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为了克服现有基于属性证书的远程证明方案在隐私保护和安全性方面的不足,文中提出了一种基于隐藏证书技术的属性远程证明方案(HCP-RA),该方案在传统基于属性的远程证明的基础上引入了隐藏证书技术,实现了对机密性证书和策略的保护,同时实现了验证方和被验证方之间的双向可信性验证功能。文中首先给出了HCP-RA模型,随后针对该模型给出了形式化描述和相应的远程证明协议,并通过应用实例来说明该协议的具体工作过程。与传统的基于属性证书的远程证明技术相比较,该方案在隐私保护方面具有很大优势;双向可信性验证提高了传统单向属性远程证明的安全性。  相似文献   

针对现有的远程证明方案中安全性差、不能反映用户特征的问题,提出了一种基于用户属性的远程证明方案。该方案在证据的可信生成与可信验证中用到了基于口令的加密(Password Based Encryption),利用可信平台模块模拟器(TPM Emulator)、Java TCG Software Stack来构建实验平台。实验结果表明,基于用户属性的远程证明方案是可行的,相对于AES加密的远程证明方案,一方面提高了证据的可信性与传输的安全性,另一方面能够反映出用户特征。  相似文献   

针对可信计算环境下,传统平台认证中所带来的平台配置信息泄露的问题,提出了一个新型的基于属性的证明方案.建立了该方案的模型,给出了方案的具体构建,包括初始化、属性证书颁发、属性证明及验证、撤销等算法.与现有基于属性的证明方案相比,该方案的通信代价更小,计算效率更高.在标准模型下对该方案进行了安全性证明,结果说明了它的正确性、配置隐匿性及不可伪造性等.  相似文献   

可信密码模块是以我国研发的密码算法为基础,结合国内安全需求与产业市场,借鉴国际先进的可信计算技术框架与技术理念自主创新研发的.本文中首先对可信计算平台密码技术方案和国际可信计算组织规范在密码算法、授权协议和密钥管理等几方面进行了比较.基于可信密码模块,提出的基于隐藏属性证书的远程证明方案,用属性证书代替平台配置信息,不仅能有效防止隐私性的暴露,而且可以在系统升级和备份过程中完成可信检测,提高了实现的效率.  相似文献   

可信远程证明是可信计算技术中非常重要的一部分,而可信证据又是可信远程证明的基础。但是,通过研究现有主要可信远程证明方法发现对于可信证据研究主要存在以下几个问题:首先,证据信息不充分,不能满足可信证明的需求;其次,证据信息组织不够合理;最后,由于可信性具有一定的主观性,与用户的预期相关,但现有方法中在收集证据时没有考虑用...  相似文献   

为了解决使用直接匿名证明方法进行远程证明易受伪装攻击的问题,提出了一种基于直接匿名证明和安全传输层协议(TLS)的匿名远程证明协议.使用可信平台模块,完成平台配置和匿名身份的度量并生成签名信息;改进身份认证和证书校验机制,并使用TLS协议的扩展消息传输远程证明内容;结合匿名证明、完整性报告和密钥协商机制设计总体协议,从而在交互双方构建出匿名认证的可信信道.分析表明:改进方案满足身份认证的不可伪造性、匿名性、可控的可链接性和不可克隆性,能够抵御重放攻击和伪装攻击,且设计的协议兼容扩展的TLS协议架构,便于部署.  相似文献   

为了防止恶意用户对车联网云平台进行欺骗,提出通过远程证明对用户属性和可信平台状态进行验证的方案.一方面,采用模糊属性签名方案可以确保终端的匿名性,避免用户身份及隐私信息泄露;另一方面,采用本方案可利用终端的可信模块及可信链传递机制,从而确保硬件、固件及软件的可信性和时效性.此外,在远程证明方案中,向车联网云平台的管理模块申请前用户先提供其行为预测方程,并且云管理模块将一段时间后的行为特征值组与预测方程进行比对,由此确定用户运行程序的动态可信性.采用该方案可有效实现对车联网云用户的远程证明.  相似文献   

概述了可信计算技术的概念,介绍了对平台身份的远程认证、直接匿名认证、平台环境状态配置信息的远程认证、基于环的自动信任协商的远程认证的方案,讨论和比较了各种认证方案的优缺点.  相似文献   

基于组件的开发是一种软件开发方法,它对控制迅速增长的复杂性和业务信息系统成本是最有希望的,其包括需求分析、体系结构、设计、构建、测试、部署、支持技术、基础设施和项目管理等。本文介绍给出了采用这种方法开发的协作学习系统的模型。  相似文献   

基于Office组件的VFP应用程序开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以VFP编程为例,揭示了利用Office组件为应用程序服务的一般规律,并给出组件编程的基本方法及通过VFP客户程序调用Excel对象,把任意数据表中的字段输出的报表.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionDue to the fast development of communication technolo-gies ,the lowered cost of hardware,there is anincreas-ing reliance on computer networks . However ,along with thetremendous convenience provided,there is increasing numberof network based attacks .One particular kind of attacks exploits software vulnera-bilities .It is lunched by a virus or worm.Some examples in-clude earlier worms such as Code Red, Ni mda as well as re-cently high speed worms ,such as Slammer , Witty and F…  相似文献   

Trusted computing (TC) technology is brought out by trusted computing group (TCG) to make computing as safe and reliable as people expect. Attestation is one main function specified by TCG, which is the means by which a trusted computer assures a remote computer whose platform is not tampered with. There are two protocols that implement attestation without disclosing the platform's real identity, which are Privacy CA-based protocol and direct anonymous attestation (DAA) protocol. However, in the first protocol the privacy CA is the bottleneck and the platform's identity will be disclosed if the privacy CA is compromise, while DAA protocol can do profiling when dealing with rogue hardware device. In this paper, we propose a DAA-extended new approach to ensure full anonymous attestation that can not only detect a rogue TPM, but also reveal rogue TPM's real identity.  相似文献   

针对单一第三方失效而影响云计算环境证明有效性问题,提出一种基于多重第三方远程证明机制。将单一第三方扩展为第三方验证者集群,保证了在部分验证者受到安全威胁情况下,仍然能够为证明请求者提供可靠的证明结果。同时提出第三方筛选算法和基于信誉权值策略应对多个第三方合谋攻击,避免由于恶意指控清白验证者而导致最终断言失效情形。实验结果表明,该机制相对于单一验证者更为安全可靠,在实际应用中能有效防御合谋攻击。  相似文献   

For the problem of the original direct anonymous attestation (DAA) scheme’s complexity and great time consumption, a new DAA scheme based on symmetric bilinear pairings is presented, which gives a practical solution to ECC-based TPM in protecting the privacy of the TPM. The scheme still includes five procedures or algorithms: Setup, Join, Sign, Verify and Rogue tagging, but gets rid of zero-knowledge proof and takes on a new process and framework, of which the main operations are addition, scalar multiplication and bilinear maps on supersingular elliptic curve systems. Moreover, the scheme adequately utilizes the properties of bilinear maps as well as the signature and verification of the ecliptic curve system itself. Compared with other schemes, the new DAA scheme not only satisfies the same properties, and shows better simplicity and high efficiency. This paper gives not only a detailed security proof of the proposed scheme, but also a careful performance analysis by comparing with the existing DAA schemes.  相似文献   

介绍了网络可信平台的研究与实现,采用可信度量机制以保证网络计算终端的安全为基础,利用远程证明机制对网络接入终端的可信性验证,根据验证结果决定对整个网络计算环境的访问控制,利用传统网络安全技术和可信计算技术实现了全新的网络安全体系结构.  相似文献   

Two limitations of current integrity measurement architectures are pointed out: (1) a reference value is required for every measured entity to verify the system states, as is impractical however; (2) malicious user can forge proof of inexistent system states. This paper proposes a trustworthy integrity measurement architecture, BBACIMA, through enforcing behavior-based access control for trusted platform module (TPM). BBACIMA introduces a TPM reference monitor (TPMRM) to ensure the trustworthiness of integrity measurement. TPMRM enforces behavior-based access control for the TPM and is isolated from other entities which may be malicious. TPMRM is the only entity manipulating TPM directly and all PCR (platform configuration register) operation requests must pass through the security check of it so that only trusted processes can do measurement and produce the proof of system states. Through these mechanisms malicious user can not enforce attack which is feasible in current measurement architectures.  相似文献   

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