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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1925-1935
In this paper three species of terrestrial isopods from Sicily are discussed. Spelaeoniscus coiffaiti and Cylisticus convexus are new to the Sicilian fauna. Sicilian specimens of Spelaeoniscus coiffaiti are examined and illustrated, and the biogeographical significance of this species in Sicily is discussed. Trichoniscus panormidensis is described as a new species, and the affinities are treated.  相似文献   

Three hosts from Indo-west Pacific including Kiribati, Guam Island and Australia were examined, and found to be infested by three species of the subfamily Argeiinae. We describe Paraeragia kiribatiensis gen. nov., sp. nov. from Kiribati infesting Synalpheus gracilirostris. The new genus is most related to Eragia and it can be distinguished by female with triangular pleon, lateral plates extend posteriorly, paired uropods, widely opened brood pouch. Argeiopsis guamensis sp. nov. from Guam Island infesting Synalpheus cf. stimpsoni. The new species is most similar to Argeiopsis inhacae but differs in female with curved posterior margin of first oostegite, partly fused pleomeres, and male with head separated from first pereomere, pleon as wide as seventh pereomere. We also record Stegoalpheon kempi from Australia for the first time, infesting Alpheus cf. perplexus. Keys to the nine genera of Argeiinae, and to three species of Argeiopsis are provided. A table for all 13 species of Argeiinae with localities and host records is also provided. A table comparing the distribution of lateral plates and morphology of pleopods and uropods among argeiine genera is presented.

http://www.zoobank/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:284AB32C-6AE5-45BC-9C5D-01B3030D6DE6  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2901-2913
Three bopyrid isopods of the subfamily Athelginae parasitizing hermit crabs collected in Chinese waters are discussed and described in this paper. Athelges takanoshimensis Ishii, 1914 Ishii, S. 1914. On a new epicaridean isopod (Athelges takanoshimensis sp. nov.) from Eupagurus samuelis Stimpson. Annot Zool Jpn, 8: 519530.  [Google Scholar] is recorded again from China on Pagurus pectinatus (Stimpson) and from Hong Kong on a new host, Pagurus minutus Hess. Parathelges enoshimensis Shiino, 1950 Shiino, SM. 1950. Notes on some new bopyrids from Japan. J Mie Med Coll, 1: 151167.  [Google Scholar] is recorded for the first time from China on a member of the genus Spiropagurus. Pseudostegias setoensis Shiino, 1933 Shiino, SM. 1933. Bopyrids from Tanabe Bay. Mem Coll Sci Kyoto Imperial Univ ser. B, 8: 249300.  [Google Scholar] is recorded again from Hong Kong but from a new host, Clibanarius virescens Hess, and for the first time from Hainan Province on a new host Calcinus laevimanus (Randall). A combination of light and scanning electron microscopy is used to investigate the morphology of these species and data on their prevalence with hermit crab hosts are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1093-1114
The present study reports on collections of hypogean freshwater atyid shrimps of the genera Caridina Milne Edwards, 1837 Milne Edwards, H. 1837. Histoire naturalle des Crustacés, Comprenant l'Anatomie, la Physiologie et la Classification de ces Animaux, Vol. 2, 1532. Paris (France): Libraire Encyclopedique de Roret.  [Google Scholar], and Parisia Holthuis, 1956 Holthuis, L. B. 1956. The troglobic Atyidae of Madagascar (Crudtacea, Decapoda, Natantia), Mem Inst Sci Madagascar ser.. A., 11: 97110.  [Google Scholar], obtained from the karst caves and associated epigean waters of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Six species of Caridina were present, of which two are new to science and one is new to Sulawesi, as well as one new species of Parisia. Types of Caridina pareparensis De Man, 1892 De Man, J. G. 1892. Decapoden des Indischen Archipels.. Zool Ergebn Reise Niederland Ost‐Ind., 2: 265527. pl. 15–29 [Google Scholar], and C. pareparensis parvidentata Roux, 1904 Roux, J. 1904. Décapodes d'eau douce de Cèlébes (Genres Caridina et Potamon).. Rev Suisse Zool., 12(3): 539572. pl. 9 [Google Scholar], were re‐examined and redescribed; lectotypes for both taxa are designated. Caridina pareparensis parvidentata is here regarded as a distinct species. The new taxa are described, figured and compared with congeners.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-28):1585-1602
Re‐examination of the syntypes of Caridina gracilirostris De Man, 1892 De Man, J. G. 1892. “Decapoden des Indischen Archipels.”. In Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost‐Indien Edited by: Weber, M. Vol. 2, 265527. Plates 15–29 [Google Scholar], shows that the type series is composed of three species. These three species are similar in the form of the rostrum, but can be differentiated easily by a combination of rostral formula and sexual appendages. To stabilize the taxonomic status of these species, a lectotype for C. gracilirostris is selected. A lectotype for Caridina appendiculata Jalihal and Shenoy, 1998 Jalihal, D. R. and Shenoy, S. 1998. “Taxonomic revision of some Indian prawn species of genus Caridina H. Milne Edward, 1837 (Atyidae).”. In Proceedings and abstracts of the Fourth International Crustacean Congress, 128129. Amsterdam, , Netherlands: The Crustacean Socrety.  [Google Scholar], is also designated from among the remaining syntypes of C. gracilirostris. A new species, C. neglecta, is described. Caridina gracilirostris and C. gracilima Lanchester, 1901 Lanchester, W. F. 1901. On the Crustacea collected during the “Skeat” expedition to the Malay Peninsula.. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1900([1901]): 533574.  [Google Scholar], are redescribed and figured, and C. appendiculata is transferred to the C. nilotica species group. A new species group is also recognized for C. gracilirostris, C. neglecta, C. gracilima, and a new species, C. longifrons. The C. gracilirostris species group is defined here as taxa possessing a rostrum with subapical teeth, fewer than 10 dorsal teeth, and without any postorbital teeth.  相似文献   


The corallanid isopods, C. nodosa, C. estuaria sp. nov. C. bidentata sp. nov. and C. tridentata sp. nov. have been found within timbers of mangroves and man-made structures in marine and brackish waters around Papua New Guinea. Corallana estuaria, C. bidentata and C. tridentata are new to science and are described in detail. In addition, aspects of the ecology of all four species are considered, including their association with the marine-boring isopods, Sphaeroma terebrans and S. triste.  相似文献   


The Andaman Sea adjoining the Indian Territory is biologically rich in terms of marine diversity. However, inadequate surveys during the post-independence era have resulted in large lacunae in data on the species composition in these waters. In this paper, we report the first observation of two species of dendrobranchiate prawns, Metapenaeopsis difficilis Crosnier, 1991 and Haliporus taprobanensis Alcock and Anderson, 1899, in the Indian seas, supplemented with notes on their morphological diagnoses, comparison with closely related species and zoogeographical distribution. Crustacean specimens were collected using trawl nets and a naturalists’ dredge on board the Fisheries Oceanography Research Vessel Sagar Sampada in the deeper offshore region between 124 and 850 m depth in the Andaman Sea during the period 2015–2017. Metapenaeopsis difficilis is distinguished by an oval-shaped thelycal plate and a low, unarmed bead-like plate on the thoracic sternum between the third pereiopods. Metapenaeopsis difficilis is previously reported from the Philippines, Indonesia, Coral Sea, New Caledonia, Marquesas Islands, and Wallis and Futuna Islands at depths between 21 and 440 m, thereby indicating its westward range extension. Haliporus taprobanensis is distinguished by a tough integument, presence of a postero-dorsal spine on the fourth pleonal somite, and smooth dorsum of the first four pleonal somites. Haliporus taprobanensis is previously reported from South Africa, Madagascar, off Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines and northern Australia at depths between 300 and 1650 m.  相似文献   

Thirty-four species of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) from the Oued Laou basin, in the Rif area of north-eastern Morocco, are recorded. One genus (Paractenoscia) and seven species (Trichoniscus microphthalmus, Paractenoscia cavernicola, Bathytropa rifensis, Soteriscus gibbosus, S. laouensis, Porcellio pseudornatus, and Eluma praticola) are described as new. The genus Soteriscus, unavailable according to article 13.3 of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), is here revalidated by choosing S. gaditanus as type species. Six species (Graeconiscus thermophilus, Ctenoscia minima, Platyarthrus parisii, Porcellio humberti, Porcellio flavocinctus and Eluma caelata) have been fully illustrated to facilitate their identifications. Ctenoscia dorsalis Verhoeff is considered to be a junior synonym of C. minima Dollfus. Porcellio ornatus from southern Spain is also figured for comparison with P. pseudornatus sp. nov. The composition and origin of the oniscidean fauna of the Rif region is briefly discussed.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DCBF3103-1463-4A32-9BC0-A4CFE8B762AE  相似文献   

A collection of eight species of terrestrial isopods from lava and cave sites on Ascension Island is described. Two species, Niambia longiantennata (Platyarthridae) and Elumoides coecus (Eubelidae), are described as new. Atlantoscia alceui Ferrara and Taiti (Philosciidae) is considered to be a junior synonym of A. floridana (Van Name) and the genus Ocelloscia Schultz and Johnson of Atlantoscia Ferrara and Taiti. At present the oniscidean fauna known from Ascension Island consists of 13 species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):2013-2031
A new crangonid shrimp and its four zoeal stages are described and illustrated in detail from Okinawa Island, Japan. The new species of Vercoia is readily distinguished from V. gibbosa Baker, 1904 Baker W. H 1904 Notes on South Australian decapod Crustacea Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia, 28, 146–161, pls 27–31  [Google Scholar], V. socotrana Duris, 1992 Duris, Z. 1992. Revision of Vercoia Baker (Crustacea: Decapoda: Crangonidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy, 6: 14371457.  [Google Scholar] and V. japonica Komai, 1995 Komai, T. 1995. Vercoia japonica, a new species of crangonid shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from Japan. Natural History Research, 3: 123132.  [Google Scholar], in adult morphology, by the bilobed anterior expansion of the hepatic carina of the carapace, the notched mid-dorsal carina on the fifth abdominal somite, and the presence of the distoventral tooth on the ischium of the second pereopod. The larvae of the new species which are the first larvae of a species assigned to Vercoia to be described, are very similar to those of species of Philocheras, but they differ in the setation of the endopods of the maxillule and maxilla. A key to the adult species of Vercoia is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):1597-1625
Additional specimens belonging to the rare crangonid genus Prionocrangon Wood‐Mason and Alcock, collected from recent deep‐sea expeditions in the West Pacific enable a revision of this poorly known genus. The four previously described species are all valid. The type species P. ommatosteres Wood‐Mason and Alcock, , originally known only from the Andaman Sea, is considered to be also distributed in the Philippines and Indonesia. However, the material previously assigned to “P. ommatosteres” by de Man () and Chace () from Indonesia and the Philippines actually represents a new species, P. demani sp. nov., close to P. pectinata Faxon, . Prionocrangon pectinata and P. curvicaulis Yaldwyn, are still only known by their types. The distribution of P. dofleini Balss, is now extended from Japan to Taiwan. Two more new species are recognized. Prionocrangon formosa sp. nov. from Taiwan is closely related to P. curvicaulis while P. paucispina sp. nov. from Taiwan and New Caledonia is unique in having very few dorsal carapace spines. The genus Prionocrangon is newly diagnosed and a key to the species is provided. Nevertheless, a damaged specimen from the Sulu Sea could not be satisfactorily assigned to any of the above seven species, suggesting that this genus may have even higher diversity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1279-1298
A new genus of freshwater crab, Ghatiana, with two new species, Ghatiana aurantiaca and Ghatiana hyacintha, and a new species of Gubernatoriana Bott, 1970, are described from the Western Ghat Mountains in Maharashtra State, India. Ghatiana is most similar to Gubernatoriana by its wide, highly arched carapace and by the shape of the male abdomen. Nevertheless, the new genus can be distinguished from Gubernatoriana by the broadness of carapace, length of male abdomen, shape of sixth abdominal somite, length of telson and length of G1 terminal article. Ghatiana aurantiaca sp. nov. and G. hyacintha sp. nov. are distinguished by differences in body colour, carapace width, and G1 morphology, whereas Gubernatoriana triangulus sp. nov. is distinguished from two other known species [Gubernatoriana gubernatoris (Alcock, 1909) and Gubernatoriana pilosipes (Alcock, 1909)] by its triangular G1 subterminal segment and by its carapace morphology. Keys to the species of both the genera are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:36BAA1EA-DC15-4B06-BA09-7BD26C63FF54  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1507-1516
Limnoria kautensis and Paralimnoria asterosa are two limnoriids new to science. They were found at a depth of 8–9 m in marine conditions burrowing in rainforest logs of timber species sufficiently dense to sink when lost during log-transporting operations. L. kautensis most closely resembles. L. pfefferi, from which it can be distinguished by the absence of a Y-shaped carina on pleonite 5, the bilobed nature of the lacinia mobilis of the mandible and differences in the proportions of the maxilliped, flagellum of antenna 2 and uropods. Paralimnoria asterosa differs from the only other member of its genus, P. andrewsi, in having a pronounced ring of basally-sheated radiating setae on pleonites 4 and 5 plus the pleotelson, and in details of the pattern of carinae, tubercles and depressions on the pleon and pleotelson.  相似文献   

Three new species of the caridean family Alvinocarididae are described from hydrothermal vents in the Southwest Pacific, namely, Chorocaris parva sp. nov. (Manus Basin, 1305–1684 m), Chorocaris variabilis sp. nov. (Manus and North Fiji basins and Vanuatu, 1305–2480 m) and Manuscaris acuminatus gen. et sp. nov. (Manus Basin, 1310 m). Morphological affinities of these three species are discussed. Molecular genetic analysis using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene supports the recognition of the two new species assigned to Chorocaris Martin and Hessler, 1990. The generic diagnosis of Chorocaris is slightly emended to accommodate the two new species. Opaepele susannae Komai, Gierre and Segonzac, 2007 is transferred to Chorocaris. Alvinocaris komai Zelnio and Hourdez, 2009, originally described from the Lau Basin, is newly recorded from the North Fiji Basin and Vanuatu (Nifonea vent field), at depths of 1740–2750 m.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4BFC8C31-C006-4738-BED7-B13D3296A7CA  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2889-2895
The parasitic isopod genus Scyracepon Tattersall, 1905 is recorded from China for the first time, and a new species, Scyracepon distincta, is described from the host Jonas distinctus (Brachyura: Corystidae). Females of the new species can be distinguished from those of the other six species of Scyracepon by their subequal mid-dorsal projections on pereomeres 6 and 7 (lacking on other pereomeres) and pleonal segments with medial but not lateral fusion. Males of the new species have the first two pleomeres free, pleomeres 3–5 fused, and bear midventral tubercles on all pereomeres and the first pleomere. This is the first record of any species of Corystidae bearing parasitic isopods. Remarks on, and a key to, the seven known species of Scyracepon are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-36):2063-2079
Five species of the parasitic isopod genus Dactylokepon are described from brachyuran crabs and a scyllarid shrimp collected in Chinese waters. Four species are first recorded from this region, D. richardsonae Stebbing, 1910 Stebbing, T. R. R. 1910. Isopod from the Indian Ocean and British East Africa.. Reports of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M. A. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Series 2, Zoology, 14(1): 83122.  [Google Scholar] infesting Portunus argentatus (White), D. semipennatus Bourdon, 1983 Bourdon, R. 1983. Expédition Rumphius II (1975) Crustacés parasites, commensaux, etc. (Th. Monod éd.). VIII. Crustacés isopodes (3e partie: Épicarides Bopyridae).. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Série 4, 5(A3): 845869.  [Google Scholar] infesting Portunus haanii (Stimpson) and Lupocyclus rotundatus Adams and White, D. holthuisi Bourdon, 1967 Bourdon, R. 1967. Sur deux nouveaux épicarides (Isopoda) parasites de crustacés decapods.. Zoologische Mededelingen, 42(17): 167174.  [Google Scholar] infesting Eduarctus martensii (Pfeffer), and D. caribaeus Markham, 1975 Markham, J. C. 1975. New records of two species of parasitic isopods of the bopyrid subfamily Ioninae in the western Atlantic.. Crustaceana, 29(1): 5567.  [Google Scholar] infesting Randallia trituberculata Sakai. In addition, one species is new to science, D. barbuladigitus n. sp. infesting Liagore rubromaculata (De Haan). Six brachyuran crabs are reported for the first time as hosts of bopyrids. The new species is distinguished from other species of Dactylokepon in having a prominent trifid frontal lamina and a distinct digitate barbula.  相似文献   

In the present study, the subfamily Cardiochilinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is revised. This study is based on specimens deposited in Egyptian repositories. Many of them were collected during Priesner’s trips to Gebel Elba (extreme south-west of Egypt). The subfamily Cardiochilinae is represented in Egypt by 11 species in three genera, Bohayella Belokobylskij, 1987 (one species), Cardiochiles Nees, 1819 (three species) and Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 (seven species). The cardiochiline species C. pseudofallax Telenga, 1955 and S. deserta (Telenga, 1955) are recorded here as new records in the fauna of Egypt. The females of previously known male C. weidholzi Fischer, 1958, S. acrenulata (Fischer, 1958) and S. obscuriceps (Fischer, 1958) as well as the male of the previously known female S. glabra (Fischer, 1958) are described. Schoenlandella pseudoglabra sp. nov. is also described and illustrated.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C134A1AA-81F6-4661-9C7B-12A7CAE08F67  相似文献   

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