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正爷爷的菜园不大,种的蔬菜可不少。有穿着紫袍的茄子,它们戴着绿帽子,像是参加晚会的贵妇人一样。玉米的长势最好,一株株像小士兵一样,昂首挺胸地站在田边,神气十足。要是有不认识的人靠近它,它会举起红缨枪,瞄准入侵者。西红柿挂满枝头,像一盏盏红灯笼,照亮了整个菜园。豇豆最文静,像亭亭玉立的少女,一阵风吹来,摆动纤细的身体,翩翩起舞,很是好看。辣椒最威风,它们有的穿着碧绿的外套,有的穿着大红袍,很是耀眼,生怕别人看不到它们美丽的衣裳。朝天椒虽然不太显眼,但可爱炫耀自己了,像骄傲的公主。  相似文献   

正校园是我成长和学习的地方,它带给我无穷无尽的欢乐。尤其是校园西边的小花坛,更是我最爱的乐园。校园西边小花坛的边上,有一棵龙眼树。龙眼树像一把撑开的大绿伞,为我们遮风挡雨。它的树干大多都是弯弯的,就一条条在空中腾云驾雾的威龙。春天来了,大地复苏,龙眼树上长满了绿叶,青翠欲滴。龙眼树的花是淡黄色的,闻起来异常芳香。浓郁的花香引来一群群蜜蜂,一群群蝴蝶,蜜蜂前来采蜜,蝴蝶在花朵上翩翩起舞。花坛里的鲜花也不甘寂寞,它们竞相开放,争奇斗艳。瞧,牡丹红似火,  相似文献   

两仪生四象,四象生八卦,八卦定吉凶,吉凶生大业这一句接上一句"是故易有太极,是生两仪",几个短句环环相扣,逻辑紧密。识解这一句的时候,首先引我发问的是"仪"字,古人为何用两仪而非两端或两类、两处?查要看"仪"的本义,《说文解字》中是这样解释的:度也。度,法制也。毛传曰。仪,善也。又曰。仪,宜也。又曰。仪,匹也。其义相引伸。古书仪但为义。今时所谓义,古书为谊。按如文王传曰义,善也。翻译过来的意思是,仪通义,是法度的意思,也作适宜、  相似文献   

 众所周知,人类的活动时时刻刻离不开能源。人类对能源的基本要求:① 总量应该足够多。储量很少不能称之为能源,太阳能,煤,天然气,风等等都满足这一要求。② 价格应该让人们可以接受。价格包括本身价格,设备价格等。③ 能量密度应该有一定范围的数值,太低了不行。化石燃料、核能的能量密度都较高,满足这一要求。④ 可持续。至少在长周期内持续,可再生更好。化石燃料是不可再生的。可持续还包含环保要求。⑤ 稳定供应,容易储存,满足召之即来。目前太阳能、风能对此尚未能完全满足。⑥ 可控性。火山爆发,地震,闪电都是能源,但目前不可控,尚没法应用。核裂变已可控,所以变成可用能源。⑦ 运输方便。能源的运输是一个很大的工程,目前为供应能源所需的各种消耗还很多。  相似文献   

那日,骑着自行车在街上慢悠悠地晃着,从小城的这头到那头,不远的距离。秋日的阳光,暖暖地照在身上。抬头看天,竟然明晃晃地刺眼,赶紧低头,不经意间,视线扫过地上一堆落叶。枯萎的黄色叶子,一片一片,在风中凌乱。已是秋残。自从那年看了额济纳的胡杨林,几乎把这尘世间最美的秋色沉沉地装在了心里,一想起秋,便是那满心满眼的灿黄,燃烧着生命的极致绚烂。而眼前地上那几片枯叶,看似蔫黄,却是染了愁绪的萧瑟。同是秋景,各有况味。脚尖踮地停下车,拿出手机,对着一地落  相似文献   

和庄 《少儿科技》2013,(8):16-16
一一只小猴子下山。小猴子走啊走,看到路边田地里的玉米棒又粗又大。小猴子十分高兴,摘了两个玉米棒,抱着往前走。小猴子走啊走,看到路边桃园里的桃子又红又鲜。小猴子非常喜欢,扔了玉米棒,摘了两个桃子,捧着往前走。小猴子走啊走,看到一只小兔子蹦蹦跳跳地过来。小猴子兴奋极了,扔了桃子,去追小兔子。小兔子跑进树林,不见了。小猴子空着手回到家。猴妈妈听了它的经历后,对  相似文献   

正北海银滩是个美丽的地方。刚下车,就看见好多人在海滩上玩,我也迫不及待地穿上泳衣,套上游泳圈,向大海走去。小脚踩在沙滩上,感觉软软的,麻麻的,舒服极了。我一步一步地走向大海,身体慢慢地浮了起来。我用两手划水,累了就躺在游泳圈上休息。浪一上一下地拍打着我,就像小时候躺在摇篮里,妈妈摇着我的感觉。浪花打到我的脸上,我感觉隐隐有点疼。大人们骑着摩托艇,在海上飞驰。玩了一个多小时,妈妈叫我上岸了,我还真有点恋恋不舍。  相似文献   

冰岛是北大西洋中的一个大岛,面积十万零三千平方公里。境内是一个大高原,布满火山与温泉,南部的希克拉火山最为著名。冰岛的北部已接触到北极圈,土地贫瘠,不适宜农作物生长。全国可耕地仅占土地总面积的0.4%。农作物除牧草、马铃薯外,只有极少量的燕麦和大麦。在农业中,畜牧业占重要地位。沿海地区鱼产较丰。矿藏方面,只有少量的垩石、褐煤和泥炭等。  相似文献   

正爆竹小孩穿红衣,留独辫。爆竹小孩脾气啪啪的。它生气就啪地开出一朵火花。它开心,也啪地开出一朵火花。地上落满了一层碎碎的花瓣。有一天,它变得沉默,接下来的日子,一直沉默。火柴小孩来了,它不理。火机小孩来了,它不理。爆竹小孩怎么啦?爆竹小孩啊,它说它的心受了潮。  相似文献   

大千世界,奥妙无穷,疑团如云。人的一生,就是在众多疑问中不断探求,不断释疑,求得真理。 直销也不例外。 直销在中国呱呱坠地近20个春秋,正可谓青春年少,生机勃勃之际。但由于生存土壤贫瘠,环境污染严重,体弱多病的中国直销业,一直没有养成健康强壮的体魄。直销传销鱼龙混杂,真真假假鱼目混珠。加之某些所谓的“直销人”心浮气躁,诚信尽失,坑蒙拐骗,无计不施,怎不让普通顾客心中生疑?  相似文献   

Language markedness is a common phenomenon in languages, and is reflected from hearing, vision and sense, i.e. the variation in the three aspects such as phonology, morphology and semantics. This paper focuses on the interpretation of markedness in language use following the three perspectives, i.e. pragmatic interpretation, psychological interpretation and cognitive interpretation, with an aim to define the function of markedness.  相似文献   

何延凌 《科技信息》2008,(4):258-258
Language is a means of verbal communication. People use language to communicate with each other. In the society, no two speakers are exactly alike in the way of speaking. Some differences are due to age, gender, statue and personality. Above all, gender is one of the obvious reasons. The writer of this paper tries to describe the features of women's language from these perspectives: pronunciation, intonation, diction, subjects, grammar and discourse. From the discussion of the features of women's language, more attention should be paid to language use in social context. What's more, the linguistic phenomena in a speaking community can be understood more thoroughly.  相似文献   

理论推导与室内实验相结合,建立了低渗透非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度确定方法。首先借助油藏流场与电场相似的原理,推导了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度计算公式。其次基于稳定流实验方法,建立了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度测试方法。结果表明:低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的启动压力梯度确定遵循两个等效原则。平面非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各级渗透率段的启动压力梯度关于长度的加权平均;纵向非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各渗透率层的启动压力梯度关于渗透率与渗流面积乘积的加权平均。研究成果可用于有效指导低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的合理井距确定,促进该类油藏的高效开发。  相似文献   

As an American modern novelist who were famous in the literary world, Hemingway was not a person who always followed the trend but a sharp observer. At the same time, he was a tragedy maestro, he paid great attention on existence, fate and end-result. The dramatis personae's tragedy of his works was an extreme limit by all means tragedy on the meaning of fearless challenge that failed. The beauty of tragedy was not produced on the destruction of life, but now this kind of value was in the impact activity. They performed for the reader about the tragedy on challenging for the limit and the death.  相似文献   

正The periodicity of the elements and the non-reactivity of the inner-shell electrons are two related principles of chemistry,rooted in the atomic shell structure.Within compounds,Group I elements,for example,invariably assume the+1 oxidation state,and their chemical properties differ completely from those of the p-block elements.These general rules govern our understanding of chemical structures and reactions.Using first principles calcula-  相似文献   

We have developed an adiabatic connection to formulate the ground-state exchange-correlation energy in terms of pairing matrix linear fluctuations.This formulation of the exchange-correlation energy opens a new channel for density functional approximations based on the many-body perturbation theory.We illustrate the potential of such approaches with an approximation based on the particle-particle Random Phase Approximation(pp-RPA).This re-  相似文献   

正The electronic and nuclear(structural/vibrational)response of 1D-3D nanoscale systems to electric fields gives rise to a host of optical,mechanical,spectral,etc.properties that are of high theoretical and applied interest.Due to the computational difficulty of treating such large systems it is convenient to model them as infinite and periodic(at least,in first approximation).The fundamental theoretical/computational problem in doing so is that  相似文献   

For molecular systems,the quantum-mechanical treatment of their responses to static electromagnetic fields usually employs a scalar-potential treatment of the electric field and a vector-potential treatment of the magnetic field.Although the potential for each field separately is associated with the choice of an(unphysical)origin,the precise choice of the origin for the electrostatic field has little consequences for the results.This is different for the  相似文献   

<正>"The Journal of Shanghai Normal University:Mathematics"is published by Shanghai Normal University as regular issues of The Journal of Shanghai Normal University each year from 2014 in English.The editors-in-chief of the issues are professors Yuhao Cong and Maoan Han.The Journal of Shanghai Normal University was started in 1958 with  相似文献   

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