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简介了第四纪海平面变化研究的重大意义, 详细分析了海平面变化研究的各个阶段的主要理论, 着重评价了海平面变化研究理论与成因  相似文献   

介绍了全球变化中的热点问题-海平面变化的研究意义,将海平面变化研究分为基本理论创立,定量研究,迅速发展和成因研究四个阶段,分析总结了海平面变化研究了各阶段的理论,成果,着重评价了各阶段海平研究的相关理论,据此对海平面变化研究提出了一些看法;注重综合研究,加强分区,分时段研究,跟踪国际研究动态加强国际合作,加强海平面上升及其影响的研究。  相似文献   

回顾热带太平洋对海平面长期趋势有重要影响的海平面年际和年代际变化的相关研究,总结包括近期提出的中部型厄尔尼诺在内的2种类型厄尔尼诺对热带太平洋海平面年际变化的影响,揭示了热带太平洋海平面年代际变化与信风年代际变化之间的紧密联系。指出赤道信风的增强对近期热带太平洋海平面变化格局的形成有决定性作用,厄尔尼诺强度的减弱对这种格局有贡献,而拉尼娜的影响有待深入研究。研究资料的局限性导致年代际变化的定量研究成果较少,在研究海平面年际和年代际变化时应用的热通量评估模型有待改进。  相似文献   

太平洋海域海平面变化的灰色系统分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用灰色系统理论,对太平洋海域48个长期验潮站的月均海平面分别建立了GM(1,1)模型,GM(1,1)模型能较好地反映太平洋海域的海平面变化的趋势,它除了能给出连续的海平面变化速率外,同时能方便地给海平面变化的加速率,模拟结果表明,在太平洋地壳均衡假设下,太平洋海域的月均海平面以平均速率0.17cm/a上升。在太平洋海以的48个长期验潮站中,有40个站在加速上升,全部站的平均加速度为0.00029  相似文献   

用渤海南岸岩芯贝壳和有孔虫样品,进行14C年龄和氧同位素的测定,探讨了渤海南岸五万年以来的海平面的变化.与黄海的海平面变化进行对比,二者海平面变化较为一致.  相似文献   

论全球变化中的海平面上升及其灾情风险评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文讨论了全球变化中海平面上升对我国沿海地区的危害,论述了由于海平面上升而对沿海地区进行灾情风险评估中的两个问题:相对海平面变化值和一般采用海平面上升速率低估计值的重要意义。文中还介绍了90年代国内外研究全球和我国海平面上升的主要数值结果。  相似文献   

八万年来中国东部古气候与海平面变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对北京周口店和浙江临安瑞晶洞穴石笋的同位素古气候的研究,获的距今8—5万年间北京地区及距今5—1万年间杭州地区的古气候演化记录,并与我国东部同期的海平面变化曲线进行对比.  相似文献   

海平面研究的最近进展   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
综合评述最近世界海平面研究的进展,主要概括为:(1)海平面变化是全球变化的一个重要组成部发尔尼诺现象的发生即与海平面上升有关。(2)海平面变化的观测应用了一些新技术,如卫星雷达测高、GPS等。(3)对海平面上升引起海岸侵蚀的Bruun定律提出若干补充和修正意见。(4)比较详细地研究和监测了滩涂(湿地)对海平面上升的响应。(5)比较阐明人类活动对海岸带的影响。(6)分析了各国防治平面上升造成的灾害的  相似文献   

分析了南极菲尔德斯半岛西北部地质湾海拔2.8m的海滩沉积剖面,运用其上下层沉积的浅海底栖褐藻^14C年龄与现代属褐藻体^14C年龄内差的方法,消除了南极海源有机碳^14C年龄的老化问题,从而建立了菲尔德斯半岛地区近800a来的海平面变化序列,结果表明:800aBP~230aBP间海平面上升78cm,其上升速率为0.136cm·a^-1,近230a来海平面上升约16cm,其上升速率为0.07cm·a  相似文献   

您是否还在为电影《2012》那通天的海啸后怕?您是否还在为《后天》那气候突变给地球所带来的毁灭震惊?科幻的电影让我们深刻地认识到气候对人们生存的影响。新西兰怀卡托大学Warriek教授从1975年以来发表或编著(参与)了多本相关书籍,  相似文献   

Global mean sea level(GMSL) has not only significant secular trend and seasonal variations,but also inter-annual and decadal variations.This paper reconstructs the time series of GMSL variations between 1948 and 2007 by combining satellite altimeter measurements and tide gauge observations.Based on the time series,the acceleration of GMSL rise in the second half of 20th century is estimated to be 0.010±0.009 mm/a 2,and multi-scale low frequency sea level oscillations including decadal variations are detected,and the high-rate of GMSL rise during 1993-2003 is locate in the ascending phase of low frequency oscillation.Then,using the reconstructed GMSL time series after removing the secular trend from satellite altimetry and tide gauges measurements,it shows that low frequency signal of sea level variation has strong correlations with the index of El Ni o/Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO).But in several time periods,they have large difference due to effects of both high frequency occurrence of El Ni o and La Ni a phenomenon and short term switch of PDO events.  相似文献   

为提高海图的精确度,需要定量分析海平面及调和常数波动下的海图深度基准面误差范围。以浙江乍浦、定海和健跳3个站为例,对多年观测资料进行了逐年调和分析,结果显示,3个站年平均海平面均呈波动性上升趋势,年际间最大偏差分别为21 cm、16 cm、16 cm。主要分潮振幅的年际变化不尽相同,相对变化幅度表现为年周期分潮大于半日分潮大于日分潮,Sa、M2、S2、K1和O1分潮振幅最大偏差分别为13cm、20cm、10cm、3cm、3cm。由于海平面和调和常数的不稳定性,3个测站的海图深度基准面最大误差分别为33cm、26cm和31cm,即使都采用弗拉基米斯基十三分潮算法,最大偏差仍然可达28 cm,22 cm和28cm。相比而言,理论深度基准面的历时露滩累计频率在1%以下,且普适性较高。  相似文献   

Ren  JiaWen  Ye  BaiSheng  Ding  YongJian  Liu  ShiYin 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(16):1661-1664
Recent studies have shown that cryospheric melting is becoming the dominant factor responsible for sea level rise,and that the melt-water from mountain glaciers and ice caps has comprised the majority of the cryospheric contribution since 2003.Analysis of the estimations of cryospheric melt-water and precipitation in glacier regions indicated that the potential contribution of the cryosphere in China is 0.14 to 0.16 mm a–1,of which approximately 0.12 mm a–1 is from glaciers.The contribution of glaciers in the outflow river basins is about 0.07 mm a–1,accounting for 6.4%of the total from global glaciers and ice caps.  相似文献   

目的通过研究福建海平面上升的成因及其影响,提出相关应对措施确保社会经济安全可持续发展。方法根据中国海平面公报和相关资料进行分析。结果海平面上升不但会淹没滨海土地,而且会不同程度地加大风暴潮、咸潮入侵、海水入侵与土壤盐渍化、海岸侵蚀等灾害的致灾程度。结论福建省可通过以下措施来应对海平面上升:积累碳汇;稳定人口低生育水平;加强海洋环境的监测和预警能力;开展海平面变化影响评价和脆弱性区划;强化应对海平面上升的适应性对策等。  相似文献   

Acritarchs are organic-walled cysts of unicellular pro- tists that cannot be assigned to any known group of or- ganisms. Most acritarchs are probably the resting cysts of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton. Because of their small size, abundance and diversity, as well as widespread distri- bution, acritarchs are very useful in biostratigraphic cor- relation, as well as paleobiogeographic and paleoenviron- mental studies. Furthermore, they represent the fossil re- cord of the base of the marine fo…  相似文献   

Using 7 years of TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimetry data, we have identified a general trend of sea level rising in the South China Sea between January 1993 and December 1999. The estimated bulk rising rate of the entire basin is -1 cm/a. The rise of sea level appears to be spatially non-homogeneous, which shows a highest rate of 2.7 cm/a in the deep basin west of Luzon and generally low (even negative) rates over the shallow continental shelves. It is believed that the observed rapid rising of sea level is a regional phenomenon and is mainly caused by warming of the upper layer of the South China Sea, which showed a bulk warming rate of 0.15℃/a in the same period. It is also suggested that the observed rising trend is mainly a decadal signal, which is possibly associated with decadal variation of the Pacific warm pool region.  相似文献   

A detailed record of sea level changes during the last 2500 years is preserved in the northernwest coast of Fildes Peninsula in Antarctica. Fourteen marine alga layers were deposited in the beach with an altitude of 2.80 m, and one diatom layer deposited in the ancient lake on the terrace with an altitude of 6.84 m. A radiocarbon age of 695±70 aBP was obtained for the modern marine alga, and the age was used in correction for the carbon reservoir effect of the marine alga. Sea level fell 4.98 m from the 4th century B.C. to the early 13th century, at an average of -0.31 cm/a, then rose about 0.78 m during the early 13th to the middle 18th century, at an average of 0.14 cm/a. It has risen about 0.16 m since the middle 18th century, at an average of 0.07 cm/a.  相似文献   

Data sets of the changes of the length of day, the sea surface temperature in the eastern Pacific and of the sea level in Hong Long from tide gauge observations are used to analyze and reveal the reflections in the observations of the length of day and the sea level changes concerned with the premonitory phenomenon of next EI Niño event. The results from this study indicate that a new EI Niño event has been brewing with the ending of the strong La Niño event that started in early summer of 1998. The estimated formation period of the new EI Niño event will begin before the end of 2000, and the peak period may be reached at around the end of 2001.  相似文献   

The coupling and propagating features of mesoscale sea level variability between the western Pacific (WP) and the South China Sea (SCS) were studied based on time series analyses of satellite altimeter measured, along-track sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) along 21°N and the slope of the northern SCS. The analyses show that mesoscale sea level fluctuations in the WP have rather limited coherent effects on the SCS, and no statistically significant propagation of mesoscale variability through the Luzon Strait was observed except in the 45-day band. Evidence suggests that the 45-day fluctuation is very much likely a character of the Kuroshio originating from its low-latitude beginning. It is also sug- gested that the westward propagating Rossby waves will deform when they encounter the dynamical barrier of the Kuroshio. The Kuroshio will then acts on the SCS in its own way. The SCS is a relatively isolated system in the sense of coupling and propagating of oceanic mesoscale waves.  相似文献   

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