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Saturated red polymer light-emitting diodes have been fabricated with a single emitting polymer blend layer of poly[2-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-5-methoxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) and poly[9,9-dioc- tylfluorene-co-4,7-di-2-thienyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole] (PFO-DBT15). Saturated red emission with the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) coordinates of (0.67, 0.33) was obtained. The device stability was investigated. The results showed that energy transfer occurred from MEH-PPV to PFO-DBT15, and MEH-PPV improved the hole injection and transportation.  相似文献   

The flexible oragnic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) fabricatedon poly-3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene/polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT/PSS) coated substrates were demonstrated. How the fabricating processes and the device structure will affect the device performance was studied and the atomic force microscopy was employed to analyze the mophorlogy of the conducting polymer anode. Under optimized conditions, flexible OLEDs with PEDOT anode showed the brightness up to 2760 cd/m2 and maximum external quantum efficiency of 1.4%. These data are comparable to those of conventional flexible OLEDs with ITO anode.  相似文献   

白光有机电致发光器件在显示领域有着极大的应用前景,受到人们广泛的关注.通过对白光有机电致发光器件的结构、工作原理、实验的可行性分析、工艺流程、存在的问题等方面进行了分析,对器件结构进行了优化设计,确定了合理的技术路线,提高白光电致发光器件中各成分的发光效率,从而得到了一种较为理想的有机白光电致发光器件.  相似文献   

氮化物紫外LED的发光波长覆盖210-400 nm的紫外波段,可广泛应用于工业、环境、医疗和生化探测等领域.近年来紫外LED的技术水平发展迅速,器件性能不断提升.由于高Al组分AlGaN材料的固有特性,目前深紫外LED的外量子效率和功率效率仍有大量提升空间.综述了近年来AlGaN基紫外LED的研究进展,阐述了限制其性能...  相似文献   

采用三类金属阴极材料Ca,Al和Cu(Au)通过分子束沉积和电子束加热方式制备了有机发光二极管ITO/CuPc/NPB/Alq3/金属阴极,并在300,200,150,100,50和15K6个温度下,分别测量了不同电极器件的发光随外加磁场的变化(即Magneto-ElectroLuminescence,MEL).在室温300K下,发现Ca,Al和Cu(Au)电极器件的MEL在低场(0B50mT)均表现为快速上升;但随磁场(B〉50mT)的进一步增大,Ca和Al电极器件的MEL缓慢变大并逐渐趋于饱和,且与阴极的制膜方式无关;而采用电子束加热方式制备的Cu(Au)电极器件,其MEL却表现出高场缓慢下降;且温度越低,该类Cu电极器件MEL的高场下降更为显著.实验研究表明,Ca和Al电极器件的MEL主要是由超精细耦合作用随外加磁场变化引起的.但电子束加热方式制备的Cu(Au)电极器件的MEL除了超精细耦合作用引起的低场快速上升外,其高场下降的可能机制则是:Cu(Au)电极器件中电子-空穴对的俘获区(e-hCapture Zone)靠近阴极界面,相比较于热蒸发的方式,电子束蒸发的方式更容易使重金属Cu(Au)原子得到更高的能量,使其渗透进相邻的有机层Alq3中,Cu(Au)原子的强自旋轨道耦合作用导致电子-空穴对发生自旋翻转,此为MEL出现高场下降的原因.  相似文献   

建立了单层 (有机发光二极管 )中载流子注入、输运和复合的理论模型 ,通过求解非线性Painleve方程得到了电场强度随坐标变化的解析函数关系式 ,计算并讨论了载流子迁移率对电场强度、载流子密度等的影响。结果表明 :空间电荷分布不均匀造成了电场强度的不均匀分布。当在器件中占主导地位的载流子具有较低的迁移率或少数载流子具有较高的迁移率时 ,有利于载流子的输运与复合 ,发光性能可得到较大提高。  相似文献   

In this study, GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with and without A1GaInN electron blocking layer (EBL) under self-heating effect are numerically studied. The energy band diagram, carrier transport and distribution characteristics, internal Joule heat and non-radiative recombination heat characteristics, and internal quantum efficiency are investigated. The effect of Auger recombination coefficient on efficiency droop under self-heating effect is also studied. The simulation results show that efficiency droop is markedly improved when an AlGaInN EBL is placed between p-type GaN layer and active region. However, the chip temperature of LED is significantly increased simultaneously. The results also indicate that Auger recombination can be neglected because it is not the major contributor for the internal heat source. The efficiency droop is unrelated to the internal heat source. However, both electron leakage and Auger recombination play important roles in efficiency droop mechanism under self-heating effect.  相似文献   

讨论了多量子阱被动锁模半导体激光器中光脉冲啁啾的产生机制和变化规律,在实验中得到被动锁模蓝移啁啾脉冲,它主要是由于增益介质和饱和吸收体的热效应参数所致的结果,这为设计出通信波长(1.55μm)、高脉冲能量(>10 dBm)、窄脉宽(<2.9 ps)和具有时间带宽积脉冲(Δt.Δυ~0.43)输出的通信用半导体激光器提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The transparent ITO/Ag/ITO multi-layers are developed as anodes on flexible PET (poly(ethylene terephthalate)) substrates. The influence of these anodes on FOLED (Flexible Organic Light-emitting Diodes) is investigated. From the results of research, it can be seen that the multi-layer anode has optimum characteristics, whose sheetresistance is 11 Ω and optical transmittance is about 80%,when the thickness of Ag sandwiched by two ITO layers is in the range of 14--18 nm. It is demonstrated that the OLED devices with multi-layer anodes give better luminescence and higher efficiency compared with those with single ITO anodes.  相似文献   

在使用综合参数测试仪测试半导体量子阱激光器的过程中,通过测试的功率曲线和伏安特性,断定激光器受到损伤,由扫描电镜(SEM:Scaning Electron Microscopy)观察到激光器的腔面出现了熔化,证实激光器性能的改变是由于产生了暗线缺陷(DLD:Dark Line Difect)和灾变性光损伤(COD:Catastrophic Optical Damage),通过分析,了解到激光器的退化主要是由器件本身的材料、结构以及后期的工艺过程所决定的,在测试器件过程中电浪涌会加速或产生突然灾变性退化,最后给出了用隔离及无吸收窗口来减少损伤的方法.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of pulsed current (PC) and direct current (DC) driving modes on the stability of organic light-emitting diodes with and without hole-injection layers (HILs).Two different HIL materials were used:copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) and 4,4’,4″-tris(3-methylphenylphenylamino)triphenylamine (m-MDTATA).It was found that the half-lives of devices using PC driving modes were different from those of comparable devices using DC driving modes.For the devices without HILs,with CuPc HILs and with MTDATA HILs,the half-lives of the devices were changed by factors of 1.91,1.41 and 0.86,respectively,when operated in PC rather than DC driving modes.Our analysis of the electrical characteristics of the corresponding hole-only devices showed that the number of holes injected into devices was greatly reduced by inserting an m-MTDATA layer compared with other designs.The results indicate that different ratios of injected electrons and holes can be obtained in these devices.Moreover,these ratios play a dominant role in the dependence of the stability of the device on the driving mode.  相似文献   

使用真空热蒸发方法,制备了结构为ITO/TPD/Alq3/LiF/Al的有机发光二极管,其中LiF用作阴极注入层,LiF超薄层的加入,增强了电子注入,降低了启亮电压,提高了器件的发光效率和亮度. 实验结果表明:当加入LiF层的厚度为0.5 nm时,器件性能的改善最好,和不含LiF的器件相比,启亮电压由原来的9 V降低到5 V,效率由1.5 cd/A增加到3.3 cd/A,提高了近1倍,然而随着加入LiF层厚度的增加,器件性能的改善效果降低.  相似文献   

采用偶极子源项和转移矩阵来描述结构内外的光电场分布,并通过Matlab编程,建立了符合有机发光二极管(OLED)实际器件的光学模型。利用该光学模型进行模拟计算具有NPB/Alq3结构的OLED,得到了电致发光(EL)光谱与器件中光出射角之间的关系并结合人眼视觉函数,得到器件亮度与角度的关系,当出射角度逐渐增大时,亮度逐渐减小。另外,制备了不同8-羟基喹啉铝(Alq3)电子传输层厚度的器件,并测量其电致发光光谱,发现模拟计算的理论光谱与测量结果相吻合。并且还发现随着Alq3有机层厚度增加,OLED电致发光光谱的峰位会发生一定的红移。  相似文献   

Two kinds of highly efficient,bright hybrid white organic light emitting diodes have been fabricated by utilizing ambipolar material 4,4-N,N-dicarbazolebiphenyl(CBP)and unipolar material N,N0-di(naphthalene-1-yl)-N,N0-diphenyl-benzidine(NPB)as the spacer,respectively.By adjusting the thickness of spacers together with effectively utilizing combinations of exciton-harnessed orangephosphorescence/blue-fluorescence,the current efficiency of optimal device with CBP spacer and device with NPB spacer are 31.0 and 38.9 cd/A,the maximum power efficiency are 23.9 and 29.1 lm/W,the maximum brightness are 87,249 and 75,501 cd/m2,and the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage(CIE)coordinates are(0.42,0.43)and(0.47,0.44)at a voltage of 11 V,respectively.Furthermore,systematic investigations focused on the effects of spacers on device performance have been performed.By virtue of the multifunctional spacer,energy transfer between the phosphorescent and fluorescent emitters can be avoided while the carriers still can pass through this spacer bridge,which is important to realize such high device performance.In addition,a novel concept that both ambipolar materials and unipolar materials can be the promising candidates for spacers has been proposed if the thickness of spacers with high triplet energy is optimized.  相似文献   

方腔斜进风对流换热分叉现象的数值研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
数值模拟了二维方腔两顶角狭缝集中斜进风、两底角狭缝集中出风通风方式下的流动与换热。研究表明 :即使是具有对称结构的开口系统 ,其稳定的流型也可能是不对称的 ;斜进风通风方式在进风角度小于一定值时流动存在静态分叉 ,即随计算初场的不同会得到不同的解 ;这种不对称的流动仍具有较好的流场、温度场分布均匀性以及较高的换热能力 ;在工程上对斜进风进行研究时 ,必须用全场分析的方法 ;数值计算结果与可视化实验的结果得到了较好吻合。该研究为空间站舱内的通风换热系统的设计与选择及其工程应用提供一定的依据  相似文献   

Efficient polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs) with violet blue emission were fabricated using blends of copolymers of paraphenylene-co-silafluorene (PSiF6-PPP) and polymer of poly (9,9'-alkyl-3,6-silafluorene) (PSiFC6C6). The performances of the devices are sensitive to the blend ratio. When the mass ratio of PSiF6-PPP to PSiFC6C6 is 1 : 3, the highest external quantum efficiency is 1.96% at luminance of 105 cd.m2, its electroluminescent (EL) spectrum peaks at 398 nm and full width at half maximum is 67 nm. The improvements of the device performances were due to the energy transfer from PSiFC6C6 to PSiF6-PPP and the balanced injection of electrons and holes.  相似文献   

本文对一种新型输出波长1.55μm、超高速10 GHz、多量子阱、锁模半导体激光器的自发辐射光谱的蓝移现象进行实验研究,得到随着对锁模半导体激光器增益区施加增益电流的增加(5 mA→70 mA),多量子阱半导体激光器自发辐射光谱存在明显的蓝移现象(1.550μm→1.500μm),以及输出中心波长向短波长方向移动50 nm的实验结果,这对深刻理解和实现光时分复用技术中高质量超短相干脉冲光源具有重要意义.  相似文献   

A multi-quantum barrier structure is employed as the electron blocking layer of light-emitting diodes to enhance their performance.Using the non-isothermal multi-physics-field coupling model,the internal quantum efficiency,internal heat source characteristics,spectrum characteristics,and photoelectric conversion efficiency of light-emitting diodes are analyzed systematically.The simulation results show that:introducing multi-quantum barrier electron blocking layer structure significantly increases the internal quantum efficiency and photoelectric conversion efficiency of light-emitting diodes and the intensity of spectrum,and strongly ensures the thermal and light output stability of light-emitting diodes.These results are attributed to the modified energy band diagrams of the electron blocking layer which are responsible for the decreased electron leakage and enhanced carrier concentration in the active region.  相似文献   

设计了一类两极化合物,既含有电子传输单元,又含有空穴传输单元,采用一般的N-烷基化反应或Ullmann反应.将改性的8-羟基喹啉用作穴传输单元的化合物加入到反应体系中,在催化剂的存在下反应获得一类含有吩噻嗪单元的8-羟基喹啉衍生物.将此配体与含可聚合单元的8-羟基喹啉配体与金属离子共同配位,获得一类两极化合物,即含有空穴传输单元的8-羟基喹啉金属配合物.将该两极化合物通过紫外光固化或热固化共聚交联实现高分子化,得到一类含有新型的发光材料.并利用元素分析、FT-IR、UV、PL光谱等方法对其结构和性能作了表征.循环伏安法被用来研究其氧化还原性质和估算电化学能级.  相似文献   

扇形探测器光电特性的修正方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究了扇形自扫描光电二极管列阵(SSPD)的光电特性,分析了器件的特殊结构和非线性转换特性,提出了一种快速、准确的修正方法。  相似文献   

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