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Summary Blood glucose was significantly elevated by 5-thio-D-glucose administration (25, 50, and 100 mg/kg). The ratelimiting enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase of liver was also increased. The elevation of blood glucose was due to the rapid glycogenolysis of liver.Acknowledgments. We are thankful to Mr T. Natarajan, Department of Biochemistry for ministerial assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Aromatization of testosterone was examined in hypothalamic and cerebral cortex tissues from 32 mice-10 normal males, 10 normal females, 2 carrying the testicular feminized gene (Tfm) and 10 Tfm with the modifying (ohv) gene. Total aromatization was 1.5 times greater in normal males than females. In both forms of Tfm, conversions were equal and similar to normal females.This work was supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Résumé Nos expériences ont démontré que les lipides deListeria monocytogenes ont un fort effet adjuvant aux niveaux cellulaire et humoral. Comme antigène, on a utilisé des èrythrocytes de mouton. On a déterminé le nombre de cellules de la rate produisant des anticorps ainsi que le titre de l'hémolysine d'après la méthode de l'hémolyse radiale en gélose.

Supported by grants from Polish Academy of Science.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von Chlorpromazin auf die Hodenfunktion der Ratte wurde untersucht und dabei gefunden, dass Chlorpromazin eine Degeneration des Rattenhodens verursacht.  相似文献   

Effects of age on arginine-aminopeptidase activity were investigated in the rat testis. A marked rise of the enzyme activity in 6-week-old rats corresponded to the appearance of spermatids in the later stages of their development.  相似文献   

The oral administration of 0.4% taurine in drinking water for 14 consecutive days showed the following hepatic effects in male guinea pig. The percentage of tauro-conjugated biliary bile acids was increased from 17.2-54.2%; the ratio liver weight/body weight was increased, and fatty change was induced. Liver triglyceride concentration was accordingly increased; diglyceride and phosphatidylcholine concentrations were reduced by the treatment, while phosphatidylethanolamine level was not affected. These changes suggest an adverse effect of taurine administration on phosphatidylcholine hepatic synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary The oral administration of 0.4% taurine in drinking water for 14 consecutive days showed the following hepatic effects in male guinea pig. The percentage of tauro-conjugated biliary bile acids was increased from 17.2–54.2%; the ratio liver weight/body weight was increased, and fatty change was induced. Liver triglyceride concentration was accordingly increased; diglyceride and phosphatidylcholine concentrations were reduced by the treatment, while phosphatidylethanolamine level was not affected. These changes suggest an adverse effect of taurine administration on phosphatidylcholine hepatic synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of Tween 80 to the growth medium brings about qualitative and quantitative changes in the lipids ofMycobacterium phlei ATCC 354. The results suggest that Tween 80 itself may be a variant in the system.Acknowledgments. K. R. D. is grateful to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, for the award of Senior Research Fellowship. This study was supported in part by funds from Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, and University Grants Commision, New Delhi.  相似文献   

Addition of Tween 80 to the growth medium brings about qualitative and quantitative changes in the lipids of Mycobacterium phlei ATCC 354. The results suggest that Tween 80 itself may be a variant in the system.  相似文献   

Summary Liver homogenates of testicular feminized (Tfm) mice carrying the protective (ohv) gene were found to be less capable of converting testosterone to androstenedione than Tfm without the protective gene.This work was supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada, No. MT 4192 and Ortho Pharmaceutical Company.  相似文献   

Summary Feeding of excess vitamin A significantly increased the activity of -galactosidase and -glucuronidase without effecting the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase in rat testicular homogenates. It is suggested that imbalance of vitamin A affects the normal process of spermatogenesis by altering the activity of lysosomal enzymes.Acknowledgments. The author is grateful to Dr C.M. Singh, I.V.R.I., Izatnagar and Dr L.N. Singh, for providing facilities and encouragement and to Prof. O. Isler, Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland, for the generous supply of retinyl acetate used in this work.  相似文献   

Triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol and cholesterol esters were determined by thin layer chromatography in the fetal and neonate livers of normal (Swiss albino) and genetic diabetic (KK) mice. In general, the lipids were elevated in the fetal liver of the KK mice. Despite this elevation in liver lipids, no increase in the weight of the newborn was observed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Mäusen erhöhte Pentobarbital den Serotoningehalt des Gehirns, ein Effekt, der sich durch eine Verminderung der Umsatzgeschwindigkeit bei unveränderter Synthese des Serotonins erklären lässt.

Acknowledgment: We are indebted to the Deutsche Abbott GmbH for a generous gift of pargyline.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this review was to assess the size and consistency of Royal Jelly (RJ) effect on serum lipids in experimental animals and humans. The data from animal studies were pooled, where possible, and statistically evaluated by Student's t-test. Meta-analysis was used for the evaluation of human trials. It was found that RJ significantly decreased serum and liver total lipids and cholesterol levels in rats and rabbits and also retarded the formation of atheromas in the aorta of rabbits fed a hyperlipemic diet. Meta-analysis of the controlled human trials of RJ to reduce hyperlipidemia showed a significant reduction in total serum lipids and cholesterol levels and normalization of HDL and LDL as determined from decrease in β/α lipoproteins. The best available evidence suggests that RJ at approximately 50 to 100 mg per day, decreased total serum cholesterol levels by about 14%, and total serum lipids by about 10% in the group of patients studied.  相似文献   

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