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Flowering is often triggered by exposing plants to appropriate day lengths. This response requires an endogenous timer called the circadian clock to measure the duration of the day or night. This timer also controls daily rhythms in gene expression and behavioural patterns such as leaf movements. Several Arabidopsis mutations affect both circadian processes and flowering time; but how the effect of these mutations on the circadian clock is related to their influence on flowering remains unknown. Here we show that expression of CONSTANS (CO), a gene that accelerates flowering in response to long days, is modulated by the circadian clock and day length. Expression of a CO target gene, called FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), is restricted to a similar time of day as expression of CO. Three mutations that affect circadian rhythms and flowering time alter CO and FT expression in ways that are consistent with their effects on flowering. In addition, the late flowering phenotype of such mutants is corrected by overexpressing CO. Thus, CO acts between the circadian clock and the control of flowering, suggesting mechanisms by which day length regulates flowering time.  相似文献   

B Zheng  D W Larkin  U Albrecht  Z S Sun  M Sage  G Eichele  C C Lee  A Bradley 《Nature》1999,400(6740):169-173
Circadian rhythms are driven by endogenous biological clocks that regulate many biochemical, physiological and behavioural processes in a wide range of life forms. In mammals, there is a master circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus. Three putative mammalian homologues (mPer1, mPer2 and mPer3) of the Drosophila circadian clock gene period (per) have been identified. The mPer genes share a conserved PAS domain (a dimerization domain found in Per, Arnt and Sim) and show a circadian expression pattern in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. To assess the in vivo function of mPer2, we generated and characterized a deletion mutation in the PAS domain of the mouse mPer2 gene. Here we show that mice homozygous for this mutation display a shorter circadian period followed by a loss of circadian rhythmicity in constant darkness. The mutation also diminishes the oscillating expression of both mPer1 and mPer2 in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, indicating that mPer2 may regulate mPer1 in vivo. These data provide evidence that an mPer gene functions in the circadian clock, and define mPer2 as a component of the mammalian circadian oscillator.  相似文献   

J E Walker  M Saraste  N J Gay 《Nature》1982,298(5877):867-869
The ATP synthases of bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts, which use the energy of a transmembrane proton gradient to power the synthesis of ATP, consist of an integral membrane component F0--thought to contain a proton channel--and a catalytic component, F1. To help investigate the way F0 and F1 are coupled, we have sequenced the b-subunit of the Escherichia coli F0, which seems to be the counterpart of a thermophilic bacteria F0 subunit thought to be essential for F1 binding. We report here that its sequence is remarkable, being hydrophobic around the N-terminus and highly charged in the remainder. We propose that the N-terminal segment lies in the membrane and the rest outside. The extramembranous section contains two adjacent stretches of 31 amino acids where the sequence is very similar: in the second of these stretches there is further internal homology. These duplicated stretches of the polypeptide probably fold into two alpha-helices which have many common features able to make contact with F1 subunits. Thus protein b occupies a central position in the enzyme, where it may be involved in proton translocation. It is possibly also important in biosynthetic assembly.  相似文献   

Pennartz CM  de Jeu MT  Bos NP  Schaap J  Geurtsen AM 《Nature》2002,416(6878):286-290
The central biological clock of the mammalian brain is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. This hypothalamic region contains neurons that generate a circadian rhythm on a single-cell basis. Clock cells transmit their circadian timing signals to other brain areas by diurnal modulation of their spontaneous firing rate. The intracellular mechanism underlying rhythm generation is thought to consist of one or more self-regulating molecular loops, but it is unknown how these loops interact with the plasma membrane to modulate the ionic conductances that regulate firing behaviour. Here we demonstrate a diurnal modulation of Ca2+ current in suprachiasmatic neurons. This current strongly contributes to the generation of spontaneous oscillations in membrane potential, which occur selectively during daytime and are tightly coupled to spike generation. Thus, day-night modulation of Ca2+ current is a central step in transducing the intracellular cycling of molecular clocks to the rhythm in spontaneous firing rate.  相似文献   

基于拟南芥的时间序列的基因组芯片数据,分析了植物生长的昼夜调节模式相关的基因表达规律,发现有2.4%的基因的日振幅达到了显著差异水平.从整体基因转录组水平分析,白天诱导表达的基因主要参与调控植物与环境之间的相互作用,而夜晚表达上调的基因主要参与调节植物的生长发育.此外,植物叶绿素和血红素的生物合成也受到了生物钟的调控.对整个基因组水平上生物钟核心震荡调节子CCA1/LHY和TOC1的共表达基因做了基因组水平上的扫描鉴定,得到了一些新的潜在的生物节律调节因子.这些结果为今后更为系统地完善植物的生物节律的调控网络提供了参考.  相似文献   

Recent findings on neural and endocrine rhythms in infant mice and rats show that maternal coordination has an important role in setting the phase of the developing circadian clock both in the fetus and soon after birth. However, less information is available about the influence of the mother on activity/rest cycles of infants. Separation of the mother from infants in guinea pigs, monkeys and rats results in an increase in sleep disturbance (enhanced activity?). In this context it may be a common feature that during the postnatal period there is enhanced activity of pups during the hours when the mother is not nearby. Conversely, the social influences exerted by the mother while present with her young possibly leads to a relative rest stage. We have now tested this assumption in the night-active mouse Mus booduga. Our study addressed the postulate that the circadian activity/rest cycles of the pups are controlled by cyclic(?) presence and absence of the mother. The results reported here clearly indicate that the circadian locomotor activity of pups kept under continuous illumination or continuous darkness do entrain them to a regime of imposed 12:12-h cyclic presence and absence of the mother. The characteristics of this entrainment confer on the mother mouse the role of zeitgeber.  相似文献   

The expression of clock genes in vertebrates is widespread and not restricted to classical clock structures. The expression of the Clock gene in zebrafish shows a strong circadian oscillation in many tissues in vivo and in culture, showing that endogenous oscillators exist in peripheral organs. A defining feature of circadian clocks is that they can be set or entrained to local time, usually by the environmental light-dark cycle. An important question is whether peripheral oscillators are entrained to local time by signals from central pacemakers such as the eyes or are themselves directly light-responsive. Here we show that the peripheral organ clocks of zebrafish are set by light-dark cycles in culture. We also show that a zebrafish-derived cell line contains a circadian oscillator, which is also directly light entrained.  相似文献   

Many plants use day length as an environmental cue to ensure proper timing of the switch from vegetative to reproductive growth. Day-length sensing involves an interaction between the relative length of day and night, and endogenous rhythms that are controlled by the plant circadian clock. Thus, plants with defects in circadian regulation cannot properly regulate the timing of the floral transition. Here we describe the gene EARLY FLOWERING 4 (ELF4), which is involved in photoperiod perception and circadian regulation. ELF4 promotes clock accuracy and is required for sustained rhythms in the absence of daily light/dark cycles. elf4 mutants show attenuated expression of CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1), a gene that is thought to function as a central oscillator component. In addition, elf4 plants transiently show output rhythms with highly variable period lengths before becoming arrhythmic. Mutations in elf4 result in early flowering in non-inductive photoperiods, which is probably caused by elevated amounts of CONSTANS (CO), a gene that promotes floral induction.  相似文献   

Xin H  Liu D  Wan M  Safari A  Kim H  Sun W  O'Connor MS  Songyang Z 《Nature》2007,445(7127):559-562
Telomere dysfunction may result in chromosomal abnormalities, DNA damage responses, and even cancer. Early studies in lower organisms have helped to establish the crucial role of telomerase and telomeric proteins in maintaining telomere length and protecting telomere ends. In Oxytricha nova, telomere G-overhangs are protected by the TEBP-alpha/beta heterodimer. Human telomeres contain duplex telomeric repeats with 3' single-stranded G-overhangs, and may fold into a t-loop structure that helps to shield them from being recognized as DNA breaks. Additionally, the TEBP-alpha homologue, POT1, which binds telomeric single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), associates with multiple telomeric proteins (for example, TPP1, TIN2, TRF1, TRF2 and RAP1) to form the six-protein telosome/shelterin and other subcomplexes. These telomeric protein complexes in turn interact with diverse pathways to form the telomere interactome for telomere maintenance. However, the mechanisms by which the POT1-containing telosome communicates with telomerase to regulate telomeres remain to be elucidated. Here we demonstrate that TPP1 is a putative mammalian homologue of TEBP-beta and contains a predicted amino-terminal oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding (OB) fold. TPP1-POT1 association enhanced POT1 affinity for telomeric ssDNA. In addition, the TPP1 OB fold, as well as POT1-TPP1 binding, seemed critical for POT1-mediated telomere-length control and telomere-end protection in human cells. Disruption of POT1-TPP1 interaction by dominant negative TPP1 expression or RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in telomere-length alteration and DNA damage responses. Furthermore, we offer evidence that TPP1 associates with the telomerase in a TPP1-OB-fold-dependent manner, providing a physical link between telomerase and the telosome/shelterin complex. Our findings highlight the critical role of TPP1 in telomere maintenance, and support a yin-yang model in which TPP1 and POT1 function as a unit to protect human telomeres, by both positively and negatively regulating telomerase access to telomere DNA.  相似文献   

为了研究磷酸酶PPM1G对IRF信号通路的影响,首先在真核细胞中成功表达了HA-PPM1G蛋白质。应用双荧光报告系统,研究了PPM1G对IRF信号通路的影响。结果显示,过表达PPM1G能够显著抑制IKKi激活的IRF转录活性。进一步免疫共沉淀的实验结果表明,PPM1G和IKKi在细胞内存在相互作用。  相似文献   

Clark IE  Dodson MW  Jiang C  Cao JH  Huh JR  Seol JH  Yoo SJ  Hay BA  Guo M 《Nature》2006,441(7097):1162-1166
Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and is characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated as an important trigger for Parkinson's disease-like pathogenesis because exposure to environmental mitochondrial toxins leads to Parkinson's disease-like pathology. Recently, multiple genes mediating familial forms of Parkinson's disease have been identified, including PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1; PARK6) and parkin (PARK2), which are also associated with sporadic forms of Parkinson's disease. PINK1 encodes a putative serine/threonine kinase with a mitochondrial targeting sequence. So far, no in vivo studies have been reported for pink1 in any model system. Here we show that removal of Drosophila PINK1 homologue (CG4523; hereafter called pink1) function results in male sterility, apoptotic muscle degeneration, defects in mitochondrial morphology and increased sensitivity to multiple stresses including oxidative stress. Pink1 localizes to mitochondria, and mitochondrial cristae are fragmented in pink1 mutants. Expression of human PINK1 in the Drosophila testes restores male fertility and normal mitochondrial morphology in a portion of pink1 mutants, demonstrating functional conservation between human and Drosophila Pink1. Loss of Drosophila parkin shows phenotypes similar to loss of pink1 function. Notably, overexpression of parkin rescues the male sterility and mitochondrial morphology defects of pink1 mutants, whereas double mutants removing both pink1 and parkin function show muscle phenotypes identical to those observed in either mutant alone. These observations suggest that pink1 and parkin function, at least in part, in the same pathway, with pink1 functioning upstream of parkin. The role of the pink1-parkin pathway in regulating mitochondrial function underscores the importance of mitochondrial dysfunction as a central mechanism of Parkinson's disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

TR1是一个定位于质膜上的E3连接酶,前期的研究表明它可赋予多种植物对盐、干旱和热胁迫的耐受性。但是,其发挥功能的分子机制尚不清楚,与其存在相互作用的靶蛋白也未找到。本研究利用酵母双杂交系统以AtTR1-△119为诱饵蛋白筛选拟南芥归一化通用型cDNA文库,结果获得了13个与其有潜在互作的候选蛋白。经酵母正向和反向多次验证发现转化了TR1与CURT1C和TR1与SWEET5的酵母在三缺和四缺培养基中均正常生长,而且在含有X-α-gal的培养基中出现蓝斑。双分子荧光互补技术证明TR1与CURT1C和SWEET5之间也有相互作用,这对进一步研究AtTR1及其相互作用蛋白质在植物抗逆中的作用和分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Liu C  Li S  Liu T  Borjigin J  Lin JD 《Nature》2007,447(7143):477-481

Dec1 and Dec2 are regulators of the mammalian molecular clock   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Honma S  Kawamoto T  Takagi Y  Fujimoto K  Sato F  Noshiro M  Kato Y  Honma K 《Nature》2002,419(6909):841-844

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