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Both gradual and sharp decrease in organic and carbonate carbon isotope values were detected across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Meishan section, Changxing, Zhejiang Province, China. The gradual decrease in organic carbon isotope values started at the bottom of Bed 23, coinciding with the strong oscillations of total organic carbon (TOC) contents, indicates increasing fluxes from carbonate to organic carbon reservoir during this interval. A 2.3‰ sharp drop of inorganic carbon isotope values occurred at the uppermost part of Bed 24e. A 3.7‰ sharp drop of organic carbon isotope values occurred in Bed 26. The dramatic drop of inorganic carbon isotope value of 8‰ reported previously is not confirmed from the unweathered carbonate samples in Bed 27. The large-scale fluctuation of organic carbon isotope values in the Yinkeng Formation reflects different extent of mixing of marine and terrestrial organic matters. The gradual depletion and subsequent sharp drop of carbon isotopes near the Permian-Triassic boundary might indicate complex causes of the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

对四川华蓥楼房湾剖面稳定碳同位素进行的研究表明,该地区二叠-三叠系界线附近碳同位素变化趋势与全球变化基本一致。早三叠世早期ΔB平均值高于晚二叠世晚期,指示海水中磷酸盐浓度的增大和初级生产力的繁盛。从晚二叠世末期开始δ13Ccarb的缓慢降低是由大规模火山作用以及陆地风化作用加强造成的;早三叠世最早期δ13Ccarb和δ13Corg的快速同步降低所代表的全球碳循环变化主要受控于生物集群绝灭的主幕及海平面上升引起的底部缺氧水上涌。总之,二叠-三叠纪之交碳同位素变化是火山作用、海平面变化、海洋和陆地生物集群绝灭以及缺氧水上涌等因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

在地质历史中,地球曾发生过震旦纪冰川、石炭-二叠纪冰川和第四纪冰川3次冰川活动。为研究和预测当今气候,按照岩石学原理和李四光教授创立的确定古冰川的3个标准,研究了渝鄂湘黔毗邻地区的古冰川事件,结论是该区只发生过震旦纪冰川;第四纪时不存在古冰川遗迹,没有发生过冰川活动;为温暖湿润气候。  相似文献   

对四川华蓥楼房湾剖面稳定碳同位素进行的研究表明,该地区二叠-三叠系界线附近碳同位素变化趋势与全球变化基本一致。早三叠世早期ΔB平均值高于晚二叠世晚期,指示海水中磷酸盐浓度的增大和初级生产力的繁盛。从晚二叠世末期开始δ13Ccarb的缓慢降低是由大规模火山作用以及陆地风化作用加强造成的;早三叠世最早期δ13Ccarb和δ13Corg的快速同步降低所代表的全球碳循环变化主要受控于生物集群绝灭的主幕及海平面上升引起的底部缺氧水上涌。总之,二叠-三叠纪之交碳同位素变化是火山作用、海平面变化、海洋和陆地生物集群绝灭以及缺氧水上涌等因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

陕西渭南宋家北沟新近纪/第四纪三门组介形类化石研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对陕西渭南宋家北沟露头剖面的实测,详细描述了新近纪/第四纪三门组的岩性地层及介形化石的垂向分布特征和化石组合划分,鉴定出介形类化石12属27种,识别了线星介-骊山介组合(Lineocypris-Lishania Assemblage)及土星介-小玻璃介组合(Ilyocypris-Candoniella Assemblage).通过介形类化石电镜扫描观察,对其中最具代表性的介形类化石做了壳体表面纹饰研究,划分出多边形近圆网纹纹饰、圆窝形网纹纹饰、锯齿形网纹纹饰、线条状条纹类型、指纹状条纹类型和斑点状纹饰6种类型.  相似文献   

鞍形白云石是沉积岩中的一种重要成岩矿物。显微镜下鞍形白云石具有特殊的弧形晶面和波状消光,广泛分布于热液环境和其他相对高温的成岩环境中,也常被作为半定量的地质温度计和某些特殊流体的指示矿物。本文综合讨论了四川盆地二叠—二叠系碳酸盐岩和砂岩中鞍形白云石的岩石学特征,铁、锰、钙含量和阴极发光特征,形成温度和矿物的氧同位素组成,以及推算的源流体的氧同位素组成和盐度;同时对照研究了鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界砂岩中的鞍形白云石、塔里木盆地寒武—奥陶系的鞍形白云石以及南海珠江口盆地新近系的鞍形白云石,得到如下认识:(1)碳酸盐岩中大多数的鞍形白云石的晶体大小都超过1mm,具有粗晶—极粗晶结构。砂岩中鞍形白云石胶结物的晶体相对较小,主要具中—粗晶结构。碳酸盐岩中的鞍形白云石主要分布在晶洞或裂缝中,砂岩中的鞍形白云石主要是晚期的胶结物。(2)碳酸盐岩中的鞍形白云石普遍具有阴极发光和很低的铁、锰含量,在钙、镁含量上接近理想组成;砂岩中的鞍形白云石胶结物普遍具有较高的铁、锰含量,因铁的猝灭作用而经常没有阴极发光,同时因富钙而偏离白云石的理想组成。(3)存在溶解现象(或去白云化现象)是一些鞍形白云石的重要特征,与热液有关的鞍形白云石的溶解可能与热液作用后温度和(或)盐度的降低及镁离子的消耗有关,较大埋深条件下形成的砂岩中的鞍形白云石胶结物的溶解可能与构造抬升造成的温度降低有关。(4)大多数鞍形白云石都是在较高的温度和盐度的流体中沉淀的,四川盆地二叠—三叠系碳酸盐地层中鞍形白云石包裹体均一化温度为100~270℃,源流体的盐度(NaCl质量分数)为4.7%~9.7%,盐度最大值约为当时海水的5倍;三叠系须家河组砂岩中的鞍形白云石胶结物包裹体均一化温度为120~170℃,流体盐度在2.6%~6.6%,也超过当时海水的盐度值。(5)南海珠江口盆地新近系碳酸盐岩中的一些鞍形白云石晶体较小,以细晶为主,缺乏可进行均一温度分析的两相包裹体,其形成温度可能较低,因而鞍形白云石形成的最低温度可能低于80℃,但这仍然需要资料的进一步积累。  相似文献   

采用溶菌酶、纤维素酶和果胶酶混合处理法,首次较好地分离具活力的丝状蓝藻的原生质球。通过再生培养,跟踪显微观察了原生质球的再生过程,并且获得了再生藻株。为丝状蓝藻的转基因工作提供了一种潜在的受体细胞。  相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) metamorphic terrane in the Tongbai orogen comprises two HP slices (I and II) and a tectonic m61ange zone in the northeast and a blueschist-greenschist zone in the southwest. HP slice I is represented by the northern and southern eclogite zones on the two sides of the Tongbaishan antiform. HP slice II is represented by retrograded eclogite-bearing metamorphic en- claves in Cretaceous gneissic granites in the Tongbai Complex. U-Pb, Lu-Hf, Rb-Sr and 4Ar/39Ar multichronometric data indi- cate that the peak metamorphism of HP slice I took place at -255 Ma, whereas the metamorphic ages of HP slice II are as young as 232-220 Ma. By contrast, the tectonic melange zone near the suture was metamorphosed at -256 Ma. Such a diachroneity of dif- ferent slices across the direction of the orogen in the Hong'an-Dabie-Sulu HP/UHP terrane is ubiquitous, and it can be interpreted by a syn-subduction detachment/exhumation model. Furthermore, the metamorphic age of HP slice I in the Tongbai orogen is older than that of the equivalent HP slice in the Hong'an orogen by ~15 Ma, suggesting that the diachroneity may have also ex- isted along the direction of the orogen. A seesaw-type subduction/exhumation model is proposed to explain this age disparity and the subduction of the South China Block becomimg shallower towards the west.  相似文献   

There is much debate on biological affinities of the phosphatized globular fossils from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng’an, Guizhou Province. Here we report for the first time the budding structures of some of these globular fossils, which have previously been interpreted as the resting eggs and early cleavage embryos of metazoans. The budding structures are similar to the germinating tubes of the spore and zygote of living algae, suggesting that some globular fossils from the Doushantuo phosphorites bear affinity with algae. The present new information indicated various biological affinity of the phosphatized globular fossils from the Doushantuo phosphorites.  相似文献   

Large amounts of vermicular fossils and a minor amount of sponge animal fossils have been found in the Early Cambrian Xidashan Formation in the region of Quruqtagh, Xinjiang. Vermicular fossils are generally more than 50 mm long and 0.3?1.4 mm wide; their wrinkled lamellae are microfine with 3?10 pieces within the length of every each millimeter. The fossils are considered to be Sabellidites cambriensis Sokolov (1965). The Xidashan Formation is the highest stratum in which Sabellidites occur, as has been so far reported.  相似文献   

探讨重庆市云阳县普安乡沙溪庙组下段恐龙化石埋藏成因.通过野外观察及室内薄片分析,对化石围岩及上下岩层展开研究.化石围岩为紫红色泥质粉砂岩,其中见大量泥砾及软沉积物变形构造,具稀性泥流沉积特征.化石层上下大量发育以负荷构造、火焰构造、液化砂岩脉等为代表的软沉积物变形构造,与地震活动相关的同沉积断裂、砂球(枕)以及地裂缝伴...  相似文献   

重庆秀山地区下志留统龙马溪组上部的灰色页岩中产出有肉红色粉砂岩填充的U形浅潜穴双菌迹(Bifungites),其丰度较高,但属种十分单调,淡化潮坪相的沉积表明秀山地区早志留世龙马溪期晚期为淡化潮坪相的沉积.  相似文献   

滇池的水华蓝藻的时空变化   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
 于2001年9月~2002年7月对滇池水华蓝藻进行了为期1 a的调查研究.结果表明,在滇池中形成水华的是微囊藻属(Microcystis Kutz.)和束丝藻属(Aphanizomenon Morr.).水华蓝藻总数为3 445 000~1 080 800 000 L-1,年平均为130 866 603 L-1,占浮游植物细胞总量的66.44%~90.66%.微囊藻属的数量为3 445 000~1 030 800 000 L-1,年平均为125 174 582 L-1,占浮游植物总数的35.69%~87.97%,是滇池浮游植物群落的单优势属.束丝藻属的数量为0~50 950 000 L-1,年平均为5 692 021 L-1,占浮游植物细胞总数的0.46%~30.75%.水华蓝藻数量的时空分布与微囊藻属一致,7月最高,1月最低;近岸带高于湖心,湖北部高于湖中部高于南部.束丝藻属的数量3月最高,1月最低;湖北部高于南部高于中部.微囊藻水华全年可见,束丝藻属仅在3月形成零星的小面积水华.  相似文献   

用C语言给出了有限元和边界元的数据结构,提出了再分区域的数据结构及其组织方法,为编码边界元与有限元的耦合程序提供了依据。  相似文献   

详细研究了首次发现于羌塘盆地岗尼乡达卓玛剖面下第三系的介形虫、轮藻和保存完好的昆虫化石,建立了3个化石组合。根据这些组合面貌及其分布的主要层位,认为含有丰富生物化石的这套地层的时代应为古-早始新世。  相似文献   

淀山湖蓝藻水华暴发的气象水文因素探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2007-2009年淀山湖的总氮和总磷年均浓度分别为3.47~4.53 mg/L和0.18~0.24mg/L,明显高于富营养化水平,成为蓝藻水华暴发的重要物质基础.MODIS影像分析结果表明,2007-2009年蓝藻水华暴发频次分别为3,6,10 d,呈逐年上升的趋势,并且暴发后易于集中在湖中心、东北和东部水域.受黄浦...  相似文献   

新疆南天山库车河地区山着二叠-三叠系的连续剖面,剖面中地层界线清楚,化石较为丰富。在上二叠统比尤勒包谷孜群中发现了安加拉大陆晚二叠世植物群的典型代表“Callipteris”zeilleri和俄罗斯库滋涅茨克煤田上二叠统顶部的特有种Yavoskya mungatica。而下三叠统俄霍布拉克群的植物化石具明显的中生代面貌。因此,库车河地区海西期花岗岩之上覆盖着晚二叠世晚期地层,它与下三叠统俄霍布拉克  相似文献   

Weng'an phosphates of the Precambrian Doushantuo Formation, Guizhou (southwestern China) preserve a large number of exquisite biological structures, which are mostly micro-spherical and represent seaweeds, acritarchs and developing eggs related to various groups of metazoans. Here is a report of a variety of developing eggs and larvae, which are most probably of Cnidarian affinity. The eggs examined in the study are composed of early cleavage embryos and two-layered gastrulae. The early cleavage embryos are radial and total cleavage with equal-size blastomeres. The gastrulae mostly bear a large archenteron, which is filled with yolk-degrading organic matter. Ovoid to fusiform planula-like larvae identified in thin sections under light microscope are mostly mouthless and their gastrovascular cavity is filled with possible yolk-degrading organic matter. They are likely representatives of non-feeding larva. The uncommon planula-like structures are hollow, with each having a mouth-like structure on its narrow end. We interpret them as feeding larva. Study of these embryos with possible Cnidarian affinities shed new insight on the origin of metazoans.  相似文献   

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