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The rocks in the crust are pervaded by stress-aligned fluid-saturated microcracks, and the complex fault tectonics and stress control the configuration of the microcracks, however shear-wave splitting could indicate this kind of characteristics. In this paper, Capital Area Seismograph Network (CASN), the widest scope and highest density of regional seismograph network presently in China, is adopted to deduce the principal compressive stress field distribution pattern from polarizations of fast shear- waves, based on shear-wave splitting analysis. The principal compressive stress in capital area of China is at NE85.7°±41.0° in this study. Compared with the results of principal compressive stress field in North China obtained from other methods, the results in this study are reliable in the principal com- pressive stress field distribution in capital area. The results show that it is an effective way, although it is the first time to directly obtain crustal stress field from seismic anisotropy. It is effectively applied to the zones with dense seismograph stations.  相似文献   

利用利用X射线衍射、电子背散射衍射和透射电子显微镜等手段研究了Cu-Ni-Si系合金在不同固溶温度下第二相与织构对其平面各向异性的影响.结果表明:随固溶温度的升高,合金强度和伸长率均出现先升高后降低的趋势,且存在明显的各向异性;800℃固溶时,Cu'和S'为主织构,部分形变晶粒诱发少量Brass、Goss和{011}〈511〉取向的形成,使得合金各向异性减弱;高温固溶时(≥850℃),晶粒发生完全再结晶,Cu'和S'织构强度显著增加,Brass等织构减弱甚至消失,各向异性增强;850℃固溶时效后形成δ-Ni2Si析出相,并与基体满足[001]Cu//[110]δ,(010)Cu//(001)δ位向关系,温度进一步增加,第二相析出体积分数降低,有利于改善材料的各向异性.  相似文献   

利用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜原位观察S质量分数为0.065%的非调质钢纵向与横向拉伸过程中MnS的行为,研究MnS形貌与分布对非调质钢各向异性的影响.原位观察表明锻后钢中存在大量长条形MnS,横向与纵向拉伸过程中MnS长度方向与拉力方向取向不同.横向拉伸过程中MnS更易与基体分离产生裂纹,裂纹随MnS长度方向扩展长大,最终导致基体的断裂. MnS在纵向拉伸时不易与基体分离,因此对纵向拉伸性能影响较小.钢中群聚分布的MnS有利于裂纹的聚合长大,会促进基体的断裂.  相似文献   

计算机视觉中,景物三维重建的关键之一是从景物图像中获得景物目标到摄像机的距离.在此介绍一种基于散焦图像来计算景物距离的新算法.该方法通过改变镜头的光圈系数得到同一景物的2幅散焦程度不同的图像,用图像信号时域能量值表示其功率谱密度;应用一种动态参照技术,得到模糊参数值C,从而得到景物距离的估计值.这种方法具有标定简单(只有一个值需要标定)、计算量小、精度较高并且得到的估计结果与景物的纹理无关的特点.实验结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In 1958, Anderson predicted the localization of electronic wavefunctions in disordered crystals and the resulting absence of diffusion. It is now recognized that Anderson localization is ubiquitous in wave physics because it originates from the interference between multiple scattering paths. Experimentally, localization has been reported for light waves, microwaves, sound waves and electron gases. However, there has been no direct observation of exponential spatial localization of matter waves of any type. Here we observe exponential localization of a Bose-Einstein condensate released into a one-dimensional waveguide in the presence of a controlled disorder created by laser speckle. We operate in a regime of pure Anderson localization, that is, with weak disorder-such that localization results from many quantum reflections of low amplitude-and an atomic density low enough to render interactions negligible. We directly image the atomic density profiles as a function of time, and find that weak disorder can stop the expansion and lead to the formation of a stationary, exponentially localized wavefunction-a direct signature of Anderson localization. We extract the localization length by fitting the exponential wings of the profiles, and compare it to theoretical calculations. The power spectrum of the one-dimensional speckle potentials has a high spatial frequency cutoff, causing exponential localization to occur only when the de Broglie wavelengths of the atoms in the expanding condensate are greater than an effective mobility edge corresponding to that cutoff. In the opposite case, we find that the density profiles decay algebraically, as predicted in ref. 13. The method presented here can be extended to localization of atomic quantum gases in higher dimensions, and with controlled interactions.  相似文献   

Deformation of the lowermost mantle from seismic anisotropy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nowacki A  Wookey J  Kendall JM 《Nature》2010,467(7319):1091-1094
The lowermost part of the Earth's mantle-known as D″-shows significant seismic anisotropy, the variation of seismic wave speed with direction. This is probably due to deformation-induced alignment of MgSiO(3)-post-perovskite (ppv), which is believed to be the main mineral phase present in the region. If this is the case, then previous measurements of D″ anisotropy, which are generally made in one direction only, are insufficient to distinguish candidate mechanisms of slip in ppv because the mineral is orthorhombic. Here we measure anisotropy in D″ beneath North and Central America, where material from subducting oceanic slabs impinges on the core-mantle boundary, using shallow as well as deep earthquakes to increase the azimuthal coverage in D″. We make more than 700 individual measurements of shear wave splitting in D″ in three regions from two different azimuths in each case. We show that the previously assumed case of vertical transverse isotropy (where wave speed shows no azimuthal variation) is not possible, and that more complicated mechanisms must be involved. We test the fit of different MgSiO(3)-ppv deformation mechanisms to our results and find that shear on (001) is most consistent with observations and the expected shear above the core-mantle boundary beneath subduction zones. With new models of mantle flow, or improved experimental determination of the dominant ppv slip systems, this method will allow us to map deformation at the core-mantle boundary and link processes in D″, such as plume initiation, to the rest of the mantle.  相似文献   

The first imaging observation experiment of the atmospheric gravity waves in the mesopause region with the all-sky OH Meinel band airglow CCD imager is made during 02:00 to 06:00 on January 5,2009,at Hancun (39.4°N,116.6°E),Langfang,Hebei in China.Quasi-monochromatic gravity waves (QMGWs) are found clearly in the observation data.Case studies show that their horizontal wavelengths,horizontal phase velocities,azimuth angles of horizontal propagation directions and periods of three QMGW examples are about 12....  相似文献   

The reflection of plane electromagnetic waves (TE wave and TM wave) from a perfect conductor which moves in an arbitrary direction is investigated. Based on Maxwell’s equations and the boundary conditions for moving boundary, the relation between the field vectors of reflected and incident waves, and the reflection coefficient are derived. The energy balance between incident and reflected waves, the force exerted by electromagnetic waves to the moving conductor are also discussed and some new conclusions are suggested for notice.  相似文献   

利用变分法解G ross-P itaevsk ii方程,研究了囚禁在各向异性势阱中的二维饼状玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体(BEC)孤子的演化规律,发现通过在圆柱形对称的磁阱中的某一方向引入光格电势,不仅使BEC孤子在该方向趋向稳定,而且通过相互耦合作用也能影响其它方向从而使孤子的膨胀变慢,使BEC孤子的稳定性增加。其效果与势阱中的原子数、势阱系数和光格参数有关。  相似文献   

对掺杂钨带在1 000~1 500℃等温退火过程中的组织与织构变化进行研究.研究结果表明:未退火钨带为拉长的纤维组织,纤维宽窄不一,纤维内部存在长短不一的条形胞.于1 200℃,1h条件下退火时由于亚晶长大发生纤维宽化与纤维界的锯齿化,但无再结晶晶粒形成.当退火温度升高至1 400℃时,纤维界处出现细小的等轴状再结晶晶粒,这些再结晶晶粒的形成机制是亚晶转动.1 500℃退火后,再结晶晶粒增多,但长大不明显,这主要是由于K泡对亚晶界或位错的钉扎作用,使亚晶转动与亚晶界迁移受到阻碍,延缓了再结晶形核与核心长大.拉拔钨丝织构为[110]丝织构,钨丝轧制为钨带后,[110]丝织构转变为{001}<110>和{111}<110>织构,1 500℃退火后,亚晶转动使钨带织构转变为沿α取向线均匀分布的{uvw}<110>织构,与拉拔钨丝的[110]丝织构类似.  相似文献   

Single cold rolling and double cold rolling were applied to hot rolled strips with different reduction ratios. The evolutions of { 100}, { 111} and Goss face texture during double rolling were investigated by comparing the orientation distribution function (ODF) of the double rolled sample with that of the single rolled one. The double cold rolling texture is characterized by a higher γ-texture and a lower α-texture, and the { 111}〈112〉 component is improved remarkably. Based on the TEM observation and mechanical properties test, it is found that the reduction ratio assignment significantly affects the texture variation, as-annealing microstructures, and properties of the double cold rolled samples. These results may provide a theoretical guide for the industrial production of double cold rolled IF steel.  相似文献   

Two decoration techniques, solidification-induced band texture decora tion and focal-conictexture decoration, have been established to exhibit the director field of disclinations in a low-molar-mass methacrylate liquid crystal. The disclinations with strength s = 1/2 and s = ±1 are observed by the two decor ation methods. For the solidification-induced band texture decoration, the molecular orientation is perpendicular to the direction of the band. While for focal- conictexture decoration, it has been proved by the results of IR dichroism that the direction of the director is parallel to the direction of the focal-conic. Therefore, the sketch map of the molecular director filed can be mapped according to the morphological pattern of the solidification-induced band textureor focal-conic texture.  相似文献   

研究了在平面应变假设条件下,弹性体内一类表面波的求解以及一般解的结构。文献[6]只给出了表面波的一个右行波解,且无求解过程。基于表面波的解可表示为膨胀波和畸变波的叠加,利用分离变量法求出了表面波的一般解,一般解包含无穷多个行波解,这些行波解可能为左行波、右行波或左右行波的叠加。另外,还讨论了表面波一般解的结构以及不同行波解波速之间的关系,发现不同行波的波速大小相同。  相似文献   

Determination of cloud-top height from stereoscopic observation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new and accurate method is presented based on the cloud movement (height and position), the spherical and plane triangular relationships of the spacecraft, the center of the earth, the projected-cloud and the true-cloud for determination of cloud-top height and position. Synthetic stereo images that have spatial resolution of 1.25 km from a single satellite are used to test this method. It is demonstrated that the cloud-top structure can be determined from the stereoscopic measurements of geo-synchronous satellite with vertical accuracy of approximately 500 m. The vertical accuracy can be better with lower orbiters.  相似文献   

Global anisotropy and the thickness of continents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gung Y  Panning M  Romanowicz B 《Nature》2003,422(6933):707-711
For decades there has been a vigorous debate about the depth extent of continental roots. The analysis of heat-flow, mantle-xenolith and electrical-conductivity data all indicate that the coherent, conductive part of continental roots (the 'tectosphere') is at most 200-250 km thick. Some global seismic tomographic models agree with this estimate, but others suggest that a much thicker zone of high velocities lies beneath continental shields, reaching a depth of at least 400 km. Here we show that this disagreement can be reconciled by taking into account seismic anisotropy. We show that significant radial anisotropy, with horizontally polarized shear waves travelling faster than those that are vertically polarized, is present under most cratons in the depth range 250-400 km--similar to that found under ocean basins at shallower depths of 80-250 km. We propose that, in both cases, the anisotropy is related to shear in a low-viscosity asthenospheric channel, located at different depths under continents and oceans. The seismically defined 'tectosphere' is then at most 200-250 km thick under old continents. The 'Lehmann discontinuity', observed mostly under continents at about 200-250 km, and the 'Gutenberg discontinuity', observed under oceans at depths of about 60-80 km, may both be associated with the bottom of the lithosphere, marking a transition to flow-induced asthenospheric anisotropy.  相似文献   

基于物理模型试验、小波变换理论及剪切不稳定理论等,研究入射波为规则波、地形为平直斜坡情况下的剪切波时空变化特性。通过对15个不同波况下的剪切波流速时间历程的小波谱进行分析,得出如下结论:入射波为规则波、地形为平直斜坡情况下可以观测到剪切波,但是时空变化不明显;剪切波产生后随时间的变化呈现连续性;剪切波在沿岸方向的能量谱中比在垂直岸线方向能量谱中占优势;地形坡度增加会使剪切波产生的区域减小;无论是1∶40坡还是1∶100坡,由剪切不稳定引起的剪切波频率都在约0.015 Hz左右变化。  相似文献   

As a large developing country,China has the highest level of greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions.The Chinese government is seeking sustainable development and trying to reduce GHG emissions.From the scientific perspective,there are  相似文献   

通过建立球状晶粒模型,研究了纳米硬磁相晶粒之间的交换耦合相互作用对晶粒有效各向异性和矫顽力的影响,结果表明随着晶粒直径的减小,晶粒之间的交换耦合相互作用将随之增强,而材料的有效各向异性和矫顽力将逐渐下降。为了保证材料具有较高的各向异性和矫顽力,晶粒的直径应该大于20nm。同时,通过与实验数据的拟合,得到了矫顽力的最佳计算公式(Hc=0.32×2Keff/Js)。  相似文献   

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