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【目的】系统研究药用植物双肾藤(Bauhinia glaucasubsp.hupehana)茎枝的化学成分,明确其药用物质基础。【方法】采用硅胶柱层析、聚酰胺柱层析、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱层析等分离技术,从双肾藤茎枝中分离甾体类单体化合物,运用理化和波谱分析方法鉴定其化学结构。【结果】从双肾藤茎枝分离获得6个甾体类化合物,分别鉴定为(24R)-5α-豆甾烷-3,6-二酮(1)、(22E,24R)-麦角甾-4,6,8(14),22-四烯-3-酮(2)、(24R)-5α-豆甾-4-en-3,6-二酮(3)、豆甾烷-4-烯-3-酮(4)、β-谷甾醇(5)、胡萝卜苷(6)。【结论】从双肾藤中分离获得的甾体类化合物包括甾醇、甾酮和甾体苷,其中化合物1和2均为首次从该属植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

食药两用植物火麻(Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa)具有优良的植物油(火麻油)和植物蛋白(火麻蛋白),全身是宝,在食品、医药和工业用品行业具有巨大的市场开发潜力。随着大健康产业的发展,火麻蛋白的系列产品必将越来越深入我们的生活。国内外对火麻的研究报道比较丰富、研究方向多,但是缺少全面系统的总结分析。本文通过查阅国内外对火麻研究的文献报道,综述食药两用植物火麻的最新研究进展,找出火麻发展的不足并提出开发策略:要实现火麻产业经济,需要建立有优质的种质资源圃,健全高产优质栽培技术及火麻加工、销售体系,并对其化学成分和营养生理功能机制深入研究,才能促进火麻产业化、规模化和可持续化的发展。  相似文献   

An efficient transformation method mediated by PEG-protoplasts was developed for the newly commercial edible mushroom Pleurotus nebrodensis. Two plasmids were used to co-transform protoplasts of P. nebrodensis. One plasmid is pAN7-1 containing a positive selectable marker gene hph conferring hygromycin B resistance. Another plasmid is pBlue-GFP containing a reporter gene gfp conferring green fluorescent protein. PCR and Southern blot analysis showed that hph gene or/and gfp gene were integrated into the genome of P. nebrodensis transformants. The transformation efficiency of the positive selectable marker gene hph was 3 transformants per microgram of plasmid pAN7-1 DNA, which was about 30 times higher than that previously reported in thoroughly studied Pleurotus species such as Pleurotus ostreatus. The transformation efficiency of the reporter gene gfp was 9 transformants per microgram of plasmid pBlu-GFP DNA. The co-transformation efficiency was 23.68%. This is the first report that a "reporter" gene, green fluorescent protein gene can be successfully stably exoressed in this Pleurotus species.  相似文献   

LSD1-related proteins of Arabidopsis with LSDl-like zinc finger domains regulate disease resistance and programmed cell death (PCD). We cloned a rice OsLOL2 gene, orthologous to LSD1 of Arabidopsis and expressed it in a tobacco plant. Transgenic tobacco lines displayed enhanced disease resistance to a virulent bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pst). RT-PCR analysis showed that overexpression of OsLOL2 in transgenic tobacco lines resulted in upregulation of two pathogenesis-related (PR) protein genes, PR2 and PR5. Our results suggest that overexpression of OsLOL2 in transgenic tobacco enhances the resistance through the induction of PR proteins and hypersensitive response-like reaction.  相似文献   

vasa gene expression pattern during oogenesis of zebrafish was examined usingin situ hybridization and fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR. During zebrafish oogensis,vasa mRNA is expressed strongly and uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm in stage II oocytes, followed by a distribution among vacuome in stage III. Later in stage IV and V,vasa mRNA is enriched at the cortex and finally localized at the cortex. The fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR shows that the quantity ofvasa mRNA decreases from stage II to stage III, but remains relatively invariable from stage III to stage V. The observed differences invasa mRNA expression in the different stages of zebrafish oogenesis suggest thatvasa gene plays an important role during oogenesis. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30370744, 30150005) Biography: XIANG Fang (1979-), male, Master candidate, research direction: molecular development of animals.  相似文献   

假高粱(Sorghum halepense(L.)Pers.)是世界十大恶性杂草之一.黑高粱(S.almum Parodi)和高粱(S.bicolor(L.)Moench)是假高粱的两种近缘种,其中黑高粱有入侵性,高粱则为栽培植物,不表现出入侵性.为了解影响植物入侵能力的生物学因素,比较了高粱属3种植物根尖分生组织细胞的染色体、细胞核、细胞大小和细胞有丝分裂指数.结果表明,高粱染色体平均投影面积最大,其次是黑高粱,假高粱的最小;就细胞和细胞核大小而言,都是高粱最大、其次是黑高粱和假高粱;在25~35℃的温度范围内,高粱根尖分生区细胞的有丝分裂速率最低,假高粱的最高.3种植物的种子(颖果)以高粱最大,黑高粱和假高粱的显著小,幼苗相对生长速率以高粱最小,假高粱的最高.3种植物的细胞分裂速率与其染色体、细胞核、细胞和种子大小存在显著相关,表明入侵性植物往往具有较小的分生组织细胞、细胞核和种子,但是有相对高的细胞分裂速率和幼苗相对干重.因此,根尖分生组织细胞学指标在高粱属植物入侵能力评估上有潜在应用价值.  相似文献   

Serum resistance-associated (SRA) protein, a protein unique for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, is responsible for resistance of this parasite to the lysis by normal human serum (NHS) and is a vital molecular marker to distinguish this species from other African trypanosomes. We cloned and sequenced the SRA basic copy (SRAbc) gene from T. b. rhodesiense and related species and found that this gene is confined to the subgenus Trypanozoon. The average 82% identity among the sequenced SRAbc genes indicates that they may have a common origin and are highly conserved. Since SRAbc coexists in the T. b. rhodesiense genome with SRA, we propose that SRAbc might be the ‘donor VSG’, which after duplication became inserted into the expression site by recombination. Under natural selection, SRAbc could reform into SRA following mosaic formation. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 30570245, 30670275), Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (Grant No. DPCKSCU/IRT0447), International Foundation for Science of Sweden (Grant No. B/4318-1), Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (Grant No. Z60220518) and Education Foundation of the Czech Republic (Grant No. 2B06129)  相似文献   

Rice plant architecture is an important agronomic trait that affects the grain yield. To understand the molecular mechanism that controls plant architecture, a tillering dwarf mutant with darker-green leaves derived from an indica cultivar IR64 treated with EMS is characterized. The mutant, designated as tddl(t), is nonallelic to the known tiilering dwarf mutants. It is controlled by one recessive nuclear gene, TDDL(T), and grouped into the dn-type dwarfism according to Takeda's definition. The dwarfism of the mutant is independent of gibberellic acid based on the analyses of two GA-mediated processes. The independence of brassinosteroid (BR) and naphthal-3-acetic acid (NAA) of the tddl(t) mutant, together with the decreased size of parenchyma cells in the vascular bundle, indicates that the TDDL(7) gene might participate in another hormone pathway. TDDL(T) is fine mapped within an 85.51 kb region on the long arm of rice chromosome 4, where 20 ORFs are predicted by RiceGAAS (http://ricegaas.dna.affrc. go.jp/rgadb/). Further cloning of TDDL(T) will benefit both marker assisted selection (MAS) of plant architecture and dissection of the molecular mechanism underlying tillering dwarf in rice.  相似文献   

以金针菇和杏鲍菇为原料,选择菌菇质量比、大豆蛋白添加量、玉米淀粉添加量、卡拉胶添加量等四个因素设计单因素及正交实验,通过感官评定确定金针菇杏鲍菇素肠的最佳工艺条件,同时分析其硬度、弹性和咀嚼性等指标。金针菇杏鲍菇素肠的最佳制作配方:金针菇与杏鲍菇质量比3:3、大豆蛋白6 g、玉米淀粉18 g、卡拉胶1.6 g。该条件下制得的金针菇杏鲍菇素肠组织紧密,有弹性,具有适宜的金针菇和杏鲍菇香气,咸香可口。  相似文献   

张水龙  陈东  曹树威  吴仁智  黄日波 《广西科学》2013,20(2):148-151,157
从黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)克隆木聚糖酶基因xynB,利用重叠延伸PCR法去除其中的内含子.将该基因与质粒pYES2连接,构建真核表达载体,用醋酸锂化转法导人酿酒酵母(Sacharom yces cerevisiae)INVSC1菌株表达.利用α信号肽替换基因原信号肽,以考察信号肽对表达蛋白分泌的影响.结果获得2株重组菌株,分别为xynB连接原信号肽的pYES2-xynB菌株和xynB连接α信号肽的pYES2-xynB-α菌株.木聚糖酶B成功表达,SDS-PAGE检测到约24kDa目的蛋白质条带.木聚糖酶B最适催化温度为50℃,最适催化pH值为5.0,Mn2+对酶活具有强烈的抑制作用.将α信号肽取代原信号肽使酶活达到最高的诱导时间由72h缩短为48h,但是置换信号肽使最高酶活由7.59U降低为3.97U.  相似文献   

陆舟  周放  张军丽  肖荣高  莫贻明 《广西科学》2002,9(4):312-314,319
2001年4月在车八岭国家级自然保护区内,通过实地观察并结合保护区有关工作人员近几年的观察,确这海南Jian(Gorsachius magnificus)栖息活动和觅食活动比较频繁的6个主要地点(包括当地村民曾经捕获该鸟的砌切地点),用全球卫星定位系统(GPS)确定各地点的方位,并对各地点的海拔高度,坡度,坡向和植被等进行考察。结果表明,车八岭保护区内海南Jian主要选择水源丰富,鱼虾充足的小溪流作为觅食地点,栖息地主要分布在海拔600m以下,栖息地类型主要有常绿落叶混交林,针阔混交林,灌草丛及竹林等。  相似文献   

An α-amylase encoding gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction fromSaccharomycopsis fibuligera and inserted into a shuttle vector YEp352, together with the yeast phosphoglycerate kinase 1 promoter and α-factor signal gene. The recombinant expression plasmid pLA8α was transformed into an industrial strain ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae Sc-11. The activity of the α-amylase produced by the transformant Sc-11-pLA8α was 6.3 U/mL and the starch utilization rate in YPS medium was 42%. The purified amylase was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, showing a molecular weight of 55×103 protein band. Furthermore, the residual sugar, ethanol and some volatile compounds in the fermented worts under simulating brewing conditions were determined by chromatographic analyses. The fermentation characteristics of Sc-11-pLA8α were similar to that of Sc-11 and only minor changes in the concentration of flavor compounds could be observed. Foundation item: Supported by the National Tenth Five-Year Hi-Technique Project (2001BA708B05-04). Biography: LIU Zeng-ran (1964-), fenale, Ph. D., research, direction: food and biotechnology.  相似文献   

目的对马鞭草科莸属植物兰香草的显微特征进行研究。方法采用石蜡切片、表皮制片、解离组织片对药材的茎、叶横切面组织结构进行研究,粉末制片对全草粉末进行显微鉴定。结果茎横切面可见表皮被有多数非腺毛及腺毛,木质部及髓部宽广。叶横切面中主脉维管束1~3个,上表皮下厚角组织不明显,韧皮部细胞较小排列紧密。粉末中可见叶上下表皮细胞垂周壁弯曲,气孔不定式,同时可见黏液细胞、非腺毛、腺毛、导管等。结论上述显微特征可作为兰香草的显微鉴定依据。  相似文献   

为研究不同浓度的赤霉素(GA3)、2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D)和不同浓度的PEG4000、PEG6000、PEG8000和PEG10000对华重楼种子萌发的影响,采用培养皿培养法,用不同浓度的2种激素和4种PEG浸种处理,观察记录了种子萌发率和萌发开始时间(胚根突破种皮所需的天数)、第120 d时胚根长3 cm的种子所占的比例,筛选了促进华重楼种子萌发的最适浸种试剂和浓度.结果表明:500 mg/L GA3,0.5 mg/L 2,4-D,25%(质量比)PEG4000和25%PEG8000浸种能有效打破华重楼种子休眠并促进种子萌发,其中500 mg/L GA3效果最佳.这是国内首次关于华重楼种子萌发条件的全面研究报道.  相似文献   

据对转转子Tn5gusA5诱变甘蓝黑腐病民获得39株胞外多糖突变休的3种胞外酶活性和在含2%葡萄NYGA培养基上的菌落形态的检测结果,将突变株分成5种类型。Southern杂交结果表明它们的突变位于基因组中的8个不同的位置,其中1个位于已鉴定的rpf调控基因簇。  相似文献   

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