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Ghosh S  Larson SD  Hefzi H  Marnoy Z  Cutforth T  Dokka K  Baldwin KK 《Nature》2011,472(7342):217-220
Sensory information may be represented in the brain by stereotyped mapping of axonal inputs or by patterning that varies between individuals. In olfaction, a stereotyped map is evident in the first sensory processing centre, the olfactory bulb (OB), where different odours elicit activity in unique combinatorial patterns of spatially invariant glomeruli. Activation of each glomerulus is relayed to higher cortical processing centres by a set of ~20-50 'homotypic' mitral and tufted (MT) neurons. In the cortex, target neurons integrate information from multiple glomeruli to detect distinct features of chemically diverse odours. How this is accomplished remains unclear, perhaps because the cortical mapping of glomerular information by individual MT neurons has not been described. Here we use new viral tracing and three-dimensional brain reconstruction methods to compare the cortical projections of defined sets of MT neurons. We show that the gross-scale organization of the OB is preserved in the patterns of axonal projections to one processing centre yet reordered in another, suggesting that distinct coding strategies may operate in different targets. However, at the level of individual neurons neither glomerular order nor stereotypy is preserved in either region. Rather, homotypic MT neurons from the same glomerulus innervate broad regions that differ between individuals. Strikingly, even in the same animal, MT neurons exhibit extensive diversity in wiring; axons of homotypic MT pairs diverge from each other, emit primary branches at distinct locations and 70-90% of branches of homotypic and heterotypic pairs are non-overlapping. This pronounced reorganization of sensory maps in the cortex offers an anatomic substrate for expanded combinatorial integration of information from spatially distinct glomeruli and predicts an unanticipated role for diversification of otherwise similar output neurons.  相似文献   

Target neuron prespecification in the olfactory map of Drosophila.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G S Jefferis  E C Marin  R F Stocker  L Luo 《Nature》2001,414(6860):204-208
In Drosophila and mice, olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) expressing the same receptors have convergent axonal projections to specific glomerular targets in the antennal lobe/olfactory bulb, creating an odour map in this first olfactory structure of the central nervous system. Projection neurons of the Drosophila antennal lobe send dendrites into glomeruli and axons to higher brain centres, thereby transferring this odour map further into the brain. Here we use the MARCM method to perform a systematic clonal analysis of projection neurons, allowing us to correlate lineage and birth time of projection neurons with their glomerular choice. We demonstrate that projection neurons are prespecified by lineage and birth order to form synapses with specific incoming ORN axons, and therefore to carry specific olfactory information. This prespecification could be used to hardwire the fly's olfactory system, enabling stereotyped behavioural responses to odorants. Developmental studies lead us to hypothesize that recognition molecules ensure reciprocally specific connections of ORNs and projection neurons. These studies also imply a previously unanticipated role for precise dendritic targeting by postsynaptic neurons in determining connection specificity.  相似文献   

Microstructure of a spatial map in the entorhinal cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hafting T  Fyhn M  Molden S  Moser MB  Moser EI 《Nature》2005,436(7052):801-806
The ability to find one's way depends on neural algorithms that integrate information about place, distance and direction, but the implementation of these operations in cortical microcircuits is poorly understood. Here we show that the dorsocaudal medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) contains a directionally oriented, topographically organized neural map of the spatial environment. Its key unit is the 'grid cell', which is activated whenever the animal's position coincides with any vertex of a regular grid of equilateral triangles spanning the surface of the environment. Grids of neighbouring cells share a common orientation and spacing, but their vertex locations (their phases) differ. The spacing and size of individual fields increase from dorsal to ventral dMEC. The map is anchored to external landmarks, but persists in their absence, suggesting that grid cells may be part of a generalized, path-integration-based map of the spatial environment.  相似文献   

Functional localization and lateralization of human olfactory cortex.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
R J Zatorre  M Jones-Gotman  A C Evans  E Meyer 《Nature》1992,360(6402):339-340
Anatomical and physiological investigations in monkeys indicate that olfaction is subserved by several cortical regions. But the areas implicated in the human olfactory system have not been definitively identified by functional criteria. Behavioural evidence has suggested that laterally specialized mechanisms for odour processing may exist, but the neuroanatomical substrate remains unknown. We used positron emission tomography to study the cortical representation of human olfactory processing by comparing cerebral blood flow changes evoked during olfactory stimulation with those of a control task. We report here significant cerebral blood flow increases at the junction of the inferior frontal and temporal lobes bilaterally, corresponding to the piriform cortex, and unilaterally, in the right orbitofrontal cortex. The results complement and extend previous data implicating these regions in olfactory processing, and indicate that a functional asymmetry exists in the human brain favouring the right orbitofrontal area in olfaction.  相似文献   

Teneurins instruct synaptic partner matching in an olfactory map   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hong W  Mosca TJ  Luo L 《Nature》2012,484(7393):201-207
Neurons are interconnected with extraordinary precision to assemble a functional nervous system. Compared to axon guidance, far less is understood about how individual pre- and postsynaptic partners are matched. To ensure the proper relay of olfactory information in the fruitfly Drosophila, axons of ~50 classes of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) form one-to-one connections with dendrites of ~50 classes of projection neurons (PNs). Here, using genetic screens, we identified two evolutionarily conserved, epidermal growth factor (EGF)-repeat containing transmembrane Teneurin proteins, Ten-m and Ten-a, as synaptic-partner-matching molecules between PN dendrites and ORN axons. Ten-m and Ten-a are highly expressed in select PN-ORN matching pairs. Teneurin loss- and gain-of-function cause specific mismatching of select ORNs and PNs. Finally, Teneurins promote homophilic interactions in vitro, and Ten-m co-expression in non-partner PNs and ORNs promotes their ectopic connections in vivo. We propose that Teneurins instruct matching specificity between synaptic partners through homophilic attraction.  相似文献   

L E White  D M Coppola  D Fitzpatrick 《Nature》2001,411(6841):1049-1052
Sensory experience begins when neural circuits in the cerebral cortex are still immature; however, the contribution of experience to cortical maturation remains unclear. In the visual cortex, the selectivity of neurons for oriented stimuli at the time of eye opening is poor and increases dramatically after the onset of visual experience. Here we investigate whether visual experience has a significant role in the maturation of orientation selectivity and underlying cortical circuits using two forms of deprivation: dark rearing, which completely eliminates experience, and binocular lid suture, which alters the pattern of sensory driven activity. Orientation maps were present in dark-reared ferrets, but fully mature levels of tuning were never attained. In contrast, only rudimentary levels of orientation selectivity were observed in lid-sutured ferrets. Despite these differences, horizontal connections in both groups were less extensive and less clustered than normal, suggesting that long-range cortical processing is not essential for the expression of orientation selectivity, but may be needed for the full maturation of tuning. Thus, experience is beneficial or highly detrimental to cortical maturation, depending on the pattern of sensory driven activity.  相似文献   

Polley DB  Kvasnák E  Frostig RD 《Nature》2004,429(6987):67-71
Much of what is known about the functional organization and plasticity of adult sensory cortex is derived from animals housed in standard laboratory cages. Here we report that the transfer of adult rats reared in standard laboratory cages to a naturalistic habitat modifies the functional and morphological organization of the facial whisker representation in the somatosensory 'barrel' cortex. Cortical whisker representations, visualized with repeated intrinsic signal optical imaging in the same animals, contracted by 46% after four to six weeks of exposure to the naturalistic habitat. Acute, multi-site extracellular recordings demonstrated suppressed evoked neuronal responses and smaller, sharper constituent receptive fields in the upper cortical layers (II/III), but not in the thalamic recipient layer (IV), of rats with naturalistic experience. Morphological plasticity of the layer IV barrel field was observed, but on a substantially smaller scale than the functional plasticity. Thus, transferring animals to an environment that promotes the expression of natural, innate behaviours induces a large-scale functional refinement of cortical sensory maps.  相似文献   

S A Clark  T Allard  W M Jenkins  M M Merzenich 《Nature》1988,332(6163):444-445
Receptive fields (RFs) obtained at specific cortical sites can be used to define a topographic map of the body surface in adult mammalian somatosensory cortex. This map is not static, and RFs at particular cortical sites can change in size and location throughout adult life. Conversely, the cortical loci at which a given skin surface is represented can shift hundreds of micrometres across the cortex in the koniocortical field, area 3b (refs 1-12). This plasticity suggests that RFs derive not from rigid anatomical connections, but by the selection of a subset of a large number of inputs. We have proposed that inputs are selected on the basis of temporal correlation 11-15. Here we test this idea by altering the correlation of inputs from two adjacent digits on the adult owl monkey hand by surgically connecting the skin surfaces of the two fingers (the formation of syndactyly). This manipulation increases the correlation of inputs from skin surfaces of adjacent fingers. The striking discontinuity between the zones of representation of adjacent digits on the somatosensory cortex disappeared. These results support the hypothesis that the topography of the body-surface map in the adult cortex is influenced by the temporal correlations of afferent inputs.  相似文献   

Pattern of cortical and thalamic connexions of the somatic sensory cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E G Jones 《Nature》1967,216(5116):704-705

Zuo Y  Yang G  Kwon E  Gan WB 《Nature》2005,436(7048):261-265
A substantial decrease in the number of synapses occurs in the mammalian brain from the late postnatal period until the end of life. Although experience plays an important role in modifying synaptic connectivity, its effect on this nearly lifelong synapse loss remains unknown. Here we used transcranial two-photon microscopy to visualize postsynaptic dendritic spines in layer I of the barrel cortex in transgenic mice expressing yellow fluorescent protein. We show that in young adolescent mice, long-term sensory deprivation through whisker trimming prevents net spine loss by preferentially reducing the rate of ongoing spine elimination, not by increasing the rate of spine formation. This effect of deprivation diminishes as animals mature but still persists in adulthood. Restoring sensory experience after adolescent deprivation accelerates spine elimination. Similar to sensory manipulation, the rate of spine elimination decreases after chronic blockade of NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors with the antagonist MK801, and accelerates after drug withdrawal. These studies of spine dynamics in the primary somatosensory cortex suggest that experience plays an important role in the net loss of synapses over most of an animal's lifespan, particularly during adolescence.  相似文献   

Ohki K  Chung S  Ch'ng YH  Kara P  Reid RC 《Nature》2005,433(7026):597-603
Neurons in the cerebral cortex are organized into anatomical columns, with ensembles of cells arranged from the surface to the white matter. Within a column, neurons often share functional properties, such as selectivity for stimulus orientation; columns with distinct properties, such as different preferred orientations, tile the cortical surface in orderly patterns. This functional architecture was discovered with the relatively sparse sampling of microelectrode recordings. Optical imaging of membrane voltage or metabolic activity elucidated the overall geometry of functional maps, but is averaged over many cells (resolution >100 microm). Consequently, the purity of functional domains and the precision of the borders between them could not be resolved. Here, we labelled thousands of neurons of the visual cortex with a calcium-sensitive indicator in vivo. We then imaged the activity of neuronal populations at single-cell resolution with two-photon microscopy up to a depth of 400 microm. In rat primary visual cortex, neurons had robust orientation selectivity but there was no discernible local structure; neighbouring neurons often responded to different orientations. In area 18 of cat visual cortex, functional maps were organized at a fine scale. Neurons with opposite preferences for stimulus direction were segregated with extraordinary spatial precision in three dimensions, with columnar borders one to two cells wide. These results indicate that cortical maps can be built with single-cell precision.  相似文献   

Suh GS  Wong AM  Hergarden AC  Wang JW  Simon AF  Benzer S  Axel R  Anderson DJ 《Nature》2004,431(7010):854-859
All animals exhibit innate behaviours in response to specific sensory stimuli that are likely to result from the activation of developmentally programmed neural circuits. Here we observe that Drosophila exhibit robust avoidance to odours released by stressed flies. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry identifies one component of this 'Drosophila stress odorant (dSO)' as CO2. CO2 elicits avoidance behaviour, at levels as low as 0.1%. We used two-photon imaging with the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent protein G-CaMP to map the primary sensory neurons governing avoidance to CO2. CO2 activates only a single glomerulus in the antennal lobe, the V glomerulus; moreover, this glomerulus is not activated by any of 26 other odorants tested. Inhibition of synaptic transmission in sensory neurons that innervate the V glomerulus, using a temperature-sensitive Shibire gene (Shi(ts)), blocks the avoidance response to CO2. Inhibition of synaptic release in the vast majority of other olfactory receptor neurons has no effect on this behaviour. These data demonstrate that the activation of a single population of sensory neurons innervating one glomerulus is responsible for an innate avoidance behaviour in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Lee KJ  Dietrich P  Jessell TM 《Nature》2000,403(6771):734-740
During neural development in vertebrates, a spatially ordered array of neurons is generated in response to inductive signals derived from localized organizing centres. One organizing centre that has been proposed to have a role in the control of neural patterning is the roof plate. To define the contribution of signals derived from the roof plate to the specification of neuronal cell types in the dorsal neural tube, we devised a genetic strategy to ablate the roof plate selectively in mouse embryos. Embryos without a roof plate lack all the interneuron subtypes that are normally generated in the dorsal third of the neural tube. Using a genetically based lineage analysis and in vitro assays, we show that the loss of these neurons results from the elimination of non-autonomous signals provided by the roof plate. These results reveal that the roof plate is essential for specifying multiple classes of neurons in the mammalian central nervous system.  相似文献   

H Brandstetter  J S Kim  M Groll  R Huber 《Nature》2001,414(6862):466-470
The degradation of cytosolic proteins is carried out predominantly by the proteasome, which generates peptides of 7-9 amino acids long. These products need further processing. Recently, a proteolytic system was identified in the model organism Thermoplasma acidophilum that performs this processing. The hexameric core protein of this modular system, referred to as tricorn protease, is a 720K protease that is able to assemble further into a giant icosahedral capsid, as determined by electron microscopy. Here, we present the crystal structure of the tricorn protease at 2.0 A resolution. The structure reveals a complex mosaic protein whereby five domains combine to form one of six subunits, which further assemble to form the 3-2-symmetric core protein. The structure shows how the individual domains coordinate the specific steps of substrate processing, including channelling of the substrate to, and the product from, the catalytic site. Moreover, the structure shows how accessory protein components might contribute to an even more complex protein machinery that efficiently collects the tricorn-released products.  相似文献   

Two ordered representations of the body surface, S-I and S-II, have been described on the cortical surface of the brains of a variety of mammals; additional separate topographical maps have been found in the somatosensory cortex of the cat and monkey. Except for minor variations in the placement of the body parts, the basic somatotopy of the maps is remarkably consistent across species. As the reasons for this consistency and the minor variations are unclear, we examined the somatotopy of the bat, whose body plan has been modified extensively so that the forelimb can be used for flight. We report here that in both S-I and S-II of the grey-headed flying fox, not only is the representation of the distal forelimb displaced from its usual position on the map, but the digits are directed caudally instead of rostrally as they are in all other mammals studied. The variant somatotopy appears to reflect the postural differences between flying and walking mammals, supporting the notion that topographical maps may have functional significance apart from their point-to-point connections with the sensory periphery.  相似文献   

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