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In this paper,the Josephson equation and its autonomous case are considered.It isshown that for |α|<1 and β>γ>1 or β<γ<-1,there is no periodic solution of the autonomousJosephson equation,For the nonautonomous case,some suffcient conditions for the existence ofperiodic solutions are given.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionandNotationsInthispapertwestudytheexistenceofsolutionstothefollowingperiodicboundaryvalueproblemforthesecondorderDuffingequationwheresisarealparameter,g:[0,TIxR~RisaCarath6odoryfunctionandkER\{0}.Werecall(forexample,see[1])thatg:[0,TIxR~RiscalledaCarath6odoryfunctionifg(.,x)ismeasurableforallxERandg(t,.)iscontinuousfora.e.tE[0,TI.Theexistenceproblemfor(1.1)--(1.2)byusingtheupperandlowersolutionsmethodhasbeenstudiedbyFabryetal.in[2]foramoregeneralcasewhereacontinuousdampin…  相似文献   

In references,some authors have succeeded in obtaining existence re-sults of the superlinear wave equation without the assumption of monotonicity forthe nonlinear term.In this paper,we present existence results for this problem byusing local linking idea and improve some previous results.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the periodic behaviours of an age-structured populationmodel.The period-similarity is proposed,which reveals a certain similar structure between thosepopulation models with distinct age structure.In addition,other results show that the fluctuations ofan age-structured population are closely related with the age structure.  相似文献   


In this paper,we prove the existence of multiple periodic solutionsfor a class of singular Hamiltonian systems with sublinear terms via variationalmethods.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionLet n be a bounded open domain with boundary aa, n c R", N 3 2. We consider a priorestimate and ekistence of positive solution of the fOllowing equationsWhere operatorL conforms to the Sum Ru1es, that is: for a repeated i or j, it mean to sum them up from 1 toN, ai;(x), ai(x), a(x) are bounded measurable in a. FOr operator L, we alWays assume: thereealst positive constants po and U1) such thatf(u) is a nonlinear function which grows in the form of Up with p 2 1, n is the out…  相似文献   

1.IntroductionConsiderthefollowinggeneralizedLi6nardtypeequationwhereshallowing[1],thisequationwillbecalledasaLi6nard-typeequationofordern.Whenn=1,theequation(1.1)canbewrittenasthefollowingformClearly)whenfi(x)=j(x),f200=0,theequation(1.3)isreducedtothewellknownLi6nardequationx j(x)x g(x)=0.(1.4)Recently,theequation(1.3)hasalreadybeenstudiedwithparticularemphasisontheex-istenceanduniquenessofperiodicsolutionsbyseveralauthors.Forexample,needmanandKuangll],GuidorizzilZ],ZhouJinI3],andJiangJ…  相似文献   

In this paper,we use the contraction principle and the Leray-Schauder principleto deal with the existence of periodic solutions of the Volterra integral differential equation.Some new existence criteria and unique existence criteria are obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new existence theorem of anti-periodic solutions for a class ofstrongly nonlinear evolution equations in Banach spaces is presented. The equations con-tain nonlinear monotone operators and a nonmonotone perturbation. Moreover, throughan appropriate transformation, the existence of anti-periodic solutions for a class of second-order nonlinear evolution equations is verified. Our abstract results are illustrated by anexample from quasi-linear partial differential equations with time anti-periodic conditionsand an example from quasi-linear anti-periodic hyperbolic differential equations.  相似文献   

Dynamical characteristics of an integrodifferential modelling competitive sys-tem with diffusion are investigated.In particular,we derive sufficient conditions for the permanence of species,existence of an attracting periodic solution to the periodic system.The results of Wang Ke in 1994 and 1998 are improved and extended.  相似文献   


1. IntroductionWe consider a Volterra integro-differential equationwith initial condition u(0) = not where f, P, k are continuous on their respective domainsJ, JxR and axs (n:~ {(t,s): 05s5t5T}) such that (1.l) possesses a unique solutionu E C'(J).It has been shown in [1] that the collocation approximation for (1.1) by discolltinuous piece--wise polynomial spline collocation at the Gauss points restore optimal local superconvergenceat the knots but does not yield global superconvergence on…  相似文献   

Early in 1904,Hadamard[1]showed the scale implicit function theorem of finitedimensions.Then it was generalized to infinite dimensions.In this paper a new proof of this theoremis given and the unique existence of the periodic solution for a class of ordinary differential equationsystems at resonance is obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the comparison number for one feasible solutioncompared with another. With the help of it the comparison-number method for find-ing the major optimal solutions aud major efficient solutions to discrete multiobjectiveprogramming is given.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the solution to an energy, dependent stationary neutrontransport equation of slab geometry. In L~p space, the equation is converted into an equiva-lent integral equation. By the study of the corresponding integral operator and its spectralradius, results of Neumann series solution are obtained, and an easy-verified condition thatthe transport equation has a nonnegative solution is given.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionTheinfluenceofdiffusiononsystemdynamicalbehaviorhasbeenanAnportatsubjectofpopulationbiology.Morerealisticmodelsshouldincludesomeoftheststesofthesesystem,thatis,arealsystemshouldbemodeledbydmerelltialequationswithtimedelays.Kuanglllconsideredthepermanenceandpositiveperiodicsolutionofn-dimensionaldelayLotka-Volterracooperatesystem.Xiaoandafl2]discussedthepermanenceandpositiveperiodicsolutionofnonautonomous~ionLotforVolterracompetitivesystemsi.e.nit(t)=acfbi(t)--Zal,(t)xt] ZDti(…  相似文献   

1.IntroductionandMainResultTherearemanyexamplesconcerningtheformationofsingularitiesinthesoluti0nsofnon-linearpartialdifferefitialequations.Thus,althoughasolutionmaybesmoothinitially,itmaybecomesingularatsomelatertime(see[1-6]).However,T.Nishidahaspr0vedthatiftheCln0rmoftheinitialdataissufficientlysmall,thentheCauchyproblemadmitsauniqueglobalsmooths0lutionont2Otoareduciblequasilinearhyperbolicsystemwithfirst(lower)orderdissipativeterm(see[7]).Thereafter,manyauthorshavegeneralizedNishida'sr…  相似文献   


1 IntroductionIt is necessary to make some conuneots on some of the re1ated methodologies lately emp1oyedto stabilize the Ga1erkin finite e1ement method for the incompressible NavierStokes equations,including the Stokes equation and the advectiondiffusion problem. Owing to the fact that thehigh Reynold number amounts to a small diffusive term in the advection--diffusion problem,here we will repeatedly mention the diffosion, not the Reynold number or the viscosity in the.. Jincompressible Na…  相似文献   

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