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Summary Prolonged treatment with relatively low doses of ionizing radiation did not induce synthesis of superoxide dismutase, either inDrosophila melanogaster or in mice liver.Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the project No. R. III. 13.2.4.  相似文献   

Down's syndrome (DS), the most frequent of congenital birth defects, results from the trisomy of chromosome 21 in all cells of affected patients. This disease is characterized by developmental anomalies, mental retardation and features of rapid aging, particularly in the brain, where the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease is observed in trisomy 21 patients over the age of 35. Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) is one of the proteins encoded by chromosome 21 (21q22.1). As a consequence of gene dosage excess, CuZnSOD activity is increased by 50% in all DS tissues. This work reports the SOD activity of a population of DS patients with complete trisomy 21, partial trisomy 21, translocations and mosaicism, in order to confirm the gene dosage effect of SOD on the clinical features of DS, and to help to establish which is the critical region of chromosome 21 in DS. CuZnSOD was measured in red blood cells using the Minami and Yoshikawa method. In the population with complete trisomy 21, SOD activity was increased by 42%; in the population with partial trisomy 21, translocations and mosaicism, SOD activity was normal. In the population diagnosed as DS, but not karyotyped, SOD activity was increased by 28%. No differences between sexes or among ages were found. We conclude that the 21q22.1 segment is not the critical region responsible for DS, as we have found normal SOD activity in patients with the clinical features of DS.  相似文献   

Résumé L'acide N-furfuryl aspartique et l'acid N-(méthyl-6-heptyl)-2 aspartique permettent la croissance deL. mesenteroides P-60 en absence de l'acide aspartique et de l'asparagine. Ces 2 composés et leurs esters-méthyliques s'avèrent toxiques pourE. coli 9723.  相似文献   

Summary Superoxide dismutase has been found to be widely distributed and of approximately the same specific activity in all regions of human brain examined. It is not reduced during degeneration of the basal ganglia in Huntington's Chorea. After subcellular fractionation of human and guinea-pig cerebral cortex, the highest specific activity of the enzyme was found in the soluble fraction.Acknowledgments. We thank the Huntington's Chorea Foundation for financial support. Address reprint requests to the Neurochemistry Lab., V. A. Hospital, Seattle, Wash. 98108, USA.  相似文献   

T C Loomis  G Yee  W L Stahl 《Experientia》1976,32(11):1374-1376
Superoxide dismutase has been found to be widely distributed and of approximately the same specific activity in all regions of human brain examined. It is not reduced during degeneration of the basal ganglia in Huntington's Chorea. After subcellular fractionation of human and guinea-pig cerebral cortex, the highest specific activity of the enzyme was found in the soluble fraction.  相似文献   

Summary Ginkgo biloba extract is known to be efficient in diseases associated with free radical generation. The purpose of this work was to study, under in vitro conditions, the action ofGinkgo biloba extract (Gbe) against superoxide anion ( ), which is directly or indirectly implicated in cell damage.Gbe appears to have both an scavenging effect and also a superoxide dismutase activity. Its antiradical effect was demonstrated by low temperature electron spin resonance and in a non-enzymatic system (phenazine methosulfate-NADH), and its enzymatic activity was shown by polarographic determination.  相似文献   

Cuprozinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) was isolated from bovine erythrocytes by pH-controlled ammonium sulfate-methanol extraction (ASME extraction). Adjustment of the pH of a suspension of the lysed red cells in the presence of ammonium sulfate (90% saturation) to pH 5.0, followed by partition with an equal amount of methanol, resulted in isolation of the enzyme with specific, activity of greater than 2000 units/mg of protein. Further purification using DEAE-cellulose column chromatography gave a highly purified Cu,Zn-SOD showing a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Using this procedure about 14 mg of pure Cu,Zn-SOD with a specific activity of 4728 units/mg of protein can be recovered from one liter of bovine blood. The enzyme was characterized and the results obtained were in agreement with earlier reports. This procedure appears, therefore, to be a convenient method for isolating the enzyme.  相似文献   

The levels of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) were determined in appropriate subcellular fractions prepared from whole brain homogenates of cycling and long-term (3 week) ovariectomized (OVX) Wistar rats, and were compared to the levels found in corresponding samples prepared from OVX rats treated with progesterone (P) or estradiol 17B-benzoate (EB). The activity of both SODs was steady during the estrous cycle, except at proestrus, when MnSOD activity was elevated significantly. Bilateral ovariectomy resulted three weeks later in an increase of the MnSOD activity even higher than that recorded at proestrus. High post-castration MnSOD activity was lowered profoundly by exogenous P (2 mg) or EB (0.5 g), given s.c. to OVX animals 2 h or 24 h before sacrifice. Neither removal of the ovaries nor the hormone treatments affected the activity of CuZnSOD. These results suggest suppressive effects of ovarian steroids on MnSOD activity in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Ginkgo biloba extract is known to be efficient in diseases associated with free radical generation. The purpose of this work was to study, under in vitro conditions, the action of Ginkgo biloba extract (Gbe) against superoxide anion (O2-.), which is directly or indirectly implicated in cell damage. Gbe appears to have both an O2-. scavenging effect and also a superoxide dismutase activity. Its antiradical effect was demonstrated by low temperature electron spin resonance and in a non-enzymatic system (phenazine methosulfate-NADH), and its enzymatic activity was shown by polarographic determination.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the liver was about twice as high in adult rats as it was in neonates. In the brain and in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT), SOD activity was not changed during postnatal development, although it was slightly higher in the brain than in the IBAT (p>0.1). Thyroid hormones produced an increase in SOD activity in the brain of newborn rats, as well as in those animals 30 and 60 days old. The same quantity of hormones did not produce any significant changes in the liver or in the IBAT.  相似文献   

The activities of mitochondrial, manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and cytoplasmic, copper-zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) were measured in subcellular fractions of whole brain homogenates prepared from intact and gonadectomized (GDX) male rats, untreated or treated subcutaneously (sc) with a single dose of 2 mg progesterone (P) and/or 5 g estradiol benzoate (EB). Neither MnSOD nor CuZnSOD was affected by the removal of the testes. Similarly, CuZnSOD activity was steady following systemic administration of P and/or EB to intact and GDX animals 2 h or 24 h prior to sacrifice. On the other hand, both P and EB suppressed MnSOD in the brain of either intact or GDX rats. These results suggest involvement of P and EB in the control of MnSOD activity in the brain of male rats.  相似文献   

Riassunto È stata studiata in vitro l'inattivazione da raggi x dell'aldolasi dal muscolo di coniglio. Il rendimento di inattivazione corrisponde a 0,10 (molecule/100 ev) per concentrazioni comprese tra 10–5 and 10–6 M in tampone di fosfati 0,05M, pH 7. Il rendimento non subisce modificazioni di rilievo variando il pH da 6 a 8 o sostituendo al tampone l'acqua bidistillata. Il rendimento é ridotto da 4 a 6 volte in presenza di cisteamina, di cisteina o dei corrispondenti disolfuri in concentrazioni corrispondenti a 50 molecule per molecola di enzima. Coll'ioduro di sodio in concentrazione di 600:1 si ottiene una riduzione di 6 volte.  相似文献   

Summary In inbred mice possessing high and low tissue superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, it was observed that the difference in the SOD activities of the liver homogenates during development attains the maximum characteristic of the strain by about the 150th day. Subsequently, the SOD activity change displays a tendency in contrast with the age and the basic state. In the course of the development, a difference was also observed between the 2 mouse strains in the lipid peroxidation variation.Part XVIII of the series Properties of enzymes.  相似文献   

Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences - Oxygen uptake by neutrophils has been stimulated by particulate serum-treated-zymosan (STZ) and soluble N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) in the...  相似文献   

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