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We present a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigation of a coupled cobalt and silver nanoparticle system. A plan view in situ lift-out method for preparing samples for TEM using the focused ion beam (FIB) microscope was used. This technique is used to prepare high quality TEM samples with site specificity in a short time and with a high success rate. We demonstrate the ability of the plan view sample preparation technique to provide information about an ordered system of nanoparticles which could not be observed using standard FIB cross sectioning of the sample. High resolution TEM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy mapping of both cross sectional and plan view samples are presented, clearly showing the significant benefit of plan view TEM analysis for certain samples  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an inexact multi-objective programming (IMOP) model and its application to the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the regional development plan for the Hunnan New Zone (HNZ) in Shenyang City, China. Inexact programming and multi-objective programming methods are employed to effectively account for extensive uncertainties in the study system and to reflect various interests from different stakeholders, respectively. In the case study, balancing-economy-and-environment scenario and focusing-industry-development scenario are analyzed by the interactive solution process for addressing the preferences from local authorities and compromises among different objectives. Through interpreting the model solutions under both scenarios, analysis of industrial structure, waste water treatment plant(WWTP) expansion, water consumption and pollution generation and treatment are undertaken for providing a solid base to justify and evaluate the HNZ regional development plan. The study results show that the developed IMOP-SEA framework is feasible and applicable in carrying comprehensive environmental impact assessments for development plan in a more effective and efficient manner.  相似文献   

EnvironmentalImpactAssessment (EIA )hasbeenwidelyimplementedinChinaformorethan 2 0yearsasanimportanttoolforpreventingenvironmen talproblemscausedbyvariousconstructionprojects .Ithasbeenusedtoexamineandforecastthepotentialenvironmentalimpactsofeconomicdevelopment ,an alyzeandidentifymitigationmeasuresoralternativesaccordingly[1~ 3] .AlthoughtheEIAhasbeenre quiredbyChineseauthoritiesforalmosteverynewand/orexpansionproject ,theconditionsofenviron mentalqualityandecosystemhealthhavebeencontin…  相似文献   

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