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Recently, we identified recurrent gene fusions involving the 5' untranslated region of the androgen-regulated gene TMPRSS2 and the ETS (E26 transformation-specific) family genes ERG, ETV1 or ETV4 in most prostate cancers. Whereas TMPRSS2-ERG fusions are predominant, fewer TMPRSS2-ETV1 cases have been identified than expected on the basis of the frequency of high (outlier) expression of ETV1 (refs 3-13). Here we explore the mechanism of ETV1 outlier expression in human prostate tumours and prostate cancer cell lines. We identified previously unknown 5' fusion partners in prostate tumours with ETV1 outlier expression, including untranslated regions from a prostate-specific androgen-induced gene (SLC45A3) and an endogenous retroviral element (HERV-K_22q11.23), a prostate-specific androgen-repressed gene (C15orf21), and a strongly expressed housekeeping gene (HNRPA2B1). To study aberrant activation of ETV1, we identified two prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP and MDA-PCa 2B, that had ETV1 outlier expression. Through distinct mechanisms, the entire ETV1 locus (7p21) is rearranged to a 1.5-megabase prostate-specific region at 14q13.3-14q21.1 in both LNCaP cells (cryptic insertion) and MDA-PCa 2B cells (balanced translocation). Because the common factor of these rearrangements is aberrant ETV1 overexpression, we recapitulated this event in vitro and in vivo, demonstrating that ETV1 overexpression in benign prostate cells and in the mouse prostate confers neoplastic phenotypes. Identification of distinct classes of ETS gene rearrangements demonstrates that dormant oncogenes can be activated in prostate cancer by juxtaposition to tissue-specific or ubiquitously active genomic loci. Subversion of active genomic regulatory elements may serve as a more generalized mechanism for carcinoma development. Furthermore, the identification of androgen-repressed and insensitive 5' fusion partners may have implications for the anti-androgen treatment of advanced prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Expression of multiple oncogenes and inactivation of tumour suppressors is required to transform primary mammalian cells into cancer cells. Activated Ha-RasV12 (Ras) is usually associated with cancer, but it also produces paradoxical premature senescence in primary cells by inducing reactive oxygen species followed by accumulation of tumour suppressors p53 and p16(INK4a) (ref. 4). Here we identify, using a direct genetic screen, Seladin-1 (also known as Dhcr24) as a key mediator of Ras-induced senescence. Following oncogenic and oxidative stress, Seladin-1 binds p53 amino terminus and displaces E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 from p53, thus resulting in p53 accumulation. Additionally, Seladin-1 associates with Mdm2 independently of p53, potentially affecting other Mdm2 targets. Ablation of Seladin-1 causes the bypass of Ras-induced senescence in rodent and human fibroblasts, and allows Ras to transform these cells. Wild-type Seladin-1, but not mutants that disrupt its association with either p53 or Mdm2, suppresses the transformed phenotype. The same mutants are also inactive in directing p53-dependent oxidative stress response. These results show an unanticipated role for Seladin-1, previously implicated in Alzheimer's disease and cholesterol metabolism, in integrating cellular response to oncogenic and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

鉴于曲线桥每个墩柱的最大反应依赖于不同的地震输入角度,运用时程分析工作量大,本文基于Pushover法基本原理,考虑曲线桥墩柱底部曲率与地震动力反应的关系,提出了曲线桥在地震作用下动力响应的最不利角度的简化计算方法. 通过具体曲线桥动力反应分析算例,采用非线性静力Pushover分析方法,计算了曲线桥的地震动最不利输入角度;同时结合0~180°区间内的动力时程分析方法结果比较,验证了该方法在确定曲线桥地震反应最不利输入角度方面的适用性.  相似文献   

When microarray gene expression data are used to predict multiple drug resistance (MDR) phenotypes for anticancer drugs, the normalization strategy and the quality of the selected signature genes are usually the main causes of inconsistency among different experiments. A stable statistical drug response prediction model is urgently required in oncology. In this study, the microarray gene expression data of multiple cancer cell lines with MDR was analyzed. For each probe-set, the expression value was defined as present/absent (1/0) and was classified into a gene set defined with protein domain organization (PDO). After employing the gene content method of phylogenetic analysis, a phylogenetic model (cell tree) for MDR phenotype prediction was built at the PDO gene set level. The results indicate that classification of cancer cell lines is predominantly affected by both the histopathological features and the MDR phenotype (paclitaxel and vinblastine). When applying this model to predict the MDR phenotype of independent samples, the phylogenetic model performs better than signature gene models. Although the utility of our procedure is limited due to sample heterogeneity, it still has potential application in MDR research, especially for hematological tumors or established cell lines.  相似文献   

Class II (or Ia) antigens are highly polymorphic surface molecules which are essential for the cellular interactions involved in the immune response. In man, these antigens are encoded by a complex multigene family which is located in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and which comprises up to 12 distinct alpha- and beta-chain genes, coding for the HLA-DR, -DQ and -DP antigens. One form of congenital severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in man, which is generally lethal, is characterized by an absence of HLA-DR histocompatibility antigens on peripheral blood lymphocytes (HLA class II-deficient SCID). In these patients, as reported here, we have observed an absence of messenger RNA for the alpha- and beta-chains of HLA-DR, -DQ and -DP, indicating a global defect in the expression of all class II genes. Moreover, the lack of expression of HLA class II mRNAs could not be corrected by gamma-interferon, an inducer of class II gene expression in normal cells. Family studies have established that the genetic defect does not segregate with the MHC. We conclude, therefore, that the expression of the entire family of class II genes is normally controlled by a trans-acting class II regulatory gene which is unlinked to the MHC and which is affected in the patients. This gene controls a function or a product necessary for the action of gamma-interferon on class II genes.  相似文献   

To correlate the variable clinical features of oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer with somatic alterations, we studied pretreatment tumour biopsies accrued from patients in two studies of neoadjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy by massively parallel sequencing and analysis. Eighteen significantly mutated genes were identified, including five genes (RUNX1, CBFB, MYH9, MLL3 and SF3B1) previously linked to haematopoietic disorders. Mutant MAP3K1 was associated with luminal A status, low-grade histology and low proliferation rates, whereas mutant TP53 was associated with the opposite pattern. Moreover, mutant GATA3 correlated with suppression of proliferation upon aromatase inhibitor treatment. Pathway analysis demonstrated that mutations in MAP2K4, a MAP3K1 substrate, produced similar perturbations as MAP3K1 loss. Distinct phenotypes in oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer are associated with specific patterns of somatic mutations that map into cellular pathways linked to tumour biology, but most recurrent mutations are relatively infrequent. Prospective clinical trials based on these findings will require comprehensive genome sequencing.  相似文献   

K P Kane  A Vitiello  L A Sherman  M F Mescher 《Nature》1989,340(6229):157-159
T cells recognize antigenic peptides in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. Peptide binding to class II MHC proteins, and T-cell recognition of these complexes at the functional level has been demonstrated. Although considerable evidence suggests that class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) recognize class I-peptide complexes, this has not yet been directly demonstrated. Chen and Parham have recently detected a low level of direct binding of radiolabelled influenza peptides to class I HLA proteins, but the relevance of this binding to T-cell recognition remains uncertain. We report here that purified class I proteins pulsed with influenza peptides can trigger antigen-specific, TCR-mediated degranulation by CTL. Effective pulsing depends on both peptide concentration and time, and can occur within 60 minutes. These results provide strong support for the formation of an antigenic complex that is recognized by CTL in which peptide antigens are bound to isolated class I proteins.  相似文献   

A main limitation of therapies that selectively target kinase signalling pathways is the emergence of secondary drug resistance. Cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody that binds the extracellular domain of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is effective in a subset of KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancers. After an initial response, secondary resistance invariably ensues, thereby limiting the clinical benefit of this drug. The molecular bases of secondary resistance to cetuximab in colorectal cancer are poorly understood. Here we show that molecular alterations (in most instances point mutations) of KRAS are causally associated with the onset of acquired resistance to anti-EGFR treatment in colorectal cancers. Expression of mutant KRAS under the control of its endogenous gene promoter was sufficient to confer cetuximab resistance, but resistant cells remained sensitive to combinatorial inhibition of EGFR and mitogen-activated protein-kinase kinase (MEK). Analysis of metastases from patients who developed resistance to cetuximab or panitumumab showed the emergence of KRAS amplification in one sample and acquisition of secondary KRAS mutations in 60% (6 out of 10) of the cases. KRAS mutant alleles were detectable in the blood of cetuximab-treated patients as early as 10 months before radiographic documentation of disease progression. In summary, the results identify KRAS mutations as frequent drivers of acquired resistance to cetuximab in colorectal cancers, indicate that the emergence of KRAS mutant clones can be detected non-invasively months before radiographic progression and suggest early initiation of a MEK inhibitor as a rational strategy for delaying or reversing drug resistance.  相似文献   

Rapid progress in high-throughput biotechnologies (e.g. microarrays) and exponential accumulation of gene functional knowledge makes it promising for systematic understanding of complex human diseases at the functional modules level. Current modular categorizations can be defined and selected more specifically and precisely in terms of both biological processes and cellular locations, aiming at uncovering the modular molecular networks highly relevant to cancers. Based on Gene Ontology, we identifed the functional modules enriched with differentially expressed genes and characterized by biological processes and specific cellular locations. Then, according to the ranking of the disease discriminating abilities of the pre-selected functional modules, we further defined and filtered signature modules which have higher relevance to the cancer under study. Applications of the proposed method to the analysis of a prostate cancer dataset revealed insightful biological modules.  相似文献   

Rapid progress in high-throughput biotechnologies (e.g. microarrays) and exponential accumulation of gene functional knowledge makes it promising for systematic understanding of complex human diseases at the functional modules level. Current modular categorizations can be defined and selected more specifically and precisely in terms of both biological processes and cellular locations, aiming at uncovering the modular molecular networks highly relevant to cancers. Based on Gene Ontology, we identifed the functional modules enriched with differentially expressed genes and characterized by biological processes and specific cellular locations. Then, according to the ranking of the disease discriminating abilities of the pre-selected functional modules, we further defined and filtered signature modules which have higher relevance to the cancer under study. Applications of the proposed method to the analysis of a prostate cancer dataset revealed insightful biological modules.  相似文献   

B Bressac  M Kew  J Wands  M Ozturk 《Nature》1991,350(6317):429-431
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a prevalent cancer in sub-Saharan Africa and eastern Asia. Hepatitis B virus and aflatoxins are risk factors for HCC, but the molecular mechanism of human hepatocellular carcinogenesis is largely unknown. Abnormalities in the structure and expression of the tumour-suppressor gene p53 are frequent in HCC cell lines, and allelic losses from chromosome 17p have been found in HCCs from China and Japan. Here we report on allelic deletions from chromosome 17p and mutations of the p53 gene found in 50% of primary HCCs from southern Africa. Four of five mutations detected were G----T substitutions, with clustering at codon 249. This mutation specificity could reflect exposure to a specific carcinogen, one candidate being aflatoxin B1 (ref. 7), a food contaminant in Africa, which is both a mutagen that induces G to T substitution and a liver-specific carcinogen.  相似文献   

油菜一个WRKY基因对盐胁迫和干旱胁迫的表达响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以抗性不同的3个油菜品系为材料,半定量RT_RCR方法检测油菜叶片WRKY转录因子家族的BnD11基因在高盐和干旱胁迫下的表达情况.高盐和干旱胁迫6 h后BnD11基因表达量即有明显调高,在抗性最强的‘862'品系中表达量增加幅度最高,而在抗性最弱的‘1821'品系中表达量增加幅度最少.结果表明BnD11基因表达量与油菜品系抗性强度具有明显正相关性,可能在油菜抗(耐)盐和干旱的生理过程中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

Purpose: To exam the relationship between HER2 over-expression and different adjuvant chemotherapies in breast cancer. Patients and Methods: A total of 1625 primary breast cancer patients who received post-surgery adjuvant chemotherapy in Tianjin Cancer Hospital, China, from July 2002 to November 2005 were included in the study. Among them, 600 patients were given CMF (CTX+MTX+5-Fu) regimen, 600 given CEF (CTX+E-ADM+5-Fu) regimen, and 425 given anthracyclines plus taxanes regimen, with mean follow-up time of 42 months. Results: In CMF treatment group, the 3-year disease free survival (DFS) in HER2 over-expressed patients was lower than that of the HER2-negative ones (89.80% vs 91.24%, P=0.0348); in node-positive subgroup, the 3-year DFS was 84.72% in HER2 over-expressed patients, and 90.18% in the HER-2-negative ones (P=0.0271). Compared to CMF regimen, anthracyclines and anthracyclines plus taxanes regimens are more effective (P〈0.05) in node-positive HER2 over-expression than those in the node-negative. Conclusion: HER2 over-expression is an independent index for predicting poor prognosis and short DFS for breast cancer patients. HER2 over-expressed patients are resistant to CMF regimen chemotherapy, but sensitive to anthracyclines-based or anthracyclines plus taxanes regimen. HER2 expression can be taken as a marker for therapies in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Class switch recombination (CSR) is a region-specific DNA recombination reaction that replaces one immunoglobulin heavy-chain constant region (Ch) gene with another. This enables a single variable (V) region gene to be used in conjunction with different downstream Ch genes, each having a unique biological activity. The molecular mechanisms that mediate CSR have not been defined, but activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a putative RNA-editing enzyme, is required for this reaction. Here we report that the Nijmegen breakage syndrome protein (Nbs1) and phosphorylated H2A histone family member X (gamma-H2AX, also known as gamma-H2afx), which facilitate DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair, form nuclear foci at the Ch region in the G1 phase of the cell cycle in cells undergoing CSR, and that switching is impaired in H2AX-/- mice. Localization of Nbs1 and gamma-H2AX to the Igh locus during CSR is dependent on AID. In addition, AID is required for induction of switch region (S mu)-specific DNA lesions that precede CSR. These results place AID function upstream of the DNA modifications that initiate CSR.  相似文献   

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