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东方龙虱鞘翅微结构及力学性能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生物材料优化的几何拓扑和轻质高强的特点对航空航天结构和材料设计具有重要启示.用扫描电子显微镜、原子力显微镜和粗糙度仪观测东方龙虱鞘翅的表面形貌和截面微结构,结果表明其表面非常光滑,Ra0.725μm,与磨削加工表面相当;鞘翅上有规律的分布着微米级的凹陷;横截面可见交错的空腔和孔道结构,材料绕空腔或孔道成层状分布.用纳米压痕仪测试东方龙虱鞘翅的硬度和弹性模量分别为0.473GPa和8.16GPa,显著高于花金龟、巨锯秋甲、双叉犀金龟的值;鞘翅的机械性能有明显的分布特征,该结果为开展轻质结构的拓扑优化和复合材料设计提供了很好的启示.  相似文献   

对原正鳃金龟属Malaisius Arrow,1941年的最新属级分类的变动进行了介绍,并对相关属的中文名进行了必要的改动以避免中文名使用的混乱.Malaisius的中文名仍为正鳃金龟属,而包含原先所有中国产种类的Dedalopterus Sabatinelli & Pontuale1998年被命名为雅鳃金龟属.记录了Dedalopterus属的中国产3种,即D.signatus(Moser,1908),D.intermedius(Zhang,1990)和D.itohi Sabatinelli & Pontuale1998的新分布地和鉴别特征.  相似文献   

毛黄鳃金龟是农林作物的一大害虫,它能为害20多种植物,其幼虫的为害大于成虫。该虫在浙江省一年一代,以成虫在土下60~90cm处越冬。研究结果表明,改单一的旱作制为水旱轮作是防治该虫的根本办法。当该虫集中在地面上交配时进行人工捕捉也是有效的。另外用75%辛硫磷(2000倍),50%地亚农(500倍)或90%敌百虫(600倍)防治幼虫效果良好。  相似文献   

小云鳃金龟对大丽花的危害及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对小云鳃金龟 (PolyphyllaGracilicornisBlanchard)的形态特征、生活史及生活习性的简要描述 ,观察了小云鳃金龟的幼虫和成虫阶段对大丽花的危害症状 ,并提出了一些防治措施 .  相似文献   

测定了鳃金龟亚科部分种类的线粒体16SrRNA部分序列,运用MEGA 4.0、PAUP*4.0b10和MrBayes等软件,对5个族29个代表种的序列变异和系统关系进行了研究.序列变异分析结果显示:绢金龟族Sericini、哦鳃金龟族Hopliini、鳃金龟族Melolonthini的族内遗传距离分别为7.7%,11.3%,10.6%,族间遗传距离在12.6%~19.2%.最大似然树(ML)和贝叶斯树(BI)结果表明,所有种类分别聚集在所属的族下,哦鳃金龟族、绢金龟族分别为单系.齿爪鳃金龟属Holotrichia、云鳃金龟属Polyphylla、胸突鳃金龟属Hoplosternus、Hilyotrogus、双绺鳃金龟属Amphimallon、Hoplochelus、婆鳃金龟属Brahmina和皱鳃金龟属Trematodes聚在鳃金龟族分支下,没有形成明显的根鳃金龟族Rhizotrogini分支.齿爪鳃金龟属的非单系性与前人研究结果一致.皱鳃金龟属Trematodes和婆鳃金龟属Brahmina的代表种为姐妹种.绢金龟族的绢金龟属Serica和玛绢金龟属Maladera多数种类聚在本属分支下.证明16SrRNA序列可探讨鳃金龟亚科高级阶元的系统发育关系.  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的结构与力学性能   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
选用钠基蒙脱土和2种烷基季铵盐(十八烷基季铵盐和双十八烷基季铵盐)改性的蒙脱土,采用熔融共混的方法制备聚氯乙烯/蒙脱土纳米复合材料,并通过广角X射线衍射和透射电镜对复合材料的结构进行了表征.研究了蒙脱土种类和用量对复合材料力学性能的影响.结果表明,3种复合材料均具有插层型结构,钠基蒙脱土用量在ω=0.5%-7.0%,有机蒙脱土用量在20=0.5%-3.0%时,复合材料的综合力学性能均有明显提高;有机蒙脱土用量ω>5.0%以后,材料的力学性能降低,热稳定性变差.  相似文献   

应用DMTA技术研究了CaCO3、有机膨润土MMT和分子筛MCM-41等3种不同结构形态的纳米粒子及其加入量对PMMA聚合物动态力学性能的影响.结果表明:这3种无机纳米粒子在20~200℃区间都能提升PMMA聚合物储能模量E′、阻尼E″和力学状态转变点(tβ、tg和tf),并呈现出随加入量并升的趋势.与粒状CaCO3相比,剥离型片层状结构的膨润土MMT和内腔有众多纳米通道构造的分子筛MCM-41更能显著提高PMMA材料动态力学性能、扩大力学状态热稳定区间和改变PMMA聚合物基断裂机理与能耗方式.  相似文献   

采用纳米压痕法测量了不同厚度(180~1000nm)的纳米晶Cu膜的硬度和弹性模量.结果表明,Cu膜硬度与厚度的关系类似于Hall-Petch关系,而弹性模量与厚度无关,其值相比块体粗晶Cu下降了约20%,分析位移-载荷曲线发现晶粒尺寸越大的Cu膜其位移跳跃现象越明显.另外,对于不同厚度的Cu膜其临界剪切应力的范围约在3.02~4.07GPa之间,基本接近粗晶Cu的理论剪切强度,位错塞积依然是其塑性变形的主要机制.  相似文献   

在双螺杆挤出机上,采用母料法制备出尼龙66/SiO2纳米复合材料,并测试了其力学性能。测试结果表明,纳米复合材料的拉伸强度和弹性模量较纯尼龙66均有较大程度的提高,但缺口冲击强度有所降低。此外,也研究了该纳米复合材料的动态热机械性能,发现采用母料法制备工艺能够增加纳米复合材料的储能模量和损耗因子,但其对玻璃化转变温度影响并不明显。  相似文献   

为改善纳米材料的高强低塑性,采用温共轧(WCR)和表面机械研磨处理(SMAT)技术,制备出一种具有纳米晶层、亚微米晶层和微米晶层呈交替分布的层状纳米结构(LN ) 304SS板。研究温轧工艺对LN板力学性能和微观结构的影响。层状纳米结构钢板实现了良好的高强高塑性结合,其屈服强度为 700~950 MPa,抗拉强度为 930~1 000 MPa,断裂延伸率为 30%~50%,且均匀延伸率最高达 37%。良好的塑性源于高的加工硬化能力,加工硬化指数n为0.350,明显高于其它超细晶金属材料。  相似文献   

On the basis of the microstructure of the cross-section of a beetle’s elytra,three bio-inspired lightweight structures were designed and built from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic with a three-dimensional printer.The mechanical properties of three lightweight structures were analyzed and compared employing the finite element method,and quasi-static compression experiments and a three-point bending test on the structure samples were carried out using an electronic universal testing machine to verify the effectiveness of the finite element method.The results show that all three bio-structures were lightweight and had excellent mechanical properties.In particular,the bio-structure with spherical holes and hollow columns perpendicular to the top and bottom surfaces best imitated the microstructure of the cross-section of the Cybister elytra and had the greatest specific strength/stiffness in compression and bending.Finally,a preliminary optimization design was obtained for this bio-structure to further improve its specific strength and specific stiffness to 31.82 kN m/kg and 108.73 kN m 2 /kg respectively.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties and the topological structure of cross-sections found in Cybister elytra are presented.SEM images show the similar geometric structure in transverse and longitudinal sections.Elytra consist of several layers:a dense,black epicuticle,an exocuticle that is braided by several parallel chitin fiber layers in a helix structure,and many bridge piers formed by the fiber bundles that connect the exocuticle to the endodermis,forming a composite,light-weight biomaterial.The mechanical proper...  相似文献   

The surfaces of the veins of dragonflies (Pantala flavesens Fabricius and Crocothemis servilia Drury) wings are observed through SEM, and interesting micro and nano structures and morphologies are discovered. On the surfaces of the veins, not only ripple wave morphologies are distributed, but also spikes are grown. Besides, on the surfaces of the spikes, straight stripe wave morphologies are grown along the generatrix. These marvelous micro and nano structures and morphologies may enable us to better understand the remarkable flying abilities of dragonflies.  相似文献   

微组装纳米多层材料的力学性能研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究探索新材料,采用离子束溅射沉积的方法制备了子层厚度为纳米量级的陶瓷/金属以及陶瓷/高分子多层膜。对这些纳米多层膜的结构和硬度、韧性行为进行了研究。发现纳米多层膜的硬度行为强烈地依赖于材料系统,在某些系统中出现了超硬度效应,而在某些系统则没有这一现象。纳米多层膜的韧性比单相的陶瓷材料有明显提高。硬度、韧性等力学行为与多层结构的组分比例、调制波长等参数有关。研究表明纳米多层结构是获取具有优良力学性能新材料的有效途径。  相似文献   

用偶联剂对纳米改性氢氧化铝(CG-ATH)进行了表面处理,制备出纳米CG-ATH/PA6复合材料。研究了偶联剂用量、偶联剂种类及CG-ATH的改性温度对复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明:填充表面处理后的CG-ATH,可以大幅提高复合材料的力学性能;填充用A1偶联剂表面处理,偶联剂质量分数为1.0%,改性温度为75~80℃条件下处理的CG-ATH,得到的复合材料的力学性能最好;表面处理明显提高了CG-ATH在PA6中的分散性。  相似文献   

车辆点焊结构的非线性力学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在点焊接头组织、结构特性分析的基础上,采用局部应力分析方法,研究了点焊搭接结构在拉伸剪切状态下焊点处的非线性力学特性,建立了弹塑性条件下的非线性有限元模型.研究结果表明:应力在焊点上的分布是不均匀的,且存在较明显的应力集中现象。应力集中主要出现在焊点与板的结合面处。与正应力相比,剪应力在边缘部位的应力集中现象更为明显,因此,剪应力应作为车辆点焊结构安全评价的主要判据。  相似文献   

Along with the boost of drugs’ exploitation, drug delivery has been a common concern among researchers and patients. As an emerging strategy, the micro- and nano-needle (MNN) is a single or an array of micro/nanoneedles, and promises to be a robust technology for efficient, noninvasive and convenient drug delivery. Compared with the conventional injection, MNN can pierce the bio-membranes to transfer cargos without any damage of tissue or nerves. And regarding the topical drug release, MNN is more efficient than oral administration and topical cream. More specifically, microneedle, a powerful technique, has been widely applied in different diseases such as diabetes, anti-obesity and contraception through skin and ocular surface. Correspondingly, many novel microneedles and optimization methods have been developed recently to improve the drug delivery efficacy. Nanoneedle, much smaller than microneedle, can minimize the skin damages caused by the repeated use of microneedles. Nanoneedles with nanoscaled size are usually used to penetrate the cell membrane. And recently many stimulus-aided methods like electrical and magnetic force have been invented to deepen penetration and improve transfer effects. The aim of this review is to introduce the recent advances of MNN-based drug delivery, including their types, application locations and diseases, optimization of delivery strategies and future development prospects.  相似文献   

Ni-based composite coatings incorporated with nano/micron SiC particles were fabricated via electrochemical co-deposition in Watts bath, followed by the evaluation of their mechanical and anti-corrosion properties. The micrographic observations suggest that the SiC particles with various sizes can be well incorporated to the Ni substrate. X-ray diffraction(XRD) patterns indicate that SiC particles with smaller sizes could weaken the preferential growth of Ni along(200) facet. In addition, it is ...  相似文献   

Polyaniline was synthesized chemically in an acidic medium in the presence of Ammonium Peroxydisulphate (APS) as an oxidizing agent. PANI(Polyaniline) nanocomposites were prepared in the presence of various amount of carbon nanotube and zinc oxide (from 1 to 5 wt%) by solution casting method. The free-standing film of polyaniline and its nanocomposites were obtained by vaporization of solvent content. The composition, morphology and structure of the polymer and the nanocomposites were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR spectra, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image and XRD pattern. In addition, thermal stability was studied by TGA analysis, electrical conductivity was measured by four-point probe technique and mechanical properties were studied by tensile strength test. The characteristic FTIR peaks of PANI were found to shift to lower wave number in nanocomposites due to the formation of H-bonding. XRD results revealed that the crystallinity of PANI was more noticeable after addition of nano-ZnO, while the intensity of the peaks increased by the addition of ZnO nanoparticles. Furthermore, TGA results showed that the decomposition of the nanocomposite was less than that of pure polyaniline which confirms the successful fabrication of products. Young''s modulus and strength at break point were increased in the case of the nanocomposite, in addition, the electrical conductivity of the PANI/ZnO nanocomposite film was found to be smaller than that of the PANI film while CNTs increase the conductivity of polyaniline.  相似文献   

本文用基于密度泛函理论(DFT)结合平面波方法的第一性原理研究了四种不同相的B—C-N的晶体结构、力学性能和电子结构.结果表明:c-BC2N,d-BC2N和t-BC2N的体弹模量大于400GPa,而cp—BC2N的体弹模量最小-380GPa.其原因在cp—BC2N相中仅有B—c键和c—N键,而不存在另外三种结构中都有的c—c和B—-N键.拉伸时各个方向上都出现最大应力,则在剪切时至少有一个方向上不会出现最大应力,反之亦然.能带分析表明四种Bc2N均具有直接跃迁型结构,Mulliken布居分析表明,C—N,C—B,B—N间存在电荷转移.  相似文献   

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