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用MMOCAA格式(调整对流的特征线修正方法)处理半导体器件模拟的对流占优扩散问题,通过对对流项进行调整,仅增加少童计算量,使该问题既保持了全局质量守恒性质,又具有MMOC格式(特征线修正技术)的所有优点.进行了理论分析,得到了最优阶L^2模误差估计结果.  相似文献   

Nadj-Perge S  Frolov SM  Bakkers EP  Kouwenhoven LP 《Nature》2010,468(7327):1084-1087
Motion of electrons can influence their spins through a fundamental effect called spin-orbit interaction. This interaction provides a way to control spins electrically and thus lies at the foundation of spintronics. Even at the level of single electrons, the spin-orbit interaction has proven promising for coherent spin rotations. Here we implement a spin-orbit quantum bit (qubit) in an indium arsenide nanowire, where the spin-orbit interaction is so strong that spin and motion can no longer be separated. In this regime, we realize fast qubit rotations and universal single-qubit control using only electric fields; the qubits are hosted in single-electron quantum dots that are individually addressable. We enhance coherence by dynamically decoupling the qubits from the environment. Nanowires offer various advantages for quantum computing: they can serve as one-dimensional templates for scalable qubit registers, and it is possible to vary the material even during wire growth. Such flexibility can be used to design wires with suppressed decoherence and to push semiconductor qubit fidelities towards error correction levels. Furthermore, electrical dots can be integrated with optical dots in p-n junction nanowires. The coherence times achieved here are sufficient for the conversion of an electronic qubit into a photon, which can serve as a flying qubit for long-distance quantum communication.  相似文献   

用格点格林函数理论研究与两个引线连接的T-stub量子波导中电子输运性质。通过调节施加在波导一端上的栅压,可以在其上面定义一个侧臂。侧臂的存在使得电子在运动过程中发生量子干涉效应,从而对透射概率或电流、电导有明显的作用。外加垂直磁场能够改变不同自旋方向电子的能量和干涉效应,能够进一步调控上述物理量。本文研究的系统可以用作量子调制三极管,在半导体器件设计中有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   

Edamatsu K  Oohata G  Shimizu R  Itoh T 《Nature》2004,431(7005):167-170
Entanglement is one of the key features of quantum information and communications technology. The method that has been used most frequently to generate highly entangled pairs of photons is parametric down-conversion. Short-wavelength entangled photons are desirable for generating further entanglement between three or four photons, but it is difficult to use parametric down-conversion to generate suitably energetic entangled photon pairs. One method that is expected to be applicable for the generation of such photons is resonant hyper-parametric scattering (RHPS): a pair of entangled photons is generated in a semiconductor via an electronically resonant third-order nonlinear optical process. Semiconductor-based sources of entangled photons would also be advantageous for practical quantum technologies, but attempts to generate entangled photons in semiconductors have not yet been successful. Here we report experimental evidence for the generation of ultraviolet entangled photon pairs by means of biexciton resonant RHPS in a single crystal of the semiconductor CuCl. We anticipate that our results will open the way to the generation of entangled photons by current injection, analogous to current-driven single photon sources.  相似文献   

针对旋转晶闸管式无刷励磁系统控制难的问题,提出了一种新的励磁调节器方案.该方案采用扩频载波技术与微机励磁技术相结合来构建旋转晶闸管式同步发电机无刷励磁系统,主要采用的是将励磁调节器分为主调节器和移相触发检测单元,并通过扩频载波模块实现二者之间的数据传送.实验表明,该方案具有很强的可行性  相似文献   

A fundamental step towards atomic- or molecular-scale spintronic devices has recently been made by demonstrating that the spin of an individual atom deposited on a surface, or of a small paramagnetic molecule embedded in a nanojunction, can be externally controlled. An appealing next step is the extension of such a capability to the field of information storage, by taking advantage of the magnetic bistability and rich quantum behaviour of single-molecule magnets (SMMs). Recently, a proof of concept that the magnetic memory effect is retained when SMMs are chemically anchored to a metallic surface was provided. However, control of the nanoscale organization of these complex systems is required for SMMs to be integrated into molecular spintronic devices. Here we show that a preferential orientation of Fe(4) complexes on a gold surface can be achieved by chemical tailoring. As a result, the most striking quantum feature of SMMs-their stepped hysteresis loop, which results from resonant quantum tunnelling of the magnetization-can be clearly detected using synchrotron-based spectroscopic techniques. With the aid of multiple theoretical approaches, we relate the angular dependence of the quantum tunnelling resonances to the adsorption geometry, and demonstrate that molecules predominantly lie with their easy axes close to the surface normal. Our findings prove that the quantum spin dynamics can be observed in SMMs chemically grafted to surfaces, and offer a tool to reveal the organization of matter at the nanoscale.  相似文献   

Yamanouchi M  Chiba D  Matsukura F  Ohno H 《Nature》2004,428(6982):539-542
Magnetic information storage relies on external magnetic fields to encode logical bits through magnetization reversal. But because the magnetic fields needed to operate ultradense storage devices are too high to generate, magnetization reversal by electrical currents is attracting much interest as a promising alternative encoding method. Indeed, spin-polarized currents can reverse the magnetization direction of nanometre-sized metallic structures through torque; however, the high current densities of 10(7)-10(8) A cm(-2) that are at present required exceed the threshold values tolerated by the metal interconnects of integrated circuits. Encoding magnetic information in metallic systems has also been achieved by manipulating the domain walls at the boundary between regions with different magnetization directions, but the approach again requires high current densities of about 10(7) A cm(-2). Here we demonstrate that, in a ferromagnetic semiconductor structure, magnetization reversal through domain-wall switching can be induced in the absence of a magnetic field using current pulses with densities below 10(5) A cm(-2). The slow switching speed and low ferromagnetic transition temperature of our current system are impractical. But provided these problems can be addressed, magnetic reversal through electric pulses with reduced current densities could provide a route to magnetic information storage applications.  相似文献   

用求斜率方法来测定高温等离子体的激发温度,结果表明,在不同电流时电弧放电柱直径增大而激发温度也升高.在电极间隙增大时电弧放电柱放大而激发温度升高.  相似文献   

在有效质量近似下,采用矩阵对角化方法,研究了半导体纳米环中激子的磁场效应.研究发现半导体纳米环中激子的谐振子强度随磁通变化呈现Aharonov-Bohm振荡,振子强度的振幅随纳米环的半径增加而减少.讨论了线性、三阶非线性和总光学吸收系数随环半径和磁通的变化关系,结果表示半导体纳米环中激子的光吸收随磁通的变化显示Aharonov-Bohm效应.  相似文献   

应用非平衡态热力学和有限时间热力学理论,导出了半导体温差发电器输出功率和效率的一般表达式;兼顾输出功率和效率,给出了半导体温差发电器优化性能的热力学准则;分析了效率随塞贝克系数与汤姆孙系数之比的变化,指出塞贝克系数与汤姆孙系数之比是半导体温差发电器的一个重要性能参数.  相似文献   

通过在半导体异质结上的上下表面沉积两条平行的铁磁条带可获得一个巨磁阻器件.为了更好地调控其性能,我们从理论上研究了在该器件中加入δ势后,该器件的透射系数、电导和磁阻比率的变化情况.研究发现,加入δ势后,该器件同样具有明显的巨磁阻效应,且其磁阻比率与加入δ势的权重和位置密切相关.因此,我们可以通过改变加入δ势的权重和位置来调控该巨磁阻器件,设计出磁阻比率可调的磁信息存储器.  相似文献   

R O Fox  P A Evans  C M Dobson 《Nature》1986,320(6058):192-194
It is generally accepted that a globular protein in its native state adopts a single, well-defined conformation. However, there have been several reports that some proteins may exist in more than one distinct folded form in equilibrium. In the case of staphylococcal nuclease, evidence for multiple conformations has come from electrophoretic and NMR studies, although there has been some controversy as to whether these are actually interconvertible forms of the same molecular species. Recently, magnetization transfer (MT)-NMR has been developed as a means of studying the kinetics of conformational transitions in proteins. In the study reported here, this approach has been extended and used to demonstrate the presence of at least two native forms of nuclease in equilibrium and to study their interconversion with the unfolded state under the conditions of the thermal unfolding transition. The experiments reveal that two distinct native forms of the protein fold and unfold independently and that these can interconvert directly as well as via the unfolded state. The spectra of the different forms suggest that they are structurally similar but the MT experiments show that the kinetics of folding and unfolding are quite different. Characterization of this behaviour will, therefore, have important implications for our understanding of the relationship between structure and folding kinetics.  相似文献   

介绍了用激光光热反射方法测量表面下物体热物性的实验原理.分析了实验中噪声的主要来源,运用带通滤光片结合差分探测的方式降低激光器产生的噪声.锁相放大技术对被测信号进行窄带放大,锁相放大器结合示波器输出了被测信号的周期变化部分,实现了光热法测量中微弱信号的测量.  相似文献   

采用磁化强度分布的正弦模型,推导无限长铁纳米带退磁能的简单表达式,结合数值计算,得到生长在W(110)表面上双原子层铁纳米带初始态磁化强度的周期和纳米带宽度的关系,结果与实验相符.由拟合磁化强度周期的实验值得到的双原子层铁纳米带的饱和磁化强度比决状铁磁材料大得多,交换常数则小得多.  相似文献   

The nanomechanical properties of thin silicon films will become increasingly critical in semiconductor devices, particularly in the context of substrates that consist of a silicon film on an insulating layer (known as silicon-on-insulator, or SOI, substrates). Here we use very small germanium crystals as a new type of nanomechanical stressor to demonstrate a surprising mechanical behaviour of the thin layer of silicon in SOI substrates, and to show that there is a large local reduction in the viscosity of the oxide on which the silicon layer rests. These findings have implications for the use of SOI substrates in nanoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

利用多尺度摄动法推导出一类带有非线性和外部激励的两自由度气弹性动力系统的平均方程,对于非摄动情况下的平均方程,得出其异宿轨存在的条件,并计算出异宿轨的显示表达式,然后利用Melnikov方法得到当某些参数值取特定值时,平均方程的异宿轨破裂,这可能引起Smale马蹄混沌。最后,将该理论分析结果应用到一个功能梯度板模型,得出在一定参数取值下,该模型存在异宿轨破裂引起的Smale马蹄混沌。  相似文献   

Electrochemical photolysis of water at a semiconductor electrode   总被引:565,自引:0,他引:565  
Fujishima A  Honda K 《Nature》1972,238(5358):37-38

Semiconductors are ubiquitous in device electronics, because their charge distributions can be conveniently manipulated with voltages to perform logic operations. Achieving a similar level of control over the spin degrees of freedom, either from electrons or nuclei, could provide intriguing prospects for both information processing and the study of fundamental solid-state physics issues. Here we report procedures that carry out the controlled transfer of spin angular momentum between electrons-confined to two dimensions and subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field-and the nuclei of the host semiconductor, using gate voltages only. We show that the spin transfer rate can be enhanced near a ferromagnetic ground state of the electron system, and that the induced nuclear spin polarization can be subsequently stored and 'read out'. These techniques can also be combined into a spectroscopic tool to detect the low-energy collective excitations in the electron system that promote the spin transfer. The existence of such excitations is contingent on appropriate electron-electron correlations, and these can be tuned by changing, for example, the electron density via a gate voltage.  相似文献   

滴流床反应器内典型流型的特征与实验确定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了滴流床反应器内4种典型流动型式的特征。针对滴流床反应器内流体流动的情况,应用了一种新的实验方法的检测4种典型的流型,从所测电导率的频谱特征上发现了各流型的特性区别:滴流、脉冲流和喷淋流流型电导率信号均有频率为3Hz左右幅度较大的频率成分,各流型间频谱主要区别在0-3Hz频域内;鼓泡流流型电导信号频率主要分布在0-3Hz内。  相似文献   

污水处理中的若干磁化生物效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用磁场对生活废水进行磁化处理并观察其生物效应.对磁化杀菌作用、好氧生物活性变化和藻类生长促进作用等进行了试验测定.结果表明,磁化处理对污水中的细菌具有较强的杀菌作用;当磁场强度达到3500 GS时,好氧生物活性增加18%;与未磁化污水比较,磁化水藻类初级生产力可以提高1倍.本文还进一步分析探讨了其生物效应机制.  相似文献   

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