90 min, the fluorescence intensities in the outer membrane of the cells were 0%, 1.4%, 2.9% and 7.8% for A59cells, and 0%, 10.5 %, 15. 5 % and 18.3 % for A549/DDP cells respectively, demonstrating that the phospholipid flippase was distributed in the plasma membrane of As49 cells, but its activity in the drug-resistant A549/DDP cells was much higher than that in the A549 cells. When the A549/DDP cells were incubated with a multidrug resistance reverse agent, verapamil, for 60 min at 37C, the results showed that the NBD-PE in outer membrane decreased by 25.0% compared with the control's. Furthermore, when A549/DDP cells were incubated with 25 μmol/L cisplatin, which is a specific anticancer drug, the flippase activity decreased by 31.6%, and it further decreased with the increase of cisplatin concentration, suggesting that phospholipid flippase in the membrane might be related to the cisplatin-resistance of human lung adenocarcinoma cancer cells.  相似文献   

为了解晶体畴反转的动力学过程,利用马赫-曾德干涉实验系统,研究了外电场极化下掺镁铌酸锂和纯净铌酸锂晶体在畴反转过程中的畴壁运动和极化电流特性。实时记录了掺镁7 mol%、掺镁5 mol%铌酸锂和纯净铌酸锂晶体在畴反转过程中的畴壁特征和极化电流变化情况,发现离散的畴壁速度脉冲伴随着离散的极化电流脉冲,连续的畴壁速度脉冲对应着连续的极化电流脉冲。掺镁铌酸锂晶体正向反转和纯净铌酸锂反向反转的畴壁速度变化和极化电流变化比较尖锐,而掺镁铌酸锂晶体反向反转和纯净铌酸锂正向反转的畴壁速度变化和极化电流变化比较缓和。最后对实验现象进行了解释。  相似文献   

L M Loew  S Scully  L Simpson  A S Waggoner 《Nature》1979,281(5731):497-499
Extrinsic optical probes have become important tools for monitoring membrane potential, with probes now available for many tissue or cell suspension systems. In each case that has been studied in detail, it seems that the mechanism involves a shift in the equilibrium population of the probe from one chemical environment to another in response to the transmembrane potential; the environments perturb the probe's spectrum differently. As this indirect mechanism involves a redistribution of dye between chemical environments that are likely to vary if a given probe is transferred from one membrane to another, a potential probe that is effective and calibrated for all membrane systems has not been realised. We present here evidence for a direct response of a probe chromophore to the electric field across membrane systems. The results suggest it might be possible to develop a universal set of membrane probes.  相似文献   

Evidence for genetic expression of integrated DNA in lymphoma cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M Fox  B W Fox  S R Ayad 《Nature》1969,222(5198):1086-1087

膜污染与浓差极化是不同的概念,两者是相互关联、相互影响的,浓差极化使膜表面被截留组分浓度提高,从而加速了膜污染过程的,而膜污染使部分膜孔堵塞,又会促使局部浓差极化的加剧.因而,膜污染与浓差极化成因果关系,浓差极化是导致膜渗流量下降和分离效率降低的原因.在中空纤维膜中,Dean涡这种不稳定流能有效地将膜靠近膜壁的浓差极化现象大大消除.通过设计一组试验,证明了浓差极化的危害性和Dean涡能较大程度的降低浓差极化.从能耗的观点上说,试验结果表明,有Dean涡存在的编织型中空纤维膜,其能耗低于直线型,其渗透流量和回收率高.图12.参19.  相似文献   

Electrical activity in pancreatic islet cells   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
P M Dean  E K Matthews 《Nature》1968,219(5152):389-390

In this paper, the role of the plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase in extracellular calmodulin (CaM)-promoted pollen germination and in tube growth of Arabidopsis thaliana was investigated. Pollen germination, pollen tube growth rate, free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) and Ca2+ channel activity in the PM of pollen cells were measured. In response to fusicoccin or CaM treatment, in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth rate, [Ca2+]cyt and activity of a hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channel increased. Sodium vanadate inhibited the promotion of these parameters by extracellular CaM. The results suggest that H+-ATPase may be involved in extracellular CaM-regulated pollen germination and in tube growth by modulation of the hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+ channel in the PM of A. thaliana pollen cells.  相似文献   

Plasma transferrin is involved in iron transport within the circulatory system of vertebrates, and provides an iron source for haemoglobin synthesis and other metabolic requirements. However, despite extensive studies by spectroscopic, biochemical and physiological techniques, the nature of iron binding and the mechanisms of uptake and release of iron are not fully understood. Plasma transferrins are monomeric glycoproteins with a molecular weight of approximately 80,000 (ref. 2); they have two similar and very strong binding sites for Fe(III), together with two associated anion binding sites. Fragmentation studies on various transferrins have shown that the polypeptide chain is composed of two domains formed from the N-terminal and C-terminal halves of the polypeptide chain. Each domain contains one metal binding site. The marked sequence similarities which exist between the two halves may reflect a doubling of an ancestral structural gene during the phylogenetic development of the protein. Preliminary crystallographic investigations of diferric rabbit plasma transferrin have been reported from this laboratory. We now report initial studies of the X-ray structure determination of dife-ric rabbit plasma transferrin which have led to a 6-A resolution electron density map.  相似文献   

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