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J P Allais  D Gripois  B Moreteau  F Ramade 《Experientia》1979,35(10):1357-1359
Brain homogenates of Locusta migratoria are found to possess enzyme capable of catalyzing the N-acetylation of tryptamine. A main product of the enzymatic reaction is isolated and identified as N-acetyltryptamine by chromatography analyse. Both insecticides, chlordimeform and lindane, inhibit enzyme activity. A direct correlation between the degree of intoxication and acetylation of tryptamine is described.  相似文献   

In the case of US national accounts the data are revised for the first few years and every decade, which implies that we do not really have the final data. In this paper we aim to predict the final data, using the preliminary data and/or the revised data. The following predictors are introduced and derived from a context of the non-linear filtering or smoothing problem, which are: (1) prediction of the final data of time t given the preliminary data up to time t- 1, (2) prediction of the final data of time t given the preliminary data up to time t, (3) prediction of the final data of time t given the preliminary data up to time T, (4) prediction of the final data of time t given the revised data up to time t -1 and the preliminary data up to time t- 1, and (5) prediction of the final data of time t given the revised data up to time t-1 and the preliminary data up to time t. It is shown that (5) is the best predictor but not too different from (3). The prediction problem is illustrated using US per capita consumption data.  相似文献   

Acute ethanol treatment of rats (5 g/kg) has a biphasic effect on the glutathione content of the erythrocyte. After 3 h of intoxication there is a diminution in total GSH equivalents, followed by a recovery to basal values 6 h after treatment. The decrease of total GSH equivalents is mainly due to a diminution of the oxidized form of the tripeptide. Concomitantly a marked increase in the plasma level of glutathione was found at 3 h, followed by a diminution to values obtained at time zero.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mikroglaselektroden wurden im rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Dunkelfeld transmissionsoptisch ohne Metallbeschichtung untersucht, wobei die Elektroden nicht beschädigt werden und für physiologische Ableitungen wieder benützt werden können.

I wish to thankR. D. Purves for his advice and for the use of the resistance measuring equipment. This work was supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee and the National Heart Foundation of Australia  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic β-cells. Even though extensive scientific research has yielded important insights into the immune mechanisms involved in pancreatic β-cell destruction, little is known about the events that trigger the autoimmune process. Recent epidemiological and experimental data suggest that environmental factors are involved in this process. In this review, we discuss the role of viruses as an environmental factor on the development of type 1 diabetes, and the immune mechanisms by which they can trigger or protect against this pathology.  相似文献   

基于平行热线法的测量原理,在加热电路中串联一个限流电阻,使加热过程中由于热线温升引起电阻增大造成的功率变化减小至0.6%,提高测量精度;采用铂电阻温度传感器代替传统的热电偶实现温度测量,用于低温下的温度测量,扩大导热系数测量范围。采用这种测量方法,搭建绝热材料导热系数的测量平台,测量硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的导热系数,与国家玻璃纤维产品质量监督检验中心的鉴定结果对比,其相对误差在5%以内,验证了改进的平行热线法的正确性。  相似文献   

Our investigations have shown up an MAO activity in locust brain, by the use of a radio-isotopic method, as much at larval as at adult stage. This MAO activity is in a sample of 34,3 dpm/mg of brain tissue (wet weight). Investigations have also been undertaken on effects of dieldrin and chlordimeform poisoning on this MAO activity. Even at sublethal dosages, chlordimeform causes a significant inhibition of MAO activity in vivo. This finding is in accordance with Beeman and Matsumura's work in vitro. Moreover, acute poisoning by dieldrin produces more than 60% of inhibition of MAO, 3 hours after administration of 115 microng of this insecticide by injection in the hoemocelian cavity.  相似文献   

Summary Female offspring from mice injected with androstenedione during late pregnancy showed lengthened vaginal cycles, persistent estrus and decreased incidence of pro-estrus and dïestrus, whilst offspring from mice injected with corticosterone showed increased incidence of dïestrus. These observations give qualified support to the hypothesis that stress during pregnancy alters the female offspring reproductive system through the action of adrenal steroids.  相似文献   

Female offspring from mice injected with androstenedione during late pregnancy showed lengthened vaginal cycles, persistent estrus and decreased incidence of pro-estrus and diestrus, whilst offspring from mice injected with corticosterone showed increased incidence of diestrus. These observations give qualified support to the hypothesis that stress during pregnancy alters the female offspring reproductive system through the action of adrenal steroids.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies to the central fragments 9–20 dodecapeptide sequence of CCK were used for specific immunostaining of the CCK cells of the mammalian gut. The use of high specific antibodies to synthetic fragment, essential when there is a possibility of immunochemical cross reactions between antisera and hormones of similar molecular structure provides the key to increased understanding of the nature and relationships of peptide hormones.Grants from the Medical Research Council and the Volkswagenwerk-Stiftung made the work possible.  相似文献   

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