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LIUYuying WANGPengye DOUShuoxing XIEPing WANGWeichi YINHuawei 《科学通报(英文版)》2005,50(8):731-737
The effects of monovalent (Na^ , K^ ) and divalent (Mg^2 , Ca^2 , Mn^2 ) ions on the interaction between DNA and histone are studied using the molecular combing technique. λ-DNA molecules and DNA-histone complexes incubated with metal cations (Na^ , K^ , Mg^2 , Ca^2 , Mn^2 ) are stretched on hydrophobic surfaces, and directly observed by fluorescence microscopy. The results indicate that when these cations are added into the DNA solution, the fluorescence intensities of the stained DNA are reduced differently. The monovalent cations (Na^ , K^ ) inhibit binding of histone to DNA. The divalent cations (Mg^2 , Ca^2 , Mn^2 ) enhance significantly the binding of histone to DNA and the binding of the DNA-histone complex to the hydrophobic surface. Mn^2 also induces condensation and aggregation of the DNA- histone complex. 相似文献
YANG HuiXian SU ZhaoHuit 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(16):2301-2303
Morphology of synthetic imogolite nanotubes formed in droplet evaporation was investigated by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The nanotubes form a dense entangled network at higher concentrations,while at lower concentrations the nanotubes are liable to form ori-ented bundles. Under enthanol atmosphere,individual dispersion of nanotubes was observed for the first time,which reveals the length polydispersity of synthetic imogolite nanotubes. 相似文献
采用单液滴非平衡蒸发的数学物理模型,研究了静止环境中甲醇液滴的瞬态蒸发特性,获得了不同环境压力、环境温度和液滴的初始温度条件下液滴半径和液滴温度的变化规律.结果表明,随着环境压力的升高,液滴所达到平衡蒸发温度上升,在环境温度高于临界温度时,液滴蒸发加快,而在环境温度低于液滴临界温度时,液滴蒸发减慢.随着环境温度的上升,液滴蒸发速度加快,液滴达到的平衡温度上升.液滴初始温度对瞬态加热阶段的蒸发有一定的影响,而对平衡蒸发阶段的蒸发几乎没有影响. 相似文献
建立了燃油液滴蒸发瞬态气液两相流大涡模拟流体体积(VOF)模型,综合考虑了气液两相流流场,气液相界面的温度梯度和浓度梯度等因素,研究了气液相温度梯度和雷诺数对液滴液相传热的影响.研究结果表明:随着温度梯度的增大,液滴温度显著提高,温度梯度越大,液滴温度增加幅度越大;雷诺数不仅能够影响液滴周围流场的分布,而且还引起液滴内部温度场分布的变化;随着雷诺数的增大,液滴内部加热区域逐渐均匀,雷诺数越大,液滴的温度越高. 相似文献
本文以水滴置于火灾焰区为例,分析并求解得出不同环境压力及环境高温下蒸发过程及存活时间。 相似文献
Study the effects of divalent metallic ions on the combination of DNA and histones with fluorescence anisotropy assays 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
LIU YuYing WANG PengYe DOU ShuoXing XIE Ping XI XuGuang 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(9):1166-1171
The effects of divalent ions(Mn2 ,Mg2 ,Ca2 ) on the interaction between DNA and histone are studied using a fluorescence anisotropy assay. Fluorescence anisotropies of DNA and DNA-histone in the presence of divalent ions(Mn2 ,Mg2 ,Ca2 ) are measured. The results indicate that histone reduces the fluorescence anisotropy of lambda DNA while the divalent ions(Mn2 ,Mg2 ,Ca2 ) significantly enhance the fluorescence anisotropy. Compared to the case of DNA incubated with histone alone,there are more histones binding to DNA when divalent ion,histone and DNA are incubated together. We also find that Mn2 makes the DNA-histone complexes more condensed than the other ions do. 相似文献
为分析单个水滴在低温、低湿空气中的运动和蒸发特性,建立了描述整个传热传质及运动过程的数学模型,并通过对悬挂水滴的蒸发冷却实验验证了该模型的有效性.通过模拟计算获得了水滴温度、直径、速度和运动轨迹的变化规律,以及水滴初始参数和空气速度对制冰效率的影响.结果表明,水滴在某一喷射角度下,直径越小,同样的下落高度水滴水平飞行的距离越短,而相应的速度衰减则越快,同时水滴蒸发过冷所需的时间越短.另外,水滴初始温度越低和逆流空气速度越高,在很短的下落高度内,水滴就实现了过冷,而水滴直径的变化量随着初始水温和空气流速的增大而增大,因此对雾化水滴进行预冷却不仅可提高系统制冰效率,还能减少水滴的蒸发损失. 相似文献
考虑液滴与环境气流物性瞬态变化的单液滴非平衡蒸发,建立了模型,研究正十二烷液滴在含乙醇氛围中的对流蒸发过程,获得环境参数(环境温度、压力、对流强度、环境气体中乙醇蒸气和水蒸气质量分数)对液滴蒸发特性的影响规律.计算结果表明:环境因素中影响液滴蒸发的主要因素是环境温度、环境压力和对流强度,乙醇蒸气和水蒸气质量分数对液滴蒸发特性几乎没有影响;环境温度和对流强度的增加,有利于液滴蒸发;对初始温度较低的燃料液滴,环境压力对蒸发的影响与环境温度、气流相对速度相关;在一定的热环境参数下,压力效应发生逆转;增加液滴周围气体中乙醇蒸气质量分数和降低水蒸气质量分数,会加速液滴蒸发,液滴寿命略微缩短. 相似文献
以铅锑复合渣为原料,用低温真空蒸发法直接制备纳米Sb2O3.通过XRD、激光粒度仪、SEM和白度仪分别对Sb2O3的结构、形貌、粒度和白度进行表征,探讨温度、残压、时间等对Sb的蒸发率以及Sb2O3的纯度、白度和粒度的影响.研究结果表明:在温度为893 K、残压为250 Pa和时间为2 h的条件下,纳米Sb2O3具有立方晶型,其平均颗粒粒度为72 nm,比表面积为15.5 m^2/g,白度为90.0%,纯度为98.50%. 相似文献
YuYing Liu PengYe Wang ShuoXing Dou WeiWei Zhang XueJin Wang HongYi Sang 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(11):1080-1085
The binding of cations (Na +,K +,Mg 2+,Ca 2+,Mn 2+) and histones to DNA can be studied using fluorescence assays.Here,we measured the fluorescence intensity and fluorescence anisotropy of DNA and DNA-histone complexes in the presence of cations.We demonstrate that when different cations are added into a DNA solution,the fluorescence intensities of the stained DNA are reduced by different amounts.Compared with divalent cations,monovalent cations had a weaker effect on fluorescence intensity and fluorescence anisotropy.Divalent (Mn 2+,Mg 2+,Ca 2+) cations markedly enhanced the fluorescence anisotropy of DNA.The binding modes of monovalent and divalent cations to DNA may be different.Divalent cations can change the structure of DNA molecules,or promote the assembly of DNA strands.The addition of histones causes DNA condensation,which mostly occurs during the first few seconds.Cation binding to DNA is abrupt,and is much faster than that of histones. 相似文献
以DNA为模板在溶液中制备出了韧性好、颗粒吸附均匀且粗细可调的银纳米线.通过葡萄糖封装,观察到大量相互缠绕的银纳米线.在云母衬底表面经过梳直得到的银纳米线呈直线、长度约10-15μm、排列整齐有序且有统一取向. 相似文献
Inversion of droplet size distribution in two-phase flow from light scattering has been considered involved because it is
in general reduced to the solution of Fredholm integral equation of the first kind that was always ill-posed. By using the
Rosin-Rammler distributiona priori as the particulate size distribution model in the liquid-gas two-phase flow, a method via the solution of a two-parameter
nonlinear programming problem to determine the droplet size distribution has been developed. A measurement system based on
the technique is designed and applied in the shock test of blades of steam turbine. 100-hours continuous monitoring of the
droplets in the liquid-gas two-phase flow of 8.0 Pa and 120 °C was performed and the details of the experiments are given
out. It is shown that the technique is simple and efficient for in-situ real time measuring droplets in the liquid-gas two-phase
Ye Mao: born in 1973, Ph. D student 相似文献
自行设计一套筛网反弹盘三维沉积装置,用于电子束蒸发制备碳化硼微球涂层. 采用电子束蒸发法并结合此装置在直径为1 mm的玻璃小球表面沉积了碳化硼涂层. 研究了筛网振动频率、电子束制备工艺对沉积速率、涂层厚度以及涂层表面粗糙度的影响. 采用X射线照相技术测试涂层的厚度;XPS测试涂层表面成分;AFM表征涂层的表面形貌和均方根粗糙度. 结果表明:涂层主要成分为B4C,表面较为光滑、均匀;当筛网振动频率为0.25 Hz,且电子束蒸发工艺参数定为:真空度P小于3×10-3 Pa,高压U 等于6 kV,束流I 在 1 相似文献
保水剂对土壤水分蒸发的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究在不同温度梯度下保水剂的粒径和用量对土壤水分蒸发的影响.结果表明:土壤水分蒸发前期保水剂粒径小则保水效果较好,保水剂用量越高则土壤水分稳定蒸发阶段时间长.25℃时土壤水分蒸发率会出现波动现象;保水剂粒径大(0.8—2mm)时,保水剂用量小会加速土壤水分的蒸发. 相似文献
设计合成一种希夫碱2-氨基-5-巯基-1,3,4-噻二唑水杨亚胺(L)及其铜的配合物Cu(L),运用红外、紫外、元素分析等方法对其结构进行表征.同时在pH=7.5的三羟甲基氨基甲烷-盐酸缓冲溶液(Tris-HCl)中用荧光光谱法研究了该配合物Cu(L)与DNA的相互作用,结果发现配合物Cu(L)与DNA的作用模式是插入式模式,测得Cu(L)与DNA的结合常数为K=2.0×104mol.L-1,线性相关系数r=0.999 5,并且还用不同的离子强度和不同的浓度[Fe(CN)6]4-对Cu(L)配合物与DNA体系的荧光光谱的影响情况进行研究,从而进一步论证了其相互作用模式是插入式. 相似文献
在Tris-HCl(pH7.2)介质中,研究了1个新的苯甲酸氮芥铕(Ⅲ)配合物(Eu(BANM)3·H2O)与DNA相互作用的荧光性能,表明此配合物可作为DNA定量测定的荧光试剂.此外以溴化乙锭(EB)为荧光探针,对配合物与DNA的结合机理进行了探讨.结果证明DNA与配合物之间存在插入和沟结合2种非共价作用方式,配合物与DNA的平均结合常数为7.19×105. 相似文献
GUANWanbing GAOYulai ZHAIQijie XUKuangdi 《科学通报(英文版)》2005,50(9):929-931
In this paper, the influence of cooling rate on the undercooling of droplet solidification of metal melt has been investigated by employing the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method. The effect of cooling rate on the undercooling as well as its change tendency is analyzed theoretically. It is shown that the undercooling degree increases whereas the change rate of undercooling decreases with increasing cooling rate. Moreover, the change tendency approaches zero when the cooling rate exceedingly increased, indicating that an extremum of undercooling exists with increasing cooling rate. 相似文献
对水冷式除渣系统中含渣水表面蒸发速率进行实验,探讨了含渣水表面蒸发速率的影响因素,得到了1个大气压下风速为0.5m/s时,含渣水表面蒸发速率与表面温度(30~75℃)和相对湿度(40%~90%)之间的实验关联式。实验测量了按不同比例稀释的含渣水表面蒸发速率,并与纯水表面蒸发速率的实验结果对比,发现实验范围内水温高于50℃时纯水表面蒸发速率约为含渣水表面蒸发速率的1.1~1.2倍,水温低于50℃时倍数略高,而一定范围内浓度的改变对含渣水表面蒸发速率的影响在10%以内。 相似文献