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淀山湖地区晚第四纪孢粉及古环境研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对淀山湖地区赵巷4井、淀峰1井等晚第四纪地层孢粉研究,划分出6个孢粉组合带,反映本地区植被演替与气候波动的6个阶段.自古至今依次是:第一阶段常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶混交林,反映气候温暖湿润(Q3^3-2);第二阶段稀疏的针叶、落叶阔叶混交林,反映气候冷而稍湿(Q3^3-3);第三阶段针叶、落叶阔叶混交林一草原,反映气候温和略湿(Q4^1);第四阶段以常绿栎类为主的常绿阔叶林,反映气候热暖潮湿(相当于大西洋期,Q4^2);第五阶段以栎、松、禾本科、水龙骨科为主的针叶、阔叶混交林,反映气候温暖略干(相当于亚北方期,Q4^2后期);第六阶段以常绿栎类、落叶栎类、松为主的针、阔叶混交林-草原,反映气候温暖湿润(相当于亚大西洋期,Q4^3).这种气候波动与世界性的气候变化相一致.  相似文献   

 利用广州地区南北2个不同沉积地貌区的钻孔进行孢粉分析,结合测年和沉积信息,分析了广州所代表的珠江三角洲地区晚更新世以来的沉积环境和气候变化。孢粉分析结果显示:在晚更新世珠江三角洲地区气候经历了偏冷干-偏凉干-暖湿-热湿-偏凉干-冷干的变化过程,末次冰期对本区具有明显影响,使全新世和晚更新世孢粉组合表现出一定的差异;全新世气候明显转暖湿,整体上以暖湿为主,但出现了一些小的气候波动事件,最明显的是在2 250 a BP 前后偏凉干的变化;该区在晚更新世和全新世各经历过一次海侵,两孔反映的气候期和海平面变化较为一致,气候和海平面变化也有很好的对应。两孔在地层、沉积相和孢粉特征上的差异是地理位置、沉积环境和基座地貌等差异造成的。  相似文献   

河北阜城地区晚第四纪孢粉组合及其古植被和古气候演替   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对阜城地区阜101孔孢粉研究,划分出三个孢粉组合带,从孢粉组合特征清楚地反映出阜城地区自晚第四纪以来古植被、古气候的三个演替阶段。自下而上依次是:1.晚更新世是以松、冷杉、云杉为建群种的针、阔叶混交林-草原,此时气候冷而稍干。2.全新世中期是以松、栎、榆、桦占优势的针、阔叶混交林,为温暖、湿润的气候。3.全新世晚期是以蒿、藜、松和桦为主的疏林-草原,此时气候温凉、略干与现代相近。  相似文献   

潮汕平原晚第四纪沉积相与古环境演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过潮汕平原第四系一些钻孔的沉积相,孢粉学及^14C年代分析,论述了韩江,榕江及练江三角洲的古环境演变,认为有过两次以上的海侵期,而主要的三角洲韩江三角洲的发育可分为前三角洲期,古三角洲期和现代三角洲期,这些古环境的演化与南海的δ^18O曲线相对应。  相似文献   

黄河源地区晚第四纪环境变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外考察和14C测年的基础上,本文论述了晚更新世至全新世黄河源地区的环境变迁。确定了在末次间冰期、末次冰期和全新世三个时期冰川、冰缘现象、湖泊、河流、植被和土壤的基本状况。最后讨论了近代环境的发展趋势。  相似文献   

第四纪晚期柴达木盆地与珠江三角洲的气候都呈现出冷暖旋回的波动特征,引起相应的环境变迁.但两地各期的波动起讫时间年代有较大差异,柴达木盆地的降温时间明显早于珠江三角洲地区,降温幅度明显.两地都有全新世气候适宜期,但纬向和经向的差异都很大.两地的气候波动变化、进退迁徒、突发事件的对比在一定程度上反映或代表中国大陆上气候演变的普遍特征.  相似文献   

东海陆架与冲绳海槽晚第四纪沉积硅藻的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东海陆架DG9617孔以及冲绳海槽A孔和B孔岩芯沉积硅藻进行高分辨率的采样分析,总共鉴定出166种和变种,其中有近14个主要硅藻种在3个钻孔中都连续分布,且有较高的含量,而其余种类含量较低或分布不连续或仅零星检出.根据3个钻孔岩芯中产出硅藻属种组成、含量变化及热带远洋种丰度等特征建立起各自的硅藻组合带.通过对比分析,表明硅藻植物群在东海陆架及冲绳海槽不同沉积环境条件下均记录了自晚第四纪以来古海洋、古气候的变化.  相似文献   

闽东北沿海晚第四纪海侵与海面变动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
闽东北沿海是福建乃至全国晚第四纪海面变化研究比较薄弱的地区之一。本文根据该区的钻孔岩芯和地表露头沉积相及测年资料的综合分析,揭示了闽东北沿海晚更新世以来的海侵和海面变动;晚更新世约90-80kaBP,70-60kab0,40-39kaBP和34-22kaBP发生4次海侵;全新世海侵在约12kaBP已开始,此后海面有过多次波动,其中约在距今6ka和3ka前出现过明显高于现今海面位置的高海面,海侵范围  相似文献   

以杭州湾南岸为研究对象,分别建立1997年、2007年和2015年杭州湾海域二维水动力数值模型,计算并对比各年份水动力场。从高潮位、漫滩流和流速大小三个角度来分析杭州湾大范围、累积的围垦工程对杭州湾南岸的影响。结果显示,特征点高潮位均有不同程度的抬升,自西往东呈降低趋势;围垦工程导致杭州湾南岸漫滩流特性有所减弱;大部分南岸近岸海域涨、落急流速均有不同程度的降低,并且南岸近岸海域涨急流速有较为明显的累积效应。  相似文献   

杭州湾北岸漕泾-柘林近岸海域浮游生物的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996年11月和1997年3月,对漕泾-柘林的近岸海域的浮游生物进行了调查,1996年11月浮游植物平均密度为3.39×104个/L,密集于高潮带,主要有舟形藻、圆筛藻、直链藻等5种藻类,舟形藻为优势种;1997年3月平均密度为1.65×104个/L,密集于潮下带,主要有囊裸藻、针杆藻、小球藻等7种,囊裸藻为优势种.1996年11月,浮游动物的平均个体数为2.84×102个地,原生动物为优势种类;1997年3月,平均个体数为1.83×102个/L,以多毛类疣足幼虫为主;两次调查时浮游动物都密集于低潮带.  相似文献   

The paleoenvironment indicated by the geochronology, major oxides SiO2, Al2O3 and TOFE (Fe2O3 + FeO), and CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration) value of the red earth and brown-yellow silt primarily characterized by the Linjiang stratigraphic section, based on the geological investigation of Late Quaternary along the river banks of northeastern part of China's Guangdong Province, south to the Nanling Mountains, allow us to hypothesize that the red earth on the first terrace in northeastern part of Guangdong belongs to reticulated red clay developed in a hot-wet environment of the last interglacial period (132-73 ka BP), similar to the monsoon environment in the northern margin of modern tropical zone, while the overlying brown-yellow silt layer mainly accumulated in a monsoon environment of warm temperate zone in the last glacial period (73-11 ka BP), with the aeolian sand LJ3 representing an extreme period of worsening climate. Such a hypothesis corresponds well with predecessors' research on the paleoenvironment indicated by abundant fossils in both south and east to the Nanling Mountains. Hence, it follows that the bioclimatic zone did experience a large and rapid vicissitude in northeastern part of China's Guangdong Province, and even in the full extent of the region south to the Nanling Mountains from the last interglacial period to the last glacial period, with the red earth being replaced by the brown-yellow silty sediment, and even maybe with the Ailuropoda-Stegodon Fauna being replaced by the Penghu Fauna. This study may provide an important geological demonstration for the environmental response to global change in China's low latitudes on a 10 ka scale.  相似文献   

A quantitative study was undertaken on diatoms from cores (SA08-34) obtained from the southwestern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS). A total of 165 diatom species belonging to 45 genera were identified. We constructed a stratigraphic subdivision and correlation according to the characteristics of diatom assemblages together with 14C dating and carbonate analysis. We also discuss the sedimentary environment in the sea area since the last glacial times. The research shows that the diatom assemblages coincide with interglacial and glacial times, and changes in diatom abundance reflect the instability of the climate in the southern part of the SCS, such that short-term, temperature descending events correlate with the interglacial interval. The abundance of diatoms is relevant to interglacial and glacial times, since high abundance values were associated with an interglacial interval, and low abundance values with the last glacial maximum. We assume that strong upwelling developed in the interglacial interval, the development of which was influenced by variations of monsoons in the East Asian region.  相似文献   

长江三角洲晚第四纪埋藏古土壤及成土母质   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
长江三角洲晚第四纪第一硬粘土层具有裂隙和微裂隙、粘化层和粘粒胶膜、植物根系和植物碎石、土壤结构体和新生体等古土壤特征,应为古土壤层.由古土壤层中粘土矿物组合,硅铝率(2.8~3.7)和硅铁铝率(2.0~2.9)以及潴育特征推断它为潮土(草甸土),成土母质为河漫滩沉积,沉积磁组构Q,P,L,F值对比分析,得出了相同的结论.  相似文献   

Grain size analysis was undertaken for the 2-cm interval sub-samples of eight short cores collected along the Zhoushan-Jinshanwei transect in Hangzhou Bay, using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 laser particle size analyzer. The result indicates that there are different vertical distribution patterns of mean grain size for the short cores. In the study area, the thickness of the seabed moving layer on an annual temporal scale is much larger than that of the deposited layer,i.e. the sedimentary environment is highly dynamic. As a result, the vertical distributions of mean grain size within the short cores represent different types of sedimentary records formed in the same environment, rather than signals of long-term environmental evolution. The seabed sediment consists mainly of silts in the study area, and the vertically-averaged value of mean grain size has a tendency of convergence when the thickness over which the mean value is derived increases. Such patterns indicate that the grain size composition of the deposit is controlled mainly by the source of material supply; nevertheless, to some degree hydraulic sorting is effective, which has resulted in the differences in distribution patterns along the transect between the grainsize values of the surficial sediment and the vertically-averaged values. For long-term sediment transport modeling for an environment associated with strong tidal action and silty sediment, it may be more appropriate to use the vertically-averaged grain size than the value for thesurficial sediment, as the model input.  相似文献   

长江口杭州湾及邻近海区潮汐潮流场三维数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
把长江河口、杭州湾及领近海区作为整体,应用三维高分辨率非正交曲线网格河口海洋模式,模拟了4个主要分潮M2,S2,K1,O1。在长江口外半日分潮M2、S2从东南方向传入长江口和杭州湾,全日分潮K、,O1从北向南传播。这4个分潮的振幅在长江口南支向上游逐渐减小,但因杭州湾和长江口北支呈喇叭状,而向上游逐渐增加。计算潮差变化过程和实测值基本一致,4个分潮潮位振幅和位相的计算值与验潮站观测值相比,误差大部分在10%以内。结合1996年2-3月长江河口现场观测,考虑了径流的作用,三维数值木匠敢计算域内流场。结果表明,即使在斜压效应不太明显的口门内,流速在垂直方向存在着明显的差异,上层流速明显大于下层流速;潮流具有不对称性,由于径流的作用,落潮时间明显大于涨潮时间,落潮流大于涨潮流,但在象北支涨潮槽中,涨潮流反而比落潮流大。模拟出的以上结论与观测结论为一致。  相似文献   

Through the scientific investigation on Lushan for a long time, detailed studies have been carried out on the geologic stratum section of Late Quaternary in Dajiaochang. The series age data of complete stratigraphic section and full time formation since 400 kaBP were based on the results of the analyses using the dating methods with various instruments such as the ancient geomagnetism, electronics spin resonance (ESR), 36C1 and lumines- cence dating, etc. Corresponding to these data, it identified the paleomagnetic polarity events including Biwa- III event (320 kaBP), Biwa- 1I event (260 kaBP), Biwa- I event (180 kaBP, scarcity due to the disturbance of the iron dish), Blake event (100 kaBP) and Laschamp event (20 kaBP, didn't grow due to the activities of the surface), etc. Combined with the sequence stratigraphy, layer type characteristics and its sediment environment, the strati- graphic can be divided into 4 stages of development respectively : Stage [ is the climate period of glacial epoch (200-400 kaBP); stage 11 is the climate period of interglacial epoch (100-200 kaBP); stage llI is the climate peri- od of periglacial epoch (10-100 kaBP); stage IV is the climate period ofpostglacial epoch (0-10 kaBP).  相似文献   

四川黄龙地区晚泥盆-早二叠世含丰富的生物化石,可划分出6个古生物群落.通过对个体生态、营养结构的分析及围岩和生物组合特征的研究表明:Gigantoproductus gianteus群落和Choristites群落为不成熟群落,环境属台地边缘;Triticites-Pseudoschwagerina群落和Verbeekina群落为成熟生物群落,Parafusulina-Schwagerina群落和Dictyoclostus-Schellwienella群落为较成熟群落,均属开阔台地生态环境.各群落在时间上相互取代主要受控于海水深度、海水持续缓慢变化导致的环境渐变,属缓慢环境变化型取代.结合各群落古生态环境及群落取代关系,建立了生态环境模式.  相似文献   

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