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中国矿业大学(北京)煤气化燃料电池联合研究中心成立于2005年4月。该中心以国家一级学科矿业工程为依托,交叉跨越材料科学与工程学科,陆续承担并完成了国家863高科技项目、教育部重点项目、省部级科研项目、校企合作项目等。在多方面的关怀和指导下,在中心主任、“长江学者”特聘教授彭苏萍的领导下,该中心具体开展了致密电解质材料、多孔阴极材料、金属陶瓷阳极材料、耐热合金材料、玻璃陶瓷封接材料等的研究工作;  相似文献   

上海天文台成立于1962年,前身是19世纪建立的徐家汇观象台和佘山观象台。现有科研人员145人,其中院士2人。是首批参加中科院知识创新工程的试点单位之一,科学目标为:应用空间天文技术监测和综合研究地球的运动、探索灾害预测的天文方法;开展银河系结构及其演化、活动星系核的观测研究,星系形成演化及宇宙学的研究;以及有关甚长基线干涉、氢原子频标等技术的研究。  相似文献   

工程设备索赔的系统分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对工程建设项目中因工程设备不能满足合同要求,业主向工程设备的供(施工)方提出索赔的原因和方法进行了研究,用系统分析中的层次分析法(AHP)对工程设备的价值进行了分析,提出了工程设备基本价值因素的概念,在此基础上指出了签订合同时应注意的事项,对索赔事件进行了分类并研究了它们的特点,给出了进行工程设备索赔工作的程序框架,为业主进行工程设备索赔提供了理论依据和分析方法。  相似文献   

近现代中国水产养殖业发展回顾与展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文较为系统地回顾了近现代我国淡、海水养殖业发展的历史,重点总结了新中国成立以来水产养殖业成功的理论与关键技术,分析了制约水产养殖业持续发展的种质、病害与环境等关键问题,展望了新世纪我国水产养殖业发展的前景。新世纪我国水产养殖业的发展态势日趋明朗,即朝着生态养殖和工程养殖两个方向发展;其理论基础是运用现代生物学理论和生物与工程技术,协调养殖生物与养殖环境的关系,达到互为友好、持续高效;其总体目标是实现养殖生物良种化、养殖技术生态工程化、养殖产品优质高值化和养殖环境洁净化,最终实现水产养殖业的可持续发展。新世纪我国水产养殖业发展对策是实施生态工程养殖战略,促进水产养殖业的健康发展;立足基础研究。强化高新技术的应用;实施良种工程,不断推出养殖新良种;从平衡水域各产业的需求出发,调整现有养殖区养殖结构、规模与布局;集成现代生物和工程技术,实施陆地和潮上带工程化养殖;以养殖生态学理论和现代工程技术为基础,大力发展浅海离岸设施渔业;从改善我国人口营养结构出发,大力发展水产品加工业等。  相似文献   

针对大江大河水流环境下的水下工程平面精确定位难题,进行水下工程平面测量定位系统应用性研究。将水下电视技术和多阵元基阵的短基线水声定位技术相结合,解决了传统水声定位精度低的问题。采用多基元短基线定位方法进行快速定位检测,搜寻并确认目标,处理、记录、显示成果,获得了满足工程精度要求的水下平面定位系统,保证了水下工程的质量。  相似文献   

本文详细论述了21世纪几个重要的岩石工程问题,如石油,天然气与煤层气和陈采,以及干热岩石地热开发,环境工程,煤矿开采等,并阐述了岩石流体力学新兴分支学科的实验,理论与工程应用诸方面的发展及其与上述各类工程的密切相关性。  相似文献   

欧盟委员会负责科学和研究的委员波托奇尼克前些时候在布鲁塞尔召集欧洲科研理事会筹备委员会专家,讨论即将成立的欧洲科研理事会的规模和人员组成,以期尽快成立这一由科研人员组成的机构,促进欧盟基础研究水平的提高。  相似文献   

我国在初步实现输电线路全国联网的基础上开始了特高压输电线路工程的研究,短短几年间,又从研究阶段转入工程实施阶段。目前已有两条输电线路工程开工建设,另一条已经由国家发展和改革委员会批准即将开工。相关工程简述如下:  相似文献   

本文通过实地走访、问卷调查、座谈等形式,对阿坝州地区退耕还林工程的实施现状和困难进行了考察,对当地的农民收入状况进行了问卷调查并进行了分析,结果表明:阿坝州地区由于区内人地矛盾突出,实施退耕还林(还草)工程三年多以来,虽然在一定程度上造成了该地区林农、林牧、农牧关系紧张,并对当地农村经济和农民收入造成了一些冲击。迟耕还林工程的实施对以耕种为主要收入来源的农民造成了一定的负面影响,占调查总数的9%;对于那些收入渠道较多的农民影响甚报,占调查总数的66%;其余的25%的农民从事了旅游相关行业,收入大幅提高,退耕还林工程为他们带来了明显的收益。表明退耕还林工程的实施在短期内对农村经济和农民收入会造成一定的负面影响,但可以通过产业结构调整等方式帮助弥补这部分的损失。因而退耕还林工程中强调生态效应的同时,如何将长期生态效益向经济化转化是个值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

本文在对我国林业生态环境建设状况分析的基础上,指出了林业生态环境工程的内涵,提出了林业生态环境工程可持续发展的生态环境和社会经济两方面指标。  相似文献   

This article approaches eighteenth-century views on scientific academies by examining Haller's utterances, public and private, especially those occasioned by the founding of the Göttingen Society. It deals in turn with his understanding of the distinctive purpose of academies, with his explanation of the chief ways in which they realized this end, with his thoughts on their broader usefulness, and finally with his various reasons for considering close ties with the state to be essential to their productive and harmonious operations.  相似文献   

Mining education was one of the areas of technical savoir transformed during the eighteenth century. Mining academies arose and spread through Europe in the second half of that century. This happened first in the German states and the Austrian dominions, due to the cameralistic system, and soon developed elsewhere through a transfer of the German model to France (Ecole des mines) as well as to other francophone and Spanish-speaking areas (Belgium and Piedmont-Savoy, Spain and America). The mining academies may rightly be considered among the prototypes of technical high schools (Polytechniques and Technische Hochschulen) established during the nineteenth century. In the course of exploring some of the details of this development, the present paper aims at suggesting outlines to be followed in pursuing a comparative analysis of special schools for the training of technicians and mining officers (Bergschulen and Bergakademien). A second aim is to examine more closely the Italian case as a typical example of adaptation, although on a smaller scale, of French and German experiences. This can provide a framework within which to place further microanalyses and case-studies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the development of three methods for detecting bloodstains during the first half of the nineteenth-century in France. After dealing with the main problems in detecting bloodstains, the paper describes the chemical tests introduced in the mid-1820s. Then the first uses of the microscope in the detection of bloodstains around 1827 are discussed. The most controversial method is then examined, the smell test introduced by Jean-Pierre Barruel in 1829, and the debates which took place in French academies and learned societies during ensuing years are surveyed. Moving to the courtrooms a review is conducted of how the different methods were employed in criminal trials. By reviewing these cases, the main arguments against Barruel's test during the 1830s are explored as well as the changes making possible the return of the microscope to legal medicine around 1840. By reconstructing the history of these three methods, the paper reveals how the senses of smell and vision (colours and microscopic images) were employed in order to produce convincing evidence in both academies and courts. The paper questions two linear master narratives that are organized in terms of progress and decline: the development of forensic science as a result of continued technological progress; and the supposed decline of smell in the history of the senses, particularly in the realm of chemistry and medicine.  相似文献   

为实现对城市拆除爆破工程风险的动态分析,构建城市拆除爆破安全评价指标体系,从爆区环境、安全管理、设计安全及施工安全4个方面提出16个评价指标;结合物元分析与层次分析法(AHP)进行合成,确定各评价指标权重,并以五元联系数作为评价工具,构建城市拆除爆破工程安全评价预测模型;最后,以某城市拆除爆破工程为例,进行评价和预测分析。结果表明:基于物元分析和五元联系数的城市拆除爆破工程安全评价预测模型实现了安全评价时静态与动态的结合,评价结果符合专家思维,在实际应用中具有可操作性。  相似文献   

针对工程项目投标决策中涉及处理大量不确定性和未知信息问题,从业主情况、自身情况、项目情况、竞争对手情况以及项目所在地的社会环境状况5个角度分析了工程投标风险决策应考虑的主要因素,建立工程项目投标风险综合评价体系。在此基础上,提出了基于D—S证据推理的工程项目投标风险方法,介绍了具体的决策过程及风险评价算法的步骤。算例验证了该方法在工程项目投标风险评价领域的可行性、有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

螺旋钻采煤机螺旋钻杆失稳条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过考虑动能和势能对螺旋钻杆屈曲的影响,运用能量法研究了螺旋钻杆最大转速与螺旋屈曲时临界轴向力间的关系,建立了螺旋钻杆和轴向临界力间的数学模型。研究表明:螺旋钻杆的失稳条件符合实际,对螺旋钻采煤机设计具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

为研究滨海软土地区高铁地基的沉降问题,以哈大高铁营口东站附近软土地基处理工程为研究对象,对路基填筑过程和工后长期地基沉降进行观测。利用有限元数值分析软件ADINA建立相应的数值计算模型,研究了地基表面沉降规律。研究表明:地基沉降主要发生在路基填筑施工期内,填筑期的沉降量占总沉降量的70%以上;路基填筑施工过程中,地基沉降曲线呈倒钟形,刺入现象明显,在CFG桩周沉降曲线呈“∩”形。基于现场实测数据,建立了工后长期地基沉降预测模型。对比分析结果表明,路基填筑完工三个月后(大约100d)预测公式精度较高,最终预测沉降量与观测值误差在0.21%~0.56%之间,可以满足工后长期沉降预测要求。上述研究成果将为处理滨海地区高速软土路基工程,预测和控制工后沉降提供了合理的依据。  相似文献   

The leucine-rich repeat structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The leucine-rich repeat is a widespread structural motif of 20-30 amino acids with a characteristic repetitive sequence pattern rich in leucines. Leucine-rich repeat domains are built from tandems of two or more repeats and form curved solenoid structures that are particularly suitable for protein-protein interactions. Thousands of protein sequences containing leucine-rich repeats have been identified by automatic annotation methods. Three-dimensional structures of leucine-rich repeat domains determined to date reveal a degree of structural variability that translates into the considerable functional versatility of this protein superfamily. As the essential structural principles become well established, the leucine-rich repeat architecture is emerging as an attractive framework for structural prediction and protein engineering. This review presents an update of the current understanding of leucine-rich repeat structure at the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary levels and discusses specific examples from recently determined three-dimensional structures.  相似文献   

Calls for research on climate engineering have increased in the last two decades, but there remains widespread agreement that many climate engineering technologies (in particular, forms involving global solar radiation management) present significant ethical risks and require careful governance. However, proponents of research argue, ethical restrictions on climate engineering research should not be imposed in early-stage work like in silico modeling studies. Such studies, it is argued, do not pose risks to the public, and the knowledge gained from them is necessary for assessing the risks and benefits of climate engineering technologies. I argue that this position, which I call the “broad research-first” stance, cannot be maintained in light of the entrance of nonepistemic values in climate modeling. I analyze the roles that can be played by nonepistemic political and ethical values in the design, tuning, and interpretation of climate models. Then, I argue that, in the context of early-stage climate engineering research, the embeddedness of values will lead to value judgments that could harm stakeholder groups or impose researcher values on non-consenting populations. I conclude by calling for more robust reflection on the ethics and governance of early-stage climate engineering research.  相似文献   

通过分析水利工程与生态水利工程的差异,提出生态水利工程的开发应有明确的生态服务目标与功能以及工程选址、布局、施工过程的环境友好性与经济性。同时提出生态水利工程设计主要面临4个方面的问题:①缺乏基于不同区域的生态水利工程设计方法与评价标准;②水利工程设计人员与生态科技工作者往往缺少合作的机会与机制;③生态水利工程与原有水利工程设施难以协调运行;④生态水利工程设计缺少生态水文测验资料。研究结果认为生态水利工程设计应基于以下技术路线:①以生态水文学与工程水文学作为工程设计的基础,进行水文过程的分析与计算;②识别工程可能影响的关键生态敏感目标;③生态水利工程的设计要与环境工程设计进行有机结合。  相似文献   

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