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The described stone artifacts are recovered from the 70 m-high terrace (4600 m a.s.l.) at the southeastern shore of the Siling Co on the northern Tibetan Plateau. The terrace was formed during the Interstadial period before the LGM, ca. 40-30 ka B.P. based on paleoenvironmental research. The Paleoliths from the Siling Co provide evidence for early human occupation of the northern Tibetan Plateau. They show technological and typological affinities with the European Middle Paleolithic suggesting that the early human occupation here might relate to migratory waves during the Late Pleistocene that dispersed humans across the Old World.  相似文献   

Guthrie RD 《Nature》2006,441(7090):207-209
Drastic ecological restructuring, species redistribution and extinctions mark the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, but an insufficiency of numbers of well-dated large mammal fossils from this transition have impeded progress in understanding the various causative links. Here I add many new radiocarbon dates to those already published on late Pleistocene fossils from Alaska and the Yukon Territory (AK-YT) and show previously unrecognized patterns. Species that survived the Pleistocene, for example, bison (Bison priscus, which evolved into Bison bison), wapiti (Cervus canadensis) and, to a smaller degree, moose (Alces alces), began to increase in numbers and continued to do so before and during human colonization and before the regional extinction of horse (Equus ferus) and mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius). These patterns allow us to reject, at least in AK-YT, some hypotheses of late Pleistocene extinction: 'Blitzkrieg' version of simultaneous human overkill, 'keystone' removal, and 'palaeo-disease'. Hypotheses of a subtler human impact and/or ecological replacement or displacement are more consistent with the data. The new patterns of dates indicate a radical ecological sorting during a uniquely forage-rich transitional period, affecting all large mammals, including humans.  相似文献   

New ages for human occupation and climatic change at Lake Mungo,Australia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Australia's oldest human remains, found at Lake Mungo, include the world's oldest ritual ochre burial (Mungo III) and the first recorded cremation (Mungo I). Until now, the importance of these finds has been constrained by limited chronologies and palaeoenvironmental information. Mungo III, the source of the world's oldest human mitochondrial DNA, has been variously estimated at 30 thousand years (kyr) old, 42-45 kyr old and 62 +/- 6 kyr old, while radiocarbon estimates placed the Mungo I cremation near 20-26 kyr ago. Here we report a new series of 25 optical ages showing that both burials occurred at 40 +/- 2 kyr ago and that humans were present at Lake Mungo by 50-46 kyr ago, synchronously with, or soon after, initial occupation of northern and western Australia. Stratigraphic evidence indicates fluctuations between lake-full and drier conditions from 50 to 40 kyr ago, simultaneously with increased dust deposition, human arrival and continent-wide extinction of the megafauna. This was followed by sustained aridity between 40 and 30 kyr ago. This new chronology corrects previous estimates for human burials at this important site and provides a new picture of Homo sapiens adapting to deteriorating climate in the world's driest inhabited continent.  相似文献   

The Salawusu Formation in the Salawusu River basin of Inner Mongolia is a typical sequence of the Upper Pleistocene in northern China. However, there have been some different views about the division and age of stratigraphic facies since the establishment of the Salawusu Formation. According to the stratigraphic subdivision and dating of the Dishaogouwan section, it is thought that the fluviolacustrine-aeolian sand sequence from the Dishaogouwan section can be compared with loess, deep-sea deposit records and climatic fluctuations of glacial period. The Salawusu Formation of fluviolacustrine facies was formed in the last interglacial period from 140 to 70 ka BP, roughly corresponding to the fifth stage of deep-sea oxygen isotope, and developed in the same period as the palaeosol S1 on the Loess Plateau; the aeolian sand of the Chengchuan Formation was formed in the last glacial period from 70 to 10 ka BP, constituting the heteropic geological body along with the Malan Loess on the Loess Plateau; the fluviolacustrine deposit and black soil of the Dagouwan Formation and the Dishaogouwan Formation was formed in the Holocene warm period from 9 700 to 3 000 a BP, or developed in the same period as the plaeosol B1 on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

A 40,000 year-old human occupation site at Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
L Groube  J Chappell  J Muke  D Price 《Nature》1986,324(6096):453-455
The geographical position of the island of New Guinea suggests that it may have been an early staging post in the Pleistocene settlement of Australia from the Indonesia-Indochina region. Previous data have not supported this, as archaeological sites 35,000 to 40,000 years old occur in southern Australia, whereas the earliest previously known in Papua New Guinea is 26,000 years old. We now report evidence that the north coast of Papua New Guinea was occupied at least 40,000 years ago. Sahuland, which is the greater land area of Australia and New Guinea plus their connecting continental shelf exposed as land when Pleistocene sea levels were lower than now, was occupied by humans in several widely separated areas at that time. A distinctive 'waisted axe' culture appears to have existed in New Guinea and probably in Australia in the Late Pleistocene, but antecedents are not yet known from east and southeast Asia. There is evidence for hafting of these tools at a date which is earlier than known elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Conard NJ  Grootes PM  Smith FH 《Nature》2004,430(6996):198-201
The human skeletal remains from the Vogelherd cave in the Swabian Jura of southwestern Germany are at present seen as the best evidence that modern humans produced the artefacts of the early Aurignacian. Radiocarbon measurements from all the key fossils from Vogelherd show that these human remains actually date to the late Neolithic, between 3,900 and 5,000 radiocarbon years before present (bp). Although many questions remain unresolved, these results weaken the arguments for the Danube Corridor hypothesis--that there was an early migration of modern humans into the Upper Danube drainage--and strengthen the view that Neanderthals may have contributed significantly to the development of Upper Palaeolithic cultural traits independent of the arrival of modern humans.  相似文献   

目的 探究黄土高原中部晚更新世的古气候演化特征,揭示其变化规律.方法 通过对陕西富县剖面的地质调查、密集采样和54个样品的孢粉分析进行综合研究.结果 将孢粉图式划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ3个带,分别代表S1、L1和S03个形成时期的孢粉带:Ⅰ带为榛-菊-蒿组合带,以草本植物孢粉占多数,乔木植物花粉出现高峰为特征;Ⅱ带为菊、蒿优势带,以草本植物花粉占优势,乔木植物花粉显著减少为特征;Ⅲ带为松-藜-中华卷柏增长带,以松、藜、中华卷柏显著增加,乔木植物明显增长为特征.结论 S1形成时期植被为疏林草原,气候温暖较湿;L1形成时期植被为干草原,气候冷干;S0形成时期植被为森林草原,气候温凉干旱.  相似文献   

Jingchuan human fossil, found in Gansu Province in 1976, was given a preliminary report in 1984, but questions remained con- cerning the age and character of the fossil. We conducted field investigation at Jingchuan in May of 2006 to examine the stratum yielding the human fossil and to obtain sediment samples for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Three samples collected from different stratigraphic levels at the fossil locality yielded OSL dates of 15, 48 and 7.9 thousand years ago (ka), respe...  相似文献   

The fossil tooth found in Salawusu Valley, Inner Mongolia is the first Paleolithic human fossil found in China and even in East Asia[1, 2]. The Paleolithic arti- facts recognized in Salawusu as well as those in Shui- donggou represent the earliest Paleoli…  相似文献   

Zhu RX  Potts R  Xie F  Hoffman KA  Deng CL  Shi CD  Pan YX  Wang HQ  Shi RP  Wang YC  Shi GH  Wu NQ 《Nature》2004,431(7008):559-562
The timing of early human dispersal to Asia is a central issue in the study of human evolution. Excavations in predominantly lacustrine sediments at Majuangou, Nihewan basin, north China, uncovered four layers of indisputable hominin stone tools. Here we report magnetostratigraphic results that constrain the age of the four artefact layers to an interval of nearly 340,000 yr between the Olduvai subchron and the Cobb Mountain event. The lowest layer, about 1.66 million years old (Myr), provides the oldest record of stone-tool processing of animal tissues in east Asia. The highest layer, at about 1.32 Myr, correlates with the stone tool layer at Xiaochangliang, previously considered the oldest archaeological site in this region. The findings at Majuangou indicate that the oldest known human presence in northeast Asia at 40 degrees N is only slightly younger than that in western Asia. This result implies that a long yet rapid migration from Africa, possibly initiated during a phase of warm climate, enabled early human populations to inhabit northern latitudes of east Asia over a prolonged period.  相似文献   

高等师范院校的职前教育服务于基础教育,为基础教育输送合格师资。但随着新课改的实施,中小学的课堂教学得到了进一步改善,而高师职前教育明显滞后,不适应新课改对师资培训的要求。基于中文专业师范生的职前教育的现状与反思,旨在重建高师职前教育的理念和行动策略,使高师院校所培养的未来基础教育语文教师能适应教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

The Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos in Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain, has yielded around 2,500 fossils from at least 33 different hominid individuals. These have been dated at more than 200,000 years ago and have been classified as ancestors of Neanderthals. An almost complete human male pelvis (labelled Pelvis 1) has been found, which we associate with two fragmentary femora. Pelvis 1 is robust and very broad with a very long superior pubic ramus, marked iliac flare, and a long femoral neck. This pattern is probably the primitive condition from which modern humans departed. A modern human newborn would pass through the birth canal of Pelvis 1 and this would be even larger in a female individual. We estimate the body mass of this individual at 95 kg or more. Using the cranial capacities of three specimens from Sima de los Huesos, the encephalization quotients are substantially smaller than in Neanderthals and modern humans.  相似文献   

对青藏高原东北缘库木库里盆地阿牙克库木湖南缘的KM剖面沉积物进行了粒度分析,剖面粒度组成主要以细粉砂和砂粒占优势,质量分数分别为39.2%、26.9%.剖面粒度整体分选较差,频率分布曲线呈现多峰分布的特征,偏度从极负偏到正偏、峰态从窄到宽,反映了多种搬运方式存在;各粒度组分的分析结果表明研究区气候演化可以划分为5个阶段:1)22.0~21.0 ka BP气候冷干,湖泊水位低,西风较强,沙尘暴频繁;2)21.0~16.0 ka BP气候较前一阶段湿润,湖泊水位升高,西风减弱,沙尘暴减少;3)16.0~10.5 ka BP气候冷干、不稳定,波动幅度大,风力作用强,湖泊水位浅,沙尘暴增多;4)10.5~3.5 ka BP气候最为暖湿,西风减弱,湖水水位上升,湖泊水位达到剖面最高;5)3.5~2.0 ka BP湖泊水位降低,风力作用较强,气候变得干冷.末次盛冰期以来,受控于北大西洋气候的西风起主导作用,研究区气候随着西风的增强而变得冷干,湖泊水位降低,沙尘暴较为频繁,直至全新世受控于北纬65?太阳辐射强度的季风占主导作用,气候最为暖湿,沙尘暴较少,晚全新世以来随着太阳辐射的减弱,季风减弱,气候再次朝着冷干方向发展.  相似文献   

The geographical origin of modern humans is the subject of ongoing scientific debate. The 'multiregional evolution' hypothesis argues that modern humans evolved semi-independently in Europe, Asia and Africa between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago, whereas the 'out of Africa' hypothesis contends that modern humans evolved in Africa between 200 and 100 kyr ago, migrating to Eurasia at some later time. Direct palaeontological, archaeological and biological evidence is necessary to resolve this debate. Here we report the discovery of early Middle Stone Age artefacts in an emerged reef terrace on the Red Sea coast of Eritrea, which we date to the last interglacial (about 125 kyr ago) using U-Th mass spectrometry techniques on fossil corals. The geological setting of these artefacts shows that early humans occupied coastal areas and exploited near-shore marine food resources in East Africa by this time. Together with similar, tentatively dated discoveries from South Africa this is the earliest well-dated evidence for human adaptation to a coastal marine environment, heralding an expansion in the range and complexity of human behaviour from one end of Africa to the other. This new, wide-spread adaptive strategy may, in part, signal the onset of modern human behaviour, which supports an African origin for modern humans by 125 kyr ago.  相似文献   

Homo floresiensis was recovered from Late Pleistocene deposits on the island of Flores in eastern Indonesia, but has the stature, limb proportions and endocranial volume of African Pliocene Australopithecus. The holotype of the species (LB1), excavated in 2003 from Liang Bua, consisted of a partial skeleton minus the arms. Here we describe additional H. floresiensis remains excavated from the cave in 2004. These include arm bones belonging to the holotype skeleton, a second adult mandible, and postcranial material from other individuals. We can now reconstruct the body proportions of H. floresiensis with some certainty. The finds further demonstrate that LB1 is not just an aberrant or pathological individual, but is representative of a long-term population that was present during the interval 95-74 to 12 thousand years ago. The excavation also yielded more evidence for the depositional history of the cave and for the behavioural capabilities of H. floresiensis, including the butchery of Stegodon and use of fire.  相似文献   

The Tianyuan Cave is the only human fossil-bearing site containing rich mammalian fossils found in the last decades near Zhoukoudian. Up to now more than 34 specimens of the human body have been recovered, and the mammalian fossils can be put into 29 species. Cervids dominate the fauna, and carnivores are very rare. Based on the primary examination, the human fossils can be attributed to the species Homo sapiens. All the mammalian fossils, except one between tooth of Crocuta belong to the species that still exist today. But some of them are the first records in fossil form north of the Yellow River, such as Arctonyx and Capricornis. Based on the mammalian fauna study, it seems that the Tianyuan Cave can be correlated with the Upper Cave.Sixty-three percent of the species of the mammalian fauna from the Tianyuan Cave are also present in the Upper Cave.The characters of the deposits also share some similarities between the Tianyuan Cave and the Upper Cave; both of them are mainly composed of breccia without cement. The dating using the U-series method on deer tooth samples indicates that the geological age of the new site is around 25 thousand years B.P. This is the first discovery of human sites outside the core area of the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian,which throws new light onto this world famous site complex.  相似文献   

Barkai R  Gopher A  Lauritzen SE  Frumkin A 《Nature》2003,423(6943):977-979
Israel is part of a geographical 'out of Africa' corridor for human dispersals. An important event in these dispersals was the possible arrival of anatomically modern humans in the Levant during the late Middle Pleistocene. In the Levant the Lower Palaeolithic ends with the Acheulo-Yabrudian complex, characterized by technological developments, including the introduction of technological innovations such as the systematic production of blades and the disappearance of hand-axes. These reflect new human perceptions and capabilities in lithic technology and tool function. Qesem Cave, discovered in 2000, has a rich, well-preserved Acheulo-Yabrudian deposit holding great promise for providing new insights into the period. Here we report the dates of this deposit obtained by uranium isotopic series on associated speleothems and their implications. The results shed light on the temporal range of the Acheulo-Yabrudian and the end of the Lower Palaeolithic, suggesting a long cultural phase between the Lower Palaeolithic Acheulian and the Middle Palaeolithic Mousterian phases, starting before 382 kyr ago and ending at about 200 kyr ago.  相似文献   

ESR dates for the hominid burial site of Es Skhul in Israel   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
C B Stringer  R Grün  H P Schwarcz  P Goldberg 《Nature》1989,338(6218):756-758
The Middle East has been critical to our understanding of recent human evolution ever since the recovery of Neanderthal and early anatomically modern fossils from the caves of Tabun and Skhul (Mount Carmel) over 50 years ago. It was generally believed, on archaeological and morphological grounds, that middle eastern Neanderthals (such as those from Tabun, Amud and Kebara) probably dated from more than 50,000 years ago, whereas the earliest anatomically modern specimens (from Skhul and Qafzeh) probably dated from about 40,000 years. Recent thermoluminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) determinations, however, have supported biostratigraphy in dating the Qafzeh deposits to an earlier part of the late Pleistocene, probably more than 90,000 years ago. These dates have been questioned on unspecified technical grounds, and it has also been argued that they create explanatory problems by separating the morphologically similar Qafzeh and Skhul samples by some 50,000 years, thus implying a long-term coexistence of early modern humans and Neanderthals in the area. Here we report the first radiometric dating analysis for Skhul, using ESR on bovine teeth from the hominid burial levels. Early uptake and linear uptake ages average 81 +/- 15 and 101 +/- 12 kyr respectively. These analyses suggest that the Skhul and Qafzeh samples are of a similar age and therefore it is possible that the presence of early modern humans in the area was episodic, rather than long-term during the early late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The catalytic super_Brownian motion has been considered. If both the catalytic medium process Q and CSBM started with Lebesgue measure λ, the central limit theorem for occupation time of CSBM has been obtained in dimension 3 for P-λ_a.s.Q.  相似文献   

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