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Wang  Jianmin  Shi  Qi  Chen  Fahu  Xia  Dunsheng 《科学通报(英文版)》1999,44(3):284-284
The geographic extent of the climate oscillations during the last deglaciation is an open question in the world. Here a high resolution climate record from a 16 000 C-14 a loess sequence in the northwestern margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau is reported. Comparison with GISP2 record shows that all major climate oscillation (e. g. Oldest Dryas/ Boiling/ Older Dryas/ Allerod/ Younger Dryas) in the North Atlantic region also registered in the record. In addition, the sequence also contains some other distinctive strengthened winter monsoon periods. It is suggested that a coupling mechanism operate between the two areas, and climate oscillations in the North Atlantic region may not be a local phenomenon.  相似文献   

The concentrations of biogenic silica, total organic carbon, total nitrogen and total hydrogen inferred from the sediments of tropical Maar Lake Huguangyan, southern China, provide a climate record of the last déglaciation with century resolution. The records fully demonstrate the existence of the two-step shape of the last déglaciation in tropic East Asia, and they point out noticeable differences between the low and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, the Boiling first warming at the last deglaciation in the low latitude may have preceded that of the high latitude, whereas the cooling of the Younger Dryas occurred synchronously in the two regions. These results likely suggest that the links between the low and high latitude climates in the Northern Hemisphere during this period are complexity.  相似文献   

The planktonic foraminiferal faunal census of core MD 05-2894 (7°2.25′N, 111°33.11′E, water depth 1982 m), retrieved from the southern South China Sea (SCS) during the "Marco Polo" cruise in 2005, was performed to investigate the abundance changes of a subsurface dweller, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata. The results display that the abundance of P. obliquiloculata nearly declines to zero during 16.0--14.9 ka, corresponding to the Heinrich 1 (H1) cold interval. The unexpected decrease of P. obliquiloculata occurs in the adjacent cores, roughly between 17 and 14.8 ka based on the previous studies. Accordingly, the Pulleniatina Minimum Event in the last deglaciation can serve as a good stratigraphical indicator, at least in the southern SCS. To further explore the changes of sea surface temperature (SST) and subsurface seawater temperature (SSST), we made parallel Mg/Ca measurements on surface dweller Globigerinoides tuber and subsurface dweller P. obliquiloculata tests. Since the last deglaciation, the SSTs show a continuous increasing trend towards the late Holocene, while the warming of the subsurface water is punctuated by a 2℃-cooling interval across the deglacial Pulleniatina Minimum Event. Both increased 5180 differences between G. ruber and P. obliquiloculata, and increased temperature differences between surface and subsurface water suggest a shoaling of the mixed layer during the deglacial Pulleniatina Minimum Event. Therefore, we consider that the significant changes in the upper ocean structure are responsible for the Pulleniatina Minimum Event during the last deglaciation in the southern SCS.  相似文献   

The tropical oceans are important source areas for global heat and water vapor transport, and changes in tropical sea surface tem-perature (SST) will have important impacts on high-latitude and global climate change. It is crucial to establish the precise phase relationship between tropical and high-latitude climate variability to gain insight into the mechanisms of global climate change. Here, we present multi-proxy records across the penultimate deglaciation (Termination II) from sediment Core SO18459, which is located in the outflow area of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) of the Timor Sea. These proxy records include planktonic and benthic foraminifera δ18O, planktonic foraminifera G. ruber Mg/Ca-derived SST, and δ18Ow of sea surface water. The Mg/Ca-SST records indicate a warming of 4.1°C in the Timor Sea over Termination II, which is in phase with decrease in planktonic and benthic δ18O. Our results suggest that at millennial timescales, climate change of the tropical oceans is synchronous with high-latitude ice volume changes. Furthermore, warming of the Timor Sea is almost simultaneous with warming of the Antarctic, suggesting a rapid heat transfer from the tropics to the Antarctic via the atmosphere and/or ocean circulations. The G. ruber δ18O and SST records of Core SO18459 show a marked YD-like event during Termination II, which is probably caused by decrease in Australian rainfall or strengthening of the Western Pacific Warm Pool. However, a similar YD-like event is not observed in East Asian rainfall records. This discrepancy indicates that different tropical climate systems may have different responses to the same forcing, such as El Niño Southern Oscillation. A similar YD-like event is observed in the global benthic foraminiferal δ18O records during Termination II, implying teleconnection of millennial scale climate change between the tropical regions and high latitudes.  相似文献   

In the viewpoint of heat transfer,heat transport potential capacity and its dissipation are defined based on the essence of heat transport phenomenon,Rspectively,their physical menings are the overall heat transfer capability and the dissipation rate of the heat transfer capacity.Then the least dissipation principle of heat transport potential cpacity is presented to enhance the heat conduction efficiency in the heat conduction optimization .The principle is, for a conduction process with the constant integral of the thermal conductivity over the region ,the optimal distribution of thermal conductivity,which corresponds to the highest heat conduction efficiency ,is characterized by the least dissipation of heat transport potential capacity .Finally the principle is applied to some cases in heat conduction optimization.  相似文献   

The heat conduction following the Fourier law widely exists in nature and engineering. Usually, the thermal resistance is applied to evaluating the perform-ance of the heat conduction, i.e. the less resistance corre-sponds to the better performance. Therefore, the heat conduction is often enhanced by means of using high conductivity materials or reducing the thermal contact resistance. The more general performance criterion is the heat duty for the given temperature difference DT, or the temp…  相似文献   

为刻画整个太平洋内区经向热输送的基本特征及其季节变化,并初步探讨变化的原因,基于Argo温盐资料,利用P矢量法反演了太平洋的绝对地转流(AGC),并结合Ekman流,分析了年平均和季节平均的经向热输送。结果显示,在13°S~13°N,经向热输送主要由Ekman经向热输送控制,季节变化显著,且南北半球变化相反,北半球1-3月有北向输送最大值,8-10月当经向热输送转为南向时,Ekman经向热输送达到最小;南北太平洋经向热输送的季节变化存在显著的不对称特征,北太平洋的明显强于南太平洋,低纬度海域的明显大于高纬度海域。分析表明,经向热输送的季节变化与纬向风应力的变化直接相关,由于未能有效包含西边界流及赤道区域,对比前人的研究结果后推测,西边界流和赤道流在维持南北太平洋经向热输送的平衡中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

Biomarkers have been widely used to reconstruct phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes, and this method has been applied for the first time in the middle Okinawa Trough during the transition from the last deglaciation to the Holocene. The total content of all marine phytoplankton biomarkers, used as a total productivity indicator, reveals higher productivity during the deglaciation. The ratios of the biomarkers are used as community structure indicators which show that, compared with the Holocene, the contribution from haptophytes decreased while the contributions from diatoms and dinoflagellates increased during the deglaciation. The increased productivity during the deglaciation was likely caused by the stronger winter monsoon. Also increased nutrient supply from terrestrial sources contributes to the higher productivity due to lower sea-level, which is consistent with higher terrestrial biomarker (long-chain n-alkanols) content. These changes in the nutrient supply also con- tributed to the community structure changes in the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

Different from other similar studies, in this paper, most of the data were excerpted from historical archives and documents, and were used to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of cultivated land resources in China during the last 300 years. It is clear that these data may help reveal land use change dynamics and its regional differences, but they may be problematic due to the constraints of the original data in the Ming Dynasty, Conversion of Land Area for the purpose of collecting land taxes, and the deliberate or inadvertent omission of cultivated land area during land surveys, therefore, such data were adjusted to our need. In processing the data, we made great efforts to analyze the historical context of their sources and reduced the possible errors. The results show that the cultivated land area increased most quickly in the early Qing Dynasty, and slowed down after the middle Qing Dynasty, and then was stable in the late Qing Dynasty until 1949, and has been decreasing since then. It is also found that the cultivated land use varied greatly in different regions. The east of the country was cultivated much more heavily than the west, but in some western provinces cultivated land area increased more quickly. It is considered that the driving factors of such cultivated land area change include the increase of the population, the political issues, and the impacts of wars. Natural environmental factors and the introduction of new crops might also have affected the cultivated land use change in the past 300 years.  相似文献   

Using Lanczos filtered simulation results from the ECHO-G coupled ocean-atmosphere model, this study analyzes the spatiotemporal structure of temperature and precipitation on centennial time scale to examine how climate change in eastern China responded to external forcing during the last millennium. The conclusions are (1) eastern China experienced a warm-cold-warm climate transition, and the transition from the warm period to the cold period was slower than the cold to warm transition which followed it. There was more rainfall in the warm periods, and the transitional peak and valley of precipitation lag those of temperature. The effective solar radiation and solar irradiance have significant impacts on the temporal variation of both temperature and precipitation. Volcanic activity plays an important role in the sudden drop of temperature before the Present Warm Period (PWP). There is a positive correlation between precipitation and volcanic activity before 1400 A.D., and a negative relationship between the two thereafter. The concentration of greenhouse gases increases in the PWP, and the temperature and precipitation increase accordingly. (2) The spatial pattern of the first leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF) mode of temperature on centennial time scale is consistent with that on the inter-annual/inter-decadal (IA-ID) time scales; namely, the entirety of eastern China is of the same sign. This pattern has good coherence with effective solar radiation and the concentrations of greenhouse gases. The first leading EOF mode of precipitation on centennial time scale is totally different from that on the IA-ID time scales. The first leading mode of centennial time scale changes consistently over the entirety of eastern China, while the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers are the opposite to the rest of eastern China is the leading spatial pattern on IA-ID time scale. The distribution of precipitation on centennial time scale is affected by solar irradiance and greenhouse gas concentrations.  相似文献   

Regional decadal precipitation reconstructions for the arid and semi-arid zones of northern China were established by the use of different palaeoclimate archives such as ice-cores, tree-rings, lake sediments and written historical documents. Local rainfall reconstructions from single sites were averaged to obtain regional precipitation records for western and eastern regions of an arid and semiarid zone of northern China, respectively. All established regional precipitation curves display 5 dry periods, each lasting about 50 years. Meanwhile, precipitation reconstructions show regional dissimilarities. During the last 500 years, the trends of precipitation change in the eastern arid region are basically consistent with those in the western and eastern regions of the semiarid zone. Precipitation variations in the western arid region are unique, showing significant local patterns of rainfall variability. Maximum entropy method (MEM) spectral estimates show that each regional precipitation series contains stationary century-scale periodicities of about 120 a.Singular spectrum analysis was applied to isolating the century-scale oscillation signals from the regional proxy precipitation series. Significant periods with wavelengths of 121.4a, 154.6a, 124.3a, 118.6a, 108.5a and 121.4a were found 26.56%, 26.44%, 28.87%, 18.67%, 33.48% and 34.04% of the variances of the original series for the western arid zone,the eastern arid zone, the whole arid zone, the western semiarid zone, the eastern semiarid zone and whole northern China, respectively.  相似文献   

DTA, thermal expansion, XRD, and SEM were used to evaluate the effect of quenching temperature on the mechanical properties and microstructure of a novel sintered steel Fe-6Co-1Ni-5Cr-5Mo-1C. Lattice parameters and the mass fraction of carbon dissolved in the matrix of the steel quenched were investigated. It is discovered that the hardness of the steel increases with quenching temperature in the range of 840-900℃ and remains constant in the range of 900 to 1100℃. It decreases rapidly when the temperature is higher than 1100℃. The mass fraction of carbon dissolved in the matrix of the steel quenched at 840℃ is 0.38, but when the quenching temperature is increased to 1150℃, it increases to 0.98. The carbides formed during sintering are still present at grain boundaries and in the matrix of the steel quenched at low quenching temperatures, such as 840℃. When the quenching temperature is increased to 1150℃, most of the carbides at grain boundaries are dissolved with just a small amount of spherical M23C6 existing in the matrix of the quenched steel.  相似文献   

地源热泵系统可持续运行地下水热量运移模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以成都平原某地下水源热泵系统工程为例,模拟该系统夏季运行期间特定水流和热源条件下地下水流-热量耦合运移过程,分析随各因素变化的地下水热量运移过程对热泵系统可持续运行的影响。基于描述地下水热量运移的对流-弥散数值模型,将热泵系统复杂的井群布设及运行方案简化为对井抽-灌的理想运行模式,选取夏季运行结束时回灌井地下水热量影响范围及抽水井出水温的变幅作为评价依据,定量评价冷负荷设计、抽-灌水井布设方案及系统工作运行模式等因素变化对地下水热量运移过程的影响,为其可持续运行提供理论参考。模拟结果表明,该地下水源热泵系统在夏季运行时抽-灌水井间将发生热贯通现象,其程度强弱受抽-灌循环水量变化的影响相对明显,宜采取大温差、小流量的运行模式.  相似文献   

双辊铸轧中辊套传热的集肤效应及最大铸轧速度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于热平衡原理,用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了双辊连续铸轧中辊套二维稳态传热计算模型;分析在不同转速、材料和内冷等工况下旋转辊套的传热规律,揭示了辊套传热的"集肤效应"和铸轧不同板坯厚度时能够达到的最大铸轧速度.仿真研究表明:随着铸轧速度的提高,"集肤效应"越明显;改变内冷条件,如与内部冷却水的换热系数从5000W/(m2·K)增至25000W/(m2·K),铸轧速度提高不明显;而应用导热性能好的铜辊套,由于其热穿透能力提高,铸轧速度大大提高.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of pCO2 in the tropic ocean is one of the most important issues to understand global climatic changes.In this study,the high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of core 17962 was conducted,which is Iocated in the southern South China Sea(SCS).The contents of sedimentary organic matter,the stable carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter,and the δ^13C values of black carbon and terrigenons n-alkanes were determined.And the δ^13Cwc value of carbon derived from aquatic was calculated.On the basis of δ^13Corg-pCO2equation proposed by Popp et al.(1989),we estimated the pCO2 in the Nansha area,SCS,since the last glaciation using δ^13Cwc instead of δ^13Corg.The results show that the average pCO2 was estimated at 240 ppm V during the last glaciation,and at 320ppm V in the Holocene.A comparison of surface sea pCO2 with the atmosphere CO2 recorded in the Vostok ice core,indicates that CO2 in surface water of the southern SCS could emit into atmosphere during the last 30ka.  相似文献   

Wang  MeiRong  Zhou  ShunWu  Duan  AnMin 《科学通报(英文版)》2012,57(5):548-557
The trend in the atmospheric heat source over the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau (CE-TP) is quantitatively estimated using historical observations at 71 meteorological stations, three reanalysis datasets from 1980-2008, and two satellite radiation datasets from 1984-2007. Results show that a weakening of sensible heat (SH) flux over the CE-TP continues. The most significant trend occurs in spring, induced mainly by decelerated surface wind speeds. The ground-air temperature difference shows a notable increasing trend over the last 5 years. Trends in net radiation flux of the atmospheric column over the CE-TP, evaluated by two satellite radiation datasets, are clearly different. Trends in the atmospheric heat source calculated by the three reanalysis datasets are not completely consistent, and even show opposite signals. Results from the two datasets both show a weakening of the heat source but the magnitude of one is significantly stronger, whereas an increase is indicated by the other data. Therefore, it is challenging to accurately calculate the trend in the atmospheric heat source over the CE-TP, particularly from the estimates of the reanalysis datasets.  相似文献   

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