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Leucogranites play a significant role in understanding crustal thickening, melting within continental collisional belts, and plateau uplift. Field investigations show that Miocene igneous rocks from the Hoh Xil Lake area mainly consist of two-mica leucogranites and rhyolites. We studied the Bukadaban two-mica leucogranites and the Kekao Lake, Malanshan and Hudongliang rhyolites by zircon U-Pb, muscovite and sanidine 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic analysis. Results yielded crystallization and cooling ages for the Bukadaban leucogranites of 9.7±0.2 and 6.88±0.19 Ma, respectively. Extrusive ages of the Kekao Lake and Malanshan rhyolites are 14.5±0.8 and 9.37±0.30 Ma, respectively. All rocks are enriched in SiO2 (70.99%-73.59%), Al2O3 (14.39%-15.25%) and K2O (3.78%-5.50%) but depleted in Fe2O3 (0.58%-1.56%), MgO (0.11%- 0.44%) and CaO (0.59%-1.19%). The rocks are strongly peraluminous (A/CNK=1.11?1.21) S-type granites characterized by negative Eu anomalies (δ Eu=0.18-0.39). In also considering their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sri=0.7124 to 0.7143; δ Nd (9 Ma) =-5.5 to -7.1), we propose that these igneous rocks were generated through dehydration melting of muscovite in the thickened middle or lower crust of northern Tibet. Melting was probably triggered by localized E-W stretching decompression in the horse tails of Kunlun sinistral strike-slip faults. Reactivation of the Kunlun strike-slip faults, accompanied by emplacement of leucogranite and eruption of rhyolite in the Hoh Xil Lake area, indicates that large-scale crustal shortening and thickening in northern Tibet mainly occurred before 15 Ma. In addition, these findings suggest that the northern Tibetan Plateau attained its present elevation (~5000 m) at least 15 Ma ago.  相似文献   

This work makes the quantitative constrain on tectonizations of the Gangdese block, south Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Apatite fission track (AFT) dating analyses of 15 samples collected across the Gangdese block show that the Gangdese block went through two periods of tectonizations, during ~37.2 - 18.5 Ma and 18.5 - 8.0 Ma in the south Gangdese block, and during ~47.6 - 5.3 Ma and 5.3 - 0 Ma in the middle Gangdese block. Different upliftings did not take place in the first period and rapid uplifting occurred in the late period. Meantime, there are some differences between the south and middle Gangdese block. Their uplifting rate is 180 m/Ma and 70 m/Ma respectively. The rapid uplifting time in the middle Gangdese block lagged behind the time in the south Gangdese block. It is Chala-Jiacuo-Riduo fault zone that is similar to the Yarlung Zangbo fault zone in control of the tectonization.  相似文献   

Through GPS carrier phases observation in southwestern China during 1991–1997, the velocity field within eastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) and its neighbour regions has been established. The velocity of those sites in and west of Chuan-Dian block is mostly 5–10 mm · a™1 relative to the fiduciary station CHDU (Chengdu), and the motion in Chuan-Qing and Yangtze blocks east of the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault is weak with a velocity of about 0–7 mm · a−1. The velocity vector in these areas indicates a clockwise rotation vortex rather than the so-called intensive eastward pushing or eastward escape. The main pattern of the crustal deformation is a clockwise rotation vortex structure and a differential slip along the boundary fault between different blocks.  相似文献   

The Yulinshan accumulations of volcanic rocks and interbedded weathered mantles provide a unique chance for studying the processes and environment of the formation of the planation surface in central Tibetan Plateau. Geochemical,40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar geochronologic investigations of the weathered mantles and high-potassium volcanic rocks reveal that the volcano-weathered mantle accumulations formed under arid or semi-arid subtropic environment in 30–24 Ma. The sole planation surface of the Qiangtang region finally formed in about 20 Ma.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau (TP, 75-105oE, 27.5-37.5oN) is the highest and largest highland in the world with a variety of climate and ecosystems. The TP exerts pro- found influences not only on the local climate and en- vironment but also on the global atmospher…  相似文献   

陇县地区新街片麻岩套锆石年龄及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的寻找秦-祁结合部位早古生代岛弧型岩浆活动的证据,为秦岭和祁连造山带的对比研究提供依据。方法依据岩石主、微量地球化学特征判别新街片麻岩套的构造属性,并通过LA-ICP-MS对其中的锆石进行U-Pb测年。结果新街片麻岩套富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)和轻稀土元素(LREE),亏损高场强元素(HSFE)和重稀土元素(HREE),指示其形成与俯冲作用有关,在构造判别图解中落入岛弧火山岩范围;U-Pb锆石测年结果显示,花岗质片麻岩的形成年龄为447.7±5.4Ma。结论该年龄与北秦岭和北祁连造山带内部的岛弧火山岩活动的时限一致。  相似文献   

. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(11):1015-1019
The Nangqen Basin is one of the typical shearing-extensional basins situated in the north part of the Hengduan Mts. Nine ages of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the basin by K-Ar isotope-dilution technique have been reported in the note. The apparent ages of whole rock and separated biotite range from 32.04 to 36.50 Ma. The40Ar-K (%) correlation isochronal line shows that there existed neither argon excessing, nor radiogenetic argon loosing, i.e. the age represents the true diagenetic time. Volcanic activity in this area occurred in the post-collision environment and is controlled by lithosphere substantial thickening and violent intercontinental shearing-strike slip faults. There is age difference of the magmatic activity in the east, the west and the north Tibet. The multi-periodic eruption-intrusion of the magmatic melt since Cenozoic is a tracer showing the pulsating uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

In situ zircon U-Pb ages for the recently discovered Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit in the western part of the Gangdese metallogenic belt in Tibet were determined by sensitive high-resolution ion mi-croprobe(SHRIMP) . The ages can be divided into two separate groups,reflecting more than four major tectono-magmatic events in the area. The 62.5±2.5 Ma age of inherited zircons may be related to the volcanic eruption of the Linzizong Group formed shortly after the India-Asia continental collision. The 50.1±3.6 Ma age most likely corresponds to the time of underplating of mantle-derived mafic magma in Gangdese. The 15.6±0.6 Ma age obtained from magmatic zircons is interpreted as the age of crystalli-zation of the Zhunuo ore-forming porphyry. Finally,a molybdenite Re-Os isochron age of 13.72±0.62 Ma is consistent with another zircon U-Pb age of 13.3 ±0.2 Ma,representing the time of copper mineraliza-tion. These ages,in combination with available literature data,indicate that magmatic crystallization and copper mineralization in the Gangdese metallogenic belt became gradually younger westward,and further suggest that the Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit was formed in the same tectonic stage as other porphyry copper deposits in the eastern and central Gangdese belt. This conclusion provides critical information for future exploration of porphyry copper deposits in western Gangdese.  相似文献   

In situ zircon U-Pb ages for the recently discovered Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit in the western part of the Gangdese metallogenic belt in Tibet were determined by sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP). The ages can be divided into two separate groups, reflecting more than four major tectono-magmatic events in the area. The 62.5±2.5 Ma age of inherited zircons may be related to the volcanic eruption of the Linzizong Group formed shortly after the India-Asia continental collision. The 50.1±3.6 Ma age most likely corresponds to the time of underplating of mantle-derived mafic magma in Gangdese. The 15.6±0.6 Ma age obtained from magmatic zircons is interpreted as the age of crystallization of the Zhunuo ore-forming porphyry. Finally, a molybdenite Re-Os isochron age of 13.72±0.62 Ma is consistent with another zircon U-Pb age of 13.3±0.2 Ma, representing the time of copper mineralization. These ages, in combination with available literature data, indicate that magmatic crystallization and copper mineralization in the Gangdese metallogenic belt became gradually younger westward, and further suggest that the Zhunuo porphyry copper deposit was formed in the same tectonic stage as other porphyry copper deposits in the eastern and central Gangdese belt. This conclusion provides critical information for future exploration of porphyry copper deposits in western Gangdese.  相似文献   

The described stone artifacts are recovered from the 70 m-high terrace (4600 m a.s.l.) at the southeastern shore of the Siling Co on the northern Tibetan Plateau. The terrace was formed during the Interstadial period before the LGM, ca. 40-30 ka B.P. based on paleoenvironmental research. The Paleoliths from the Siling Co provide evidence for early human occupation of the northern Tibetan Plateau. They show technological and typological affinities with the European Middle Paleolithic suggesting that the early human occupation here might relate to migratory waves during the Late Pleistocene that dispersed humans across the Old World.  相似文献   

By comprehensive analyses,it was found that the variations in δ^18O recorded in Malan ice core from the Kekexili Region on the Tibetan Plateau could represent the changes in air temperature during the summer half year (from May to October) over the Kekexili Region and the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.The general increase trend in δ^18O in the ice core during the past century indicated climate warming,and it was estimated that air temperature during the summer half-year rose about 1.2℃ over there then.However,this ice core record documented that the study area has been cooling while most of the world has been dramatically warming since the late 1970s. A tele-connection was found between the variations in δ^18O in the Malan ice core and the North Atlantic Oscillation.Moreover,the variations in δ^18O in this ice core were similar to that in the summer half-year air temperature over the southern Tibetan Plateau on the centurial time scale,but opposite on the multidecadal time scale.  相似文献   

目的:通过比较初进高原(1周之内)的汉族与高原世居藏族的血常规18项指标及血压、心率、血氧饱和度,研究低氧对机体代谢功能的影响,尤其是低氧对机体血液学指标的影响。方法:采用指尖采血的方法,利用Sysmax的Poch100i型血液自动分析仪(日本产)进行血常规18项指标的检测;使用水银血压测量仪进行静息状态下右上肢肱动脉血压的测定;测定静息状态下的心率;使用NP-40型血氧饱和度测定仪(日本)检测血氧饱和度。采集的数据利用SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果:①进藏1周之内的汉族,其血红蛋白、红细胞压积、平均血红蛋白量、平均血红蛋白浓度、血小板、白细胞计数均小于世居高原的藏族(P〈0.05),而红细胞计数、平均红细胞体积与世居高原的藏族无差别(P〉0.05);②进藏1周之内的汉族的收缩压、舒张压、心率均高于世居高原的藏族(P〈0.05),而血氧饱和度却低于世居高原的藏族(P〈0.05);结论:进藏1周之内的汉族在红细胞系统指标(HGB、HCT、MCH、MCHC)及血压、心率、血氧饱和度等指标与世居高原的藏族青年存在明显差异。应进一步扩大样本量,以阐明汉族在高原习服过程中上述指标的变化程度和变化规律,为更好地了解高原习服的机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

青藏高原草地生态系统之服务功能   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
青藏高原草地生态系统服务功能体现在3个方面,即生态功能、生产功能和生活功能。生态功能为系统所固有,是系统维持和发展的基础;生产功能是影响草地生态系统服务功能发生改变的触发点;生活功能主要取决于生态功能和生产功能的平衡关系和管理状况,体现系统综合发展水平。充分理解和把握“三生功能”之间的互作关系,对青藏高原草地生态系统的维系与发展具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

The potential vorticity equation is employed to diagnose the variation in the large-scale atmospheric circulation in July by using the NCAR/NCEP daily reanalysis data from 1986 to 1995. Based on the theogy of thermal adaptation, the schematic diagram of the formation and maintenance of the circulation over the Tibetan Plateau is revealed in this paper. The result shows that near the surface of ground is the positive potential vorticity source produced by the increasing diabatic heating with height, which maintains the cyclonic circulation, and that the positive Ertel potential vorticitv (PV) source is balanced by friction dissipation. On the other hand, in the upper troposphere the negative PV produced by the decreasing diabatic heating with height maintains the anticyclone, and it is balanced by the divergence of the negative PV. The Gauss' theorem has been applied to analyze the Ertel potential vorticity flux crossing each of the lateral boundaries of the area over the Tibetan Plateau. The result shows that the negative PV flux is transferred through the eastern and northern boundaries of the area from the Tibetan Plateau region to the outer world. It is evident that the Tibetan Plateau region is an important source of negative vorticity of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Whether climatic changes in high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere since the last glaciation have effects on the Tibetan Plateau monsoon, and the variation characteristics of the Plateau monsoon itself are still not solved but of great significance. The 22-m high-resolution Ioess-paleosol sequence in the Hezuo Basin on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the Plateau winter monsoon experienced a millennial variation similar to high latitude Northern Hemisphere, with cold events clearly correlated with Heinrich events but less for the warm events (Dansgarrd-Oeschger events). It may indicate that the climate system at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere had played an important role in both the Plateau monsoon and the high-level westerlies. On 10^4 year scale, there are two distinct anomalous changes, which are not found in the records from high latitude northern hemisphere, revealed by the loess grain size in the Hezuo Basin. One is that there was a considerable grain size increase at -36 kaBP, suggesting an abrupt enhancement of the Plateau winter monsoon at that time; the other is that, during 43--36 kaBP, the grain size decreased distinctly, indicating a notable weakening of the Plateau winter monsoon around that period. Both of the two anomalies suggest that the Tibetan climate may have been controlled by some other factors, besides the high latitude climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

TRMM/PR在青藏高原土壤水分变化研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对热带降雨观测计划(TRMM)上搭载的降雨雷达(PR)参数情况发展了基于积分方程模型与一阶植被散射模型的青藏高原地区的土壤水分变化反演模型.利用AVHRR/NDVI产品以及PR数据,用上述模型对青藏高原3个试验区1998年4~9月的土壤水分变化情况进行了反演,结果显示模型反演结果与实测结果吻合较好,3个站点的均方根误差分别为0.045,0.069和0.056.  相似文献   

为了揭示煤层气地面开采的影响因素,通过分析刘家煤层气区块煤层气资源条件、煤层气地质条件、煤层气钻井工艺及排采工艺,研究了刘家区块开采取得成功的原因。阜新刘家煤层气藏埋藏适中、煤层多且厚;盖层和断层的封闭作用、岩浆岩的圈闭封阻作用以及变质作用使刘家区块形成了局部富集的小区块。刘家区块依据区内火成岩和断层布局建井,以及根据地质条件合理的进行煤层气钻井和排采工作,是刘家区地面开采取得成功的重要因素。刘家区块煤层气地面开采的成功为其他煤层气区块的地面开采提供了依据和参考。  相似文献   

经过对万善桥岩体进行野外工作和室内显微镜研究,并进行多种岩石化学计算,认为该岩体应属造山带岛弧型的石英二长辉绿玢岩。  相似文献   

Whether the Tibetan Plateau is a significant dust source area is of great importance, because this is related to the understanding of sources, accumulation and environmental effects of dusts on the Tibetan Plateau and inthe Far East-Pacific Ocean regions as well as to the evointion of coupling of the Tibetan Plateau and atmaspbere-oeean-continent exchange. Synoptic dynamics and remote sensing tracing of a dust storm on 3 to 5 March, 2003 in Lhasa onSouth Tibet demonstrate that the Tibetan Plateau possessesall factors and conditions of generating dust storms. Accompanied with this dust storm is a strong ascending stream onthe Plateau which has raised various sizes of durst particlesinto different levels. The lifted coarse particles were largelyfallen down and accumulated as loess on the eastern TibetanPlateau, and the fine particles were translated by the westerly jet and subsided in the northern Pacific Ocean. The spa-tial-temporal distribution of dust-storms between years 1961and 2000 ou the Plateau shows that duststorms mainly occurin winter and early spring with high frequency, and tile pathof dust storm moves gradually from south to north, which isclosely coupled with the northward moving of the westerlyjet from winter to spring over the Tibetan Plateau. Com-pared with other twelve dust source areas in China. the Ti-betan Plateau is one of the key dust souree areas for thelong-distance transport because its high occurring frequencyand elevation cause fine particles easily to be lifted into thezone of the westerly jet.  相似文献   

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