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Bistramide A, a new toxin isolated from the UrochordateLissoclinum bistratum Sluiter, was applied to rat auricular heart muscle bundles. At a stimulation frequency of 0.2 Hz, the toxin induces a dose-dependent reduction of the stimulated twitch tension force; it decreases and shortens the duration of the plateau and the slow repolarizing phase of the action potential. In the control solution, switching from a stimulation frequency of 0.2 Hz to 1 Hz decreases the force with which a positive potentiation develops either at a maintained high frequency or after switching from 1 Hz to 0.2 Hz. Bistramide A reduces both the force evoked at 1 Hz and the potentiation. The data suggest that Bistramide A blocks Na+ conductance; inhibits Ca++ channels in a time-and frequency-dependent manner; reduces Na+–Ca++ exchange activity; but does not modify the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to be refilled although the rate of Ca++ accumulation is decreased.  相似文献   

Summary The opioid agonists morphine (selective for -receptors) and ethylketocyclazocine (selective for kappa-receptors), at concentrations evoking strong effects in neuronal structures, did not significantly affect the configuration of the intracellularly recorded action potential and the force of contraction in ventricular heart muscle isolated from guinea pigs, rabbits and man. These results suggest that any changes of heart functions in vivo in response to opioid-like drugs are probably not mediated postsynaptically at the myocardial cell membrane but rather presynaptically, influencing the release of noradrenaline and/or acetylcholine from the nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and muscle innervation was explored in the rat sternomastoid muscle (SM) from day 18 of gestation (E18) to adult age. Between E18 and birth, PKC activity rose 5-fold, and during the day after birth, diminished to a level characteristic of the mature muscle. The rise chiefly occurred in the neural part of the muscle, in both the membrane and the cytosol fractions. Between E18 and day 5 after birth, the ratios of membrane to cytosol PKC activity rose from 0.5 to 10 and 3 respectively in the neural and aneural parts of the muscle. Denervation of adult SM reduced PKC activity by half in the membrane fraction of the neural part but did not significantly change it in the membrane or cytosol fractions of the aneural parts. These results suggest that innervation plays an important part in determining the level of PKC activity in muscle.  相似文献   

Although a considerable body of information has accumulated describing the pharmacological properties of a wide range of molluscan muscle types, the physiological bases underlying these properties have not been thoroughly investigated. At present, little is known about the types of ion channels and their regulation in molluscan muscle cell membranes. Voltage-clamp, and more recently, patch-clamp techniques have revealed molluscan muscles possess a complex array of channel types with various pharmacological and electrophysiological properties. The gating properties of these channels and their modulation by chemical agents, however, are still poorly understood. This review summarizes some aspects of molluscan muscle function with particular reference to the heart ventricle muscle of the pond snail,Lymnaea stagnalis.  相似文献   

Summary Rapid growth to large size in fish results from a sustained recruitment of new fibres into their axial series of myomeres. Cessation of recruitment at a small fish size leads to slow growth and a small final size of the fish. Fibre growth dynamics of fishes evidently govern growth and size through fibres' surface area to length ratios, which control their nutrient assimilation rates.  相似文献   

Summary Dynamics of increase of white myotomal muscle fibers of four species of freshwater teleosts (Salmo gairdneri, Pimephales notatus, Esox masquinongy andE. americanus vermiculatus) from three families (Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, Esocidae) representing a variety of maximum attainable sizes and growth rates, have been investigated. There are at least three major differences in these dynamics, and there appears to be an association between the ability of a fish species to attain large size (and grow fast) and its ability to recruit new fibers into this predominant tissue of the myotomal mass.  相似文献   

Summary ATPase activity and force generation have been measured simultaneously in isolated, demembranated muscle fibers of the Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) between 0 and 30°C. Tension generation is relatively independent of temperature above 15°C and falls with a Q10 of <1.5 on decreasing the temperature to 0°C. In contrast, the Q10 for ATPase activity is 2.2 over the range 0–30°C. The results are interpreted in terms of the cross bridge theory of contraction.  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential trace element. In cattle, selenium deficiency causes dysfunction of various organs, including skeletal and cardiac muscles. In humans as well, lack of selenium is associated with many disorders, but despite accumulation of clinical reports, muscle diseases are not generally considered on the list. The goal of this review is to establish the connection between clinical observations and the most recent advances obtained in selenium biology. Recent results about a possible role of selenium-containing proteins in muscle formation and repair have been collected. Selenoprotein N is the first selenoprotein linked to genetic disorders consisting of different forms of congenital muscular dystrophies. Understanding the muscle disorders associated with selenium deficiency or selenoprotein N dysfunction is an essential step in defining the causes of the disease and obtaining a better comprehension of the mechanisms involved in muscle formation and maintenance. Received 13 July 2005; received after revision 9 September 2005; accepted 4 October 2005  相似文献   

Summary Chronic ethanol administration was shown to increase catalase and acyl-CoA oxidase activities in rat myocardium but did not alter the activity of liver peroxisomal enzymes. As a result of alcohol consumption a 2–3-fold increase in the level of lipid peroxidation was observed in the heart tissue while in the liver the induction was much less pronounced.  相似文献   

Summary The longitudinal and circular muscle cells of the alimentary canal of the oligochaete wormBranchiura sowerbyi show intercell couplings. These couplings occur between adjoining cells of the same or of the other orientation.We wish to thank Dr S. Kawaguti, Prof. emeritus of Okayama University, for his kind advice.  相似文献   

Conclusion On the basis of measurements of the high energy phosphate usage associated with different mechanical states, as well as the degree of myosin light chain phosphorylation and mechanical properties, information has been gained concerning the existence and regulation of different crossbridge states in smooth muscle. Although incomplete, a general operational scheme is shown in figure 5. At very low intracellular calcium concentrations, actin and myosin are dissociated, as shown by a loss of resistance to stretch in resting muscles. At somewhat higher intracellular calcium concentrations in atonic, resting muscles, crossbridges can attach and be manifest mechanically as an increased resistance to stretch without ATP-driven crossbridge cycling and active force production. When the muscle is activated, intracellular calcium increases further, the light chains of myosin are phosphorylated through the calcium-calmodulin activation of myosin light chain kinase, actin-activated myosin ATPase activity increases and crossbridges cycle. Calcium also appears to modulate the ATPase activity and the rate of cycling of the phosphorylated crossbridge. The crossbridge cycling rate is highest during force development and slows with time as maximum isometric force is maintained reflecting a change in the rate at which phosphorylated crossbridges cycle. This may result from a decrease in the intracellular free calcium concentration with continued stimulation. During relaxation, the intracellular calcium concentration decreases, there is net dephosphorylation of the myosin light chains, the rate at which phosphorylated crossbridges cycle slows further with a gradual return to the attached, but non-cycling state or the detached state.  相似文献   

Summary To test the effect of L-carnitine on glycogen sparing when fat oxidation is increased, 100 mg/kg/d were given to rats orally for 3 days, resulting in 1.8-fold higher muscle carnitine levels. Even when FFA were raised by heparin-stimulated lipolysis, the rate of glycogen degradation was not reduced during exercise.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation and control of the heart of a prosobranch mollusc,Rapana thomasiana, were studied. Acetylcholine was found to be an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Both serotonin and FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2) showed excitatory effects on the heart; FMRFamide had greater inotropic and more regulatory chronotropic effects than serotonin. The effects of serotonin were blocked by methysergide, while the effects of FMRFamide and of stimulating the excitatory cardiac nerves were not blocked. Stimulation of circumesophageal ganglia elicited a slow enhancement of heart beat together with body movement. This enhancement was blocked by methysergide. Serotonin was considered to act at the heart as a local neurohormone. Although the mechanism of action of FMRFamide is still not yet clarified, it is possible that FMRFamide plays a physiological role as a cardioregulatory substance, as indicated by the physiological and histological findings.  相似文献   

Summary Ciliation in endometrial fibroblasts and myometrial muscle cells of the rat was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Quantification of the number of ciliated cells during the estrus cycle did not show any firm relationship between cilation and ovarian hormonal activity. In the case of most cilia, there is a spatial relationship between their basal centrioles and the Golgi complex, so that a Golgi-cilium complex is created. A possible role of ciliation in uterine fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Aktionspotential von Herz- und Magenmuskulatur des Frosches scheint nicht vom Einund Ausstoss der Ionen, sondern vom elektronischen Aufbau der Zellmembran abhängig zu sein.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Herzklappen vom Schwein wurden auf ihre thromboplastische und fibrinolytische Aktivität untersucht. Die Konzentration von Gewebsthromboplastin war in allen Herzklappen (Segel- und Taschenklappen) gering und stimmt mit der in menschlichen Herzklappen gemessenen überein. Im Gegensatz dazu weisen Schweineherzklappen eine höhere fibrinolytische Aktivität als menschliche Herzklappen auf, wahrscheinlich als Folge der reicheren Vaskularisierung.  相似文献   

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