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Residue networks are constructed by defining the residues as the vertices and atom contacts between them as the edges. The residue network of a protein complex is divided into two types of networks, i.e. the hydrophobic and the hydrophilic residue networks. By analyzing the network parameters, it is found that the correct binding complex conformations are of both higher sum of the interface degree values and lower characteristic path length than those incorrect ones. These features reflect that the correct bind-ing complex conformations have better geometric and/or residue type complementarity, and the correct binding modes are very important for preserving the characteristic path lengths of native protein complexes. In addition, two scoring terms are proposed based on the network parameters, in which the characteristics of the entire complex shape and residue type complementarity are taken into account. These network-based scoring terms have also been used in conjunction with other scoring terms, and the new multi-term scoring HPNCscore is devised in this work. It can improve the discrimination of the combined scoring function of RosettaDock more than 12%. This work might enhance our knowledge of the mechanisms of protein-protein interactions and recognition.  相似文献   

A strategy for grafting protein-protein binding sites is described. Firstly, key interaction residues at the interface of ligand protein to be grafted are identified and suitable positions in scaffold protein for grafting these key residues are sought. Secondly, the scaffold proteins are superposed onto the ligand protein based on the corresponding Cα and Cβ atoms. The complementarity between the scaffold protein and the receptor protein is evaluated and only matches with high score are accepted. The relative position between scaffold and receptor proteins is adjusted so that the interface has a reasonable packing density. Then the scaffold protein is mutated to corresponding residues in ligand protein at each candidate position. And the residues having bad steric contacts with the receptor proteins, or buried charged residues not involved in the formation of any salt bridge are mutated. Finally, the mutated scaffold protein in complex with receptor protein is co-minimized by Charmm. In addition, we deduce a scoring function to evaluate the affinity between mutated scaffold protein and receptor protein by statistical analysis of rigid binding data sets.  相似文献   

介绍了蛋白质与蛋白质相互作用的研究方法及进展,包括已经应用的标准技术、物理学方法、最新进展及其他方法。利用蛋白质间相互作用为工具,通过合成可调控转录系统来调整生物系统,可实现对基因功能的微调。  相似文献   

介绍了蛋白质与蛋白质相互作用的研究方法及进展,包括已经应用的标准技术、物理学方法、最新进展及其他方法.利用蛋白质间相互作用为工具,通过合成可调控转录系统来调整生物系统,可实现对基因功能的微调.  相似文献   

The protein-protein interaction map of Helicobacter pylori   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
With the availability of complete DNA sequences for many prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, and soon for the human genome itself, it is important to develop reliable proteome-wide approaches for a better understanding of protein function. As elementary constituents of cellular protein complexes and pathways, protein-protein interactions are key determinants of protein function. Here we have built a large-scale protein-protein interaction map of the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori. We have used a high-throughput strategy of the yeast two-hybrid assay to screen 261 H. pylori proteins against a highly complex library of genome-encoded polypeptides. Over 1,200 interactions were identified between H. pylori proteins, connecting 46.6% of the proteome. The determination of a reliability score for every single protein-protein interaction and the identification of the actual interacting domains permitted the assignment of unannotated proteins to biological pathways.  相似文献   

生物体内的蛋白质分子常常通过与其他蛋白质分子发生相互作用来发挥其生物功能.因此,研究蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(protein-protein interaction,PPI)对于阐明蛋白质分子的生物功能以及分子作用机理具有重要的意义.主要介绍基于生物物理和生物化学原理的检测蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用的实验研究方法,并对发展趋...  相似文献   

J Ofengand 《Nature》1979,282(5738):449-450

通过同源映射的方法,利用6个模式物种的蛋白质相互作用数据预测水稻的蛋白质相互作用网络.预测到水稻中有4483个蛋白质参与了24942个蛋白质相互作用.通过GO注释,结构域相互作用,基因共表达等3个证据评估预测网络的质量,并对网络进行了拓扑属性分析.结果表明水稻的蛋白质相互作用网络符合scale-free属性.通过对网络中功能模块的分析,可以预测蛋白质的功能和亚细胞定位信息.  相似文献   

Tang C  Iwahara J  Clore GM 《Nature》2006,444(7117):383-386
Kinetic data on a number of protein-protein associations have provided evidence for the initial formation of a pre-equilibrium encounter complex that subsequently relaxes to the final stereospecific complex. Site-directed mutagenesis and brownian dynamics simulations have suggested that the rate of association can be modulated by perturbations in charge distribution outside the direct interaction surfaces. Furthermore, rate enhancement through non-specific binding may occur by either a reduction in dimensionality or the presence of a short-range, non-specific attractive potential. Here, using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, we directly demonstrate the existence and visualize the distribution of an ensemble of transient, non-specific encounter complexes under equilibrium conditions for a relatively weak protein-protein complex between the amino-terminal domain of enzyme I and the phosphocarrier protein HPr. Neither the stereospecific complex alone nor any single alternative conformation can account fully for the intermolecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement data. Restrained rigid-body simulated annealing refinement against the paramagnetic relaxation enhancement data enables us to obtain an atomic probability distribution map of the non-specific encounter complex ensemble that qualitatively correlates with the electrostatic surface potentials on the interacting proteins. Qualitatively similar results are presented for two other protein-protein complexes.  相似文献   

von Mering C  Krause R  Snel B  Cornell M  Oliver SG  Fields S  Bork P 《Nature》2002,417(6887):399-403
Comprehensive protein protein interaction maps promise to reveal many aspects of the complex regulatory network underlying cellular function. Recently, large-scale approaches have predicted many new protein interactions in yeast. To measure their accuracy and potential as well as to identify biases, strengths and weaknesses, we compare the methods with each other and with a reference set of previously reported protein interactions.  相似文献   

Two large-scale yeast two-hybrid screens were undertaken to identify protein-protein interactions between full-length open reading frames predicted from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome sequence. In one approach, we constructed a protein array of about 6,000 yeast transformants, with each transformant expressing one of the open reading frames as a fusion to an activation domain. This array was screened by a simple and automated procedure for 192 yeast proteins, with positive responses identified by their positions in the array. In a second approach, we pooled cells expressing one of about 6,000 activation domain fusions to generate a library. We used a high-throughput screening procedure to screen nearly all of the 6,000 predicted yeast proteins, expressed as Gal4 DNA-binding domain fusion proteins, against the library, and characterized positives by sequence analysis. These approaches resulted in the detection of 957 putative interactions involving 1,004 S. cerevisiae proteins. These data reveal interactions that place functionally unclassified proteins in a biological context, interactions between proteins involved in the same biological function, and interactions that link biological functions together into larger cellular processes. The results of these screens are shown here.  相似文献   

Immune recognition. A new receptor for beta-glucans.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
G D Brown  S Gordon 《Nature》2001,413(6851):36-37
The carbohydrate polymers known as beta-1,3-d-glucans exert potent effects on the immune system - stimulating antitumour and antimicrobial activity, for example - by binding to receptors on macrophages and other white blood cells and activating them. Although beta-glucans are known to bind to receptors, such as complement receptor 3 (ref. 1), there is evidence that another beta-glucan receptor is present on macrophages. Here we identify this unknown receptor as dectin-1 (ref. 2), a finding that provides new insights into the innate immune recognition of beta-glucans.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional crystal structure of the Escherichia coli methionine repressor, MetJ, complexed with a DNA operator fragment is described in an accompanying article. The complex exhibits several novel features of DNA-protein interaction. DNA sequence recognition is achieved largely by hydrogen-bond contacts between the bases and amino-acid side chains located on a beta-ribbon, a mode of recognition previously hypothesized on the basis of modelling of idealized beta-strands and DNA, and mutagenesis of the Salmonella phage P22 repressors Arc and Mnt. The complex comprises a pair of MetJ repressor dimers which bind to adjacent met-box sites on the DNA, and contact each other by means of a pair of antiparallel alpha-helices. Here we assess the importance of these contacts, and also of contacts that would be made between the C-helices of the protein and DNA in a previous model of the complex, by studying mutations aimed at disrupting them. The role of the carboxy-terminal helix face in operator binding was unclear, but we demonstrate that recognition of operator sequences occurs through side chains in the beta-strand motif and that dimer-dimer interactions are required for effective repression.  相似文献   

Protein-DNA interaction. No code for recognition   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
B W Matthews 《Nature》1988,335(6188):294-295

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