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This paper deals with the intermediate results of the development of a national standardized classification system called JCCS to ensure harmonized use of various kinds of information to be processed through the whole life cycle of construction projects in a nation-wide Japanese CALS/EC scheme. JCCS is planned to be a Japanese IFD and developped on the technical basis of ISO 12006-2 and 12006-3. Japan has currently no such an IFD-like library of terminologies which is to be an essential tool for the multiple and harmonized information processing, so that JCCS should be a key technology for the successful CALS/EC. First, the development concepts and related technologies are described. Second, evaluation of the current situation of information process in the construction industry is clarified, and followed by the requirements of the development of JCCS. In the main part, the current version of JCCS is outlined, major contents of which are the basic architecture of JCCS, JCCS schema, JCCS basic tables and the usage of JCCS in practice. Finally, future develoment in plan is briefly explained.  相似文献   

Click-streams of online shopping are the tracks/trails of interactions between a customer and a vendor.We observe that it is of great importance both in theory and practice to explore a deep analysis method for analyzing click-stream information of an individual customer in a specific transaction for understanding the bidirectional value transfer within the machine-human interaction of an online store and for its personalization.We analyze the significance,the hierarchical structure and the characteristics of click-stream information and propose that Ricoeur's hermeneutic theory be the foundation of forming such a deep analysis method.Then we use the empirical context information of the click-stream to improve the naive interpretation put forward by Ricoeur.Moreover,we apply the Grounded Theory to extend the deep analysis of Ricoeur's theory of textual interpretation.The improved theory fits well with the needs of interpretation and the analysis of click-stream information.We exemplify and show the feasibility of this analysis method by using data collected(a single case)from a large study of human-computer interaction.  相似文献   

The Major Research Program "Deep Sea Processes and Evolution of the South China Sea", or "The South China Sea Deep", launched in January 2011 by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, is the first large-scale basic-research program in ocean science in the country aiming to reconstruct the life history of a marginal sea. The overall scientific objective of the program is to dissect this typical marginal sea by studying its history of evolution and its modern processes, including the following three major components:(1) Development of the deep basin:utilizing new techniques to re-measure magnetic anomaly lineations, to explore the deep tectonic features, to drill the oceanic crust, and to study volcanic seamount chains; (2) deep-water sediments: observing the modern processes to reveal the patterns of deep-water circulations and sedimentation, analyzing deep-sea sediments to recognize paleoceanographic response to basin evolution, and subsequently to bridge the modern and paleo-studies of the deep-sea processes; and (3) biogeochemical processes:using a variety of techniques including deploying submarine observation and deep-water diving device to investigate the distribution patterns and environmental impacts of deepwater seepages and sub-bottom circulation, and to reveal the role of microbes in deep-sea carbon cycling. As compared with the open ocean and other marginal seas, the South China Sea enjoys many more advantages as a marine basin for reconstructing the life history. Meanwhile, the South China Sea Deep Program provides unique opportunities in studying the evolution and variations of the sea-land interactions between the Pacific and Asia.  相似文献   

The landfalling processes of Typhoon "Haitang" near Lianjiang of Fujian Province of China from 00 UTC 19 to 12 UTC 20 July 2005 were reproduced by using the nesting non-hydrostatic WRF model and data assimilation technology (Level II Doppler radar data of Changle of Fujian Province are assimilated to the simulation every one hour from 01 to 06 UTC 19 July 2005). The mesoscale structure and evolution of the typhoon before, during, and after its landfall were discussed. The simulation data show that the assimilation exper- iment with the high temporal-and-spatial-resolution radar radial velocity and reflectivity data can produce much better simulation of the typhoon track, intensity evolution and landfalling location than the control experiment without assimilating radar data. By using the assimilation experimental data, the mesoscale fine-mesh structure and evolution before and after typhoon landfall were analyzed. Because of the influence of sea-land thermodynamic difference, two asymmetric convective regions were located at ocean and land, respectively. To better understand and investigate the asymmetric-structure characteristics of the landfalling typhoon, several dynamical diagnostic tools, the helicity (H), the moist potential vorticity (MPV), the convective vorticity vector (CVV), the moist vorticity vector (MVV), which are associated with the development of strong convections, are introduced. Further analysis illuminates that the distribu- tions of these physical diagnostic parameters are totally asymmetric, and subsequently, the associated convections also show distinct asymmetry.  相似文献   

A record of “double dawn” at State Zheng in the first year of the reign of King Yi in Western Zhou Dynasty in the chronicle “Bamboo Annals” (Zhushu Jinian) is discussed. We think that it may be a record of an annular solar eclipse happening in 899 BC. The record and the †T, which describes the secular variation of the earth’s rotation, are analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

In the comments “the cause of crustal deformation in the vicinity of Zhangbei earthquake area” (hereafter referred to as “Cause”), the authors propose a new seismic focal mechanism of Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake occurring on Jan. 10, 1998. which opposes our D-InSAR model. They assume that the displacement measured by D-IuSAR is not the surface representation of seismic  相似文献   

Peng  ShiQiu  Xu  XiangDe  Shi  XiaoHui  Wang  DongXiao  Zhu  YuXiang  Pu  JingJiao 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(4):706-710
To improve the numerical simulation of the severe snow storms occurred in the south of China and the middle/lower reaches of Changjiang River during January of 2008, the observations from the automatic weather stations (AWS) over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP) and its surrounding areas were assimilated into the Weather Research and Forecasts (WRF) model using multi-cycle 3-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR). Due to the large-scale special topography of the QXP and its surrounding areas which may reach up to the mid-troposphere, the AWS located at different height on the deep slope of the plateau are different to those located on plains and take a role analogous in some extent to that of radio soundings in obtaining the vertical “profile” information of the atmosphere, and have the advantages in the aspects of sampling frequency, location/height fixing, and synchronization. The information captured by these AWS may carry the early-warning “strong signals” in the upstream sensitive area for the downstream weather systems to the east of the plateau and thus the assimilation of these AWS data is expected to lead to significant improvements on the simulation of the severe weather system occurred in its downstream areas through adjusting the 3-dimensional structures of the atmospheric thermal-dynamics for the initial conditions of the model. This study indicates that the assimilated information of moisture, temperature and pressure carried in the observations of AWS over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its surrounding areas is very important and useful in the forecasting of precipitation in its downstream areas. Supported Jointly by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 90502003 and 40625017), LaSW Project (Grant No. 2008LASWZI04), the Key Project of AMS (Grant No. 2008Z006), the JICA Program and the International Sci-Tech Cooperative Project (Grant No. 2007DFB20210)  相似文献   

将深度学习与声谱图相结合,提出了一种新型的风级识别方法——"听声识风". 在实验室条件下模拟1~4级风并记录对应风声音频. 通过傅里叶变换等方法将风声音频转换成声谱图,共得到2 608幅二维声谱图像用作数据集. 将声谱图数据集导入深度卷积神经网络GoogLeNet中进行风力等级识别,测试准确率达到了99.6%. 为了进一步证明实验结果的可靠性,将声谱图数据集分别导入ResNet18、ShuffleNet中进行训练,均获得了99.2%的测试准确率,结果表明该方法可以有效地进行风级识别. "听声识风"研究首次通过深度学习声谱图分类实现了对风级的识别,这是一种智能的、快速的风级识别新方法.  相似文献   

以情绪因子中的常用情绪词和情绪短语为基础构建情绪词典, 并针对特殊的情绪表达形式, 结合标点符号和表情符号在情绪分析中的功能, 建立情绪规则库。通过对情绪词典和情绪规则的匹配和计算, 实现对中文微博情绪的识别和分类, 并在2013年CCF第二届自然语言处理与中文计算会议中文微博情绪分析评测中取得较好成绩。测试结果证明该方法有效。  相似文献   

提出一种基于模型匹配的深网(Deep Web)在线专业数据库查询接口特征抽取方法, 该方法通过分析网页结构中特征词的深度自动抽取查询接口特征向量, 同时考虑频度和集中度两种因素定义特征词向量空间中的权值, 并在传统向量模型的基础上加入特征词个数作为一个新的分量, 构建一个数据库查询接口, 使用模型匹配的分类方法对其进行分类. 实验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文分析了阮籍四言《咏怀诗》,对四言《咏怀诗》的源出和它对四言诗发展,以及四言《咏怀诗》与五言《咏怀诗》的相同和不同之处,进行了初步的探讨.认为对阮籍的这十三首诗还需要深入的研究和探讨.  相似文献   

作家阿城在《棋王》中运用第一人称有限知觉叙述者“我”(目击者)来观察和叙述主人公王一生的棋道与处世之道,通过表层结构中主人公故事的发展来展现“我”从寻道到悟道的过程这一深层结构,使在表层结构中处于故事边缘的“目击者”成为深层结构中真正的主角,从而揭示出作品的深层涵义。  相似文献   

在对《离骚》的接受过程中,司马迁的悲其志历来是人们关注的重点。但在理解这句话时,人们多从司马迁与屈原的悲剧性人生理解,这并不能达到十分准确的理解目的。结合《离骚》和《屈原列传》,可知司马迁的悲其志与《离骚》的内在情感是一致的。屈原之志主要指其高洁人格、忠君爱国理想和怀才不遇的经历,而司马迁的悲其志表现的正是对屈原高洁人格和忠君爱国理想的赞美以及对其怀才不遇的哀伤。  相似文献   

佛教对一切事物或一切现象的基本分析在很大程度上表现在其关于"法"的学说中.在此对佛教中的这一基本概念进行专门研究,探讨了佛教在不同时期对"法"的基本解释,特别分析了小乘佛教和大乘佛教中一些影响较大的流派关于"法"的类别划分的主要理论,从一个重要方面展示了佛教思想体系的基本面貌.  相似文献   

从人与自然、人与社会的关系这一视阈对马克思的“人的发展三阶段论”作一全新读解,并对每一阶段人的特性进行特定分析。这在一定程度上丰富了马克思主义历史理论,为研究人的发展甚至是人学的发展提供了更为广阔的思维空间,也为当前社会主义和谐社会中人的存在方式奠定了坚实的理论基础与现实平台,具有重大的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

岩性预测,特别是致密储层的岩性预测,是石油勘探的一项重要基础任务,因为岩性数据对于地层对比、沉积模拟等地质工作的分析是必不可少的.因此,如何获取可靠的岩性信息逐渐成为地球科学研究的热点.面对大部分老油田由于仪器、井历史长等原因使得部分测井数据丢失,特别是岩性数据;新开发生产井,钻井取心需要投入巨大的成本、人力和物力;这...  相似文献   

刘爱楼 《科技信息》2008,(18):175-176
近年来,随着心理学对情绪现象研究的深入,人们逐渐认识到情感因素在教育中的重要作用,因此提出了重视情感因素的一系列教学模式,并围绕如何将情感因素融合到教学过程中进行了许多有意义的研究。本文从情绪教学理论的发展入手,阐述了情绪在教学中的作用。  相似文献   

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