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In many cell types, receptor activation of phosphoinositidase C results in an initial release of intracellular Ca2+ stores followed by sustained Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate is the mediator of the initial Ca2+ release, although its role in the mechanism underlying Ca2+ entry remains controversial. We have now used two techniques to introduce inositol phosphates into mouse lacrimal acinar cells and measure their effects on Ca2+ entry: microinjection into cells loaded with Fura-2, a fluorescent dye which allows the measurement of intracellular free calcium concentration by microspectrofluorimetry, and perfusion of patch clamp pipettes in the whole-cell configuration while monitoring the activity of Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels as an indicator of intracellular Ca2+. We report here that inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate serves as a signal that is both necessary and sufficient for receptor activation of Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane in these cells.  相似文献   

J García-Sancho  A Sanchez  B Herreros 《Nature》1982,296(5859):744-746

D P Lew  T Andersson  J Hed  F Di Virgilio  T Pozzan  O Stendahl 《Nature》1985,315(6019):509-511
The phagocytic function of neutrophils is a crucial element in host defence against invading microorganisms. Two main specific receptor-mediated mechanisms operate in the phagocyte plasma membrane, one recognizing the C3b/bi fragment of complement and the other the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (ref. 1). There is evidence that phagocytosis mediated by these receptors differs in the number and nature of the intracellular signals generated. However, the mechanisms by which receptor binding is transduced into a signal that generates the formation of the phagocyte pseudopod is not known, although extensive biochemical evidence has allowed the postulate that calcium ion gradients in the peripheral cytoplasm, by interacting with calcium-sensitive contractile proteins, initiate the process of engulfment. Using the high-affinity fluorescent calcium indicator quin2 both to measure and to buffer intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i), we show here that in human neutrophils two mechanisms of phagocytosis coexist: a [Ca2+]i-dependent and modulated phagocytosis, triggered by activation of the Fc receptor, and a [Ca2+]i-independent mechanism triggered by the activation of the C3b/bl receptors.  相似文献   

L A Blair  V E Dionne 《Nature》1985,315(6017):329-331
A developmental change in the ionic basis of the inward current of action potentials has been observed in many excitable cells. In cultured spinal neurones of Xenopus, the timing of the development of the action parallels that seen in vivo. In vitro, as in vivo, neurones initially produce action potentials of long duration which are principally Ca-dependent; after 1 day of development the impulse is brief and primarily Na-dependent. At both ages, however, both inward components are present and the mechanism underlying shortening of the action potential is unknown. One possibility is that the outward currents change during development. Using the patch-clamp technique, we have recorded single K+-channel currents in membrane patches isolated from the cell bodies of cultured embryonic neurones. The unitary conductance of one class of K+ channels was approximately 155 pS and depolarization increased the probability of a channel being open. Neither conductance nor voltage dependence seemed to change with time in culture; in contrast, the Ca2+-sensitivity of this K+ channel increased. In younger neurones, Ca2+-sensitivity was greatly reduced or absent, whereas in more mature neurones, the activity of this channel was Ca-dependent. Such a change could account for the shortening of the action potential duration by increasing the relative contribution of outward currents.  相似文献   

H Kume  A Takai  H Tokuno  T Tomita 《Nature》1989,341(6238):152-154
Isoprenaline is a beta-adrenergic agonist of clinical importance as a remedy for asthma. In airway smooth muscle its relaxant action is accompanied by hyperpolarization of the membrane and elevation of the level of intracellular cyclic AMP. Hyperpolarization and relaxation are also induced by drugs such as forskolin, theophylline and dibutyryl cAMP, indicating that cAMP-dependent phosphorylation is involved in producing the electrical response. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A) has been reported to activate Ca2+-dependent K+ channels in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells and snail neurons. The membrane of tracheal smooth-muscle cells is characterized by a dense distribution of Ca2+-dependent K+-channels. We have now examined the effect of isoprenaline and protein kinase A on Ca2+-dependent K+-channels in isolated smooth muscle cells of rabbit trachea, using the patch-clamp technique. Our results show that the open-state probability of Ca2+-dependent K+-channel of tracheal myocytes is reversibly increased by either extracellular application of isoprenaline or intracellar application of protein kinase A. We also show that this effect is significantly enhanced and prolonged in the presence of a potent protein phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid.  相似文献   

D A Ewald  A Williams  I B Levitan 《Nature》1985,315(6019):503-506
There is considerable evidence that cyclic AMP can modulate the electrical activity of excitable cells and that protein phosphorylation by the catalytic subunit (CS) of cAMP-dependent protein kinase is a necessary step in these modulatory effects. In analogy to alterations in enzyme activities following phosphorylation, it seems possible that direct phosphorylation of ion-channel proteins may alter their gating properties, giving rise to the observe changes in electrical activity. However, the results obtained so far do not indicate whether it is ion channels themselves that are phosphorylated, or whether phosphorylation is simply an early step in some cascade of events which leads ultimately to modulation of channel activity. The development of single-channel recording techniques has provided a way to investigate this question. Here we describe effects of CS on the activity of individual CA2+-dependent K+ channels from the nervous system of the land snail Helix measured in isolated membrane patches and in artificial phospholipid bilayers. The results demonstrate that cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation produces long-lasting changes in the activity of individual channels, and indicate that the relevant phosphorylation site is closely associated with the channel.  相似文献   

J Vilven  R Coronado 《Nature》1988,336(6199):587-589
In many non-muscle cells, D-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) has been shown to release Ca2+ from intracellular stores, presumably from the endoplasmic reticulum. It is thought to be a ubiquitous second messenger that is produced in, and released from, the plasma membrane in response to extracellular receptor stimulation. By analogy, InsP3 in muscle cells has been postulated to open calcium channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane, which is the intracellular Ca2+ store that releases Ca2+ during muscle contraction. We report here that InsP3 may have a second site of action. We show that InsP3 opens dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels in a vesicular preparation of rabbit skeletal muscle transverse tubules. InsP3-activated channels and channels activated by a dihydropyridine agonist in the same preparation have similar slope conductance and extrapolated reversal potential and are blocked by a dihydropyridine antagonist. This suggests that in skeletal muscle, InsP3 can modulate Ca2+ channels of transverse tubules from plasma membrane, in contrast to the previous suggestion that the functional locus of InsP3 is exclusively in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Y Maruyama  O H Petersen  P Flanagan  G T Pearson 《Nature》1983,305(5931):228-232
Ca2+- and voltage-activated K+ channels are found in many electrically excitable cells and have an important role in regulating electrical activity. Recently, the large K+ channel has been found in the baso-lateral plasma membranes of salivary gland acinar cells, where it may be important in the regulation of salt transport. Using patch-clamp methods to record single-channel currents from excised fragments of baso-lateral acinar cell membranes in combination with current recordings from isolated single acinar cells and two- and three-cell clusters, we have now for the first time characterized the K+ channels quantitatively. In pig pancreatic acini there are 25-60 K+ channels per cell with a maximal single channel conductance of about 200 pS. We have quantified the relationship between internal ionized Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i) membrane potential and open-state probability (p) of the K+ channel. By comparing curves obtained from excised patches relating membrane potential to p, at different levels of [Ca2+]i, with similar curves obtained from intact cells, [Ca2+]i in resting acinar cells was found to be between 10(-8) and 10(-7) M. In microelectrode experiments acetylcholine (ACh), gastrin-cholecystokinin (CCK) as well as bombesin peptides evoked Ca2+-dependent opening of the K+ conductance pathway, resulting in membrane hyperpolarization. The large K+ channel, which is under strict dual control by internal Ca2+ and voltage, may provide a crucial link between hormone-evoked increase in internal Ca2+ concentration and the resulting NaCl-rich fluid secretion.  相似文献   

R E White  A Schonbrunn  D L Armstrong 《Nature》1991,351(6327):570-573
The neuropeptide somatostatin inhibits secretion from electrically excitable cells in the pituitary, pancreas, gut and brain. In mammalian pituitary tumour cells somatostatin inhibits secretion through two distinct pertussis toxin-sensitive mechanisms. One involves inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, the other an unidentified cyclic AMP-independent mechanism that reduces Ca2+ influx by increasing membrane conductance to potassium. Here we demonstrate that the predominant electrophysiological effect of somatostatin on metabolically intact pituitary tumour cells is a large, sustained increase in the activity of the large-conductance Ca(2+)- and voltage-activated K+ channels (BK). This action of somatostatin does not involve direct effects of Ca2+, cAMP or G proteins on the channels. Our results indicate instead that somatostatin stimulates BK channel activity through protein dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Wang SQ  Song LS  Lakatta EG  Cheng H 《Nature》2001,410(6828):592-596
Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release is a general mechanism that most cells use to amplify Ca2+ signals. In heart cells, this mechanism is operated between voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels (LCCs) in the plasma membrane and Ca2+ release channels, commonly known as ryanodine receptors, in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The Ca2+ influx through LCCs traverses a cleft of roughly 12 nm formed by the cell surface and the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, and activates adjacent ryanodine receptors to release Ca2+ in the form of Ca2+ sparks. Here we determine the kinetics, fidelity and stoichiometry of coupling between LCCs and ryanodine receptors. We show that the local Ca2+ signal produced by a single opening of an LCC, named a 'Ca2+ sparklet', can trigger about 4-6 ryanodine receptors to generate a Ca2+ spark. The coupling between LCCs and ryanodine receptors is stochastic, as judged by the exponential distribution of the coupling latency. The fraction of sparklets that successfully triggers a spark is less than unity and declines in a use-dependent manner. This optical analysis of single-channel communication affords a powerful means for elucidating Ca2+-signalling mechanisms at the molecular level.  相似文献   

P Matsudaira  R Jakes  J E Walker 《Nature》1985,315(6016):248-250
Villin is an actin-binding protein of relative molecular mass (Mr) 95,000 found in the core bundle of microfilaments in brush border microvilli from intestine. In physiological calcium concentrations (less than 1 microM), villin crosslinks actin filaments into bundles. However, in free calcium concentrations (greater than 1 microM), villin severs actin filaments into short pieces. To understand how villin can sever and bundle actin filaments, we are studying the molecular basis of villin-actin binding interactions by identifying important actin-binding domains in villin. Here, we report the purification and preliminary characterization of a 44,000-Mr fragment of villin which contains a calcium-dependent actin-severing activity. In addition, the partial amino-acid sequence from the amino terminus of this fragment reveals homology with a 16-residue region near the amino terminus of gelsolin, an actin-severing protein found in many cells and sera. The sequence homology suggests a common structural basis for the calcium-regulated actin-severing properties shared by villin and gelsolin.  相似文献   

C Miller  E Moczydlowski  R Latorre  M Phillips 《Nature》1985,313(6000):316-318
The recent development of techniques for recording currents through single ionic channels has led to the identification of a K+-specific channel that is activated by cytoplasmic Ca2+. The channel has complex properties, being activated by depolarizing voltages and having a voltage-sensitivity that is modulated by cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels. The conduction behaviour of the channel is also unusual, its high ionic selectivity being displayed simultaneously with a very high unitary conductance. Very little is known about the biochemistry of this channel, largely due to the lack of a suitable ligand for use as a biochemical probe for the channel. We describe here a protein inhibitor of single Ca2+-activated K+ channels of mammalian skeletal muscle. This inhibitor, a minor component of the venom of the Israeli scorpion, Leiurus quinquestriatus, reversibly blocks the large Ca2+-activated K+ channel in a simple biomolecular reaction. We have partially purified the active component, a basic protein of relative molecular mass (Mr) approximately 7,000.  相似文献   

Yuan P  Leonetti MD  Hsiung Y  MacKinnon R 《Nature》2012,481(7379):94-97
High-conductance voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels function in many physiological processes that link cell membrane voltage and intracellular Ca(2+) concentration, including neuronal electrical activity, skeletal and smooth muscle contraction, and hair cell tuning. Like other voltage-dependent K(+) channels, Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels open when the cell membrane depolarizes, but in contrast to other voltage-dependent K(+) channels, they also open when intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations rise. Channel opening by Ca(2+) is made possible by a structure called the gating ring, which is located in the cytoplasm. Recent structural studies have defined the Ca(2+)-free, closed, conformation of the gating ring, but the Ca(2+)-bound, open, conformation is not yet known. Here we present the Ca(2+)-bound conformation of the gating ring. This structure shows how one layer of the gating ring, in response to the binding of Ca(2+), opens like the petals of a flower. The degree to which it opens explains how Ca(2+) binding can open the transmembrane pore. These findings present a molecular basis for Ca(2+) activation of K(+) channels and suggest new possibilities for targeting the gating ring to treat conditions such as asthma and hypertension.  相似文献   

Single Ca2+-activated nonselective cation channels in neuroblastoma   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
G Yellen 《Nature》1982,296(5855):357-359

DeMaria CD  Soong TW  Alseikhan BA  Alvania RS  Yue DT 《Nature》2001,411(6836):484-489
Acute modulation of P/Q-type (alpha1A) calcium channels by neuronal activity-dependent changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration may contribute to short-term synaptic plasticity, potentially enriching the neurocomputational capabilities of the brain. An unconventional mechanism for such channel modulation has been proposed in which calmodulin (CaM) may exert two opposing effects on individual channels, initially promoting ('facilitation') and then inhibiting ('inactivation') channel opening. Here we report that such dual regulation arises from surprising Ca2+-transduction capabilities of CaM. First, although facilitation and inactivation are two competing processes, both require Ca2+-CaM binding to a single 'IQ-like' domain on the carboxy tail of alpha1A; a previously identified 'CBD' CaM-binding site has no detectable role. Second, expression of a CaM mutant with impairment of all four of its Ca2+-binding sites (CaM1234) eliminates both forms of modulation. This result confirms that CaM is the Ca2+ sensor for channel regulation, and indicates that CaM may associate with the channel even before local Ca2+ concentration rises. Finally, the bifunctional capability of CaM arises from bifurcation of Ca2+ signalling by the lobes of CaM: Ca2+ binding to the amino-terminal lobe selectively initiates channel inactivation, whereas Ca2+ sensing by the carboxy-terminal lobe induces facilitation. Such lobe-specific detection provides a compact means to decode local Ca2+ signals in two ways, and to separately initiate distinct actions on a single molecular complex.  相似文献   

M Iino  M Endo 《Nature》1992,360(6399):76-78
The temporal and spatial distribution of increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration is an important factor in cellular signal transduction. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) plays a key part in agonist-induced Ca2+ release, which can take place abruptly and in a confined space by a mechanism that is not fully understood. Here we analyse the kinetics of InsP3-induced Ca2+ release following flash photolysis of caged InsP3 or caged Ca2+, and demonstrate that Ca(2+)-dependent immediate feedback control is an important determinant of the time course of Ca2+ release. The positive feedback mechanism is also important for the 'loading dependence' of InsP3-induced Ca2+ release. Furthermore, our results support the operation of positive cooperativity in channel opening and feedback control augments the steep InsP3 concentration-Ca2+ release relation. These inherent properties of InsP3-induced Ca2+ release are expected to give rise to temporally abrupt and/or spatially confined Ca2+ release within the cell.  相似文献   

L Missiaen  H De Smedt  G Droogmans  R Casteels 《Nature》1992,357(6379):599-602
Low concentrations of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) evoke a very rapid mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ stores in many cell types, which can be followed by a further, much slower efflux. Two explanations have been suggested for this biphasic release. The first proposes that the Ca2+ stores vary in their sensitivity to InsP3, and each store releases either its entire contents or nothing (all-or-none release); the second proposes instead that the stores are uniformly sensitive to the effects of InsP3, but that they can release only a fraction of their Ca2+ before their sensitivity is somehow attenuated (steady-state release). Experiments using purified InsP3 receptor molecules reconstituted into lipid vesicles have shown heterogeneity of the receptors in their response to InsP3 under conditions in which the total Ca2+ level at both sides of the receptor is held constant. We now report that in permeabilized A7r5 smooth-muscle cells incubated in Ca(2+)-free medium, the amount of 45Ca2+ remaining in the stores after the rapid transient phase of release is independent of their initial Ca2+ levels, indicating that partially depleted stores are less sensitive to InsP3. Moreover, if the stores are reloaded with 40Ca2+ after the first stimulus, reapplication of the same low concentration of InsP3 will release further 45Ca2+. This recovery of InsP3 sensitivity is almost complete. Under these conditions, Ca2+ release must thus occur by a steady-state mechanism, in which the decreasing Ca2+ content of the stores slows down further release.  相似文献   

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