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Shanghai Museum has got great achievements in re-excavating Guangfulin relics.It is the first time that the cultural remains of Wangyoufang type is found above the Liangzhu cultural remains which comes from East Henan Province,providing previous materials for researching culture evolution around Taihu Lake.Samples were taken from the immature soil layer and cultural layers of Guangfulin relics for phytolith analysis.According to the systemic research for the archaeological remains and phytolith fossil,the phytoliths in Guangfulin relics can be divided into four xones.The development of rice agriculture and living condition of Guangfulin ancestors was discussed based on the existing rice fan-shaped phytolith,rice shell phytolith.diatom fossil and archaeology,evidence in the same layer.The Guangfulin relics has gradually developed since a high sea level 5000 years ago,and the broad rice agriculture has simultaneously developed.The newly re-excavated relics provides valuable materials for the research of ancestors and ancient culture in Shanghai.  相似文献   

This paper reports the study of ancient potteries unearthed from the Guangfulin site in Shanghai. From the external features of these potteries, archeologists can classify them into two different cultural types: Liangzhu culture (local culture) and a new culture which might be derived elsewhere, but they can not recognize whether they were produced in the same place. Proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) were used to measure the chemical compositions of the samples and the results were analyzed using multivariate statistics. We found that the two methods can complement each other and their database can be mutually referenced in the study of ancient potteries. Experimental results show that the compositions of the potteries from the two cultural types are different, which means that the materials for ancient potteries of new culture originate from elsewhere. This supports the archaeologists’ speculation that a group of ancient people migrated to Shanghai from some other places 4000 years ago.  相似文献   

This paper reports the study of ancient potteries unearthed from the Guangfulin site in Shanghai. From the external features of these potteries, archeologists can classify them into two different cultural types: Liangzhu culture (local culture) and a new culture which might be derived elsewhere, but they can not recognize whether they were produced in the same place. Proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) were used to measure the chemical compositions of the samples and the results were analyzed using multivariate statistics. We found that the two methods can complement each other and their database can be mutually referenced in the study of ancient potteries. Experimental results show that the compositions of the potteries from the two cultural types are different, which means that the materials for ancient potteries of new culture originate from elsewhere. This supports the archaeologists’ speculation that a group of ancient people migrated to Shanghai from some other places 4000 years ago.  相似文献   

广富林遗址考古新发现及先人生活环境探析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
广富林遗址的重新发现,取得了新的成果,首次在良渚文化遗存之上发现了来自豫东地区的王油坊类型文化遗存,为环太湖地区的文化变迁等课题研究提供了新的资料,系统采集了遗址生土层和各文化层的样品,作了孢和分析研究,根据孢粉组合特划,划分了4个孢粉组合带,并对广富林先人的生活环境和文化,农耕等发展作了探讨。  相似文献   

The excavation of Shanghai Zhidanyun relics makes the recurrence of a splendid Yuan Dynasty sluice. It is a good example for the study of Shanghai history in the Wusongjiang River irrigation, the ancient shipping and the town development. Based on the data of microfossil Pediastrum,Zygnema, Concentricystes, diatom, foraminifera and ostracods from the sediment section of the relics, the paleostrcam change after the construction of the sluice was guessed. The paleastream was influenced by the sea water due to the connection with the sea in the earlier stage. The upstream of the sea water was enhanced in the middle stage that was indicated by the increase of marine diatoms and foraminifera.The decrease of marine diatoms and foraminifera in abundance reflected that the connection of the paleostream with the sea was reduced, and the sea influence was decreased gradually in the later stage.  相似文献   

Conclusions The macro-environment of the region and the site agriculture interpreted from the phytolith assemblages at Yingyang site are as follows: i)In the mid-late period of Yangshao Culture five thousand years ago, the regional climate of Dengfeng County is warm and wet; ii)In the mid-late period of Yangshao Culture, rice farming may have been practised in the region.  相似文献   

佛山拥有丰富的文物建筑遗产,然而在城市现代化建设过程中对文物保护工作重视不够。针对这一现状,提出了相应的文物保护对策。  相似文献   

从地质公园的地质背景和地貌特征入手,在分析剑门关地质遗迹景观类型和景观特征基础上,论述了剑门关砾岩丹霞地貌景观成因机制.研究表明:以悬崖绝壁、关隘等为特色的剑门关丹霞地貌是中国西部单斜中低山区砾岩丹霞地貌和砾岩喀斯特地貌景观的典型代表,这对研究龙门山推覆造山带的隆起和四川盆地的形成、演化具有极为重要的意义.  相似文献   

初等数论教学中思维创新意识的培养途径是:从不同角度思考问题,引导思维起点创新;注重解题通法,但不拘泥通法,强化思维过程创新;加强知识间的联系,促进思维概括创新;抓住本质特征,实现思维迁移创新;通过尝试错误,展示思维过程,启迪思维求异创新。  相似文献   

通过现场调查对云台石质文物的主要病害类型进行了总结,利用X-射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜-能谱仪(SEM-EDS)、离子色谱测试仪(IC)分别得到石质样品的矿物成分、表面形貌、元素种类及含量、可溶盐的种类及含量,综合这几种表征方法深入分析石质文物病害产生的原因。现场调查发现云台主要存在的病害类型为表面泛盐、片状脱落、裂缝等;白色盐害主要是由于可溶盐离子K~+、Na~+、Ca~(2+)、SO_4~(2-)含量较大,结晶析出CaSO_4·2H_2O、K_2SO_4、Na_2SO_4·10H_2O等盐而覆盖在岩石表面所致,片状脱落、裂缝的产生也与可溶盐的晶涨、温差、冻融等作用有关。  相似文献   

文物旅游,是文物与旅游的最佳结合。从现实和可持续发展的角度看,文物与旅游是一种相互依存、相互促进的良好关系:文物为旅游提供发展条件,它的妥善保护和合理利用,是旅游业最好和最持久的重要资源;反之,旅游业的快速发展及其与之俱来的经济效益,又为文物事业提供物质支持,利于文物古迹的抢救和有效保护。  相似文献   

泥土芽孢杆菌YMTC1049菌株高温蛋白酶产酶条件的优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 报道高温蛋白酶产生菌YMTC1049(Geobacillus sp.)产酶条件的优化过程.在基础培养基中分别添加葡萄糖、麦芽糖、酵母提取物、蛋白胨、胰蛋白胨、酪蛋白、聚胨等7种营养成分,获得对酶活影响较大的碳、氮源.用多因素正交试验设计考察了pH、酪蛋白、葡萄糖和温度对酶活的影响水平,菌株在优化发酵条件下培养24h时,上清液蛋白酶活力达312U/(mL·min).  相似文献   

西安是中国古代文明的重要发源地,保留着各个历史时期的大量文化遗产,使西安成为全国人文旅游资源最丰富的地区之一,被誉为“天然历史博物馆”。分析区域旅游业发展与历史古迹资源保护利用的关系,以及历史古迹旅游的内涵、研究现状,从西安的实际出发,阐述历史古迹旅游资源禀赋及其开发现状,探讨历史古迹旅游资源保护的原则,并提出西安历史古迹保护与旅游开发协调发展的对策。  相似文献   

Phytoliths are noncrystalline minerals that form inside cells and cell walls of different parts of plants. Organic carbon in living cells can be occluded in phytoliths during plant growth. It has been documented that the occluded carbon within phytoliths is an important long-term terrestrial carbon reservoir that has a major role in the global carbon cycle. Common millet and foxtail millet have become typical dry-farming crops in China since the Neolithic Age. The study of carbon conservation within phytoliths in these crops could provide insights into anthropogenic influences on the carbon cycle. In this study, we analyzed the carbon content in phytoliths of common millet and foxtail millet. The results indicated that (1) common millet and foxtail millet contained 0.136% ± 0.070% and 0.129% ± 0.085% phytolith-occluded carbon (PhytOC) on a dry mass basis, respectively; (2) based on the mean annual production of common millet and foxtail millet in the last 10 years, the phytolith occluded carbon accumulation rate of common millet and foxtail millet was approximately 0.023 ± 0.015 and 0.020 ± 0.010 t CO 2 ha 1 a 1 , respectively; (3) assuming a similar phytolith occluded carbon accumulation rate as for common millet (the highest accumulation rate was 0.038 t CO 2 ha 1 a 1 ), this could result in the sequestration of 2.37 × 10 6 t CO 2 per year for the 62.4 × 10 6 ha dry-farming crops in China. Although there was a decline in the annual production rate and planting area of foxtail millet during 1949 to 2008, the total phytolith carbon sequestration rate was 7×10 6 t CO 2 within the 60-year period. However, phytolith occluded carbon has not yet been fully considered as a global carbon sink. Also, this carbon fraction is probably one of the best candidates for the missing carbon sink.  相似文献   

讨论了发展旅游业中的文物保护问题,指出要加大宣传力度,动员全社会参与到保护文物的行动中,并要依靠法律手段使文物得到更好的传承、保护和利用。  相似文献   

本文通过查阅相关的文献资料、走访有关的人士。从新疆青少年足球的概况入手,回顾不同时期新疆青少年足球运动员培养模式。从培养途径、管理模式角度对新疆青少年足球的培养进行分析,探讨其中的问题和不足,从而为更好地为促进新疆青少年足球运动的发展提供建议。  相似文献   

扶氏于明永乐朝迁入乐昌,自康熙初开始,他们开始整顿祭典,对失祭之先祖恢复祭典,对缺失祭产的凑集田产立祭,对附祭者实行分祭;以膳田为祭田、为己设祭渐成风习。至乾隆朝后期,扶氏的祭典已基本恢复。扶氏的例子,展现了宗族祭祖习俗具体而复杂的面相。  相似文献   

As the third summary report of ODP Leg 184 to the South China Sea (SCS), this paper discusses the evolution of the East Asian monsoon and the SCS basin. A multi-proxy approach, involving geochemistry, micropale-ontology, pollen and other analyses, was adopted for reconstructing the evolutionary history of the East Asian monsoon, which was characterized by a series of paleo-climate events especially at 8, 3.2, 2.2 and 0.4 Ma. The new record indicates similar stages in the development of the East and South Asian monsoons, with an enhanced winter monsoon over East Asia being the major difference. The rich spectrums of monsoon variability from the southern SCS also reveal other characteristic features of the low latitude ocean. Evidence for the evolution of the SCS includes the hemipelagic Oligocene sediments, implying the existence of deep water environments during the early seafloor spreading stage of the SCS basin. The four major unconformities and some remarkabl ediagenetic features in upper Oligocene deposits indicate the strongest tectonic events in the region. From a careful comparison of lithologies and sedimentation rates, we conclude that the prominent differences in sedimentary environments between the southern and northern SCS were established only by ~3 Ma.  相似文献   

以河南博物院馆藏的雕漆器、漆器、木雕、和竹器共36件为实验材料,对其霉变斑点进行取样,将菌悬液通过涂布平板及浇注平板的方法对采集的95个样品进行了霉菌的分离,获得纯菌种后通过观察霉菌形态特征、显微观察菌丝及产孢结构以及18 SrDNA分子生物学鉴定方法,鉴定曲霉属(Aspergillus)、脉孢菌属(Neurospor...  相似文献   

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