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A new variant of P systems as an improvement of the original design is introduced. The P systems here allow parallelism in rules application on synapses (or links, channels), rendering the systems more efficient. We describe the execution mechanism of our P systems, make analysis on its computation power, and illustrate the running by an example.  相似文献   

Array P systems were introduced by Paun Gh. which is linking the two areas of membrane computing and picture grammars. Puzzle grammars were introduced by us for generating connected picture arrays in the two-dimensional plane, motivated by the problem of tiling the plane. On the other hand, incorporating into arrays the developmental type of generation used in the well-known biologically motivated L systems, Siromoney and Siromoney proposed a very general rectangular array generating model, called extended controlled tabled L array system (ECTLAS). In this paper we introduce two variations of the array P system, called BPG array P system and parallel array P system. The former has in the regions array objects and basic puzzle grammar rules (BPG), which are a specific kind of puzzle grammar rules. In the latter, the regions have rectangular array objects and tables of context-free rules. We examine these two types of P systems for their array generative power.  相似文献   

Array P systems were introduced by Paun Gh. which is linking the two areas of membrane computing and picture grammars. Puzzle grammars were introduced by us for generating connected picture arrays in the two-dimensional plane, motivated by the problem of tiling the plane. On the other hand, incorporating into arrays the developmental type of generation used in the well-known biologically motivated L systems, Siromoney and Siromoney proposed a very general rectangular array generating model, called extended controlled tabled L array system (ECTLAS). In this paper we introduce two variations of the array P system, called BPG array P system and parallel array P system. The former has in the regions array objects and basic puzzle grammar rules (BPG), which are a specific kind of puzzle grammar rules. In the latter, the regions have rectangular array objects and tables of context-free rules. We examine these two types of P systems for their array generative power.  相似文献   

P systems have been used many times to face with computationally difficult problems, such as NP-complete decision problems and NP-hard optimization problems. In this paper we focus our attention on another computationally intractable problem: factorization. In particular, we first propose a simple method to encode binary numbers using multisets. Then, we describe three families of P systems: the first two allow to add and to multiply two binary encoded numbers, respectively, and the third solves the factorization problem.  相似文献   

P systems have been used many times to face with computationally difficult problems, such as NP-complete decision problems and NP-hard optimization problems. In this paper we focus our attention on another computationally intractable problem: factorization. In particular, we first propose a simple method to encode binary numbers using multisets. Then, we describe three families of P systems: the first two allow to add and to multiply two binary encoded numbers, respectively, and the third solves the factorization problem.  相似文献   

Chunyi Huang  Xiaoju Dong 《自然科学进展》2008,18(5):2008629-2008632
In this paper, we investigate the maximally parallel attribute of P Systems. Some properties of P Systems are introduced, which are the filter property and the enumeration property. The two roperties are applied to solving the sorting problem and the Hamilton cycle problem, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the maximally parallel attribute of P Systems. Some properties of P Systems are introduced, which are the filter property and the enumeration property. The two properties are applied to solving the sorting problem and the Hamilton cycle problem, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the abstract syntax and the structural operational semantics of the P systems given in [ 1 ], and add probabilities to the rules and to the communication targets. We take into account the number of possible combinations of rules which can be applied in a computation step, as well as the consumption degree of the current resources.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the abstract syntax and the structural operational semantics of the P systems given in [1], and add probabilities to the rules and to the communication targets. We take into account the number of possible combinations of rules which can be applied in a computation step, as well as the consumption degree of the current resources.  相似文献   

不完备信息系统也有很多有用信息,可以得出支持决策的确定规则。基于决策树的完备信息系统规则提取方法很多,如比较有影响的ID3算法等,但是在不完备信息系统中应用决策树进行规则提取的方法还不是很多。本文提出用多变量决策树方法对不完备信息系统进行规则提取的方法,可以得出部分确定信息,方法简单易行。  相似文献   

In this paper various molecular chemical interactions are modelled under different computational paradigms. P systems andπ-calculus are used to describe intra-cellular reactions like protein-protein interactions and gene regulation control.  相似文献   

P systems based multi-objective optimization algorithm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on P systems, this paper proposes a new multi-objective optimization algorithm (PMOA). Similar to P systems, PMOA has a cell-like structure. The structure is dynamic and its membranes merge and divide at different stages. The key rule of a membrane is the communication rule which is derived from P systems. Mutation rules are important for the algorithm, which has different ranges of mutation in different membranes. The cooperation of the two rules contributes to the diversity of the population, the conquest of the muhimodality of objective function and the convergence of algorithm. Moreover, the unique structure divides the whole population into several sub populations, which decreases the computational complexity. Almost a dozen popular algorithms are compared using several test problems. Simulation results illustrate that the PMOA has the best performance. Its solutions are closer to the true Pareto-optimal front  相似文献   

Metabolic P systems are a special class of P systems which seem to be adequate for expressing biological phenomena, especially, metabolism and signaling transduction. Basic motivations for their introduction are given and their main aspects are explained by means of an example of biological modeling. A new kind of regulation mechanism is outlined, which could be the basis for a more efficient construction of computational models from experimental data of specific metabolic processes.  相似文献   

P systems based multi-objective optimization algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on P systems, this paper proposes a new multi-objective optimization algorithm (PMOA). Similar to P systems, PMOA has a cell-like structure. The structure is dynamic and its membranes merge and divide at different stages. The key rule of a membrane is the communication rule which is derived from P systems. Mutation rules are important for the algorithm, which has different ranges of mutation in different membranes. The cooperation of the two rules contributes to the diversity of the population, the conquest of the muhimodality of objective function and the convergence of algorithm. Moreover, the unique structure divides the whole population into several sub populations, which decreases the computational complexity. Almost a dozen popular algorithms are compared using several test problems. Simulation results illustrate that the PMOA has the best performance. Its solutions are closer to the true Pareto-optimal front  相似文献   

以包灰色含区间值的序值决策系统为研究对象,针对区间值之间不能直接比较的问题,引入灰色系统理论中的白化方法以构建一个新的序白化值决策系统,并讨论了其在优势和弱势关系下的可信规则获取.深入研究了优势和弱势对象的约简以及其决策类的相对约简问题,其中可信规则的约简是保持该可信规则的支持集中的元素不发生变化的最小数量属性的合取.给出相应的判定定理与区分函数,并进行了实例分析.所构建的决策系统为最终从序区间值决策系统中获取最优可信决策规则提供了新的理论基础与操作手段.  相似文献   

In this paper various molecular chemical interactions are modelled under different computational paradigms. P systems and π-calculus are used to describe intra-cellular reactions like protein-protein interactions and gene regulation control.  相似文献   

文章在分析已有并行关联规则挖掘算法的基础上,讨论了多处理器系统中影响并行关联规则挖掘算法性能的主要问题。提出了多数据源在集群系统中的分布策略、在集群系统中进行并行关联规则挖掘的过程与策略、挖掘过程中并行计算的模型与方法以及规则的合并机制。  相似文献   

一种基于关联规则的缺省规则挖掘算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
传统的基于Rough集的缺省规则挖掘算法须计算差别矩阵并生成大量的条件属性类,挖掘效率低.为此,本文引入相容关联规则和决策关联规则的概念,提出基于关联规则的缺省规则挖掘算法——DRMBAR,该算法借助FP-tree存储结构挖掘出决策关联规则,并用相容关联规则性质对决策关联规则进行有效修剪后生成相应的缺省规则,DRMBAR可有效地过滤噪声、提高缺省规则挖掘效率,且克服了传统算法依赖于主存的限制,为缺省规则的挖掘提供了一种新的框架。实验结果表明该算法是有效且可行的。  相似文献   

文章给出了改进的加权关联规则的定义,包括加权关联规则的支持度、信任度、有意义度及支持界等.设计了一套挖掘加权关联规则的行之有效的算法,并通过例子说明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

查询优化是并行数据库的核心技术。基于线性浓密树的查询优化方法是对基于浓密树(Bushy-Tree)查询优化方法的一种改进,这种优化方法大大地缩减了查询执行计划空间,确保了并行查询执行计划的优化性。  相似文献   

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