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Summary Uptake ofd-glucose anomers by isolated rat retina was studied. After 3 min incubation at 37°C in the presence of or anomer (750 g/ml), a significantly greater uptake (1.32 mg/g wet tissue) of -anomer was observed compared with that of -d-glucose (1.11 mg/g wet tissue). This result and other data suggest that the carrier ford-glucose transport in the retina prefers the -anomer stereospecifically.Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to Mr S. Suzuki for his technical assistance.  相似文献   

Conclusion Geminus account of lunar motion in chapter 18 of hisIntroductio astronomiae is, in our view, an important contribution to Greco-Latin astronomy because, in attempting to reconstruct arithmetically (the parameters of) the Moon's motion in longitude, he undermines the task astronomers had hitherto set for themselves. This undermining of a commonly acknowledged view of the purpose of astronomy is articulated in a whole new set of questions concerning the nature and place of both observation and mathematical reasoning in the science of the heavens. Yet, one must not overlook the fact thatGeminus reconstruction also indicates resources for addressing these questions. Of these resources, the most powerful proved to be the idea that irregular motion could be quantified as a systematic departure from a mean motion, and the idea that observational data could be organized and structured by means of genetic arithmetical reconstructions.But, since we limit our attention to extant treatises and decline to speculate about works or parts of works that have not survived, we must say that it would takePtolemy to discern the new direction for astronomy thatGeminus opened up and to pursue it. In part, this involved straightening out the conflated conception of mean motion in chapter 18 — the qua arithmetic mean daily displacement can only be anapparent lunar motion in longitude and not one the Moonreally makes, but the same need not be true of the qua periodic mean daily displacement — and determining its proper relation to real and apparent planetary motion. Indeed,Ptolemy's genius lay, we think, in seeing that even though, in assimilating Babylonian astronomy, earlier and contemporary Greco-Latin writers betrayed a confused, inconsistent, and unsophisticated grasp of the proper role of arithmetic, geometry, and observation in astronomical argument [seeBowen 1994], the solution lay in a mathematical reconstruction of the observed celestial motions, in which mean motion played an essential role.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung (1) Es wurde bei den SeeigelartenParacentrotus ,Arbacia undSphaerechinus sowie den drei BastardenPar ×Arb ,Arb ×Par undPar ×Sphaer für eine Reihe von Entwicklungsstadien die Anzahl der Kerne pro Keim bestimmt (Tabelle). Der morphogenetischen Hemmung der Bastarde entsprechen herabgesetzte Kernzahlen und parallel eine Herabsetzung der DNS-Synthese. (2) Es wurde bei den genannten reinen Arten und den Bastarden derUmsatz der RNS bestimmt. Er geht in allen Fällen, bei den reinen Arten wie bei den Bastarden, der DNS- Synthese parallel.

Our work was supported by a grant from the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. We express our sincere thanks to the Nationalfonds and also to the authorities at the Zoological Station at Naples for generous help and supply of materials and facilities. — This paper is thankfully dedicated byF. Baltzer toF. E. Lehmann for his kind hospitality in the Bernese Institute.  相似文献   

Summary In this note we claim that the two words and , which were used in Greece to indicate the geometrical point, had both been introduced in the scientific language in the first half of the IVth century B.C., and that they became popular independently of each other in two different cultural circles, those of philosophy and of mathematics, respectively.We propose therefore, in contrast to a conjecture by Heiberg, a new explanation for the predominance of during the golden age of Greek mathematics and for the resurgence of during the period of decadence.

Memoria presentata da A. Seidenberg  相似文献   

Citellus (s. str.) relictus, C. dauricus C. pygmaeus (2=36, NF=72). . (Colobotis) erythrogenys . fulvus -. . (Urocitellus) undulatus (2n=32, NF=64) . columbianus. Citellus, , Citellus, . , .  相似文献   

1. , 110–220 , . 2. , . 3. .

We thank Dr.G. A. Nasledov, Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Leningrad, for kind permission to use his device for experiments with isolated muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Summary The author's purpose is to read the main work of Euclid with modern eyes and to find out what knowledge a mathematician of today, familiar with the works of V. D. Waerden and Bourbaki, can gain by studying Euclid's theory of magnitudes, and what new insight into Greek mathematics occupation with this subject can provide.The task is to analyse and to axiomatize by modern means (i) in a narrower sense Book V. of the Elements, i.e. the theory of proportion of Eudoxus, (ii) in a wider sense the whole sphere of magnitudes which Euclid applies in his Elements. This procedure furnishes a clear picture of the inherent structure of his work, thereby making visible specific characteristics of Greek mathematics.After a clarification of the preconditions and a short survey of the historical development of the theory of proportions (Part I of this work), an exact analysis of the definitions and propositions of Book V. of the Elements is carried out in Part II. This is done word by word. The author applies his own system of axioms, set up in close accordance with Euclid, which permits one to deduce all definitions and propositions of Euclid's theory of magnitudes (especially those of Books V. and VI.).In this way gaps and tacit assumptions in the work become clearly visible; above all, the logical structure of the system of magnitudes given by Euclid becomes evident: not ratio — like something sui generis — is the governing concept of Book V., but magnitudes and their relation of having a ratio form the base of the theory of proportions. These magnitudes represent a well defined structure, a so-called Eudoxic Semigroup with the numbers as operators; it can easily be imbedded in a general theory of magnitudes equally applicable to geometry and physics.The transition to ratios — a step not executed by Euclid — is examined in Part III; it turns out to be particularly unwieldy. An elegant way opens up by interpreting proportion as a mapping of totally ordered semigroups. When closely examined, this mapping proves to be an isomorphism, thus suggesting the application of the modern theory of homomorphism. This theory permits a treatment of the theory of proportions as developed by Eudoxus and Euclid which is hardly surpassable in brevity and elegance in spite of its close affinity to Euclid. The generalization to a classically founded theory of magnitudes is now self-evident.

Vorgelegt von J. E. Hofmann  相似文献   

Summary In the astronomical treatise ryabhatya of ryabhata several verses are interpolated, namely all those verses in which either Brahman was mentioned or extremely large periods were introduced. The interpolator was known to AlBrn as ryabhata of Kusumapura, who belongs to the school of the elder ryabhata. The aim of the interpolator was to bring the teaching of the elder ryabhata into accordance with the revelation of Svayambh. Svayambh is another name for Brahm.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Struktur desp-Brombenzoates des Benzilsäureumlagerungsproduktes von 3, 17-Diacetoxy-11-hydroxy-12-oxo-5-9(11)-androsten wurde durch dreidimensionale Röntgenstrukturanalyse eines Einkristalls als 3-p-Brombenzoat des 11-Carboxy-3, 11, 17-trihydroxy-13-C-nor-5-androstan 11a, 17-Laktons erkannt.  相似文献   

Summary (–)--Fenchol, a compound occurring in plants but not heretofore reported to occur in an animal product, was isolated from volatiles released by adult male Mediterranean fruit flies,Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, with the male's previously identified sex pheromones. It neither attracts females nor synergizes the pheromones, and its function remains unknown.The editors do not hold themselves responsible for the opinions expressed in the authors' brief reports. — Les auteurs sont seuls responsables des opinions exprimées dans ces brèves communications. — Für die Kurzmitteilungen ist ausschliesslich der Autor verantwortlich.—Per le brevi comunicazioni è responsabile solo l'autore. — . — Solo los autores son responsables de las opiniones expresadas en estas communicationes breves.Mention of a proprietary product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation or an endorsement of the product by the US Department of Agriculture.Acknowledgments. We thank C. Harding for assistance with extractions and fractionations, R.M. Waters for spectral analyses, M.S. Fujimoto and H. Higa for collecting the volatiles and conducting laboratory and cage bioassays, and T. Urago and S. Nakagawa for conducting the field tests.  相似文献   

Summary After irradiating males of the incompatible crossC. pipiens Hamburg ×C. pipiens Paris with X-ray doses between 1 kR and 40 kR, it could be shown that in this cross the sperm has only the function of activating the egg. All the hybrid embryos develop from the haploid female pronucleus.Herrn Professor Dr.H. Laven danke ich für Unterstützung und wertvolle Diskussionen.  相似文献   

Conclusions The decrease of circulating blood volume, resulting in oligemic hypotension, may evoke in anaesthetized cat the active constrictory coronary vessel responses of 2 types, one occuring immediately after start of the hypotension and the other having a significantly prolonged latency.
, , , , ( 4 ), ( 45 ).

Summary 5- and 5-androstane-17-ol-3-one-17-acetate have been prepared from 5-androstane-6, 17-diol-3-one-17-acetate by a synthesis involving directedHuang-Minlon-reduction.Separation of 5-androstane-17-ol-3-one from its 5-isomer could readily be achieved by crystallisation of their 3-ethylenketals from acetone.  相似文献   

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