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《易》有三才,不传“人数”,汉太乙式提供了洛书“人数’,恰与星占吻合,证明河图、洛书数字是星宿,其星象只能是实测的产物。  相似文献   

本文破译河图、洛书、八卦,揭示河图、洛书、八卦、卦爻的原始意象以及河图、洛书与龟卜、易筮的关系。  相似文献   

论内家拳与河图洛书太极图之关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对河图、洛书、太极图的剖析,阐述了三者与内家拳的关系  相似文献   

《河图》、《洛书》——中华文化起源千古谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、《河图》、《洛书》的由来与争论(一)“有名无实”的神圣图说诸说“河图”一词最早见之于《尚书》,《尚书·顾命》篇曰:“赤刀、大训、宏壁、琬琰在西序;大玉、夷玉、天球、河图在东序”。按后来汉人所作之注,《尚书》本有在“河图”一词之下加上“洛书”二字的,所以河图、洛书之词的出现,最早  相似文献   

科学理解易学的内涵,关系到正确地弘扬中华民族的优秀文化,传统,破除封建迷信,推动社会主义精神文明的建设与发展。今年出版的《科技智囊》杂志总第九至十五期将连载长篇报道《河图、洛书、易经与金字塔——项千古之谜的重大突破进程》,记叙了北京大学中国国情研究中心与《科技智囊》杂志社共同组建的易学课题组,对周易及其源头一“河图”、“洛书”作出的重大破译。课题组在强调“数”的科学基础上,创造性地把数学、物理学与周易八卦有机地结合起来,并按照“数”的规律,将易学“和合数表”  相似文献   

本文从河图洛书原始结构出发,建立了河洛数理形式系统。提出并阐明了由先天太极图能全息定量地描述一般事物发生、发展过程中的突变、渐变等生成消息。提出并证明阴阳、五性、八卦是从不同的结构层次,按自然流程全息刻画太极结构及其演化的过程。严格证明了任意卦序的内在关联性,并给出单卦有15种可能状态(消除简并则有64种),复卦有4096种可能状态。首次提出并阐明了周易在数理逻辑上的完备性及其数的变化和形的拓扑结构。给出了人体系统网络及信息接口模式——五行8律分形和洛书局格分形。  相似文献   

我国不仅有《九章算术》、《周髀算经》、《海岛算经》等著名的古代数学典籍,以其丰富的内容,优越的解法饮誉学术界;而且许多非数学的古代典籍也常闪耀着数学的光辉,魅力迷人,《易经》和《洛书》就是这样的著作。  相似文献   

本刊1994年度总目录哲学、中国文化河图、洛书“天地之数”破译:《星河启示录})续一/曾祥委/1王粥玄学辩证思想探微/王宝莲/1政治学以制度建设促进党风和廉政建设/曹祖和/1浅谈政纪案件的调查取证工作/张行秀/1毛泽东的人才思想浅探/罗曼红/3毛泽东...  相似文献   

从古老的幻方、排列组合事例和棋术与游戏3个方面,把东、西方历史上对幻方的研究相结合,特别列出古印度的排列组合思想、事例以及历史上的一些包含深刻数学知识的棋术游戏,指明了组合学的思想源于古代的东方,世界上最古老的三阶幻方-洛书,是组合设计的先声。同时,在此基础上说明一些组合思想看样在许多古老的问题中得以体现,一些组合规律如何得到验证。  相似文献   

图、书之数本为星宿,可从天地两个角度索解。在天分阴阳,阳数为四时太阳位置,阴数为月亮位置,同表历法;在地分刚柔,星有分野方位,表水土州分,地数星宿分野恰为《周礼·职方》四正方位。合而言之,“天地之数”表四时五方。  相似文献   

《周易》的史学透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为 ,从母系氏族开始 ,华夏祖先就通过仿生 ,建立了区别血缘关系的图腾组织。图腾标志经过简化 ,刻画在陶器、玉器、龟甲、衣冠上 ,就成为记录世系的谱牒。“河图”、“洛书”和卦爻符号是谱牒的三种典型代表。掌握谱牒的氏族首领轮流值日 ,主祭主政 ,逐渐就产生了历法。《周易》就是西周的一部历书。据此即可推断西周的上限年代及 64卦所记录的史实。《周易》的八卦六爻又是一个动态的思维座标系 ,堪称为“简明哲学公式”。《周易》是华夏文明的信息库 ,又是人类历史的推进器  相似文献   

4 太极——八卦——爻数的三层次结构 以上我们主要从数的角度研究了河图,洛书,太极和八卦的关系,下面讨论的问题是作为以上理论进一步精细描述的基础而提出的。这就是太极——八卦——爻数的关系问题。4.1 2520种卦序都存在吗? 八卦用十进制表示就是:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7八个数,我们称之为卦数。它们对应的二进制为:000,001,010,011,100,101,111。如果在二进制表示中“0”以“--”表,“1”以“-”表,且二进制高位表内爻(下爻),则得八卦的原卦爻表示:  相似文献   

中国古代的象数学在中医理论的发生和发展过程中发挥了极其重要的作用,它与医学经验一起构成了中医理论的两个基本渊源,本文试图运用象数学来阐明灵龟八法的原理。人体的阴阳之气在不同时间、不同方位上,其多少是不同的,这一不同可以用数字量化。八法逐日干支和临时干支来源于河图、洛书的数,推衍灵龟八法是根据象数理论进行的,它用老阳数9和老阴数6来衡量气血运行的全过程。把八卦,象数,经脉和穴位有机地结合起来,按日按时开穴,体现了中医天人相应的整体观。  相似文献   

数学史家、数学家和数学教师对中算史的认识和应用各有侧重,将历史研究同现代发展联系起来不乏成功的先例.列举中算史洛书、六十四卦、朱-范公式、卡塔兰数、幂和公式等8个例子,说明后人如何认识、应用和发展这些传统题材.  相似文献   

中西方具有不同的思维方式.表达中国的"象思维"只能是"象语言","象语言"的逻辑不是形式逻辑,而是"象数逻辑"."象数逻辑"通过"取象去形",以"无形之象"追摹自然变化之序而创立推演体系,包括比类推理与太极推理两大推理法则,且深涵价值底蕴.中国"象数逻辑"较之西方形式逻辑与辩证法,更具本原性,内涵更丰富,包容性更大,其以"象数算法"为基础,但蕴涵其中,并未分化成为独立学科.而中国古代数学本为体用不二之完整体系,洛书、周易之"象数算法"与中国古代数学之"机械化算法体系"一脉相承.吴文俊对中国古代数学的继承创新,不仅对人类数学史,对当今数学发展意义重大,而且也为今天创建现代的中国语言学、逻辑学,为中国科学的自主创新提供了重要的思想与方法论启示.  相似文献   

Graphene oxide (GO) wrapped Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by coating the Fe3O4 NPs with a SiO2 layer, and then modifying by amino groups, which interact with the GO nanosheets to form covalent bonding. The SiO2 coating layer plays a key role in integrating the magnetic nanoparticles with the GO nanosheets. The effect of the amount of SiO2 on the morphology, structure, adsorption, and regenerability of the composites was studied in detail. An appropriate SiO2 layer can effectively induce the GO nanosheets to completely wrap the Fe3O4 NPs, forming a core-shell Fe3O4@SiO2@GO composite where Fe3O4@SiO2 NPs are firmly encapsulated by GO nanosheets. The optimized Fe3O4@SiO2@GO sample exhibits a high saturated adsorption capacity of 253 mg·g?1 Pb(II) cations from wastewater, and the adsorption process is well fitted by Langmuir adsorption model. Notably, the composite displays excellent regeneration, maintaining a ~90% adsorption capacity for five cycles, while other samples decrease their adsorption capacity rapidly. This work provides a theoretical guidance to improve the regeneration of the GO-based adsorbents.  相似文献   

The effect of CaCO3, Na2CO3, and CaF2 on the reduction roasting and magnetic separation of high-phosphorus iron ore containing phosphorus in the form of Fe3PO7 and apatite was investigated. The results revealed that Na2CO3 had the most significant effect on iron recovery and dephosphorization, followed by CaCO3, the effect of CaF2 was negligible. The mechanisms of CaCO3, Na2CO3, and CaF2 were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM–EDS). Without additives, Fe3PO7 was reduced to elemental phosphorus and formed an iron–phosphorus alloy with metallic iron. The addition of CaCO3 reacted with Fe3PO7 to generate an enormous amount of Ca3(PO4)2 and promoted the reduction of iron oxides. However, the growth of iron particles was inhibited. With the addition of Na2CO3, the phosphorus in Fe3PO7 migrated to nepheline and Na2CO3 improved the reduction of iron oxides and growth of iron particles. Therefore, the recovery of iron and the separation of iron and phosphorus were the best. In contrast, CaF2 reacted with Fe3PO7 to form fine Ca3(PO4)2 particles scattered around the iron particles, making the separation of iron and phosphorus difficult.  相似文献   

Carbonated decomposition of hydrogarnet is one of the vital reactions of the calcification–carbonation method, which is designed to dispose of low-grade bauxite and Bayer red mud and is a novel eco-friendly method. In this study, the effect of the silica saturation coefficient (x) on the carbonation of hydrogarnet was investigated from the kinetic perspective. The results indicated that the carbonation of hydrogarnets with different x values (x = 0.27, 0.36, 0.70, and 0.73) underwent two stages with significantly different rates, and the kinetic mechanisms of the two stages can be described by the kinetic functions R3 and D3. The apparent activation energies at Stages 1 and 2 were 41.96–81.64 and 14.80–34.84 kJ/mol, respectively. Moreover, the corresponding limiting steps of the two stages were interfacial chemical reaction and diffusion.  相似文献   

A new method of high-gravity combustion synthesis (HGCS) followed by post-treatment (PT) is reported for preparing high-performance high-entropy alloys (HEAs), Cr0.9FeNi2.5V0.2Al0.5 alloy, whereby cheap thermite powder is used as the raw material. In this process, the HEA melt and the ceramic melt are rapidly formed by a strong exothermic combustion synthesis reaction and completely separated under a high-gravity field. Then, the master alloy is obtained after cooling. Subsequently, the master alloy is sequentially subjected to conventional vacuum arc melting (VAM), homogenization treatment, cold rolling, and annealing treatment to realize a tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation of 1250 MPa, 1075 MPa, and 2.9%, respectively. The present method is increasingly attractive due to its low cost of raw materials and the intermediate product obtained without high-temperature heating. Based on the calculation of phase separation kinetics in the high-temperature melt, it is expected that the final alloys with high performance can be prepared directly across master alloys with higher high-gravity coefficients.  相似文献   

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