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Summary In the isolated rat colon and uterus, heparin caused inhibition or elimination of contractions occurring after the administration of 5-hydroxytryptamine. In contrast to this, neither Tyrode's solution, nor glycogen, nor dextran produced any change in the response of these organs to 5-hydroxytryptamine.  相似文献   

Summary Phenoloxidases of 30 wood-rotting fungi were separated by isoelectric focusing. It turned out that apparent peroxidasic activity of the crude extracts of certain species is not necessarily atributable to peroxidases but to the special properties of certain laccase isoenzymes, which may be uninfluenced, inhibited, or activated by H2O2. These interactions differ in certain species for intra- and extracellular forms of the same isoenzyme.

Wir danken den technischen Mitarbeitern unseres Lehrstuhls, besonders FräuleinK. Kuprat, für ihre Unterstützung und der DFG für Sachmittel.  相似文献   

Summary On the perfused rabbit heart a constant infusion of tyramine released noradrenaline continuously and independently of the external Ca++ concentration. In contrast, noradrenaline release by DMPP was only transient and required the presence of Ca++.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary A report is given of the positive inotrope effects of genins and glycosides with one methyl or aldehyde or carbinol group in the C10 atom of the steroid stage, and of the influence of thel-rhamnose compared withd-digitoxose andd-cymarose. A structure analysis of the ouabain and convallatoxol is derived from the differences in the degree of abolition of the acute cardiac damage in the experiments.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated rat liver nuclei have been analyzed for the intranuclear concentration of 8 glycolytic metabolites, and in addition for the 3 adenine nucleotides, and for malate. All these substrates are to be found in nuclei in a range of concentration comparable to that in the whole tissue. The consequences of these findings with respect to the definite establishment of glycolysis in isolated nuclei, as well as for the intranuclear formation of energy-rich phosphate bonds, are discussed.

Meinem Lehrer, Prof. Dr. Dr.K. Lang, in aller Verehrung und Dankbarkeit zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary Some correlations between the physicochemical properties of drugs and their pharmacokinetic behaviour are outlined. Based on the permeability characteristics of simple model membranes (porous membrane, lipid membrane) permeation and distribution of drugs in the animal body can be described and understood on simple physico-chemical terms. Some clinically important aspects — the absorption of drugs from the intestinal tract, the passage through the blood-brain-barrier and the renal excretion as governed by passive tubular reabsorption — are discussed in more detail. Thereby it appears that the solubility of a drug in lipid material, which may be suitably expressed as partition coefficient between an organic solvent and a buffer solution of pH 7.4, is a major factor in determining its pharmacokinetic behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary The active sodium transport through the membrane of coldstored red cells of adrenalectomised rats is significantly decreased, whereas the rate of active exchange of potassium is not influenced by adrenalectomy. Cardiac glycosides likewise slow down only the active sodium exchange in the blood of both the normal and adrenalectomised animals in contrast to their action on human red cells.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments made on human red cells showed that spirolactones (SC 5233 and SC 9420) added to the sample as dry powder (10–3 g/ml) exert an inhibitory action on the active transport of sodium and potassium across the cell membrane. Spirolactone at its saturation concentration in serum (1.5×10–5 g/ml), however, was ineffective.The inhibitory action was not affected by aldosterone or hydrocortisone.Experiments involving exposure of red cells to spirolactone and a cardiac glycoside simultaneously led to the conclusion that these substances do not have the same mechanism of action. The inhibition caused by spirolactone added to the inhibition due to a supramaximal concentration of ouabain (5 × 10–4).

Diese Arbeit wurde unterstützt durch ein Stipendium der CIBA für naturwissenschaftliche, medizinische und technische Forschung.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of barbiturates on the electroretinogram was studied in the isolated perfused retina of the frog; a-, b-, and d-waves were altered differently. The effect (increase or decrease in amplitude) depended on the concentration as well as on the duration of application.  相似文献   

Summary The erythrocytes of mice inoculated with Ehrlich-ascites-tumor growing in the solid form interchange their potassium ions with those of the plasma at a more rapid rate than the erythrocytes of controls. This difference is also observed when the erythrocytes of tumor mice are incubated in normal plasma.When normal erythrocytes are incubated in plasma of tumor mice, an accelerated potassium interchange is also observed.

Der Dank des Verfassers gilt Herrn Prof.G. v. Hevesy für sein förderndes Interesse und der Riksföreningen mot caucer für die Unterstützung dieser Untersuchungen.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis of T. I.Mabry 6 about the chelatstructure of flavonoids with aluminium-III-chlorid could be confirmed by usingJob's7 method of continuous variations.  相似文献   

Summary Barbiturates cause an increase of the ERG amplitude in the isolated perfused retina of the rabbit as well as in the eye of the intact animal. Therefore, this effect cannot be transmitted by centrifugal fibres in the optic nerve.  相似文献   

Summary In this study it was found that the chemical trail laid by workers of the ant speciesLasius fuliginosus between their nest and a food source, is always laid in the direction food to nest. It was also found that this trail can be artificially created by dissolving the contents of the ant's hind-gut or stomach in water, and then spreading the resulting fluid on paths leading away from the nest. This artificial trail is only effective when moist, but can be reactivated by placing water on the dried remains of the trail.  相似文献   

Summary 5-Pregnen-3,20-dione-N,N'-ethylpyrrolidine-bisguanylhydrazone and 5-pregnen-3-hydroxy-20-one-N,N'-ethyl-pyrrolidine-monoguanylhydrazone inhibit the activity of the ionic pump of cold-stored erythrocytes of guinea-pigs. The contractile force of isolated guinea-pig auricles is decreased by the mono-derivate and increased by the bis-derivate in spite of the similar action upon the pumping mechanism.  相似文献   

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