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We have cloned the replicative form of thePeriplaneta fuliginosa densonucleosis virus (PfDNV) genome and determined its complete sequence. The sequence has 5 454 nucleotides (nt), the genome consists of an internal unique sequence flanked by inverted terminal repeats (201 nt). The first 122 nt at the 5′ end and the terminal 122 nt at the 3′ end of both plus and minus strands can fold into a typical hairpin structure. The genome contains seven major open reading frames (ORFs). The plus strand has 4 ORFs occupying the 5′ half of the plus strand, whereas the others span the 5′ half of the minus strand. Two potential promoters were found at map units (m.u.) 3 and 97. Computer analysis of sequence homologies with other parvoviruses suggests that the plus strand ofPf DNV encodes very likely the nonstructural proteins and the minus strand probably encodes the structural proteins.  相似文献   

A synthetic fowl plague virus (FPV) haemagglutinin gene has been cloned in bacteria and the complete sequence of the RNA gene deduced. It is 1,742 nucleotides long and the mRNA codes for 56.3 amino acids in an uninterrupted sequence. The nature of some of the important domains in the haemagglutinin has been established, and their structure is discussed in relation to their function. Extensive amino acid sequence homologies exist between FPV and human influenza haemagglutinins.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequence of SV40 DNA.   总被引:71,自引:0,他引:71  

G W Litman  L Berger  K Murphy  R Litman  K Hinds  C L Jahn  B W Erickson 《Nature》1983,303(5915):349-352
Immunoglobulin variable (V) gene regions typify extensive multigenic families in terms of overall size, chromosomal arrangement and presence of large numbers of apparent pseudogenes. A unique mechanism of somatic reorganization involving recombination of VH, D and JH or VL and JL segments accompanies the differentiation of lymphoid cells and together with somatic mutation and other types of recombination accounts for V-region diversity. Although these processes have been well characterized in higher mammals, little is known concerning their origin and diversification during phylogenetic time. Previously, we described the blot-hybridization characteristics of murine VHIII probes with restriction enzyme-digested genomic DNA isolated from several phylogenetically critical species, including Caiman crocodylus, a modern representative of an ancient reptilian subclass. Here we have used a murine probe, S107V, to select homologous clones from a library of Caiman genomic DNA constructed in a lambda bacteriophage. The complete nucleotide sequence of a Caiman gene homologous to the murine VH gene and its adjacent 5' and 3' region is described. Comparison of the sequence with mammalian prototypes shows evidence of considerable organizational and structural homology extending outside the presumed VH-coding region and including elements believed to be involved in somatic recombination. Inferences about the evolution of this multigenic family can now be extended to the level of phylogenetic class.  相似文献   

According to the previously published CSFV sequences, 18 paris of partially overlapping primers which span the entire genome of CSFV strain Shimen were designed and synthesized. Each cDNA fragment of strain Shimen was amplified by RT-PCR method from the anticoagulant blood of strain Shimen infected pig. The PCR fragments were cloned into pGEM-T vector respectively and sequenced. The results show that we have obtained the nucleotide sequence of strain Shimen. The viral RNA consists of 12 297 nucleotides including noncoding regions of 373 and 227 bases at the 5′ and 3′ end, respectively, and a single large open reading frame spanning 11 697 nucleotides in the middle, which encodes an amino acid sequence of 3 989 residues with a calculated molecular weight of 437.6×103. The precisely sequencing of 5′ and 3′ termini is undertaking. Supported by the National Pandeng Project Huang Qianhua: born in 1968. Graduate student  相似文献   

The genomic sequence of the attenuated hog cholera virus Lapinized Chinese strain (HCLV) was determined from overlapping cDNA clones. The viral RNA of HCLV stain comprised 12 310 nucleotide (nt) including 374 nt and 239 nt at the 5′ and 3′-noncoding region, respectively. The complete genome sequence contained one large open reading frame which encoded an amino acid sequence of 3 898 residues with a calculated molecular weight of 437×103. Although there were mostly only small differences between the sequence of the HCLV strain and the published sequences of strains ALD, GPE, Alfort and Brescia, there was one notable insertion of 12 nucleotides, TTTTCTTTTTTC in the 3′ non-coding region of HCLV strain. Supported by the National Pandeng Project, Genbank accession number AF091507 Wang Jiafu: born in 1972, Ph. D.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage MS2 RNA is 3,569 nucleotides long. The nucleotide sequence has been established for the third and last gene, which codes for the replicase protein. A secondary structure model has also been proposed. Biological properties, such as ribosome binding and codon interactions can now be discussed on a molecular basis. As the sequences for the other regions of this RNA have been published already, the complete, primary chemical structure of a viral genome has now been established.  相似文献   

A new avirulent, heat-resistance HB92 strain of newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) was acquired from Australia V4 strain. Its complete nucleotides sequence was first determined. The entire genome of NDV HB92 consists of 15 186 nucleotides (GenBank accession no. AY225110). It was demonstrated by sequence analysis that nucleotides homology of HB92 strain with virulent strain ZJ1 were 83.9%, and the homology compared with avirulent vaccine strain La Sota and B1 were 94. 0% and 93. 5%, respectively. These results might be contributive to the study of the molecular mechanism of evolution of the NDV strain HB92 and to develop the engineered recombinant vaccine.  相似文献   

Expression of the HTLV-III envelope gene by a recombinant vaccinia virus   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
The discovery that the aetiological agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a retrovirus, referred to as human T-lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) or lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) (for review see ref. 1), has raised the possibility of developing a vaccine. In this regard, the envelope (env) proteins of murine retroviruses can induce protective immunity in mice. The HTLV-III env gene specifies a primary polypeptide of approximately 860 amino acids that is glycosylated to form a precursor of relative molecular mass (Mr) 160,000 (gp160), which gives rise to mature membrane-associated proteins of Mr 120,000 (gp120) and 41,000 (gp41). The HTLV-III env gene has been expressed in Escherichia coli and by simian virus 40 (SV40) vectors but formation of the authentic proteins has not been demonstrated. Here, we describe the expression of the complete env gene by a vaccinia virus vector. Evidence is presented that synthesis, glycosylation, processing and membrane transport of the env polypeptide occurred without other HTLV-III gene functions; the env protein was recognized by sera from unrelated AIDs patients; and a single vaccination with the infectious recombinant vaccinia virus induced antibodies to gp120 in mice.  相似文献   

The trans-activator gene of HTLV-III is essential for virus replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of the genomic structure of human T-lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) and related viruses, implicated as the causal agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), have identified a sixth open reading frame in addition to the five previously known within the genome (gag, pol, sor, env and 3'orf). This gene, called tat-III, lies between the sor and env genes and is able to mediate activation, in a trans configuration, of the genes linked to HTLV-III long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences. We now present evidence that the product of tat-III is an absolute requirement for virus expression. We show that derivatives of a biologically competent molecular clone of HTLV-III, in which the tat-III gene is deleted or the normal splicing abrogated, failed to produce or expressed unusually low levels of virus, respectively, when transfected into T-cell cultures. The capacity of these tat-III-defective genomes was transiently restored by co-transfection of a plasmid clone containing a functional tat-III gene or by introducing the TAT-III protein itself. As HTLV-III and related viruses are the presumed causal agents of AIDS and associated conditions, the observation that tat-III is critical for HTLV-III replication has important clinical implications, and suggests that specific inhibition of the activity of tat-III could be a novel and effective therapeutic approach to the treatment of AIDS.  相似文献   

According to the previously published CSFV sequences, 18 pairs of primers have been designed and synthesized, which cover the entire genome of CSFV strain Shimen. Each cDNA fragment has been amplified by RT-PCR from the anticoagulant blood of strain Shimen infected pig. The PCR products have been cloned respectively and sequenced. Results show that the cDNA library of strain Shimen and its nucleotide sequence have been obtained. The genomic RNA of strain Shimen is 12 298 nucleotides in length, containing a 5' and a 3' noncoding region 373 and 231 nt long respectively. The center of genome is a single large open reading frame of 11 697 nt which encodes a polyprotein of 3 898 amino acids. The entire sequence of strain Shimen has also been compared with that of other CSFV strains.  相似文献   

Origins of the AIDS virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D Penny 《Nature》1988,333(6173):494-495

According to the previously published CSFV sequences, 18 pairs of primers have been designed and synthesized, which cover the entire genome of CSFV strain Shimen. Each cDNA fragment has been amplified by RT-PCR from the anticoagulant blood of strain Shimen infected pig. The PCR products have been cloned respectively and sequenced. Results show that the cDNA library of strain Shimen and its nucleotide sequence have been obtained. The genomic RNA of strain Shimen is 12 298 nucleotides in length, containing a 5′ and a 3′ noncoding region 373 and 231 nt long respectively. The center of genome is a single large open reading frame of 11 697 nt which encodes a polyprotein of 3 898 amino acids. The entire sequence of strain Shimen has also been compared with that of other CSFV strains.  相似文献   

目的了解牦牛核苷酸序列的资源状况,为今后的相关选题和研究提供重要参考.方法根据GenBank的序列记录,从登录号、记录名称、序列长度、DNA/mRNA、接受日期、完整/不完整编码区序列、递交机构7个项目进行统计,分析数据量和增长率、数据的递交机构、覆盖的基因和区域、包含完整CDS的记录4个方面的情况.结果从1995年至2005年,共有19个机构递交了相关序列,总碱基数达160321 bp,这些序列覆盖了65种不同基因或区域.  相似文献   

W W Colby  E Y Chen  D H Smith  A D Levinson 《Nature》1983,301(5902):722-725
Avian myelocytomatosis virus MC29 is a replication-defective acute leukaemia virus which induces a variety of tumours in chickens including sarcomas, renal and hepatic carcinomas, and myelocytomatosis. The oncogenic potential of the virus is mediated by the gene v-myc, acquired from sequences (c-myc) present in normal uninfected chicken DNA. Sequences closely related to chicken c-myc have been highly conserved throughout evolution, from Drosophila to vertebrates. The hypothesis that c-myc may be involved in neoplastic transformation has been strengthened by the finding that B-cell lymphomas induced in chickens by avian leukosis virus (ALV) are often associated with increased expression of c-myc resulting from integration of the ALV provirus adjacent to the c-myc gene. More recently, it has been demonstrated that the malignant human cell line HL-60, derived from the peripheral blood leukocytes of a patient with acute promyelocytic leukaemia, expresses elevated levels of myc-related mRNA associated with an amplification of the c-myc gene. To explore the relationship of the human cellular myc gene with the corresponding viral oncogene from MC29, and to provide a framework for the analysis of the mechanism and significance of c-myc amplification in human tumours, we have isolated and determined the nucleotide sequence of a genomic clone prepared from a normal human library which contains all domains sharing homology with v-myc.  相似文献   

Hemagglutinin gene of Measles virus(Nepal strain) was amplified by RT-PCR technique, cloned and sequenced by the dideoxy-mediated chain termination method. The comparison to the standard strain (Edmonston strain) showed many important mutations. The homology of these two strains was 98.17%. Then H gene was cloned into expression vector pCD-SRα296 and introduced into COS-7 cells by electroporation method. The expression and function of cloned H gene was checked by hemadsorption assays. Supported by company of microbial diseases, Osaka university, Japan Li Lingyun: born in sept. 1967. Ph. D, Graduate student  相似文献   

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